

A Rigorous International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme for 6th through 10th Grades

Dear Paisley Students,

Welcome to Paisley IB Magnet School for 2010-2011. We’re glad you’re here! Paisley has a tradition of academic excellence and integrity. As a faculty and staff, we’re committed to providing you with the knowledge and skills you need to be successful – not just in school, but in life as well.

The most important relationship in a school is the one between a student and his or her teacher. Strive to demonstrate to your teacher that you are committed to doing your best every single day in class and at home. Come to school prepared, bringing your materials, your homework, and a positive attitude. When you need help, be sure to let your teacher know. Also, get to know your guidance counselor and other adults in the building. They want to help, too.

It’s also very important that you include your parents in what’s happening at school. Let them know about the projects you have to complete. Get them to help you study for quizzes and exams. Just as important, make sure they know dates when assignments are due. You need to complete your agenda every single day – recording all assignments, so your parents can help you. Of course, teachers will be posting assignments on-line as well.

As you start the school year, you may have friends you’ve known from previous years and you’ll also make new ones. Try to reinforce each other’s good habits. That will help you have a happier and more productive school year.

Also, besides working hard and developing positive relationships, it’s important that you GET INVOLVED! Whether its chess club or debate, art club or student council, Science Olympiad or athletics, students who get involved at school do better academically and generally feel better about being in school. The more you give of yourself to organizations and groups in the school, the more you will get from your school experience!

Finally, work on committing the Paisley Promise to your actions and words. At Paisley we will strive towards the following: “Be in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time, with the right people!”

Best wishes for a successful year.


Gary Cone, Ed.D.



In the Right Place

Doing the Right Thing

At the Right Time

With the Right People


At Paisley, it is our mission to educate all students for academic success, global learning and character development.


All students at Paisley will conduct themselves in an honorable manner. Students will maintain the highest level of academic and personal integrity and honesty at all times.


Human Ingenuity


Approaches to Learning

Community & Service

Health & Social


Hunter Green, Yellow & White




Main Office 727-2775


Dr. Gary Cone

Assistant Principals

Mr. Nathan Burton

Mrs. Lisa Bodenheimer

IB Coordinator 727-2775

Mr. Don Lail

Secretaries 727-2775

Mrs. Cynthia Cheek

Mrs. Tenia Creson

Guidance Counselors 727-2235

Mrs. Cathy Snyder

Ms. Judith Noll

Guidance Clerk 727-2235

Mr. Chris Willis

NC WISE Data Manager 727-2775

Ms. Delores Vogt

Curriculum Coordinator 727-2775

Ms. Amber Day

EC Case Manager 727-2235

Mrs. Victoria Friend

Cafeteria Manager 727-2340

Ms. Candace Loyd


6:30 a.m. Magnet Express Students

7:35 a.m. Car riders, Bus riders, and

Walkers Enter Building

7:35 – 7:50 Breakfast

7:55 a.m. Students in Homebase

8:00 a.m. First Period

2:40 p.m. School Day Ends




All Grade Levels 6th – 10th

7:55 – 8:00 Homebase

8:00 – 8:51 1st Period

8:54 – 9:42 2nd Period

9:45 – 10:33 3rd Period

10:36 – 12:04 4th Period

12:07 – 12:55 5th Period

12:58 – 1:46 6th Period

1:49 – 2:40 7th Period


A Rigorous International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme for 6th through 10th Grades


In order to meet the needs of our students as fully as possible, it is essential that the home and the school make every effort to communicate openly and frequently. At the school, we shall endeavor to meet this need through our reporting procedures and formal parent teacher communication.

Each Wednesday students will take home a packet with team or school information, graded tests, graded quizzes, and graded reports for parents to review and sign. Progress reports are sent home every three weeks. Teachers may request that parents sign and return classroom materials. The signed information coming back to the school should be returned on Thursday inside the packet.

parent assistant

Parent Assistant is a user-friendly Web application to help parents and families become more involved in education. Parents can check their child’s homework assignments, attendance reports and grades from any computer, any time. Parent Assistant is a computer-access program that helps parents track their children’s progress in school. The program allows for easy communication between parents and teachers. It also allows parents to update their child’s personal information and family contacts.


All students must purchase as part of their school supplies an Agenda Book. Students will be required to write homework assignments for each class each day in the Agenda Book. In the sixth grade, teachers will check to see that assignments have been written correctly. We do this to help students keep track of homework.


Homework is a requirement of the IB Program. The time and amount of homework should increase with the student's grade level.

Homework serves to:

• Reinforce the present day's lesson

• Prepare for next day's lesson

• Reinforce acquired skills and develops study habits

• Help develop a sense of responsibility

• Prepare students to face the demands presented through life

• Teach students independent learning

• Incorporate available materials and media in the home: books, magazines, newspapers, television.


The Homework Website is for students and parents to check homework assignments in case they forget to take home their agenda book. It will also help parents check to make sure that all work assigned has been completed. Teachers will be sending home information about their web sites at the beginning of the school year. To access the school website go to .


For promotion from grades 6, 7 and 8 students must pass three (3) of the four (4) core subjects each year: Language A, Math, Science, and Humanities. Students must pass 75% of all their other courses.

In addition, students must meet the end-of-grade test requirements set by the State to be promoted. 8th grade students must meet State proficiency requirements to be promoted to the 9th grade. The student must score at Level III or Level IV on the End-of-Grade tests.

When students enter 6th grade the expectation will be that they remain in the program for five years. To do so, students will need to have successfully completed Algebra I and a minimum of two years of a foreign language. Students also need to be prepared to take honors level courses in 9th and 10th grade, and demonstrate the characteristics of the IB Learner Profile.


A student's grade will be determined by assessment rubrics, performance on tests, quizzes, projects, reports, class work, class participation and homework. In Physical Education a student's grade will be determined by participation, skills tests, research based projects, fitness tests, written tests and other assignments. A student's conduct CANNOT be a factor in determining a student's grade.

A student who receives an incomplete on the report card will have two weeks into the following quarter to make up the work.

Each quarter grade will count 25% of the final year grade. If the course is a semester course, the quarter grade will count 50% of the final grade.

For High School Students: The End-of-Course Tests (final exams) will count 25%. This includes EOC courses taken in Middle School (Algebra I, Geometry, Language B - grade 8, and Integrated I, II & III).

The following grade scale will be used to determine grades.

100 Point Scale

A 93-100

B 85-92

C 77-84

D 70-76

F 50-69

I Incomplete

The following point scale will determine semester and final grades.

4 Point Scale (Middle School Only)

A 3.5 - 4.0

B 2.5 - 3.4

C 1.5 - 2.4

D 0.5 - 1.4

F 0.0 - 0.4

Honor roll

Students with an overall quarterly average GPA of 3.0 (with no Ds or Fs) will earn Honor Roll recognition. Student who earn Honor Roll status are recognized quarterly.


Make-up work will be completed promptly. It is the student's responsibility to meet with teachers regarding make-up work. Students will have one (1) day to complete make-up work for each day's absence. Failure of a student to satisfy make-up requirements can be the basis for denying credit for a specific course.


All teachers expect students to complete assignments on time. Grades will be reduced by one letter grade if turned in late unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher. Failure to complete assignments will result in a grade of zero.

Student Services

School Counselors provide programs and one-on-one help in areas related to academics, personal and social growth, and career exploration for all IB Middle Years students. Programs are planned for classes, small groups and individuals.

Crosby Scholars, PSATs, WFU Project Launch, Duke TIP Program, and course registration are just a few of the programs coordinated through Student Services. Other services include providing transcripts, recommendation letters, and driver’s education certificates.

Student Services is open from 7:30-4:00 PM. Students can drop by with permission from their teacher or make an appointment.


Lockers are provided for students to store their books and coats during school hours. Lockers are property of Paisley IB Magnet School and are subject to search at any time by school officials.


If a student has an appointment and needs to leave school early, the student should remain in class until the parent arrives in the Main Office to sign the student out. The student will then be called to the office to leave.


Itemized List

Combination Lock (Rental) $ .50

Physical Education $ 3.50

Agenda Book $ 5.00

Lost Lock Fee $ 4.50

|*Note: All students pay the above fees during the first week of school.|

Purchase Paisley Uniform $15.00

(This is optional collected by PE teacher)

Student Parking Fee $100.00

Lunch Charges

Breakfast $ 2.00 MS

$ 2.10 HS

Student Lunch $ 2.45 MS

$ 2.55 HS

Reduced Price Breakfast $ .30

Reduced Price Lunch $ .40



If students get sick or hurt during the school day, they should tell their teacher immediately. The teacher will give the student a pass to Student Services, and the staff there will assist the student in calling parents as needed.

All medications taken during school hours must be administered under the supervision of school personnel. All medications must be labeled with the student’s name and dosage. This includes over the counter medications such as Tylenol.


Students are not allowed to accept calls during school hours. Students are not allowed to use the telephones in the main office. Students are not allowed to call a parent to bring work/projects left at home. Parents and students should make arrangements for afternoon pick-up before they leave home.


Students are permitted to use cell phone before and after school outside of the building only. Cell phones should not be visible between the hours of 7:55 AM and 2:40 PM and should either be in silent mode or powered off. If a staff member sees a student texting or hears a cell phone during school hours, it will be confiscated and taken to the main office. Students are discouraged from bringing electronics devices to school. Only a parent or guardian will be allowed to pick-up the phone from the main office. The school accepts NO responsibility for any lost or stolen electronic devices.


No book bags, large purses or tote bags are permitted in classes. Rolling book bags are not permitted without approval from the principal. Draw string bags are permitted.


Students are required to be at school and in class on time. Students must be in their classroom and in their assigned seat when Homebase and class begin. School begins for students at 7:55 AM. They should arrive at school by 7:35 to allow time to go to lockers and prepare for the day. Homebase teachers will mark students tardy if they are not in their seat when the bell rings at 7:55.

Excessive Tardies

An accumulation of 10 unexcused tardies, as defined by school board policy, shall be equal to one unexcused absence for the purpose of enforcing the compulsory attendance law.

Classroom Tardies

In the classroom, a student must be in his/her assigned seat when the late bell rings or the teacher will record a tardy. If a student receives three unexcused tardies in a given class, the teacher of that class will notify the student and parent that the student has been assigned detention (either before or after school).

If a student has more than three tardies for more than one teacher, the student will be referred to an administrator.


Students are required by law to be in school every day unless they have a valid reason for being absent. Valid reasons for being absent include:

1. Illness or injury

2. Quarantine

3. Death in the immediate family

4. Medical or dental appointments

5. Court or administrative proceedings

6. Religious observances

7. Educational opportunity and other absences that have prior approval of the principal

When students are absent from school, they must bring a note from home or from the doctor if they have been under a doctor's care. Students have three days to bring a note before their absence turns to an unexcused absence. Absence notes should be given to the homebase teacher.


The Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools have adopted a system-wide dress code. Students at Paisley are expected to adhere to this code. Parents are asked to familiarize themselves with the dress code as well. Students who come to school and are inappropriately dressed the first time will have to call a parent and have appropriate clothing brought to them. Additional violations of the Dress Code will result in administrative action.

The following dress or appearance is prohibited.

(Policy 5131, Article IV)

a. Clothing that contains advertisements for tobacco, alcohol or drugs; pictures or graphics of nudity; words that are profane, lewd, vulgar, or indecent

b. Halter or bare midriff tops, or bare midriffs

c. Spaghetti straps or tank tops (straps must be the width of a credit card)

d. Strapless shirts, off one shoulder or tube tops

e. Bare feet

f. Short shorts or skirts with or without leggings (shorts and skirts must be at least mud-thigh reach)

g. Pants, slacks or jeans that sag below the waist (must be worn at natural waistline)

h. Hats, caps, bandannas, sweat bands or any head gear

i. Underpants or bras showing or worn as outerwear

j. Provocative, revealing attire that exposes cleavage

k. Any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with gangs, intimidation, and violence

1. Long/Oversized T-shirts (must be tucked-in)

** Administration will ultimately determine appropriateness of clothing**


Any changes in a student's transportation home, whether with a friend, by different bus or bus stop, must be provided in writing from the parent and verified by the secretary in the main office. Students should submit all bus notes to the secretary in the office before school. Notes must include a parent contact number for verification. Students will NOT be allowed to ride a different bus home or use a different bus stop without a signed note from the parent and the office secretary.

To request bus transportation or address questions or concerns about bus stops or routes, contact Mr. Burton, Assistant Principal, in the Main Office.


The Media Center is open from 7:30 AM until 3:15 PM daily. Students are encouraged to use the Media Center whenever they get a chance. In addition, students will go with their classes to the Media Center on a regular basis. In the Media Center students may read a book or magazine, work on a computer, do research, or use the Internet to obtain information.

Students with overdue books may not check out additional books. Students may also lose their computer privileges if they print unauthorized materials or if they access an inappropriate website.

Paisley Activities


Paisley will play other schools in volleyball, basketball, soccer and track. Only students in seventh and eighth grades are eligible to participate in interscholastic sports. (High School students may participate in sports and extra-curricula activities at their residential high school)

Practices and games are scheduled on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:45 – 4:15. Limited transportation home may be provided after practices.

Requirements for student participation in interscholastic sports include:

1. Shall be properly enrolled in Paisley IB Magnet School

2. Shall have been in attendance for at least 85% of the previous semester

3. Shall meet state and local promotion standards and maintain passing grades each semester. Must maintain a 2.25 GPA

4. Shall not participate if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before October 16 of said school year. (See Athletic Director for alternatives.)

5. Shall receive a medical exam by a physician licensed to practice medicine to be eligible to try out for the team.

6. Shall be an amateur.

7. Shall have proper insurance to cover medical needs that result from injury.

8. Shall not be guilty of misconduct.


The National Academic League team is for any student who wants to demonstrate their academic abilities. The team practices start in early October and competitions are held in November and December. Paisley competes against other middle schools from the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System.


Science Olympiad is an opportunity for all students to participate in hands-on science. The team meets twice a week after school starting in October through competition in the spring.

• Top 5 finishers in NC Region 6 competition for past seven years

• State Tournament competitor for six consecutive years


All International Baccalaureate students are required to complete a minimum of thirty (30) hours of community and service each year in order to be eligible for IB Certification. Students will maintain records of their completed service in the Community & Service Log. Teachers will verify hours quarterly throughout the school year.

6th Grade: 20 Hours 7th Grade: 25 Hours

8th Grade: 30 Hours 9th Grade: 35 Hours

10th Grade: 40 Hours


The "voice" of the student body is the Student Council. As we begin a new era at Paisley IB Magnet School, it is our hope that students will become more active in requesting changes and events that will make school more interesting for all students.

To be eligible for the Student Council, students must meet and maintain the following standards:

1. Maintain a minimum grade of C in each subject each grading period.

2. Maintain good conduct.

*Students wishing to run for Student Council Officers must have attended Paisley for one year and be a Year IV or Year V student.


Paisley IB Magnet School is affiliated with the National Junior Honor Society. The National Society sets admission standards and procedures. Students who meet those standards will be invited to join NJHS in the fall of each year. Students who join are expected to actively participate in all NJHS activities.


Each year we have new students come to Paisley. We want to welcome them, show them around, and help them make new friends. Teachers recommend students for Meeters and Greeters. Counselors will train students so that they will know how to help our new students. Student ambassadors also take an active role in leading tours for prospective students and parents.

To be eligible students must meet the following standards.

1. Maintain at least a "C" average in each subject each grade period.

2. Maintain good conduct.

3. Receive recommendation from faculty/staff.


• Chess Club

• Art Club

• Debate Club

• Drama Club

• Battle of the Books

• Around the World Club

• Principal’s Advisory Council

• Dance Club

• Cheerleading

• Intramurals

• Tutoring

• Robotics Club

Additional activities will be publicized throughout the school year.


If students lose items, they should check the Lost and Found barrel outside the gym.


Dear Parents and/or Guardians:

After education, our first priority at Paisley IB is the safety and supervision of your student. One key element is the importance of picking up students on time after school. The following applies to all students grades 6 – 10.

Following our 2:40 daily end-of-class, most students either take a bus or have been picked up by 3:00. However, many students wait daily for their rides, some as late as 4:00 and after. Faculty and administrators must supervise all students until they depart school property. We take this responsibility seriously, and we need your help!

We understand that periodically, your schedules and distances from the school may delay arrival until 3:00. If that’s the case, please make alternate transportation arrangements (car pool, bus, etc…) or use one of the following after-school care options:

1. If your child is eligible for Magnet Express bus service (contact Mr. Burton for details), you may pay $3.00 per day and your child may stay in room 104 from 2:40 until you are able to pick up him/her (not later than 6:00).

2. If your child is not eligible for Magnet Express bus service, you may enroll him/her in our regular after-school care (located in the inner cafeteria), which is $7.00 per day (also from 2:40 until 6:00) and includes snack and planned activities.

Either way, your child will be supervised until picked up. If you need after-school care and need financial assistance to participate in after-school care, please contact Mrs. Cheek in the main office.

To insure supervision of students who remain at school waiting for transportation, the School Improvement Team has adopted the following plan:

Students at school after 3:10 p.m. without staff supervision in an approved activity, will be escorted to a classroom and allowed to call home (the room # will be posted by the front door of the school.

Students will stay in the designated room until 4:00, at which time they will go to the office to continue attempts to contact a parent/guardian.

After 4:00 p.m., students who have not been picked up will be charged $3.00 per day for the supervision of their child. For students who continue to not be picked up by 3:00 and are not enrolled in after-school care, we will examine other options, including regular assignment to a bus that leaves immediately after school.

Clubs, Tutoring, Sports

Each day, after school is dismissed, teachers and other staff serve many students as club sponsors, coaches, and tutors. Through their hard work and dedication, our students receive many enrichment opportunities. When students stay after school for a planned event, it is important that their parents are here to pick them up when the event is over.

Teachers and staff are expected to stay with their students until the last child is picked up. When the activity is finished, teachers will walk to the front of the building with their students. Please be respectful of teachers’ time and be waiting for your child at the front of the building when the activity is finished.

Coaches have been instructed to stay after practices and games until the last participant has been picked up. Pick up for athletics is in the back of the building or at the practice field – not the front of the building.

By far, most of our students are picked up when they need to be. We just need your help to keep your children in a safe, supervised situation at all times while they’re at school. If you have any circumstances that hinder you from picking up in a timely manner, please make alternate transportation arrangements or make an appointment to see Dr. Cone.


Options – Regular After-School Care or Magnet Express Care

Available Dates: Monday – Friday

Maximum Number of Participants: 50

Cost: Payment schedule available in Main Office



Hardworking and conscientious

Highly motivated


Intellectually Curious

Strong Work Ethic

Enjoys Challenges

Enthusiastic about learning

Organized and manages time well.


Paisley students are:











Acceptable Use Policy for Students Computer & Technology Rules Paisley Magnet School – IB World School

In an effort to maintain a safe learning environment for all students, Paisley IB Magnet School expects ALL students to follow the rules below and any additional rules required by faculty/staff. Access to any computer systems and networks owned by the school district impose certain responsibilities and obligations by the student to use technology in an ethical manner that reflects honesty, integrity and an agreement to follow the School's policies, and all local, state, and federal laws. Violation of these rules can result in serious disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, the loss of computer/technology access at the school and criminal charges. Please remember that the use of computers/technology is a privilege and not a right all equipment, software, and Internet usage is owned by WSFCS and Paisley, and the intended use is for educational purposes only.

In making use of the technological resources at Paisley, you MUST:

• Use WSFCS resources only for authorized educational purposes Respect all school property and equipment

• Never use computer programs/software to obtain passwords or access private information

• Never attempt to circumvent or bypass network or system security

• Never engage in activities that might purposefully cause harm to our system or data (i.e., introducing known viruses, damaging files, etc.)

• Protect your User ID and password. You are responsible for all activities connected to the use of your User ID and password. Do not allow anyone to use their User ID and password.

• Log off a computer after each use. Failure to do so may result in someone else accessing your account without your knowledge. You are responsible for any violation of Paisley's policies that occur with your account, even when you did not perform the action.

• Not download or save files from the Internet.

• Ask permission before printing.

• Not have food or drinks near a computer or other technology equipment.

• Immediately report any computer error messages, problems, and/or damage to the teacher. Otherwise, you may be held responsible.

• Keep all computer areas clean and tidy (i.e., computer lab, Media Center, classrooms, etc.). Book bags, textbooks, pocketbooks, etc. are not allowed on the computer tables/desks. Recycle unwanted papers.

• Not abuse the chairs in the computer lab. There should be no running or horseplay near any technology equipment.

• Not use a flash drive (memory stick), CD, DVD, floppy disk and/or other saving device on a computer without the teacher/staff approval and scanning it for viruses, etc.

• Not access Internet sites that have not been approved by faculty/staff.

Paisley IB Magnet School reserves the right to copy and examine any information, files, etc. that threaten acceptable use of WSFCS resources. Students in violation are subject to disciplinary action by WSFCS. In addition, violation may lead to prosecution under laws including, but not limited to, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, The Computer Virus Eradication Act of 1989, The Amended Communications Act of 1934, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

Guidelines for Discipline

AR 5131 Summary 2010-2011


I. Introduction

A. Behavior violating the rules of student conduct set forth in Board policy and behavior detracting from a student's ability to profit from instruction or infringing upon the rights of others at school, any school activity or on a school/activity bus warrants disciplinary action. The intent of any disciplinary action is to bring about a positive change in the student's behavior.

B. The following guidelines have been developed to assist principals, assistant principals and school officials in determining appropriate disciplinary consequences for student misconduct in violation of federal or state law, Board policy and rules of the local school and teachers. It is important parents, students and school officials understand these are guidelines and not prescribed actions that must be followed in each and every instance of student misconduct (except drug and alcohol offenses). School administrators may impose more or less severe disciplinary actions based on the mitigating and aggravating factors set forth in Section II of this regulation.

C. Students with Disabilities. Should a student with disabilities exhibit behavior for which a Level II or higher sanction is appropriate, the procedures set forth in the IDEA and Article 9, Chapter 115C of N.C.G.S., and the implementing regulations of each, shall be followed.

D. Misconduct on Bus. Level I or II violations occurring on a bus generally should result in suspension from the bus only. Level III or higher violations committed on the bus should result in an alternative school assignment or out-of-school suspension.

E. Lose Control/Lose your License.

1. If a student is expelled, suspended for more than 10 consecutive days, or assigned to an alternative educational setting for more than 10 consecutive days, his/her drivers license or permit will be suspended for one year for any of the following offenses.

a. The possession or sale of an alcoholic beverage or an illegal controlled substance on school property or at a school activity off campus.

b. The bringing, possession, or use on school property or at a school activity off campus of a weapon or firearm that resulted in disciplinary action under N.C.G.S. § 115C- 391(d1) or that could have resulted in that disciplinary action if the conduct had occurred in a public school.

c. The physical assault on a teacher or other school personnel on school property or at a school activity off campus.

2. The principal or his/her designee shall not issue a Driving Eligibility Certificate to a student who has been expelled, suspended for more than 10 consecutive days, or an assigned to an alternative educational setting for more than 10 consecutive days for any of the above offenses within one year of the date of the misconduct unless the student needs the certificate to drive to and from school, a drug or alcohol treatment counseling program or a mental health treatment program and no other transportation is available. Students who have access to a school bus, carpooling, a parent or other relative who can drive them, or other modes of transportation shall be denied a certificate.

3. A student is eligible for a certificate after a six-month period for displaying exemplary student behavior. The principal or a designee shall issue a Driving Eligibility Certificate in the following situations:

a. The student has returned to school or been placed in an alternative setting and has displayed exemplary behavior.

b. The student has successfully completed a drug or alcohol treatment counseling program for a drug-related suspension or expulsion and has demonstrated exemplary behavior.

4. Exemplary behavior is defined as the student having no further incidents of misconduct where expulsion, suspension or an assignment to an alternative setting is required. Students found in violation of any Level II or higher offense would not qualify for having exemplary behavior.

F. Suspensions from Extra-class activities.

1. Students may be suspended from participation in athletics and/or extra-class activities as an alternative to, or in addition to, any suspension set forth in the Guidelines below.

2. A student shall not participate in athletics and other extra-class or extra-curricular activities on a day in which he/she is suspended out of school (OSS). A student may not participate in athletics and other extra-class or extra-curricular activities on a day in which he/she is assigned to In-School Suspension (ISS) for more than three (3) periods (a block class will constitute two periods for purpose of this rule).

3. A student, who is suspended for a violation of Policy 5131.6, ”Alcohol and Drug Abuse”, shall be suspended from athletics and extra-class activities for a minimum of 30 school days.

4. A student charged with a misdemeanor (or a juvenile petition for an offense which would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult) for criminal conduct on or off campus, may be suspended from extra-class activities as provided in the conduct rules of the club or organization, and from participation in intramural and interscholastic athletic contests pending the resolution of the charges. The student may be allowed to practice with a team pending the resolution of the criminal charges or juvenile petition. If the student pleads guilty or no contest, is convicted or adjudicated delinquent, the student will be suspended from extra-class activities and athletics for a minimum of one athletic contest and a maximum of 30 school days depending on the severity of the crime.

5. A student charged with a felony (or a juvenile petition for an offense which would be a felony if committed by an adult) for criminal conduct on or off campus, should be suspended from extra-class activities as provided in the bylaws or conduct rules of the club or organization and from participation in intramural and interscholastic competition pending the resolution of the charges unless an exception is made by the appropriate assistant superintendent. The student athlete may be allowed to practice with the team pending the resolution of the criminal charges or juvenile petition.

6. Under NCHSAA Policy, a high school student who is convicted of, pleads guilty or no contest to a crime classified as a felony or is adjudicated a delinquent for an offense that would be a felony if committed by an adult is not eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics through the end of the student’s high school career. In a like manner, a middle school student will be declared ineligible through the end of his/her middle school career. If the student is charged with a felony but is convicted of, pleads guilty or no contest to a misdemeanor, the student will be suspended from extra-class activities and athletics for up to 90 school days or the remainder of the athletic season depending on the severity of the crime.

Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances. When considering the appropriate sanction for specific student conduct, the principal, assistant principal, or teacher should consider the following circumstances. In addition, any other circumstances which are related to the offense and which are reasonably related to the purposes of discipline may be considered.

A. Aggravating factors to be considered include, but are not limited to:

1. blatant disrespect for authority,

2. inducing others to take part in the prohibited behavior or occupying a position of leadership or dominance of other participants,

3. attempting to flee or conceal guilt or to cast blame upon an innocent party,

4. receiving money or something of value from the misbehavior,

5. victimizing a significantly younger or smaller student or a mentally or physically disabled person,

6. taking advantage of a position of trust or confidence to commit the offense,

7. committing the same or similar offense (during the student’s grade span),

8. having other disciplinary issues this school year,

9. causing serious injury to another;

10. the misconduct was associated with gang activity; or

11. the victim of the misconduct is a teacher or other staff member

B. Mitigating factors to be considered include, but are not limited to:

1. being an elementary school student,

2. having no history of disciplinary problems,

3. having a significant amount of time pass since the student's last disciplinary problem,

4. having the parent(s) of the student cooperate with the school and share in the imposition of disciplinary measures at home and at school,

5. being a passive participant or playing a minor role in the offense,

6. reasonably believing the conduct was legal,

7. acting under strong provocation,

8. aiding in the discovery of another offender,

9. making a full and truthful statement admitting guilt at an early stage in the investigation of the offense,

10. displaying an appropriate attitude and giving respectful cooperation during the investigation and discipline process,

11. making appropriate restitution, or

12. having the parent(s) and/or student participate in counseling.

III. Repeat Offenders. Middle or High school students who persistently violate the Code of Student Conduct and commit 10 or more offenses (other than solely attendance offenses, such as being tardy and skipping), accumulate 10 days of short term suspensions or accumulate a combination of suspensions and offenses (so long as attendance violations are not more than 50% of the offenses) that total 10 in a school year for Level II and III offenses may be recommended for an alternative school assignment. Middle school students may be assigned to the Millennium Academy at Kennedy Learning Center. Middle and High School students may be assigned to an Alternative Learning Center (ALC) at their regular school if one so exists. Assignment to the Millennium Academy is subject to the approval of the Assistant Superintendent for Middle Schools. Students may be assigned to an ALC by the Principal, but such assignments are subject to review by the appropriate Assistant Superintendent. Assignments to ALCs are for up to ninety (90) school days. Students may be re-admitted to the regular school program if they have no unexcused absences, exhibit exemplary behavior and satisfactorily complete all school work and homework assignments. If a student continues to commit Level II and III offenses at the Millennium Academy, in an ALC or upon return to his/her regular school or classes after an assignment to the Millennium Academy or ALC, a subsequent offense may be treated as a Level IV offense. If, after assignment to Griffith Academy, a student commits a Level II, III, and/or IV offense, such may be treated as a Level V offense. Students are required and expected to follow specific rules and consequences for behavior set forth at school system alternative programs.

IV. Confiscation of Weapons, Prohibited Substances and Other Property. Any weapon, prohibited substance or other property students are not allowed to possess may be confiscated by school officials. Unless the disposition of the property is otherwise provided for by law or board policy, it shall be returned to the student’s parent or guardian within a reasonable time no later than the last day of the school year.

V. Aiding or Assisting. A student shall not aid or assist another student to violate Policy 5131, Policy 5131.6 and other Board Policy, administrative regulation of local school rule. A student commits this offense if he/she knowingly advises, induces, encourages, aids or assists another student to commit an offense OR shares in the purpose of the act (to commit the offense) and aids or is in a position to aid the other student when the offense is committed. A student committing this offense should be disciplined in the same manner as those students actively committing the offense.

|LEVEL I. In-school Suspension |

|Bus Suspension/ Detention/Reprimand/Community or School Service |

|UB-Honor Code violation|Academic misconduct, Grades K – 8, |

| |cheating/plagiarism, Use of cellular telephone, |

| |digital camera or text messaging to cheat; and |

| |student shall receive a “0” on the |

| |test/assignment |

|UB-Other school defined|Commercial solicitation |

|offense | |

|UB-Cell phone use |Communication devices, cellular telephones or |

| |pagers displayed or in use during regular school |

| |hours without prior permission. |

|UB-Disrespect of |Disrespectful Conduct to teachers and staff, 1st |

|Faculty & Staff |offense |

|UB-Dress Code violation|Dress code violations. |

|UB-Excessive Display of|Inappropriate public displays of affection such |

|Affection |as kissing, petting, and/or making out when such |

| |conduct is repeated after a warning or is severe |

| |or pervasive. |

|UB-Being in an |Littering and loitering on school property. |

|Unauthorized Area | |

|UB-Falsification of |Making false statements to teachers and school |

|information |officials. |

|UB-Other school defined|Parking violation. |

|offense | |

|UB-Inappropriate items |Possession of Cell Phone at Griffith Academy, |

|on school property |first offense |

|UB-Inappropriate items |Possession and/or use of playing cards. |

|on school prop. | |

|UB-Inappropriate |Profane, obscene, lewd, vulgar or indecent |

|language, disrespect |speech, drawings, symbols or gestures to a |

| |student. |

|UB-Possession of |Smoking, use, display or possession of tobacco |

|tobacco; use of tobacco|products, first and second offense (refer to ATS |

| |per Policy 1331) |

|UB-Other school defined|Skateboarding, roller skating or in-line skating |

|offense |on school property, unless approved in advance. |

|UB-Skipping Class |Tardy to class or school, skipping classes, |

|UB-Late to Class |leaving class or school without permission, being|

|UB-Leaving Class |in an unauthorized area of the school building |

|Without Permission | |

|UB-Leaving School | |

|Without Permission | |

|UB-Being in | |

|Unauthorized Area | |

|UB-Insubordination |Failure or refusal to stay after school. |

|UB-Inappropriate items |Use or possession of electronic devices such as |

|on school property |MP3/4 players, radios, IPods, tape/CD/DVD |

| |players, digital cameras, laser pens, or similar |

| |devices without permission. |

|UB-Other school defined|Violation of local school or classroom rules |

|offense | |

|UB-Bus misbehavior |Violation of bus rules |


|Grades K-5: Zero to Three (3) Days Suspension |

|Grades 6-12: One to Three (3) Days Suspension |

|UB-Honor Code violation|Academic Misconduct (students shall also receive |

| |a “0” on the test/assignment) |

| |Grades 9 – 12, 1st offense, cheating/plagiarism, |

| |Use of a cellular telephone, digital camera or |

| |text messaging to cheat |

| |Grades K – 8, 2nd Offense, cheating/plagiarism, |

| |Use of a cellular telephone, digital camera or |

| |text messaging to cheat |

|UB-Cell Phone Use; |Cellular telephones & digital cameras used to |

|UB-Other School Defined|take photographs or videos of people in rest |

|Offense |rooms or locker rooms or for other improper |

| |purpose. |

|UB-Possession of |Counterfeit currency Use or possession. |

|Counterfeit Item | |

|UB-Use of Counterfeit | |

|Item | |

|UB-Disrespect of |Disrespectful conduct toward teachers and staff, |

|Faculty & Staff |2nd and subsequent offense |

|UB-Gambling |Gambling |

|UB-Gang Activity |Gang Activity, 1st Offense |

|UB-Insubordination |Failure to follow the lawful directions of school|

| |officials |

|UB-Falsification of |Forgery |

|info. | |

|UB Disruptive behavior |Inappropriate touching or unwelcome physical |

| |contact with another student that is not an |

| |assault, an attack or an attempt to injure; |

| |horseplaying |

|UB-Inappropriate items |Pornography and Obscenity – Possessing, viewing |

|on school property |or distributing pornographic or obscene materials|

| |in whatever form, sexting, or otherwise |

| |prohibited by AR 6161.1. |

|UB-Inappropriate items |Possession of Cell Phone at Griffith Academy, |

|on school property |second and subsequent offenses |

|UB-Inappropriate |Profane, obscene, lewd, vulgar or indecent |

|language, disrespect |speech, drawings, symbols or gestures to a |

| |teacher or other school personnel. |

|UB-Use tobacco |Smoking, use, display or possession of tobacco |

| |products, third and subsequent offenses, if |

| |student did not complete ATS |

|UB-Disorderly conduct |Trespassing |


|Grades K -5 Up to Six (6) Days Out-of-School Suspension |

|Grades 6 -12, Three (3) to Six (6) Day Out-of-school Suspension or |

|Alternative Learning Center (ALC) Assignment |

|If aggravating factors outweigh mitigating factors, or |

|For Repeat Level I, II and/or III Offenses, See Section III |

|RO-Use of Narcotics |Abuse of OTC medications (excluding those |

| |containing ephedrine and pseudoephedrine). Ten |

| |(10) day suspension shall be stayed if student |

| |and parent agree to assessment and participation |

| |in intervention program recommended and provided |

| |by INSIGHT. |

|UB-Honor Code violation|Academic Misconduct, Grades 9 – 12, 2nd offense, |

| |cheating/plagiarism, Use of a cellular telephone,|

| |digital camera or text messaging to cheat |

| |(students shall also receive a “0” on the |

| |test/assignment) |

|UB-Assault on student |Assault – students: hitting, kicking, or pushing |

|(no serious injury) |another student (or similar misbehavior) which |

| |doesn’t cause a serious injury. |

|UB-Bullying |Bullying |

|UB-Disruptive behavior |Disorderly conduct including conduct involving |

|UB-Disorderly conduct |three or more persons, disruption of school |

| |activities by verbal, written or symbolic speech,|

| |i.e. sit-ins, boycotts, disruptive talking in |

| |class. |

|UB-Misuse of School |Downloading to or otherwise /placing upon a |

|Technology |school computer any software of computer program |

| |enabling the student and/or others to load |

| |content or programs to school computers which |

| |would otherwise be prohibited by policy or which |

| |otherwise violate AR 6161.1. |

|UB-Fighting |Fighting, 1st offense, that does not cause |

| |serious bodily injury |

|UB- Gang Activity |Gang Activity, 2nd Offense |

|UB-Fighting |Inciting or Instigating a fight, 1st offense |

|UB-Disruptive behavior |Inappropriate touching or unwelcome physical |

| |contact that is not an assault, an attack or an |

| |attempt to injure the staff member. |

|UB-Harassment Verbal |Making or publishing false statements on the |

| |internet, by fax or any other means that defame |

| |the character or reputation of a school employee |

| |or student by accusing school personnel or |

| |students of criminal or immoral acts and which |

| |statements are intended to injure, harass and/or |

| |harm an individual. |

|RO-Use of Narcotics |Possession/Use of a Prescription Drug, not a |

| |Controlled Substance, without a prescription. Ten|

| |(10) day suspension shall be stayed if student |

| |and parent agree to assessment and participation |

| |in intervention program recommended and provided |

| |by INSIGHT. |

|UB-Inappropriate Items |Possession of Fireworks, bullets, or any similar|

|on School Property |explosive |

|UB- Inappropriate Items|Possession of “Look-alike” weapons, such as a |

|on School Property |plastic gun, water pistol, or rubber knife |

|RO – Possession of a |Possession of Pocket knife, pen knife, or Swiss |

|Weapon |army knife (with a blade of 2.5” or less) so long|

| |as the blade has not been opened and exposed. |

|UB-Inappropriate Items |Selling stolen items at school |

|on School Property | |

|UB-Mutual Sexual |Sexual misconduct – Consensual |

|Contact Between Two | |

|Students | |

|UB-Other school defined|Students shall not insert a foreign substance in |

|offense |another student’s food or drink |

|UB-Inappropriate Items |Students shall not bring containers of urine or |

|on School Property |other bodily fluid of substance to school unless |

| |required for an academic or other required |

| |exercise or activity. |

|UB-Theft |Theft of money or property ($250 or less) |

|UB-Harassment Verbal |Using profane, obscene, lewd, vulgar or indecent |

|UB-Communicating |speech, or fighting or abuse words to threaten, |

|Threats |harass, or annoy a student. |

|UB-Aggressive Behavior |Use of an aerosol spray can, bottle or other type|

| |container as a weapon to threaten to injure, to |

| |injure, harm, harass or annoy any other person or|

| |to disrupt class or any school program or |

| |activity. |

|UB-Prop. damage |Vandalism |

|UB-Harassment Verbal |Verbal Harassment. Harassment of another student |

| |on the basis of race, religion, ethnic origin, |

| |sex, gender or disability. |

|UB- Communicating |Verbal or written threat to teacher, staff or |

|Threats |volunteer, NOT a threat to kill or seriously |

| |injure, including threats made over the internet |


|Alternative School Assignment; Alternative Learning Center Assignment, if|

|mitigating factors outweigh aggravating factors. |

|Grades K-5 minimum: Two (2) to Eight (8) Days Suspension |

|Grades 6-12 minimum: Up to Eight (8) Days Suspension |

|UB-Affray |Affray. A fight involving more than two people. |

|UB-Assault on student |Aggravated Assault. An attack upon another |

| |student that does not cause a serious injury. |

|PD-Assault resulting in|Assault with serious injury. A student under 13 |

|serious injury |who assaults another student, no serious injury. |

|RO-Assault on School |Assault on non-student without serious injury. A |

|Personnel, no serious |student under 13 who physically assaults a |

|injury |teacher or other school personnel, no serious |

| |injury. |

|UB-Disorderly behavior |Breaking or entering into school buildings, buses|

| |or secured areas within a school building. |

|UB-Unlawfully setting a|Burning of personal property/starting a fire. Not|

|fire |arson. Lighting a match or cigarette lighter, |

| |burning paper, etc. but not a building or part of|

| |a building. |

|UB-Extortion |Extortion. |

|UB-Fighting |Fighting, 2nd offense |

|UB-Gang Activity |Gang Activity, 3rd offense |

|UB-Fighting |Inciting or Instigating a fight, 2nd offense; |

| |inciting or instigating an affray |

|UB-Disorderly conduct |Indecent exposure |

|RO-Use of controlled |Over-the-counter medication (excluding those with|

|substance |ephedrine or pseudoephedrine) abuse, 2nd Offense |

|RO-Possession of weapon|Possession of the following weapons: |

| |Slingshot, blackjack, leaded cane or metallic |

| |knuckles or similar weapon; |

| |Pocket knife, pen knife, Swiss army knife (with a|

| |blade less than 2.5 inches), provided the blade |

| |has been opened and exposed. |

|RO-Use of narcotics |Possession/Use of a Prescription Drug or |

|RO-Possession of |Medication that is Not a Controlled Substance |

|Controlled Substance |Without a Prescription, 2nd Offense. If student |

| |and parent voluntarily agree to assessment and |

| |participate in SAFE program, suspension for the |

| |remainder of the school year shall be stayed. |

|RO-Distribution of a |Prescription Medication Distribution (not a |

|Prescription Drug |controlled substance). If student and parent |

| |voluntarily agree to assessment and participate |

| |in SAFE program, suspension for the remainder of |

| |the school year shall be stayed. |

|UB-Harassment - sexual |Sexual harassment – physical. |

|UB-Inappropriate Items |Students shall not insert a foreign substance in |

|on School Property |an adult’s food or drink |

|UB-Theft |Theft of money or property between $250 and |

| |$1,000 |

|UB-Theft |Theft of money or property over $1000 (guideline |

| |sanction is Alt. Sch. Assignment for remainder of|

| |school year) |

|UB-Inappropriate Items |Use or explosion of fireworks. |

|on School Property | |

|UB-Assault on student |Use (or intended use) of mace, pepper spray or |

|UB-Assault on |similar weapon to harm a student or a staff |

|non-student |member. |

|PD-Assault Involving |Use or intent to use any weapon that is not |

|Use of a Weapon |capable of causing a serious injury to threaten |

| |or to harm another student or a staff member. |

|UB-Communicating |Verbal or written threats to kill or seriously |

|threats |injure a student, teacher, school employee or |

| |volunteer. |

|LEVEL V. Long Term Suspension is recommended for following offenses: |

|Grades K-5 minimum: Two (2) to Eight (8) Days Suspension |

|Grades 6-12 minimum: Eight (8) Days Suspension |

|RO-Use of alcoholic |Alcohol use (See Policy 5131.6 for required |

|beverages |sanction) |

|RO-Use of controlled |Use of cocaine, marijuana, Ritalin or any other |

|substance |controlled substance (See Policy 5131.6 for |

| |required sanction) |

|UB-Use of narcotics |Students under age 14: Sale of a Prescription |

| |Drug that is Not a Controlled Substance (See |

| |Policy 5131.6 for required sanction) |

|RO-Selling-Cocaine |Students under age 14: Sale, distribution or |

|RO-Selling-Marijuana |possession (with intent to sell or distribute) of|

|RO-Selling-Ritalin |alcohol or a controlled substance, a counterfeit |

|RO-Selling Controlled |controlled substance or drug paraphernalia. (See |

|substances (other) |Policy 5131.6 for required sanction) |

|PD-Assault involving |Assault involving use of a weapon. |

|the use of a weapon | |

|PD-Assault on School |Any student under age 13 who physically assaults |

|Personnel |and seriously injures a teacher or school |

| |personnel |

|UB- Gang Activity |Gang Activity, 4th & Subsequent Offenses |

|UB- Falsification of |Making False 911 Call |

|Information | |

|UB-Aggressive behavior |Possession and use of a “look-alike” weapon |

|RO-Possession of a |Possession of any air rifle, air pistol, BB gun, |

|weapon |pellet gun, stun-gun, starter pistol, zip gun, |

| |paintball gun or any similar weapon. |

|RO-Possession of a |Possession of any type of knife, except pocket |

|weapon |knives, pen knives or Swiss army knives with a |

| |blade less than 2.5 inches; instructional |

| |supplies, and tools. |


|Up to 365 Day Suspension or Alternative School Assignment up to remainder|

|of semester and next 2 semesters |

|Grades K-5 minimum: Two (2) to Eight (8) Days Suspension (if student |

|under 13) |

|Grades 6-12 minimum: Eight (8) Days Suspension (if student 13 or older) |

|PD-Assault on School |Any student 13 years of age but not 14 who |

|Personnel |physically assaults and seriously injures a |

| |teacher or other school personnel; |

|UB-Assault on School |Any student 13 years of age or older who |

|Personnel |physically assaults a teacher or other adult; an |

| |intentional physical attack that does not cause a|

| |serious injury. |

|UB-Assault on student |Any student 13 years of age or older who |

| |physically assaults another student if the |

| |assault is witnessed by school personnel. |

|PD-Assault resulting in|Any student 13 years of age or older who |

|serious injury |physically assaults and seriously injures another|

| |student. |

|PD-Possession of |Possession of any firearm |

|firearm | |

|PD-Possession of |Possession of any powerful explosive |

|firearm or explosive | |

|UB-False fire alarm |False fire alarm, bomb threat or false report to |

|RO-Bomb threat |law enforcement (not false 911 call). Note: |

|UB-Falsification of |Aggravating and mitigating factors do not apply |

|information |to principal’s recommendation for above three |

| |acts of misconduct. |

|UB-Communicating |Terrorist threats |

|threats | |

|RO-Bomb Threat | |

|LEVEL VII. Expulsion – Unlimited Exclusion From School - Applies to |

|students 14 years old and older |

|Students under age 14 = Long Term Suspension. |

|Mitigating and Aggravating factors DO NOT apply to principal’s |

|recommendation. |

|General standard. Any student 14 years of age or older whose behavior |

|indicates that the student's continued presence in school constitutes a |

|clear threat to the safety of other students or employees. |

|Commission of a felony. Any student 14 years of age or older who commits |

|or is charged with a felony and whose continued presence in school |

|constitutes a clear threat to the safety of other students or employees. |

|RO-Use of Alcoholic |Alcohol use or possession-2nd and Subsequent |

|Beverages |Offenses. (See Policy 5131.6 for required |

| |sanction) |

|RO-Possession of |Cocaine possession. (See Policy 5131.6 for |

|cocaine |required sanction) |

|RO-Possession of |Drug paraphernalia possession, (See Policy 5131.6|

|chemicals & drug |for required sanction) |

|paraphernalia | |

|RO-Possession marijuana|Marijuana Possession. (See Policy 5131.6 for |

| |required sanction) |

|RO-Possession Ritalin |Ritalin Possession. (See Policy 5131.6 for |

| |required sanction) |

|RO-Possession |Other Controlled Substance possession. (See |

|Controlled substance, |Policy 5131.6 for required sanction) |

|other | |

|RO-Use of controlled |Use of cocaine, marijuana, Ritalin or other |

|substance |controlled substance, 2nd and subsequent |

| |offenses. (See Policy 5131.6 for required |

| |sanction) |

|RO-Sale - cocaine |Cocaine sale or distribution. (See Policy 5131.6 |

| |for required sanction) |

|UB-Inappropriate item |Counterfeit controlled substance sale or |

|on school property |distribution. (See Policy 5131.6 for required |

| |sanction) |

|RO-Sale of marijuana |Marijuana sale or distribution. (See Policy |

| |5131.6 for required sanction) |

|RO-Sale of controlled |Prescription drug sale or distribution. (See |

|substance-other |Policy 5131.6 for required sanction) |

|RO-Sale of controlled |Prescription Drug sale of distribution. (See |

|substance-Other |Policy 5131.6 for required sanction) |

|RO-Sale of Ritalin |Ritalin sale or distribution. (See Policy 5131.6 |

| |for required sanction) |

|RO-Sale of controlled |Other controlled substance (not counterfeit) sale|

|substance-other |or distribution. (See Policy 5131.6 for required |

| |sanction) |

|PD-Robbery w/dangerous |Armed Robbery |

|weapon | |

|RO-Burning of school |Arson. |

|building | |

|PD-Assault involving |Assault with a deadly weapon. |

|use of a weapon | |

|RO-Assault on School |Assault and serious injury to teacher or other |

|Personnel |school personnel |

|UB-Hazing |Hazing |

|PD-Death by other than |Homicide or manslaughter |

|natural causes | |

|PD-Kidnapping |Kidnapping. |

|PD-Rape |Rape and Other sex offenses, i.e. oral-genital |

|PD-Sexual offense |contact. |

|PD-Sex assault (no |Sexual Assaults. |

|rape/sexual offense) | |

|PD-Adult Taking |Taking Indecent Liberties with a minor. |

|indecent liberties | |

|w/minor | |

|PD-Robbery w/o a |Robbery |

|dangerous weapon | |

|Misconduct off campus. If any of the above acts occur off campus, a |

|student is subject to expulsion if the victim is a student or school |

|employee and there is a reasonable basis to believe that the continued |

|presence of the student demonstrates a clear threat to the safety of the |

|victims or others in the school environment. |

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