Cell Cycle Wheel - Weebly

Cell Cycle Wheel

The cell cycle is a repeating sequence of cellular growth and division during the life of a cell. Most of the cell cycle, called interphase, is dedicated to cell growth and preparing cells for cell division. Interphase consists of three separate phases: G1 (cell growth), S (DNA synthesis), G2 (Growth and preparation for cell division). The remainder of the cell cycle is dedicated to cell division and is called mitosis and cytokinesis. The stages of cell division are as follows:

➢ G1 Phase

o Cell grows bigger

o DNA is spread out as chromatin

➢ S Phase

o DNA is copied

➢ G2 Phase

o Cell makes organelles and molecules needed for cell division

➢ Prophase

o DNA scrunches into chromosomes

o Centrioles appear and move to the poles

o Spindle fibers begin to form.

➢ Metaphase

o Chromosomes line up along the cell equator

o Centromeres attach to spindle fibers

➢ Anaphase

o Spindle fibers shorten

o Sister chromatids separate and are pulled

toward opposite ends of the cell.

➢ Telophase

o 2 nuclei appear

o Chromosomes appear

➢ Cytokinesis

o Cytoplasm division

Instructions for making a cell cycle wheel:

Take two 9 inch paper plates. One plate will be base that you will write on and the other will be wedge that you rotate to make a wheel.

Cut ONLY 1 paper plate. Take the paper plate and split into to 4 quarters. This should resemble a “pie”.

Take one of the quarters and split into half (In other words, cut one piece of pie into a half piece).

Cut the small quarter out of the paper plate with scissors.

With both plates in front of you, find the center of the plate and place a dot in the middle of the plate with a pen or marker. This is where you will place your brass fastener. You will do this for both plates.

Use your pencil or pen to poke a hole through the plate. Place the fastener to connect both plates.

Recommendation: Take your pen or pencil to draw the half quarters on the plate that is on the bottom. You should end up with 8 separate “pie” pieces. This way you can take the fastener out and work better. It helps you know how much space you will have to write out the information and draw the pictures.

Make sure you should have 8 separate “pie” pieces. Each section represents all 8 stages to the cell cycle.

For each stage of Interphase, you will need to write out the following information that is presented to you on the first page.

a. I have given all the details for each part of Interphase.

For each stage of Mitosis, you will need to write out the following information that is presented to you on the first page AND draw a picture.

a. Hint: I have given you pictures in your notes from the lecture guide.

Good Luck!

This assignment is worth two daily grades and you have two days to finish it, so do your best job!



(cell growth)


(DNA synthesis)


(growth and preparation for mitosis)



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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