State of Washington



Office of State Procurement

Rm. 201 General Administration Building, P.O. Box 41017 ( Olympia, Washington 98504-1017 ( (360) 902-7400


Truck Manlift 54 foot

|Contract Number | |Bid Opening Date & Time |

|02204 | |March 16, 2004- 2:00 PM. |

bids must be received& Stamped on or before the opening date & time at this location:

210 11th AVe SW, Rm. 201, General Administration Building Olympia WA 98504-1017

Kenneth A. Woodfork

State Procurement Officer

Phone (360) 902-7422

Fax (360) 586-2426

E-mail: kwoodfo@ga.

For a site map to the Capitol Campus, click .

Driving directions and parking information

Table of Contents



1.2 SCOPE 3


3 Bid Submittal 5




Truck; Manlift; 54 Foot; with out Lift Pedestal 12

















6.9 ALL OR NONE 34









Bidders are required to read and understand all information contained within this entire bid package. The Competitive Procurement Standards, which are referred to in this bid package are not automatically printed or sent out with this IFB. By responding to this IFB the bidder agrees to read and understand these documents. These documents are available on our website at .

In support of the State’s economic and environmental goals, we encourage you to consider the following elements in responding to our bids. These are not a factor of award (unless otherwise specified in this document):

• Using environmentally preferable products and products that exceed EPA guidelines

• Supporting a diverse supplier pool, including small, minority, and women-owned firms

• Featuring products made or grown in Washington


Bid information, including price sheets, will not be available for public disclosure until after award of the contract. At the time of bid opening, only the name of the bidder and time of bid receipt will be read aloud.


The purpose of this IFB is to establish a convenience contract for the purchase of a Truck Manlift, 54 foot without lift pedestal. Refer to Specifications Section 3.3.

A. Estimated Usage: The Department of Transportation is interested in purchasing one (1) each of these vehicles over the initial term of contract. Quantity is based on known requirement at this time. The State does not guarantee any minimum purchase. Orders will be placed on an as needed basis.

B. Purchasers: The primary purchaser(s) will be the Washington State Department of Transportation. However, based upon contractor’s agreement, the contract will be made available to all other state agencies, institutions, colleges, universities, political subdivisions and non-profit organizations which are members of the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and/or State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP). A list of Washington members is available on the Internet . A list of Oregon members is available through at Contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized purchasers.

C. While use of the contract by members of the WSPC and DASCPP/ORCPP is optional, the state encourages them to use state contracts. Their use of the contracts may significantly increase the purchase volume. Their orders are subject to the same contract terms, conditions and pricing as state agencies. The state accepts no responsibility for payment by WSPC or DASCPP/ORCPP members.

D. Term: From date of award (which is projected to be within forty-five days after bid opening date) with an initial one-year term, with the option to extend for additional terms or portions. Extensions will be subject to mutual agreement. The total contract term may not exceed six (6) years. During extensions specifications can vary to incorporate manufactures upgrades. Pricing maybe adjusted in accordance with Producer Price Index (PPI).


This checklist is provided for bidder's convenience only and identifies the bid documents that must be submitted with each package. Any bid packages received without these documents may be deemed non-responsive and may not be considered for award.

|Bid submittal entitled: Offer and Award | |

|Bid submittal entitled: Bid Information | |

|Bid submittal entitled: Specifications | |

|Bid submittal entitled: Price Sheets | |

|Bid submittal entitled: Repair Facilities | |

|Bid submittal entitled: Warranty | |

|Bid submittal entitled: Descriptive Literature | |

|Bid submittal entitled: Dealer Authorization | |

| | |

|_____________________________________________________________________________ |

|After Award | |

|Certificate Of Insurance | |

|Sales/Services Usage Report | |

Bid Submittal


Bidders are required to read and understand all information contained within this entire bid package. There are some standard documents, which are referred to in this bid package that are not automatically printed or sent out with this bid. For example, Competitive Procurement Standards (Standard Terms and Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Definitions), Sales/Service & Subcontractor Report are binding terms of this contract. It is important that you read and understand these documents. These documents are available on our website at . If you do not have Internet access, you may contact the State Procurement Officer to obtain copies of any and all documents contained in this bid package.




Bidder further offers to furnish materials, equipment or services in compliance with all terms, conditions, and specifications herein including all amendments. Submitting this document with an authorized signature constitutes complete understanding and compliance with the terms and conditions and certifies that all-necessary facilities or personnel are available and established at the time of bid submittal.

|(Company Name) | |(Typed or Printed Name) |

| | | |

|(Address) | |(Title) |

| | | |

|(City) (State) (Zip) | |(Phone No.) |

| | | |

|(Federal Tax Identification Number) | |(Bidder’s Signature) (Date) |

| | | |

|Email | | |


(For State of Washington Use Only)

A contract is hereby awarded between the above company and the State of Washington, Office of State Procurement, Purchasing and Contract Administration, to be effective , Year 2004 . This is a Partial/Total award for .

Authorized Signatures

| | | | | | | |

|(State Procurement Officer) | |(Date) | |(Purchasing Manager) | |(Date) |


Bidder shall complete the following:

1. Shipping Location:

□ Orders for WSDOT are Free On Board (FOB) destination, freight prepaid and included in price bid. This order is to be shipped to:

Washington State Department of Transportation

1551 N. Wenatchee Ave.

Wenatchee, WA 98807

□ All other others are to be FOB Dealer.

2. Prompt Payment Discount __________ % 30 days.

3. Check below those that apply to this Bid:

A. Bidder agrees to sell the goods and services on this contract to political subdivisions which are members of the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC): Yes___ No_____(If reply is “No” attach letter to this bid response explaining reason(s) for declining participation by political subdivisions).

B. Bidder agrees to sell the goods and services on this contract to political subdivisions and nonprofit organizations which are members of the State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP ): Yes____ No____(If reply is “No” attach letter to this bid response explaining reason(s) for declining participation by these members)

C. If required, indicate percent increase to bid pricing for delivery to State of Oregon DASCPP/ORCPP Members: ____%

4. Authorized Representative:

|Primary Contact-Contract Administration |Usage Report Contact: |

|Name: | |Name: | |

|Telephone: | |Telephone: | |

|Fax: | |Fax: | |

|Email: | |Email: | |

|Customer Service/Order Placement |

|Name | |

|Telephone: | |

|Fax: | |

5. Lead-time: Materials, equipment or services will be delivered within calendar __________days after receipt of order (ARO).

6. Addresses:

|Orders to be sent to: |Billing will be from: |Payment to be sent to: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

7. Federal Tax Identification Number:

8. Please Complete one of the following:

For cost analysis purposes, please indicate percent savings that your bid pricing represents compared to price agencies would pay without benefit of a state contract:

Bid discounts offered by your firm average ____________% lower than (please check one):

A. ____ Price that would be obtained through individual agency bid.

B. ____ Manufacture’s current suggested retail price.

C. ____ Other (please specify):_______________________________________________


Washington State

Department of Transportation

A Vehicle & Equipment Bidding Requirements

Acceptance of Terms:

Acceptance of a state Purchase Order (PO) for any units affiliated with this purchase constitutes acceptance of, and agreement with, all of the general and specific requirements and stipulations listed in this boiler plate, and in the attached equipment specification(s); including all penalties mentioned.


Units bid for this purchase must be new (unused), current production models that require no manufacturer or dealership modifications. Units may be sold, prepared, and delivered to WSDOT, or a designated agent, only by a dealer who is factory franchised for the specific makes and models of equipment offered.

All accessories and features listed herein shall be those supplied by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Any accessories, features, or operational performance required by FMVSS, Washington State Motor Vehicle Laws, OSHA or WISHA laws or mandates, that apply to the equipment being bid, shall be provided by the manufacturer. All units associated with this purchase shall be of the same design and quality as those sold through normal retail channels; and they shall possess the latest technology, accessories, and features offered on standard retail unit; whether or not they are called for in the following specifications.

Specification Clarification and Changes:

Clarification for any item in these specifications may be obtained from the Office of State Procurement, (OSP) at (360) 902-7422.

The equipment specification(s) for this purchase are official state documents that carry far reaching ethical and legal implications. Therefore, after a purchase order is awarded to a successful bidder, there shall be no deviations from any requirements stated in the published equipment specification(s) during the manufacturing or assembly process of the units offered, without prior approval from the WSDOT Equipment Manager, and an official purchase order change issued by the OSP. Failure to comply with this requirement constitutes breach of contract; and may be grounds for order cancellation, without re-stocking fees or damages to WSDOT.

Equipment Demonstrations:

Prior to award of a purchase order, bidders may be required to present an offered unit for demonstration of its performance and capability. Such demonstrations must be conducted within seven calendar days after notification.

Equipment Specification Compliance Inspections; Delivery; and Acceptance:

To minimize time involvement and transportation costs to resolve equipment non-compliance issues, WSDOT will conduct specification compliance inspections at the supplier’s location prior to equipment delivery. Suppliers must contact the WSDOT Equipment Administration Office, at (360) 705-7869, to arrange for compliance inspections. To allow for a reasonable reaction time, this notification must be at least 5 working days prior to a desired inspection date.

Equipment suppliers are responsible for ensuring that all units are job ready and comply with all of the requirements listed in the boilerplate and specification(s) of this purchase, prior to a compliance inspection. This includes presenting the following documentation for each unit during the inspection:

1. The manufacturer’s line production sheet reflecting the equipment serial numbers, and listing all of the unit’s components

2. Completed Invoice

3. The Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin (MSO)

4. Axle weight slips (for all units with axles)

5. The title application reflecting both the legal and registered owner as:

Washington State Department of Transportation

Olympia, Washington 98504-7357

When equipment fails to meet a compliance inspection, the supplier hereby agrees to reimburse WSDOT for any travel, per diem, and labor costs associated with all necessary re-inspection(s). Such reimbursement shall be deducted from the invoiced amount at final payment.

Equipment shall not be delivered to a WSDOT location until this inspection has successfully occurred, and a signed copy of the WSDOT specification compliance worksheet has been issued to the supplier. Failure to comply with this specific requirement constitutes breach of contract; and may be grounds for order cancellation, without re-stocking fees or damages to WSDOT; or suspension from the state bidders list.

After a unit successfully passes a compliance inspection, it may be delivered to WSDOT facilities between the hours of 7:00 am and 3:00 pm -- Monday through Friday. Deliveries shall not occur during other hours; or on weekends; or on recognized state and federal holidays. Suppliers must notify the phone number annotated in the ship to block of the purchase order at least 24 clock hours prior to equipment delivery, to ensure that a WSDOT employee is available to sign and date the delivery acceptance of the unit(s). Equipment left at a WSDOT facility without being signed for by an appropriate employee, will not be considered accepted by WSDOT; and WSDOT will not accept responsibility for the safeguard of such equipment. Failure to comply with this requirement constitutes breach of contract; and may be grounds for suspension from the state bidders list.

Late Delivery Penalty:

Receiving new units within the fiscal year for which they are funded is critical to government agencies. Therefore, WSDOT reserves the right to accept or reject bids based solely upon the bid delivery date.

A late delivery penalty of two tenths of one percent (0.002) shall be levied against the bid price of each individual unit, for each normal workday beyond the delivery date reflected on the awarded Purchase Order. Late penalties shall stop upon delivery acceptance annotated on the previous page of this document. WSDOT shall deduct such late delivery penalties from the invoiced amount, when making payment. Officially recognized state and federal holidays shall not be considered normal workdays. Suppliers may not be held responsible for Force Majeure delays; providing the OSP procurement administrator is notified in writing within 10 calendar days after the Force Majeure event. The OSP Procurement Administrator is responsible for consulting the WSDOT Fleet & Equipment Manager on such events; and the WSDOT Fleet & Equipment Manager has the sole prerogative of determining if events fall into the category of Force Majeure.

For sensible reasons, suppliers may request relief of late penalty fees by contacting the WSDOT Fleet & Equipment Manger in writing. Under no circumstances may any other person excuse late delivery penalty.

Warranty Services and Performance:

Equipment suppliers must provide technical support and reasonable equipment modifications for a period of 90 calendar days after the unit is reported as in service, to ensure that the purchased equipment is capable of performing the specified operational functions.

Bidders must include the factory warranty, which shall cover 100% parts and labor for the entire unit offered. This warranty must be honored at any factory-franchised dealership.

Warranty coverage will not commence until the date the completed unit is put into service as reported by WSDOT; or 30 days after final payment for the unit(s); whichever occurs first.

The equipment supplier must be capable of providing repair parts and supplies support for a period of at least 10 years after the purchase of the unit(s) offered.

The equipment supplier must initiate physical repairs on equipment failures within 72 consecutive hours after notification, during the purchased equipment’s warranty period.

Suppliers shall incur all costs associated with warranty work for units obtained from this purchase, during the warranty period; this includes the transport of units that are disabled due to the failure of a warranted item.

Suppliers may authorize WSDOT to accomplish warranty repairs upon request; however, the supplier also agrees to wholly reimburse WSDOT for parts, materials, labor, and travel costs incurred in the accomplishment of such warranty repairs. The billing document for warranty work performed by WSDOT shall be based upon a WSDOT shop service work order for claims reimbursement.

WSDOT may levy charges equal to damages incurred as a result of non-compliance with any of the requirements in this Warranty Services and Performance section. These damages may include such things as lost productivity, and penalties levied on WSDOT by a third party.


Equipment suppliers shall provide one session of operator training per unit purchased; and one session of mechanic training per unit purchased. The session will include, but not limited to, the training items listed below.

Operator training will be designed to familiarize personnel with operating characteristics and operator checks of the new equipment. This will include teaching operators shifting, acceleration, and braking techniques to maximize operational effectiveness of the unit's power train configuration.

Mechanic training shall be designed to familiarize service and repair technicians with service checks and techniques, adjustments, and any unique requirements associated with the entire unit.

All training is to be scheduled, and coordinated by the WSDOT, ship to addressee.

Training sessions shall be conducted by qualified individuals only. "Qualified" means that the trainer must have a high level of knowledge and experience relating to the type of equipment offered or purchased:

a) Persons conducting the operator sessions must have a minimum of one (1) year of experience in actually operating the units offered.

b) Persons conducting mechanic training must have at least one (1) year of experience in the performance of preventive maintenance and repair on the units offered.

Training sessions will be evaluated by the agency Equipment Training Manager, who shall determine weather or not the training was adequate. If the training is deemed inadequate, the supplier agrees to conduct additional training sessions, at no cost, to satisfy the requirement.

| 0702 |Truck; Manlift; 54 Foot; with out Lift Pedestal |

|Specification Requirements | |Check | |Describe Offered Alternatives |

| | |If Meet or | | |

| | |Exceed | | |

|General: | | | | |

|1. This specification intends to describe the Department of | | | | |

|Transportation’s requirements for a manlift with service body. | | | | |

|2. The service body shall be the manufacturers standard, galvanized, service| | | | |

|body, meeting these specifications. | | | | |

|3. Bidders shall provide a detailed measured drawing of the unit bid, to | | | | |

|include all compartment dimensions, and a weight distribution analysis. | | | | |

|Trade-In: | | | | |

|The department desires to trade-in the aged unit(s) being replaced; | | | | |

|therefore, a trade-in offer is required for this purchase. | | | |NO TRADE OFFERED WITH BID |

|If WSDOT elects to accept trade-in offers, a Best Buy evaluation method will| | | | |

|be used to determine the purchase; whereas both the bid price and the | | | | |

|trade-in offer will be taken into consideration to determine the overall | | | | |

|best purchase for the state taxpayers. If the trade-in offer is not | | | | |

|acceptable, only the bid price will be considered. | | | | |

|If a trade-in offer is accepted, the successful bidder agrees to | | | | |

|Invoice WSDOT for the full purchase amount of the new unit(s). Trade-in | | | | |

|amounts will not be deducted. | | | | |

|Coordinate with WSDOT headquarters to arrange for trade-in pickup. The | | | | |

|correct phone number is 360-705-7869 | | | | |

|Pay an invoice for the agreed upon trade-in amount(s) which will be issued | | | | |

|by WSDOT headquarters after pick up arrangements have been finalized | | | | |

|Note: Payment of this invoice will be made to WSDOT headquarters, as | | | | |

|directed by the invoice | | | | |

|II. Chassis, Load capacity and Measurements: | | | | |

|The Chassis load rating shall be 36,000 lbs (GVWR). | | | | |

|Shall have a set forward front axle. | | | | |

|Body vender shall determine wheel Base. | | | | |

|Body vender shall determine cab to Axle (CA). | | | | |

|III. Frame: | | | | |

|The entire length of the frame rails shall be full depth. | | | | |

|Both frame rails, from front to rear, shall be constructed with 110,000 psi | | | | |

|steel, with a section modulus of 30.00 and an RBM of 3,300,000 in. lbs. | | | | |

|The section modulus at the engine cut outs shall be at least 18.00, with an | | | | |

|RBM of 2,000,000. | | | | |

|There shall be no holes or bolts in the top flange of the frame rails, from | | | | |

|the back of the cab to the trunnion. | | | | |

|Cross-members shall not be riveted to the frame rails, however cross-member | | | | |

|components may be riveted to form a cross-member assembly. | | | | |

|Shall have a steel front bumper, with two front tow loops or hooks | | | | |

|accessible through the bumper. | | | | |

|IV. Cab and Related Equipment: | | | | |

|Shall be a manufacturer’s standard cab with at least 21 inches of clear | | | | |

|space between the driver and passenger seat. | | | | |

|Hood and fenders shall tilt forward to a stable position and allow full and | | | | |

|unrestricted access to the engine compartment. | | | | |

|There shall be a stone guard, mounted behind the grill to protect the | | | | |

|radiator. | | | | |

|The unit shall be equipped with the following: | | | | |

|Engine voltmeter | | | | |

|Engine oil pressure gauge. | | | | |

|Tachometer, and Hour-meter. | | | | |

|Engine coolant temperature gauge. | | | | |

|High output heater w/fresh air selection. The heater shall have a BTU | | | | |

|rating of at least 30,000. | | | | |

|Sun visors for both driver and passenger. | | | | |

|Factory installed air conditioning. | | | | |

|Visual and audible low oil pressure / high coolant temperature warning | | | | |

|system. | | | | |

|Dual, heated 6 x 16 inch rearview mirrors. The passenger side mirror shall | | | | |

|be motorized. The mirrors shall be equipped with a 10-inch convex spot | | | | |

|mirror. | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with an air horn. | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with cowl mounted, electric, intermittent, windshield | | | | |

|wipers, to include a HD wiper motor(s). | | | | |

|The wiper linkage shall be a heavy-duty formed linkage. Pressed steel | | | | |

|linkage is not acceptable. | | | | |

|The cab noise level shall not exceed 84 dB (A) inside the cab with windows | | | | |

|closed, measured at 1800 RPM and at normal road speed. | | | | |

|The cab interior package shall be an International Premium package. This | | | | |

|includes, increased insulation on the floor, and the engine cover. | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with left and right egress / ingress assist handles. | | | | |

|13. 3. Shall be equipped with an AM/FM Radio. | | | | |

|V. Radio Installation: | | | | |

|The cab shall be outfitted with a header pocket to accommodate an EF Johnson| | | | |

|radio. (Part # 242-97-55-111.) The measurements of the radio are as | | | | |

|follows: | | | | |

|Width 7 3/16 inches. | | | | |

|Length 8 5/16 inches. | | | | |

|Thickness 2 1/8 inches. | | | | |

|The radio shall be located in a manner that allows the operator to read the | | | | |

|LCD without detracting from road visibility. The radio shall be accessible | | | | |

|by the operator and be within arms reach of an average person. | | | | |

|When installed; the face of the radio shall not extend further than one inch| | | | |

|out of the pocket. | | | | |

| Note: WSDOT will loan an EF Johnson radio to the successful bidder, | | | | |

|as a production aid. | | | | |

|Within the radio pocket, there shall be a factory-installed radio-mounting | | | | |

|bracket, which will accept the EF Johnson radio. The radio shall have the | | | | |

|ability to be removed and re-installed without removing the header panel. | | | | |

|To the left of the radio pocket, a microphone-mounting clip shall be | | | | |

|installed. | | | | |

|On the exterior of the cab roof, there shall be a factory installed Larson | | | | |

|NMO-K-DS-FME antenna base. The specific mounting location shall provide the | | | | |

|antenna with at least 18 inches of clear area around the antenna base and at| | | | |

|the tip of the antenna when a body cab shield is used. | | | | |

|The roof mount antenna base shall be sealed and capped with a protective | | | | |

|cover for shipping. | | | | |

|The antenna cable shall extend to the radio pocket, and extend at least six | | | | |

|inches outside of the radio pocket. | | | | |

|Above the rear window and centered in the cab, shall be a factory installed | | | | |

|and functional two-way radio speaker for the EF J radio. | | | | |

|There shall be a labeled, dedicated, and fused, 15-amp constant duty circuit| | | | |

|for the EFJ Radio. This circuit shall run directly from a battery power | | | | |

|source. At the same location, there shall be a labeled 3 amp fused circuit.| | | | |

|This circuit shall be switched at the ignition switch, and shall operate in | | | | |

|the run or accessory positions. | | | | |

|Connected to the 15amp EFJ circuit shall be a power wire. (EFJ Part# | | | | |

|023-9750-010 or equal) This wire shall extend up to the header with no | | | | |

|splices, and extend at least six inches outside of the pocket. | | | | |

|Connected to the 3 amp EFJ circuit shall be a sense wire. (EFJ Part # | | | | |

|023-9750-011 or equal) This wire shall extend up to the header, with no | | | | |

|splices and extend at least six inches outside of the pocket | | | | |

|VI. Seats | | | | |

|Driver’s seat shall be a cloth covered high back National air ride seat. | | | | |

|Passenger seat shall be a cloth covered high back National high back, | | | | |

|non-suspension. | | | | |

|Both seats shall have compatible; three point type seat belts with shoulder | | | | |

|strap, and retractors. | | | | |

|VII. Fuel Tank: | | | | |

|Shall have a 70 gallon fuel tank | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with two non-skid, raised expanded metal steps. | | | | |

|Shall not extend more than 6 inches past the back of the cab. | | | | |

| VIII. Electrical & Lighting Systems: | | | | |

| Note: All chassis lighting shall be conventional lighting (International | | | | |

|lighting is not acceptable). | | | | |

|Shall be a 12-volt system. | | | | |

|Batteries shall have at least 1,950 cold cranking amps (CCA) and be | | | | |

|maintenance-free. | | | | |

|The battery box cover shall be constructed of a non-metallic reinforced | | | | |

|material. The batteries shall rest in a plastic tray. | | | | |

|The battery box shall be mounted as per the body vendor location. | | | | |

|All cable ends shall be sealed, and equipped with rubber retainers and | | | | |

|covers. | | | | |

|Shall have a, six-position switch panel with the following. They shall | | | | |

|operate from the ignition switch in both run and accessory positions, and | | | | |

|all switches shall be on/off | | | | |

|Automatic circuit protection | | | | |

|Back lit, and labeled rocker panel switches | | | | |

|First switch (Strobe) | | | | |

|Second switch (Work Light) | | | | |

|Third switch (Alt. Flash) | | | | |

|The fourth, fifth and sixth switch are powered and not labeled | | | | |

| 7. Bidder must ensure that the control panel on all equipment associated | | | | |

|with this purchase, are wired and labeled uniformly. | | | | |

| 8. A round 7-conductor, cable shall be wired to the rear of the | | | | |

|chassis and terminate into a standard 7 pole trailer connector with ABS. | | | | |

|(Conventional Wiring) | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with halogen headlamps. | | | | |

| 10. Supplier splices into the factory wiring harness is unacceptable and | | | | |

|may be grounds for bid rejection. | | | | |

|IX. Engine: | | | | |

|Shall be powered by a DT530E developing 275 H.P. at 2000-2200 RPM and 800 | | | | |

|ft. lbs. of torque at 1200 RPM | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with an exhaust brake. | | | | |

|Electronic engine controls shall have the following settings: | | | | |

|Maximum road speed to be 65 mph. | | | | |

|Cruise control speed to be 60 mph. | | | | |

|Automatic Idle shut down to be 10 minutes. | | | | |

|Idle, Set 650, Resume 1,000. | | | | |

|Shall have idle bump up/down feature. | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with 1250 watt 110 volt block heater, with the plug-in | | | | |

|receptacle located on the left side under the driver’s door. | | | | |

|X. Air Cleaner | | | | |

|1. Shall be dual element, dry-type, with fresh air intake. | | | | |

|2. A vacuum, needle gauge restriction indicator shall be mounted on the | | | | |

|dash; and it must indicate restriction for both elements. | | | | |

|3. The air cleaner lid shall have release latches or thumbscrews for quick| | | | |

|and easy access to the air cleaner. | | | | |

|XI. Engine Cooling System: | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with a temperature controlled, air clutch fan drive | | | | |

|Radiator shall be a cross flow, copper core, with deaeration system and | | | | |

|coolant filter. | | | | |

|Antifreeze protection shall be at least -35 (. | | | | |

|XII. Engine Exhaust System: | | | | |

|Shall be a single horizontal muffler and vertical pipe. | | | | |

|The end of the exhaust pipe shall have a 45-degree tip out, positioned 118 | | | | |

|inches from the ground to the highest point of the tip out when the truck is| | | | |

|empty. | | | | |

|XIII. Transmission | | | | |

| Shall be an Allison MD3560 six speed. | | | | |

|XIV. Steering System: | | | | |

|Shall have a dual Shepherd power steering system. | | | | |

|Steering wheel shall be 18 inches in diameter. | | | | |

|Steering column shall be fully adjustable. | | | | |

|XVI. Axles and Suspension: | | | | |

|Front Axle shall be 16,000 lbs. with Stemco-type seals and grit guards, and | | | | |

|heavy-duty double acting shock absorbers. | | | | |

|Rear Axle shall have a 23,000-pound rear axle with a 31,000 lbs. rear | | | | |

|suspension and 4.500 lbs. multi-leaf auxiliary springs. | | | | |

|The rear axle shall have a gear ratio to allow 65-mph. | | | | |

|XVII. Wheels and Tires: | | | | |

|Front wheels shall be Hub Pilot with 385/65R 22.5 LRJ steel belted Goodyear | | | | |

|tubeless tires. | | | | |

|Rear wheels shall be Hub Pilot with Goodyear G164 RTD 11 R 22.5 LRG steel | | | | |

|belted tires. The center hub shall have a thickness of at least .472 inches.| | | | |

|XVIII. Brake System: | | | | |

|Shall be a Bendix anti-lock series air braking system. | | | | |

|Shall have self-adjusting “S” cam air brakes front and rear, with shields | | | | |

|installed. | | | | |

|Shall have outboard mounted brake drums, with 16 ½ x 6-inch front drums and | | | | |

|16 ½ X 7 rear drums. | | | | |

|All brake blocks shall be non-asbestos. | | | | |

|Shall have 30 sq. In. MGM TR-T series rear brake chambers, and the chambers | | | | |

|shall be tilted in the upward position for paver operations. | | | | |

|Shall have at least 13 C.F.M. air compressors, with intake plumbed to the | | | | |

|filtered side of the air cleaner. | | | | |

|Shall have the Rockwell Wabco System Saver 1200 air dryer. | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with all required items for trailer air brakes to include | | | | |

|a hand protection valve and glad hands. | | | | |

|Air tanks shall be mounted below the cab. | | | | |

| | | | | |

|XVI11 Aerial | | | | |

|Height to bottom of bucket: 49 ft. | | | | |

|Working height: 54 ft. | | | | |

|Horizontal reach from centerline: 36 ft. | | | | |

|XVIIII. Stability: | | | | |

| Minimum tipping load with outriggers deployed and at full reach: | | | | |

|Level ground - 900 lbs. | | | | |

|5 Degree slope - 800 lbs. | | | | |

|Completed unit shall be stability tested per ANSI A 92.2 specifications. | | | | |

|XX. Hydraulic System: | | | | |

|Hydraulic pump shall deliver 6 GPM at 2000 PSI. | | | | |

|Equipped with two-speed engine throttle at bucket and outrigger controls. | | | | |

|Oil reservoir shall be an integral part of pedestal and include filler cap | | | | |

|and strainer and be designed for adequate cooling when operating hydraulic | | | | |

|tools. | | | | |

|The equipment shall be provided with a Hot Shift PTO system with in cab air | | | | |

|controls. | | | | |

|Upper Controls: Single lever pistol grip type of control handle, to control| | | | |

|rotation, outer boom elevation and extension. Lower boom, basket rotation | | | | |

|to be on separate levers. | | | | |

|Lower Controls: Conventional handle control levers at pedestal that will | | | | |

|over-ride the upper controls. | | | | |

|One (1)-air line at basket. | | | | |

|Emergency 12-volt hydraulic system for operation if main system | | | | |

|malfunctions. | | | | |

|XXI. Mechanical System: | | | | |

|Boom unit shall be non-over-center, articulated aerial device with | | | | |

|telescoping upper boom. | | | | |

|Boom unit shall be mounted with booms positioned over truck cab and platform| | | | |

|to rear of the truck chassis in the stowed position | | | | |

|3. XXII. Pedestal: | | | | |

| Pedestal shall be of welded steel construction with access covers for| | | | |

|easy maintenance. | | | | |

|XXIII. Turntable: | | | | |

|Turntable shall be rotated by hydraulic motor. | | | | |

|Shear-ball rotation bearing shall provide 360 degrees continuous rotation. | | | | |

|XXIV. Outrigger: | | | | |

|Two (2) sets of outriggers shall be bolted or welded to the pedestal and to | | | | |

|sub frame under the truck. | | | | |

|Main and rear outriggers to be a modified “A” frame with a 120 inch spread. | | | | |

|Cylinders shall be equipped with pilot operated check valve and internal | | | | |

|thermal relief valves. | | | | |

|Outrigger controls shall be at rear left and right corners of body. | | | | |

|XXV. Upper Boom: | | | | |

|Fiberglass boom constructed of molded reinforced polyester resin. To be one| | | | |

|piece filament wound multi-layers of fiberglass and high impact strength | | | | |

|polyester resins with polyurethane paint finish. | | | | |

|Net insulation gap of 24.6” in fully retracted position. | | | | |

|Boom travel from- 15 degrees to +75 degrees | | | | |

|Secured to boom rest via belt clamp. | | | | |

|Shall be dielectrically protected for category C under current ANSI | | | | |

|A92.2-2001 standards. | | | | |

|XXVI. Lower Boom: | | | | |

|Boom travel arc is to be 0 degrees to +85 degrees vertical. | | | | |

|Boom to be constructed of steel with a fiberglass section to provide a 18 | | | | |

|inch insulation gap. | | | | |

|3. XXVII. Platform & Leveling of Platform: | | | | |

|Bucket size shall be a rectangular two-man bucket, 24” x 48”, all fiberglass| | | | |

|end mounted. Vinyl cover to be provided. | | | | |

|Platform rated capacity minimum 600 lbs. | | | | |

|Bucket to be hydraulically rotated 180 degrees around the boom tip. | | | | |

|XXVIII. Jib: | | | | |

|Removable 1,000 lb. capacity material handling jib. | | | | |

|Automatically levels with platform. | | | | |

|Manually adjustable jib pole to tilt in 10-degree increments from horizontal| | | | |

|to a maximum of 50 degrees above horizontal. | | | | |

|Jib pole length adjustable for 35” to 42”. | | | | |

|The Jib shall be rotateable on either side of boom at 30 degrees and 90 | | | | |

|degrees. | | | | |

|XXVIIII. Winch: | | | | |

|Hydraulic powered and self-locking through a worm gear drive. | | | | |

|Rope 70’ of 1/2 “ diameter polyester rope. | | | | |

|XXX. Service Body: | | | | |

|Shall be a line maintenance body. | | | | |

|Overall width approximately 96", height approximately 48", inside width | | | | |

|approximately 58", and length approximately 138", plus bumper and tail | | | | |

|shelf. | | | | |

|Body to be constructed from galvanized steel. | | | | |

|Bin doors shall be double panel. | | | | |

|Undercoating of the entire underside of the unit is required. | | | | |

|All bin dimensions are approximate. Bidders must state exact sizes being | | | | |

|offered and attach the addendum sheet to the bid. | | | | |

|All bins shall have watertight doors with drip moldings above and drain | | | | |

|holes with plugs in compartment bottoms. | | | | |

|Latches shall have protection on the inside to prevent loose objects from | | | | |

|jamming mechanism. | | | | |

|All latches shall be “D” ring twist and keyed alike. Slam type latches are | | | | |

|unacceptable. | | | | |

|XXXI. Streetside & Curbside Compartments: | | | | |

|All compartments shall be lighted with a Vista Track Lighting System. The | | | | |

|lighting switch shall be cab controlled to include individual door switches | | | | |

|on each door. | | | | |

|The toolboxes on the curbside of the body from front to rear shall consist | | | | |

|of one vertical cabinet; walk through, one vertical, one horizontal, and one| | | | |

|vertical. The street side compartments shall consist of 3 vertical, one | | | | |

|horizontal, and one vertical. | | | | |

|All vertical cabinets shall measure approximately 20 inches in width and 47 | | | | |

|inches in height. | | | | |

|All horizontal cabinets shall measure approximately 58 inches in length and | | | | |

|24 inches in width. | | | | |

|All vertical cabinets shall have three removable and adjustable shelves with| | | | |

|dividers on 4-inch centers. | | | | |

|Shall have 4 hooks on all rear vertical compartments. Additionally there | | | | |

|shall also be 4 hooks located on the curbside front vertical compartment. | | | | |

|All horizontal cabinets shall have one fixed shelf running full length of | | | | |

|the cabinet. | | | | |

|Mounted on top of the Street-side compartments shall be a full length | | | | |

|expanded metal storage bin with open top. Under this storage bin shall be | | | | |

|an additional storage bin for a telescoping ladder. | | | | |

|The unit shall be equipped with a 24" tail shelf with a removable pipe vise | | | | |

|located on the curbside of the unit. The tail shelf shall have access doors | | | | |

|on each end and the entire tail shelf shall be a through pocket. | | | | |

|XXXII. Misc. Items: | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with an 8" Rear Step Bumper of minimum 5" structural | | | | |

|channel, grip strut top surface reinforced for towing with Class III | | | | |

|Receiver. | | | | |

|Provide outrigger pad storage under bins, one each side convenient to | | | | |

|outriggers. Bidder shall provide outrigger pads. | | | | |

|Furnish and install a 10 lbs fire extinguisher on streetside, forward face | | | | |

|of body. | | | | |

|Furnish and install mud flaps. | | | | |

|Provide (4) integral wheel chock storage under horizontal compartment | | | | |

|adjacent/ attached to rear wheels. Contractor to supply (4) wheel chocks. | | | | |

|Curbside forward chock block holder to have a receiver to accept a removable| | | | |

|pipe support bracket (for holding long conduit when using pipe vise). | | | | |

|Access stairway entrance to bed shall have angles to retain a 20" x 20" | | | | |

|plywood “slip in door.” Angles shall be provided aft of stairway inside bed | | | | |

|to store door when not in use. | | | | |

|Place grab handles convenient to steps. | | | | |

|Furnish and install cone holder on front and rear bumpers. | | | | |

|XXXIII. Electrical: | | | | |

|Furnish and install all legal lights and reflectors for body and rear of | | | | |

|chassis. | | | | |

|Light fixtures to be Trucklite hermetically sealed units. | | | | |

|All attachment wiring is to be protected by using the Wired Rite System. | | | | |

|Marker, license plate, and backup lights wiring shall be shielded. | | | | |

|Two cab controlled amber rotating lights shall be located on posts at front | | | | |

|of body so as to be visible from front and rear. The control switch will | | | | |

|have a flashing red warning light and located next to outrigger warning | | | | |

|light. Both lights shall be clearly labeled. | | | | |

|XXX. Service Body: | | | | |

|Shall be a line maintenance body. | | | | |

|Overall width approximately 96", height approximately 48", inside width | | | | |

|approximately 58", and length approximately 138", plus bumper and tail | | | | |

|shelf. | | | | |

|Body to be constructed from galvanized steel. | | | | |

|Bin doors shall be double panel. | | | | |

|Undercoating of the entire underside of the unit is required. | | | | |

|All bin dimensions are approximate. Bidders must state exact sizes being | | | | |

|offered and attach the addendum sheet to the bid. | | | | |

|All bins shall have watertight doors with drip moldings above and drain | | | | |

|holes with plugs in compartment bottoms. | | | | |

|Latches shall have protection on the inside to prevent loose objects from | | | | |

|jamming mechanism. | | | | |

|All latches shall be “D” ring twist and keyed alike. Slam type latches are | | | | |

|unacceptable. | | | | |

|XXXI. Streetside & Curbside Compartments: | | | | |

|All compartments shall be lighted with a Vista Track Lighting System. The | | | | |

|lighting switch shall be cab controlled to include individual door switches | | | | |

|on each door. | | | | |

|The toolboxes on the curbside of the body from front to rear shall consist | | | | |

|of one vertical cabinet; walk through, one vertical, one horizontal, and one| | | | |

|vertical. The street side compartments shall consist of 3 vertical, one | | | | |

|horizontal, and one vertical. | | | | |

|All vertical cabinets shall measure approximately 20 inches in width and 47 | | | | |

|inches in height. | | | | |

|All horizontal cabinets shall measure approximately 58 inches in length and | | | | |

|24 inches in width. | | | | |

|All vertical cabinets shall have three removable and adjustable shelves with| | | | |

|dividers on 4-inch centers. | | | | |

|Shall have 4 hooks on all rear vertical compartments. Additionally there | | | | |

|shall also be 4 hooks located on the curbside front vertical compartment. | | | | |

|All horizontal cabinets shall have one fixed shelf running full length of | | | | |

|the cabinet. | | | | |

|Mounted on top of the Street-side compartments shall be a full length | | | | |

|expanded metal storage bin with open top. Under this storage bin shall be | | | | |

|an additional storage bin for a telescoping ladder. | | | | |

|The unit shall be equipped with a 24" tail shelf with a removable pipe vise | | | | |

|located on the curbside of the unit. The tail shelf shall have access doors | | | | |

|on each end and the entire tail shelf shall be a through pocket. | | | | |

|XXXII. Misc. Items: | | | | |

|Shall be equipped with an 8" Rear Step Bumper of minimum 5" structural | | | | |

|channel, grip strut top surface reinforced for towing with Class III | | | | |

|Receiver. | | | | |

|Provide outrigger pad storage under bins, one each side convenient to | | | | |

|outriggers. Bidder shall provide outrigger pads. | | | | |

|Furnish and install a 10 lbs fire extinguisher on streetside, forward face | | | | |

|of body. | | | | |

|Furnish and install mud flaps. | | | | |

|Provide (4) integral wheel chock storage under horizontal compartment | | | | |

|adjacent/ attached to rear wheels. Contractor to supply (4) wheel chocks. | | | | |

|Curbside forward chock block holder to have a receiver to accept a removable| | | | |

|pipe support bracket (for holding long conduit when using pipe vise). | | | | |

|Access stairway entrance to bed shall have angles to retain a 20" x 20" | | | | |

|plywood “slip in door.” Angles shall be provided aft of stairway inside bed | | | | |

|to store door when not in use. | | | | |

|Place grab handles convenient to steps. | | | | |

|XXXI. Safety: | | | | |

| Unit shall comply with all prevailing provisions of the current ANSI, OSHA,| | | | |

|and WISHA standards. | | | | |

|XXXII. Electrical: | | | | |

|1. Furnish and install all legal lights and reflectors for body and rear | | | | |

|of chassis. | | | | |

|2. All attachment wiring is to be protected by using the Wired Rite | | | | |

|System. | | | | |

|3. Marker, license plate, and backup lights are to be shielded. | | | | |

|4. Shall have a Honda EX 5000 watt electric start generator located on | | | | |

|the street side tail shelf. | | | | |

|5. Two amber rotating lights shall be located on posts at front of body | | | | |

|so as to be visible from front and rear. Switch with a red warning light | | | | |

|shall be located on vehicle dash next to outrigger warning light. Both | | | | |

|lights shall be clearly labeled. | | | | |

|XXXIII. Exterior Finish: | | | | |

| WSDOT expects professional workmanship on all products purchased. | | | | |

|With this in mind, the following finishing requirements will be closely | | | | |

|scrutinized during the specification compliance inspection. | | | | |

|1. There shall be no welding scale, roughness, sharp corners; or rust | | | | |

|stains on the unit. | | | | |

|2. The unit shall be coated with 2 mils dry automotive quality primers,| | | | |

|with an additional base coat/clear coat of Sikkens (4039) or DuPont (7044) | | | | |

|National Safety Yellow. | | | | |

|3. The body paint shall be warranted against rust and corrosion for | | | | |

|five years. | | | | |

|4. The body floor, tail shelf, and compartment tops will be painted | | | | |

|with a black, non-skid material to include a 5-year warranty against | | | | |

|peeling. | | | | |

|5. Each cab door shall be equipped with the WSDOT decals. The | | | | |

|successful bidder will notify Billboard Signs at 206-300-7300 for all | | | | |

|decaling pertaining to this unit. All of the decaling will be complete | | | | |

|prior to the compliance inspection. The decaling will be invoiced to WSDOT | | | | |

|by the installer. | | | | |

|XXXIII. Publications: | | | | |

|1. Each unit shall be delivered with an operator’s manual. | | | | |

|2. Bidders shall provide the Service, and Parts Manuals for this unit,| | | | |

|as annotated below. | | | | |

|1 Parts Manual | | | | |

|1 Service Manual | | | | |


|Req. |Comm. Code |Description |Qty |Unit |Unit Price |Total Price |

|Item | | | | | | |

| |2325 |Truck Manlift, 54 foot Without Pedestal. Refer to Section III, |1 |EA |$ |$ |

| | |Specifications. | | | | |

| | |Product Bid: | | | | |

| | |Mfg.: __________________________ | | | | |

| | |Brand/Model: ___________________ | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|+Total |$ |

Other Recommended Options (At Dealer Cost):

Bidders may submit other recommended options via separate cover letter that would normally be available for use with this vehicle. The State reserves the right to approve/delete any/all options.




In conjunction with Part Two, Competitive Procurement Standards, Section III, Clause #28, the award of this contract will be based upon the lowest total cost to the state and the prices submitted for bid evaluation in Section III on an “All or None” basis with consideration given to responsiveness to bid specifications, prompt payment discounts and other statutory requirements. The state intents to award to a single bidder. Options not included in evaluation.

For cost evaluation purposes, the lowest unit price bid (as identified by the bidder) will be utilized to determine “lowest cost”.


Item 1- Estimated Quantity X Cost = Lowest Total Cost


To aid in the evaluation process, after bid opening, the state may require individual bidders to appear at a date, time and place determined by the state for the purpose of conducting discussions to determine whether both parties have a full and complete understanding of the nature and scope of contractual requirements. In no manner shall such action be construed as negotiations or an indication of the state’s intention to award.



The contractor shall maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, all relevant records pertaining to this contract. This shall include, but not be limited to, all records pertaining to actual contract performance from the date of contract award. It shall also include information necessary to document the level of utilization of MWBE’s and other businesses as subcontractors and suppliers in this contract as well as any efforts the contractor makes to increase the participation of MWBE’s. The contractor shall also maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, a record of all quotes, bids, estimates, or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to participate as subcontractors or suppliers in this contract. The State shall have the right to inspect and copy such records. If this contract involves federal funds, Contractor shall comply with all record keeping requirements set forth in any federal rules, regulations, or statutes included or referenced in the contract documents.


The contractor(s) must provide the following report(s) to Office of State Procurement.

Sales and Subcontractor Report:

A quarterly Sales and Subcontractor Report (attached) shall be submitted in the format provided by the Office of State Procurement. You can get the report electronically at . Total purchases for each State Agency, University, Community and Technical Colleges must be shown separately. Total purchases for all political subdivisions and non-profit organizations may be summarized as one customer. Additionally, all purchases by the State of Oregon or other purchasers must be reported as an aggregate total.

The report shall include sales information (Section A) and amounts paid to each subcontractor during the reporting period (Section B).

Reports should be rounded to nearest dollar. Contractors will be provided with all necessary sample forms, instructions, and lists. Reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar quarter, i.e., April 30th, July 31st, October 31st and January 31st.



A. General Requirements: Contractor shall, at their own expense, obtain and keep in force insurance as follows until completion of the contract. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notice of award, the Contractor shall furnish evidence in the form of a Certificate of Insurance satisfactory to the state that insurance, in the following kinds and minimum amounts has been secured. Failure to provide proof of insurance, as required, will result in contract cancellation.

Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under all required insurance policies, or shall furnish separate Certificates of Insurance and endorsements for each subcontractor. Subcontractor(s) must comply fully with all insurance requirements stated herein. Failure of subcontractor(s) to comply with insurance requirements does not limit Contractor’s liability or responsibility.

All insurance provided in compliance with this contract shall be primary as to any other insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to or maintained by State.

B. Specific Requirements:

1. Employers Liability (Stop Gap): The Contractor will at all times comply with all applicable workers’ compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable and will maintain Employers Liability insurance with a limit of no less than $1,000,000.00. The state will not be held responsible in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees for services performed under the terms of this contract.

2. Commercial General Liability Insurance: The Contractor shall at all times during the term of this contract, carry and maintain commercial general liability insurance and if necessary, commercial umbrella insurance for bodily injury and property damage arising out of services provided under this contract. This insurance shall cover such claims as may be caused by any act, omission, or negligence of the Contractor or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns, or servants.

The insurance shall also cover bodily injury, including disease, illness, and death and property damage arising out of the Contractor’s premises/operations, independent contractors, products/completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and contractual liability (including the tort liability of another assumed in a business contract), and contain separation of insureds (cross liability) conditions.

Contractor waives all rights against the State for the recovery of damages to the extent they are covered by general liability or umbrella insurance.

The limits of liability insurance shall not be less than as follows:

|General Aggregate Limits (other than products-completed operations) |$2,000,000 |

|Products-Completed Operations Aggregate |$2,000,000 |

|Personal and Advertising Injury Aggregate |$1,000,000 |

|Each Occurrence (applies to all of the above) |$1,000,000 |

|Fire Damage Limit (per occurrence) |$ 50,000 |

|Medical Expense Limit (any one person) |$ 5,000 |

3. Business Auto Policy (BAP): In the event that services delivered pursuant to this contract involve the use of vehicles, or the transportation of clients, automobile liability insurance shall be required. The coverage provided shall protect against claims for bodily injury, including illness, disease and death; and property damage caused by an occurrence arising out of or in consequence of the performance of this service by the Contractor, subcontractor, or anyone employed by either.

Contractor shall maintain business auto liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a combined single limit not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. The business auto liability shall include Hired and Non-Owned coverage.

Contractor waives all rights against the State for the recovery of damages to the extent they are covered by business auto liability or commercial umbrella liability insurance.

4. Additional Provisions: Above insurance policies shall include the following provisions:

a. Additional Insured: The State of Washington and all authorized contract users shall be named as an additional insured on all general liability, umbrella, excess, and property insurance policies. All policies shall be primary over any other valid and collectable insurance.

Notice of policy(ies) cancellation/non-renewal: For insurers subject to RCW 48.18 (Admitted and regulated by the Washington State Insurance Commissioner) a written notice shall be given to the State forty-five (45) calendar days prior to cancellation or any material change to the policy(ies) as it relates to this contract.

For insurers subject to RCW 48.15 (Surplus Lines) a written notice shall be given to the State twenty (20) calendar days prior to cancellation or any material change to the policy(ies) as it relates to this contract.

If cancellation on any policy is due to non-payment of premium, the State shall be given a written notice ten (10) calendar days prior to cancellation.

b. Identification: Policy(ies) and Certificates of Insurance must reference the state’s bid/contract number.

c. Insurance Carrier Rating: The insurance required above shall be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business within the State of Washington. Insurance is to be placed with a carrier that has a rating of A- Class VII or better in the most recently published edition of Best’s Reports. Any exception must be reviewed and approved by General Administration’s Risk Manager, or the Risk Manager for the State of Washington, by submitting a copy of the contract and evidence of insurance before contract commencement. If an insurer is not admitted, all insurance policies and procedures for issuing the insurance policies must comply with Chapter 48.15 RCW and 284-15 WAC.

d. Excess Coverage: The limits of all insurance required to be provided by the Contractor shall be no less than the minimum amounts specified. However, coverage in the amounts of these minimum limits shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor from liability in excess of such limits.


Bidder shall provide by attached letter a list of authorized factory repair facilities, which will honor the warranty of items on contract. The list will include the facility (ies) name, address, telephone number, and contact person. Evidence showing qualification of each facility to perform maintenance must be included as follows:

1. Names of factory trained personnel at each facility.

2. Nature and extent of factory authorized training received and years of qualifying service on the equipment.

Bids that are submitted from manufacturers that require service through dealer outlets must include a letter signed by each dealer certifying full understanding and compliance with bid and servicing requirements.


Unless otherwise stipulated all bids must include unit prices and extensions where applicable and be otherwise in the format requested.

All bid pricing is to be FOB Destination, freight prepaid and included, for any destination within the State of Washington. If bidder agrees to extend contract pricing to State of Oregon ORCCP members, a percent increase to bid pricing to accommodate additional freight costs to Oregon locations may be indicated in Section IV, Bid Submittals.

All pricing shall include the costs of bid preparation, servicing of accounts, and all contractual requirements. During contract period pricing shall remain firm and fixed for at least 365 calendar days after effective date of contract.

Adjustments in pricing will be considered after firm fixed price period on a pass through basis only. A minimum of 45 calendar days advance written notice of price increase is required which is to be accompanied by sufficient documentation to justify the requested increase. Acceptance will be at the discretion of the State Procurement Officer and shall not produce a higher profit margin than that established on the original contract pricing. Approved price adjustments shall remain unchanged for at least 365 calendar days thereafter.

During the contract period, any price declines at the manufacturer’s level or cost reductions to Contractor shall be reflected in a reduction of the contract price retroactive to Contractor's effective date.

During the term of this contract, should the contractor enter into pricing agreements with other customers providing greater benefits or lower pricing, contractor shall immediately amend the state contract to provide similar pricing to the state if the contract with other customers offers similar usage quantities, and similar conditions impacting pricing. Contractor shall immediately notify the state of any such contracts entered into by contractor.

Note: Contractor may submit request for price review in the case of governmental mandatory regulation pertaining to vehicle modification that would impact contract pricing. Contractor to provide all documents showing that such modifications are only pass through for cost of modifications.


The Contractor shall be required to furnish all materials, equipment and/or services necessary to perform contractual requirements. Materials and workmanship in the construction of equipment for this contract shall conform to all codes, regulations and requirements for such equipment, specifications contained herein, and the normal uses for which intended. Materials shall be manufactured in accordance with the best commercial practices and standards for this type of equipment.


Bidder will submit a copy of warranty as an attachment to bid and items delivered under this contract will also be accompanied by a copy of the warranty. Unless otherwise specified, full parts and labor warranty period shall be for a minimum period of one (1) year after receipt of materials or equipment by the Purchaser. All materials or equipment provided shall be new, unused, of the latest model or design and of recent manufacture. Copy to be submitted with bid.

In the event of conflict between contract terms and conditions and warranty submitted, to afford the state maximum benefits, the contract terms and conditions shall prevail.


General Requirements: The state, in conjunction with purchasers, monitors and maintains records of Contractor performance. Said performance shall be a factor in evaluation and award of this and all future contracts. Purchasers will be provided with product/service performance report forms to forward reports of superior or poor performance to the State Procurement Officer.


The State reserves the right to consider the actual level of bidder’s compliance with the requirements specified in this IFB, and to consider a bid responsive if it substantially complies with the state’s intent relative to overall bid requirements and specifications.


Upon award, notification will be sent to all participating bidders. Additional information may be obtained by reviewing the purchase file after award. Bid results will not be given over the phone.


To assure compatibility and/or for efficiency and economy, award will be made on an “all-or-none” basis.


You may be required to demonstrate your equipment/product at the “ship to” address. Be prepared to do so within 5 days of notification


Please include descriptive literature identifying product bid.


Failure to complete the attached specification sheet may be cause to find your bid/quote non-responsive.


All necessary paperwork to register the unit with the Washington State Department of Licensing as a motor vehicle will be furnished at the time of delivery. This includes a “manufacturer’s statement of origin” (MSO) and Washington State title application.


Bidder must possess a current vehicle dealer license issued pursuant to Chapter 46.70 RCW and must be a factory authorized warranty service dealer for manufacturer(s) of vehicle bid. A currant copy must be submitted with bid.


Options provided in this bid vary by manufacture. So as not to inflate cost for options provided bidders will provide options at manufactures cost to dealer, or in cases where manufacture option cost can be discount by the dealer that price will be accepted. The State reserves the right not to award any option that appears to have an inflated cost. Manufactures cost guides for these options shall be provided with the bid. Should this information be considered proprietary bidders shall handle information as outlined in paragraph 6.16 below.


Supplier should clearly identify any material which constitutes valuable formulae, designs, drawings, and research data claimed to be exempt from public disclosure RCW 42.17.310, along with a statement of the basis for such claim of exemption. The agency will give notice to the supplier of any request for disclosure of such information received within 5 (five) years from the date of submission. Failure to so label such materials or to timely respond after notice of request for public disclosure has been given shall be deemed a waiver by the submitting supplier of any claim that such materials are, in fact, so exempt.


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