Welcome Packet 10-11


Ms. Thompson’s

3rd Grade

Star Elementary


Welcome Packet







Welcome Letter

Dear Parents,

              It’s hard to believe, but our summer has come to an end and a new school year is upon us.  In this letter I would like to welcome you and your child to third grade and tell you a little about myself, my classroom, and my goals and expectations for the upcoming year. 

              My name is Amanda Thompson.  I am a proud graduate of UNC-Pembroke, having earned my Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education K-6 in 2012. I am also AIG certified and am currently pursuing my Masters of Education in Reading Education. When I am not in the classroom I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and “Netflixing” (.

             As a teacher I believe that all children can and want to learn.  My main goal is to help your child learn to become an independent and lifelong learner.  In order to reach this goal, I will look at each child as an individual learner, planning very carefully so that your child can feel challenged without unnecessary frustration.  Another goal I have is to teach children that their best efforts are essential when completing a task. I want your child to develop and maintain an “I can and will try” attitude.  I feel this attitude enables success.

              You can feel confident that your child will be safe and surrounded by a loving and nurturing environment. My door is always open and I would hope that if you have any concerns or questions, that you would feel free to discuss them with me.  I look forward to a successful year. 


Ms. Thompson

General Information

• Communication – Open lines of communication are essential for educational success! Please feel free to email me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns. If you need to send something with your child in writing, such as a transportation change or a check, please send it in your student’s agenda or their red daily folder. Likewise, if there is something essential that I need to send to you, such as field trip forms, report cards, or forms to be signed, I will send it home in the red daily folder. My email address is amanda.thompson@montgomery.k12.nc.us.

• Agenda/Newsletter- Students will receive an agenda at the beginning of the year. This is another way I will be communicating with you, students will be entering their assignments daily as a way to keep track of their learning. I will also send home newsletters to inform you of upcoming dates and important information. This can also be found at my webpage at

• Transportation Changes- Parents are to send a written note in advance each time a student’s routine transportation procedure is changed, including walking, car riding, riding a different bus to a friend’s house, getting off at a different stop, or taking a bus instead of being a regular car rider.

• Homework-This year students will have what is called star homework. They get to choose what activities they complete in order to earn stars. Students must complete 2 stars a night. The students then on Fridays will get an award determining how many stars as a class they have earned. Every week the student who has the most stars completed will have their name put into a monthly drawing for a grand prize.

• Snack – Students can bring a snack to share with the class. If we have a snack brought in we will have snack that day. This year we are also participating in a grant where students will get fresh fruit/vegetables as a snack each day.

• Birthdays – I am a true believer that birthdays are very special days! If you have a special snack or treat for your student on their special day, please let me know in advance so we may select a time to share it with the class.

Individual Incentives – Earning Star Sparklers

Star Elementary School is implementing PBIS, which is a framework for behavior. Students will have expectations in every area of the school that they need to follow. The matrix for their expectations will be attached at the end of this packet. They will have the opportunity to earn star sparklers if they follow the expectations set forth. Sparklers are not something they can “buy,” they are earned as a result of positive behaviors only(.

Spending Tickets

Every other Fridays, students will have the chance to spend tickets at our school store. The store will be in the morning from 7:30-8:00. Items in the store will cost different star sparkler amounts and students will have to make choices. If they choose to save them up each week they can “buy” the “better” prizes. We will also have a Christmas store in December where they can buy gifts for others. At the end of the year we will have a kick-off to summer beach party that will also cost star sparklers.

Class Incentives & Behavior Management

Along with Sparklers, I will be using Class Dojo to monitor classroom behavior. The three awards on Class Dojo will be Respectful, Responsible and Learning (just as Sparkler tickets are). You will receive an access code and login information for Class Dojo. Using this information you can monitor your child’s behavior on Dojo at any time because….they have an app for that! Class Dojo can be downloaded on the Google Play App Store and the Apple iTunes App Store.

Classroom Consequences

I will be using a clip chart system to keep track of behavior as well.  Students will be given a verbal warning and then asked to move their clip down if a classroom expectation is broken. They will also receive praise and be asked to move their clip up for positive behavior (which is also reflected on Class Dojo).

Consequence Steps

1. Student will review a verbal warning, correct behavior will be modeled.

2. Reflective Lunch (silent lunch) or Teacher Directed Recess

3. Redirected in Classroom and Contact Parent


| |

|Ms. Thompson’s Schedule |

| |

|7:30-8:00 |Morning Work, Arrival, and Breakfast |

|8:00-8:30 |Intervention |

|8:35-10:15 |Reading |

|10:20-11:05 |Connect |

|11:15-11:45 |Lunch |

|11:45-1:05 |Math |

|1:05-1:35 |Recess |

|1:35-2:05 |Writing |

|2:05-2:40 |Science/Social Studies |

|2:40 |Dismissal |

Ms. Thompson’s Connect Schedule

This will differ weekly based on teachers that rotate between schools in the county. It is difficult at this time to send home a paper copy of the schedule that would be easy to understand. Please bear with me as we get used to the changing connect schedule. Once we have grown accustomed to it and we have no changes, I will send home a paper copy.

Thank you in advance for

all your help!  I look forward

to a wonderful year. (




I have read and understand the classroom rules, policies, and expectations for the 2015-2016 school year in Ms. Thompson’s class. 


I will do everything I can to support my student’s success!


Student Name: ___________________________________________


Parent Signature: ________________________________________


Date: ______________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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