Third Grade Curriculum Map

Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2014-2015 Reading Curriculum Map

| |First Quarter |Second Quarter |Third Quarter |Fourth Quarter |

|Reading |Building a Reading Life and |Nonfiction Reading: Expository |Informational Reading: Reading, |Teacher Choice: Poetry, |

| |Following Characters into Meaning|Texts |Research, and Writing |Fairytales |

| |3.3a Use regular and irregular |3.3a Use regular and irregular |3.3a Use regular and irregular |3.3a Use regular and irregular |

| |vowel patterns |vowel patterns |vowel patterns |vowel patterns |

| |3.3b Decode multisyllabic words |3.3b Decode multisyllabic words |3.3b Decode multisyllabic words |3.3b Multisyllabic words |

| |3.4d Use context Clues |3.4c Apply meaning clues, |3.4a Homophones |3.4b roots, affixes, synonyms, |

| | |language structure, & phonetic |3.4b roots, affixes, synonyms, |and antonyms |

| |Fiction |strategies |and antonyms |3.4g use glossary, dictionary, |

| |3.5a set a purpose for reading |3.4e Discuss meanings of words to|3.4f Use vocab from other content|and thesaurus |

| |3.5b Make connections |develop vocab |areas | |

| |3.5k Monitor comprehension | |3.4g use glossary, dictionary, |Fiction: |

| |3.5l differentiate fiction and |Fiction: |and thesaurus |3.5d compare and contrast |

| |nonfiction |3.5c make, confirm, revise | |setting, characters, and events |

| |3.5m read fiction fluently and |predictions |Fiction: |3.5e Identify author’s purpose |

| |accurately |3.5h Identify problem and |3.5d compare and contrast |3.5g Draw conclusions |

| | |solution |setting, characters, and events |3.5k Monitor comprehension |

| |Nonfiction: |3.5i Identify main idea |3.5e Identify author’s purpose |3.5m read fiction fluently and |

| |3.6b Use background for new |3.5j identify supporting details |3.5f Ask and answer questions |accurately |

| |learning |3.5k Monitor comprehension |from text | |

| |3.6k Identify new information |3.5m read fiction fluently and |3.5g Draw conclusions |Nonfiction: |

| |3.6l Read nonfiction fluently and|accurately |3.5k Monitor comprehension |3.6a Identify Author’s purpose |

| |accurately | |3.5m read fiction fluently and |3.6e Draw conclusions |

| | |Nonfiction: |accurately |3.6f Summarize major points |

| | |3.6c preview text features | |3.6i compare/contrast biographies|

| | |3.6d Ask and answer questions |Nonfiction: |and autobiographies |

| | |from text |3.6a Identify Author’s purpose |3.6j Use reading strategies to |

| | |3.6e Draw conclusions |3.6d Ask and answer questions |monitor comprehension |

| | |3.6h identify supporting details |from text |3.6l Read nonfiction fluently and|

| | |3.6l Read nonfiction fluently and|3.6e Draw conclusions |accurately |

| | |accurately |3.6g Identify Main Idea |3.7a Use encyclopedias and other |

| | |3.7b Use table of contents, |3.6l Read nonfiction fluently and|references books as well as |

| | |indices and charts |accurately |online resources |

| | | |3.7a Use encyclopedias and other |3.7b Use table of contents, |

| | | |references books as well as |indices and charts |

| | | |online resources | |

Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2014-2015 Writing Curriculum Map

| |First Quarter |Second Quarter |Third Quarter |Fourth Quarter |

|Writing |Launching the Writing Workshop |Informational Writing: Expert |Research Based Nonfiction |Persuasive Writing |

| |and Crafting True Stories |Pieces |3.8 Write legibly in cursive |3.9a Identify audience |

| |3.9a Identify audience |3.9a Identify audience |3.9a Identify audience |3.9b Use a variety of prewriting |

| |3.9b Prewriting strategies |3.9b Use a variety of prewriting |3.9b Use a variety of prewriting |strategies |

| |3.10a Use complete sentences |strategies |strategies |3.9c Clear topic sentence |

| |3.10h Use apostrophes |3.9g Revise writing for clarity |3.9c Clear topic sentence |3.9d One topic paragraph |

| |3.10i Use articles a, an, the |of content |3.9d One topic paragraph |3.9e Use strategies for |

| |3.10j Correctly spell sight |3.10b Transition words |3.9f details to elaborate |organization of information and |

| |words, including irregular |3.10d Past/present tense |3.9g Revise writing for clarity |elaboration according to the type|

| |plurals |3.10f Commas in a series |3.10j Correctly spell sight words|of writing |

| | |3.10g Abbreviations |and irregular plurals |3.9f details to elaborate |

| | |3.10j Correctly spell sight |3.11a Construct questions about |3.9g Revise writing for clarity |

| | |words, including irregular |the topics |3.10c Use I in compound subjects |

| | |plurals |3.11b Identify appropriate |3.10e Use singular possessives |

| | | |resources |3.10j Correctly spell sight |

| | | |3.11c Collect and organize |words, including irregular |

| | | |information |plurals |

| | | |3.11d Understand plagiarism vs. | |

| | | |own words | |

Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2014-2015 Oral Language Curriculum Map

|Oral Language |3.1a Ask and respond to questions|3.1b Explain what has been |3.1e Increase listening and |3.1a Listen attentively |

| |from teachers and group members |learned |speaking vocabularies |3.2a speak clearly |

| |3.1d Use language appropriate for| | |3.2b Use appropriate volume and |

| |context | | |pitch |

| | | | |3.2c Speak at an understandable |

| | | | |rate |

| | | | |3.2d Organize ideas sequentially |

| | | | |or around major points of |

| | | | |information |

| | | | |3.2e Use context appropriate |

| | | | |language and specific vocabulary |

| | | | |to communicate ideas. |

Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2014-2015 Math Curriculum Map

|Math |First Quarter |Second Quarter |Third Quarter |Fourth Quarter |

| |Place Value |Computation: Division and |Fractions and Probability |Measuring Our World: length, |

| |3.1a Read and write six digit |Multiplication |3.3 name, write fractions and |weight, volume, area and |

| |numerals, identify place value |3.5 Recall multiplication and |mixed numbers represented by a |perimeter. |

| |of each digit |division facts to 12 |model |3.9 Estimate and use US |

| |3.1b Round whole numbers 9,999 |3.6 represent multiplication and|3.18 investigate and describe |Customary and metric units to |

| |or less to the nearest 10, 100, |division using area, set, and |probability as chance and list |measure: |

| |& 1,000. |number lines to create and solve|possible results |a length to the nearest ½ inch, |

| |3.1c Compare 2 whole numbers |problems involving multiplying a| |foot, yard, centimeter, and |

| |between 0 and 9,999 using |factor 99 or less and 5 or less.|Measuring length, Area, and |meter |

| |symbols (,=) and words | |Perimeter |b liquid volume in cups, pints, |

| |(greater than, less than, or |3.20 investigate and identify |3.9a Estimate and use US |quarts, gallons, and liters |

| |equal to) |examples of the identity and |Customary and metric units to |c weight/mass in ounces, pounds,|

| | |commutative properties of |measure length to the nearest ½ |grams, and kilograms |

| |Computation: Addition and |multiplication |inch, foot, yard, centimeter, |d area and perimeter |

| |Subtraction | |and meter | |

| |3.2 Use inverse relationships |Patterns and Data |3.9d Estimate and use area and | |

| |between addition and subtraction|3.17a collect and organize data |perimeter | |

| |3.4 Estimate, 9,999 or less, to |using observations, | | |

| |solve single and multi-step |measurements, surveys, or |Computation: Add and Subtract | |

| |problems |experiments |with Fraction | |

| |3.20 Investigate and identify |3.17b construct a line plot, a |3.7 Add, subtract proper | |

| |Identity and commutative |picture graph, or bar graph |fractions having like | |

| |property for addition. |3.17c read and interpret data |denominators of 12 or less | |

| | |represented in line plots, bar | | |

| |Money |graphs, and picture graphs and |Elapsed Time and Temperature | |

| |3.8 Determine, by counting, the |write a sentence analyzing the |3.11a Tell time to the nearest | |

| |value of a collection of bills |data |minute using analog and digital | |

| |and coins whose total value is |3.19 recognize and extend |clocks | |

| |$5.00 or less, compare the value|patterns formed using numbers, |3.11b determine elapsed time in | |

| |of bills and coins, and make |tables, and pictures |one hour increments over a 12 | |

| |change | |hour period | |

| | |Geometry |3.12 Identify equivalent periods| |

| | |3.14 identify, describe, compare|of time, including relationships| |

| | |and contrast characteristics of |among days, months, and years as| |

| | |plane and solid geometric by |well as minutes and hours | |

| | |identifying characteristics |3.13 read temperature to the | |

| | |including the number of angles, |nearest degree from a Celsius | |

| | |vertices, edges, as well as the |and Fahrenheit thermometer | |

| | |number and shape of faces | | |

| | |3.15 identify and draw points, | | |

| | |line segments, lines, rays, and | | |

| | |angles | | |

| | |3.16 Identify and describe | | |

| | |congruent and noncongruent | | |

| | |shapes | | |

Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2014-2015 Science Curriculum Map

|Science |First Quarter |Second Quarter |Third Quarter |Fourth Quarter |

| |Scientific Investigation |Scientific Investigation |Scientific Investigation |Scientific Investigation |

| |(Taught throughout year) |(Taught throughout year) |(Taught throughout year) |(Taught throughout year) |

| | | | | |

| |Matter |Energy Resources |Animal Adaptations |Soil |

| |3.3a Objects are made of one or |3.11 |3.4a Behavioral adaptations |3.7a Soil provides support and |

| |more materials | |animals do to satisfy their |nutrients for plant growth |

| |3.33b Physical properties remain|Simple and Compound Machines |life’s needs |3.7b Topsoil is a natural |

| |the same as the material in |3.2a Purpose and function of |3.4b Physical adaptations animal|product of subsoil and bedrock |

| |visible size |simple machines |have to satisfy their life’s |3.7c Rock, clay, silt, sand, and|

| |3.3c Visible physical changes |3.2b Types of simple machines |needs |humus are the components of soil|

| |are identified |3.2c Compound machine | |3.7d Soil is a natural resources|

| | |3.2d examples of simple and |Food Chains |that should be conserved |

| |Water Cycle |compound machines found in the |3.5a Producer, consumer, | |

| |3.9a There are many sources of |school, home, and work |decomposer |Natural Cycles: Plant |

| |water on Earth |environments |3.5b Herbivore, carnivore, |3.8c Understand the basic |

| |3.9b The energy from the sun | |omnivore |principles and patterns of the |

| |drives the water cycle |Land and Water Environments |3.5c Predator and prey |plant life cycle |

| |3.9c The water cycle involved |3.6a Aquatic ecosystems | | |

| |several processes |3.6b Terrestrial ecosystems |Natural Cycles: Animal |Survival of Organisms |

| |3.9d Water is essential for |3.6c Populations and Communities|3.8b Understand the basic |3.10a The interdependency of |

| |living things |3.6d The human role in |principles and patterns of the |plants and animals |

| |3.9e Water on Earth is limited |conserving limited resources |animal life cycle |3.10b The effects of human |

| |and needs to be conserved | | |activity on the quality of air, |

| | | | |water, and habitat |

| |Natural Cycles: Sun/Moon/Earth | | |3.10c The effects of fire, |

| |3.8a Understand the basic | | |flood, disease, and erosion on |

| |principles and patterns of the | | |organisms |

| |day/night, season, moon, tide | | |3.10d Conservation and resource |

| |cycles | | |renewal |

| | | | | |

Discovery Elementary Grade Three 2014-2015 Social Studies Curriculum Map

|Social Studies |First Quarter |Second Quarter |Third Quarter |Fourth Quarter |

| |Government: Why do we have it? |Mechanics of Geography: |Geography’s Effects: Resources |Impact of History: Contributions|

| |3.10a Explain the purpose of |Hemispheres |of Mali, |3.1 Explain how the |

| |rules, laws |3.5b Develop map skills by using|3.2 Describe Mali’s oral |contributions of ancient Greece |

| |3.10b Government’s basic |the equator and prime meridian |tradition (storytelling), |ad Rome have influenced the |

| |purposes are to make laws, carry|to identify the four hemispheres|government (kings), and economic|present world in terms of |

| |out laws, and decide if laws | |development (trade) |architecture, government (direct|

| |have been broken |Mechanics of Geography: |3.4b Describe the physical and |and indirect democracy), and |

| |3.10c Explain that government |3.5a Position and label the |human characteristics of West |sports |

| |protects the rights and property|seven continents and five oceans|Africa | |

| |of individuals | |3.4c Explain how people of West |Impact of History: Mixed Effects|

| | |Mechanics of Geography: Read and|Africa adapted to their |3.3a Describe the |

| |Government: How does our |construct maps, charts, and |environment to meet their needs |accomplishments of Christopher |

| |Republic protect rights and |graphs |3.7 Explain how producers in |Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, |

| |promote equality? |3.6 Read and construct maps, |Mali used natural, human, and |Jacques Cartier, and Christopher|

| |3.11a Explain the importance of |tables, graphs, and charts |capital resources in the |Newport |

| |the basic principles of | |production of goods and services|3.3b Identify the reasons for |

| |government by describing |Mechanics of Geography: Location| |exploring, the information |

| |individual rights to life, |3.4 Locate Greece, Rome, and |Geography’s Effects: Resources |gained, the results of the |

| |liberty, and the pursuit of |West Africa |of Greece |travels, and the impact of the |

| |happiness; and equality under |3.5c Locate Spain, England, and |3.4b Same as above, but for |travels on American Indians |

| |the law |France |ancient Greece |3.5d Locate the regions in the |

| |3.12 Recognize that Americans |3.5e Locate specific places |3.4c Same as above, but for |Americas explored by Christopher|

| |are a people who unite by the |using a simple letter-number |ancient Greece |Columbus (San Salvador in the |

| |basic principles of a republic |grid system |3.7 Same as above, but for |Bahamas), Juan Ponce de Leon |

| |form of government and respect | |ancient Greece |(near St. Augustine, Florida), |

| |for individual rights and | | |Jacques Cartier (near Quebec, |

| |freedoms | |Geography’s Effects: Resources |Canada), and Christopher Newport|

| | | |of Rome |(Jamestown, Virginia) |

| |Government: How can and how have| |3.4b Same as above, but for | |

| |people contributed? | |ancient Rome | |

| |3.11b Identify contributions of | |3.4c Same as above, but for | |

| |George Washington, Thomas | |ancient Rome | |

| |Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Rosa| |3.7 Same as above, but for | |

| |Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Martin| |ancient Rome | |

| |Luther King Jr., and Cesar | | | |

| |Chavez | |Economy: How people in certain | |

| |3.11c Recognize that Veteran’s | |places meet their needs | |

| |Day and Memorial Day honor | |3.8 Recognize that because | |

| |people who have served to | |people and regions cannot | |

| |protect the country’s freedom | |produce everything they want, | |

| |3.11d Describe how people can | |they specialize in what they do | |

| |serve the community, state, | |best and trade for the rest | |

| |nation | |3.9 Identify examples of making | |

| | | |economic choices and explain the| |

| | | |idea of opportunity cost (what’s| |

| | | |given up) | |


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