Classroom rules - Schoolwires

Mr. Kissick’s Honors English IV Class Syllabus

Classroom Rules

1. Students are to be held accountable for all school rules mentioned in the student handbook.

2. Show Respect for others and self at all times. When someone is talking you are listening. When the teacher is talking you are silent. If you wish to talk, raise your hand.

3. No Food or Drinks in classroom unless sanctioned by a doctor. This is according to Onslow County policy.

4. Be on time and prepared for class.

5. Stay in your seat unless otherwise instructed*


1st Warning

2nd Lunch detention for up to ten minutes

3rd After school detention for 30 minutes

4th Referral*

• Depending on the severity of the action I reserve the right to skip steps. Also, if you are a disruption to the learning process, I will send you to the hall or office. This way the process may continue.

Simple Respect Issues

Do not use the phrase SHUT-UP. I find this phrase terribly rude. I myself will not tell you to shut-up, so in keeping with the educational theme, if you use this phrase you will be asked to rephrase this sentiment twenty –five different ways politely. If you say it again before you hand the phrases in to me you will receive another twenty five ways. This brings the total to fifty ways. You may elect not to do this but if you do that you will have five lunch detentions.

Do not Use phrases that address groups as negatives- There are certain phrases (Which I will go over with you) that have worked their way into the vernacular of High school students that I find create a negative atmosphere. Out of respect to fellow classmates and yourself we will not be using them. Use of the discussed words will result in a warning, lunch detention, or other action depending on the severity.

Tardy Policy

You are considered tardy for me if you are not in your desk ready to work. - (I will give a demonstration) We have a new tardy policy this year so if you are in the hall I will send you to the tardy receiving room. After your time there you will still face your punishment in my room..

1st tardy- warning

2nd-lunch detention

3rd tardy two lunch detentions

4th- three lunch detentions

5th- four lunch detentions

* All following tardies will also result in referrals as mentioned in the student handbook.

Note, every class we will have a journal assignment on the over head this is what you are to be doing for the first 10 -15 minutes of class. Each journal is to be 200 words long. If there is talking during the journal that means you are done and we can move on to the next thing. You will find in my class I will use every minute to its fullest potential. I am fair in the amount of time I give to work on assignments; however I do not build in time to waste. Most students will tell you my class is not hard as long as you keep up with the work load. You will find that if you start to let things slide, things will go awry. If you do not finish in class you are to complete the assignment at home. The journal will be collected every two weeks for a grade. Also you will have five vocab words due the Friday of every week (Ten for all Honors classes, including Avid.) If the week is shortened then it is due the last day of the week one vocab word per day. (Two a day for Honors classes.)

Bathroom policy

I am hoping that everyone has mastered when and where they need to go to the restroom. This being said I am not going to set a limit on the amount of bathroom visits during the semester. I am going to require that you use a pass when you ask me to go to the restroom. I also ask you out of common courtesy not to ask me for a pass when I am trying to teach something to the group, unless it is an emergency. If you abuse your bathroom visits, say by wondering the hall or going every other period when you do not suffer from a medical condition, you will be punished in accordance with Onslow County’s policy on skipping.


If you are absent you must go to the office and get a note before you will be allowed into my class.

As High School Students it is your responsibility to find what you have missed. I will place copies of everything I hand out in class in your hand back folder everyday. I will not hand things out in class. So every day you come to class you will need to go to the folder and get your materials for the day and your work that has been handed back. Extensions may be given for extenuating circumstances. However, if you know you are going to be absent you must meet with me prior to the due date. All quizzes or test if known about prior are due the day you return to school. Since this is a High school class all deadlines for work will be strictly followed. Now, I will accept late work however, in keeping with the English curriculum if you hand in an item late for credit it must be completely finished and must be accompanied by a grammatically correct page explaining why you did not complete the assignment by the due date and also what you learned while completing the assignment. The due date for all late work will be one week before the close of grades. If the criteria are not meet the grade will remain a zero.

Personal responsibility-

As an instructor I feel I would be remised if I did not teach personal responsibility to my students. First I will hand papers back to your pass back folder. It is your job to check your folder. This is like the real world because I know of very few mail people who come to your door knock on it and tell you your electric bill is enclosed inside your mailbox, and you should pay it. In preparing you for that, you will need to keep everything we have done in class, because you never know when I will use a pop notebook check to keep you honest. Second are grades. You are given the formula in which I use to figure out grades also Onslow County has provided the following calendar so that you know when your progress reports go out. The following address, , will take you to the school calendar. You will notice that all of the interim reports and holidays are mentioned. You are in High School you should be an active participant in your educational process. I grade things and have them back in a timely fashion; I do not give extra credit. If you are not meeting your assignments; I will not give more work to bolster a grade and curriculum that has already suffered from neglect.

Instructional modification.

As a highly qualified instructor in the area of English I come to school every day with lesson plans to meet varying situations. As dictated by North Carolina law there is a state curriculum I am required not only to present but teach. Now in accordance with this if one method of instruction is not working I have the option to change my method of instruction. So if individuals or the class are blocking my means of presenting material I will change the style of instruction. Like I said previously I come to class every day with at LEAST three different lesson plans per period, so if there are problems I can change the assignments to meet the students’ educational and behavioral needs. The lesson plans go from group oriented to more individually oriented.

Materials to Purchase

1. Four inch three-ring binder

2. Loose-leaf paper at least 400 sheets

3. Pens and pencils

4. White, lined index cards (both 3x5 and 4x6)

5. Highlighters

6. Computer disks (at least 2) and disk case

7. Section dividers for 3-ring binder

8. Clear sheet protectors for portfolio

9. Optional but helpful: paper clips, rubber bands, “white-out,” markers

Grading Policy 1st six weeks 2nd 3rd

Class work 25% 25% 25%

Homework 10 % 10% 10%

Test 25% 25% 25%

Projects 25% 25%

Journals 15% 15% 15%

Graduation Project paper third draft 25%

Vocab Template[pic]

I ____________________ the Parent/ Guardian of _________________,

have read Mr. Kissick’s class syllabus. Having read and understood the document, I have signed this document saying that I have done so.

Signature of Parent/ Guardian




I ____________________, a student in Mr. Kissick’s English class,

have read the class syllabus. Having read and understood the document, I have signed this document saying that I have done so.

Signature of Student





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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