Fun With English | Fun With English For Pupils and ...

Ministry of EducationAl Ahmadi Educational AreaELT Supervision-178435557530Team Members:SchoolH.O.DAl DhaherAmaal HassanMuhammed Sulaiman Al JarrahAisha Al RumidiFatma Bint Al KhattabAttiyat El Shirbiny Hind Bint UthathaEman AL-SairafyBahithat Al BadiyaEnas NabiehSuhaib Ben SinanHanan Sha'banGhuzayya Bint Jaber Sheikha SheshterLaila Bent Al KhateemZeinab Abdul TawwabName:---------------- Date: / /20Write the opposites: after x …………………………………….. eat x ……………………………………… yesterday x ……………………………………. Name:---------------- Date: / /20Match the two halves:- Ramaque……………………………………………….closin……………………………………………….mosdan……………………………………………….Tarathes……………………………………………….couweeh………………………………………………. Name:---------------- Date: / /20Crossword puzzle ( Complete the sentence with the secret word ): drbvfcjfxgasozakataiwumosquewvnleatpmdhe1- zakat2- dawn3- mosque4- give5- eatMuslims -------------- in Ramadan. Name:---------------- Date: / /20Write the missing words.FirstThirdFifthSeventhNinthEleventhThirteenthFifteenth Name:---------------- Date: / /20Write the missing ordinals.1st3rd5th7th9th11th13th15th Name:---------------- Date: / /20Follow the directions below and colour the blocks starting from the bottom:476504024765Colour the fourth block green.Colour the second block red.Colour the first block blue.Colour the sixth block yellow.Colour the third block orange.Colour the fifth block purple. Name:---------------- Date: / /20Where are they ?13589027940Circle and draw a line:--74295348615Circle the second the tree. Draw a line under the fourth tree.78740376555Circle the third plant. Draw a line under the first plant. Name:---------------- Date: / /20Draw a line to match each of the following ordinal numbers below:4978405080Name:---------------- Date: / /20Put the words in the alphabetical order:-Before – fast – after – dawn – month --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /20Count and write the number of each letter in words:-acaCaDaDaDbaFfFabggGDabCcCDBDabfbFBabGhHDDacCCaDaDcabcCcgbHHDDddaCFbddCFbfbaGhhGdbddDCBFcfCAbbggGhHGddbddBfFggggagGahHhGFfbffCccChHggagggghGfffbfcCahhhhfffffGbha = -----------------------b = -----------------------c = -----------------------d = -----------------------f = -----------------------g = -----------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /20Circle the odd one out:-1-first grandfather second third2-cousin prayer third fastName:---------------- Date: / /20Write a short paragraph about:- What do you do in Ramadan and Eid? Fast – go mosque – pray – visit – cousin----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /20Re-order the following story:-1-Third , I had a picnic.2- First , I prayed in the mosque.3- Second , I visited my cousins.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-Which month comes after January ? ………….……..………………………..2-Which month comes between February and April?…………………..………….3- Which month comes before December? …………………………………………...4-Which month comes after May ? ………………………….………………………..5-Which month comes between October and December?...…………………….6- Which month comes before September?................……………………..Write the correct monthsConnect the months in their correct ordersName:---------------- Date: / /20Months of the year 6 2 7 3 9 5 10 4 11 12 1 8FebruaryJanuaryName:---------------- Date: / /20Circle the correct words:Match the questions to the right answers :blow out / go outcookies/candlecoke / cakeparty / presentName:---------------- Date: / /201-How old are you ? ( ) They are 9 .2-How old is your sister ? ( ) It's in May . 3-When is your birthday ? ( ) I'm eight. 4-How old are Ahmed and Khalid ? ( ) She's seven. Sara and Nora are talking. Match the questions to their answers: answersanswers answersName:---------------- Date: / /20Collect letters to make words & sentences:26=z21=u16=p11=k6=f1=a27=.22=v17=q12=l7=g2=b28='23=w18=r13=m8=h3=c29=?24=x19=s14=n9=i4=d3025=y20=t15=o10=j5=e 11- 21 – 23 – 1 – 9 – 20 – 28 – 19 / 14 – 1 – 20 – 9 - 15 – 14 -1-12 / 4 – 1 – 25 / 9 -19 / 9 -14 / 6 – 5 – 2 – 18 - 21-1-18-25 / 27 / 23 – 5 / 21-19 - 21-1-12 – 12 – 25 / 13 – 1 – 18 – 3 - 8 / 9 – 14 / 20 – 8 – 5 / 19 – 20 – 18 – 5 – 5 – 20 / 27 / 23 -5 / 19 – 9 – 14 – 7 / 19 – 15 – 14 – 7 – 19 / 1 – 2 – 15 – 21 – 20 / 11 – 21 – 23 – 1 – 9 – 20 – 27 / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /20Match words to pictures: 25th February Figure 1People march Our National Daywave flags happilyStreets and fireworksRead and complete the symbols: I come from ………………………………………………… We celebrate our National Day on ………………………………………………………………… People………………………… the streets , singsongs about Kuwait and wave flags happily .Kuwait and wave the ………………………………..Name:---------------- Date: / /20busbicycleBoat 5498465410210Taxi3841115391160Car 2145665391160297815314960-15938538735Ambulance231140385445Motorcycle 534606577470377444077470207899058420Plane Name:---------------- Date: / /20Answer the following questions :1- Do you like travelling by car ?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2- How do you get to school ?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3- Do you like travelling by plane? Why?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Name:---------------- Date: / /20-178435958851- stop 2- No turn 3- Turn left 4- No parking 5- Turn right 6- Go straight 7-No bicycle 8- Don't turn right2555240414020169799041402091694041402031115414020488315312420Name:---------------- Date: / /20Give Ali directions to reach the shop:next to – left - straight on - rightshop3583940347345Start hereGo…………………………………………turn……………………….…..then turn……………………..You will see a traffic light. The shop is……………….………….the traffic light.Name:---------------- Date: / /20Fill in the spaces with words from the list:bike – car - boat - plane1) We go to Failaka by…………………………………………………2) People travel to London by………………………………..………….3) Children usually go to school by……………………….………………..4) Riding a …………………………………… is fun.Name:---------------- Date: / /20Fill in the spaces with words from the list:August – March – February - September1-Kuwait's National Day is in…………………………..………………..2-School starts in ……………………………………….……………….3-Mother's Day is in …………………………………….……………4-The hottest month in Kuwait is ………………………………………..Name:---------------- Date: / /20Read the following passage then answer the questions below: Hello. I'm Hala. I'm nine years old. My birthday is tomorrow. It is my happiest day. I will buy a very big cake and lots of balloons. I'll tell my friends Nora, Sara and Afrah to come to my party. We'll eat the cake, sing songs and have fun. I will get many presents.a)Why will Nora buy a present ?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b)What will the girls do at the party?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /20Circle the odd one out ,then re-order the words to form a question:amowlyourHowamoldyourWhatamowlyouWhatareowlyourWhat………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................holidayisyouWhenholidayareyouWhatbirthdayareyouWhenholidayareyourWhat………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Name:---------------- Date: / /2012345671The person who wins the race.2Divers collect…………………31The woman gives the diver a ……4There are three cars in the… 55My sister is not old. She's…..65Do not forget me,…………me.75The past tense of give.8The new word is --------------------------Change the verbs in the following sentences into the past :1We see the pearl divers.………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. 2The women give the divers flowers.………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3A diver shows people a pearl.…………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….4My grandfather is braver than us.………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5The divers collect pearls.…………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….Name:---------------- Date: / /20254071755……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Name:---------------- Date: / /20Adjectives :1-*Find the OPPOSITE ADJECTIVES of the pictures to answer the crossword:shortyounglonghotslowsmallcoldsfbthaiaosglrtrltoldWrite the opposites :1-…………………………….… 2-…………………………….… 3-…………………………….… 4-…………………………….… 5-…………………………….… 6-…………………………….… Name:---------------- Date: / /202-Write the comparatives:4412615213995(hotter/colder), (taller/shorter), (older/younger), (faster/slower)53460651828801-The giraffe is …………………………than the cat.(tall) 541274024701547143361294562-The cat is…………………………………………….(short)3- The rabbit is………………………than the tortoise. (fast) 4- The……………………………………………………………………….42735501130305-The grandfather is ……………….than the boy.6-……………………………………………………………….Name:---------------- Date: / /20Hani Maha 3810612140SaraAliDana35years38years8years 10 years 14 years50 kgs75 kgs22 kgs 35 kgs 40 kgs1-MAKE SENTENCES USING THE COMPARATIVE FORMEXAMPLE: Maha is older than Sara (OLD)1- Ali / Hani (YOUNG)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….2- Dana / Ali (FAT)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…….………………3- Maha / Sara (TALL)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..………………4- Ali / Sara (SHORT)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………2-TRUE OR FALSE:1- Maha has got short hair. ( )2-Ali is 11 years old. ( )3-Sara is wearing trousers. ( )4-Hani is wearing black shoes. ( )5-Dana is taller than Hani. ( )Name:---------------- Date: / /201. Fill in the gaps with the past form of the verb in brackets:1. My father _______________ to Paris last week. (travel)2. I _________________a necklace yesterday. (buy)3. Peter _________________ an email. (send)4. My mother __________________ English at school. (learn)5. Sara ______________ me a nice birthday present. (give)6. We _______________ at home last night. (be)7. Lots of people ___________ to Brazil at the weekend . (fly)8. Mum _________________ a delicious cake. (make)Name:---------------- Date: / /203. Ask questions for the underlined words:1. Dana went to the zoo yesterday.________________________________________________________2. We went to the park after school.________________________________________________________3. Carol invited Tim to her party.________________________________________________________4. My brother woke up at 7:15 a.m.________________________________________________________5. Salma made lots of food for dinner.___________________________________Name:---------------- Date: / /20Comparative adjectives:-Choose the correct answer from a , b & c :A turtle is ________ than a rabbita) the slowerb) slowerc) slowDogs are ________ than lions.a) the smallestb) smallerc) smallThis car is ________ than the bike.a) biggerb)biggestc) bigA cat is ___________ than a lion.a) shorterb) the shortestc) shortestThe plane is________ than the car. a) fasterb) the fastestc) fastIt is hot today, but it was ________ yesterday.a) the hottestb) hotterc) hotName:---------------- Date: / /20Guess what the word is :(( It's a red delicious fruit, we can find it on the farm)) ---------------------------------(( It's a big green place. You can play , jump and ride a horse there . It's fun . You can find fruits and vegetables .))----------------------------------(( It's green and delicious. You can find it on a farm. It's good in salad )) ---------------------------------- Name:---------------- Date: / /201. Write the?months of the year?in the right order:?1. January? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? 6. ??7. ? 8. ? 9. ? 10. ? 11. ? 12. ??Fill in the spaces with words from the list:winter - spring - autumn - summerIt's …………………………………. in January.It's …………………………………. in July.It's …………………………………. in April.It's …………………………………. in November.Name:---------------- Date: / /20???? ???????Seasons of the year:?Trees and flowers are blossoming. It's ______________!??It's hot.?Let's go to the beach. It's _________________!6921576200??Leaves are falling. Birds are leaving. It's _____________!??It's cold. Snow is falling. It's _______________!The seasons of the year are: ……………………. , …………………… , ………………………….. , ………………………………??????? Name:---------------- Date: / /20Read and circle the right answer:1-It's always sunny and ( cold – hot ) in summer.2-There are winds in winter, spring and ( autumn – summer ).3-It's ( sunny – cloudy ) in autumn ,winter ,and spring.4-It's ( sunny – rainy ) in autumn ,winter and spring.Name:---------------- Date: / /20*Complete the missing parts in the following dialogue:Ahmed : When is it cloudy in Kuwait ?Ali: ...................................................................................Amal : What can you see in the desert ?Reem : ..............................................................................Re-order the following words to make meaningful sentences :1) rainy - and – cold – winter - It's - in.………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….……………………2) We - winter- the -rain- in – like .………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….……………………3) It's – summer- sunny- and – hot- in – always .………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….……………………Name:---------------- Date: / /20*Answer the following questions:1- Which season do you like ? Why ?………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….……………………2-What fruit and vegetables can you see on a farm?………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….……………………3- When is it sunny in Kuwait?………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………….……………………Name:---------------- Date: / /20Write a short paragraph about your favourite season:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /20Write the following words under the correct headings: (( April - May – August – November - January – February – December – March – September – October – June – July ))AutumnSummerSpringWinterName:---------------- Date: / /20Complete these sentences using these comparative adjectives :( cooler – warmer – hotter – colder )1- Winter is ------------------- than summer.2-Summer is ------------------than winter.3-Spring is ------------------- than summer.4-Autumn is ------------------than winter.Name:---------------- Date: / /20Guess which season it is:(( rain – cold – jacket – snow )) ---------------------------(( hot – beach - sun – sunglasses )) ------------------------(( warm - no rain - falling leaves - not hot )) ---------------(( rain – green – park – picnic - fun)) -----------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /201)_ What am I?I’m sunny and hot. People like to eat ice cream when I come.--------------------I’m cold and rainy. People wear warm clothes when I come.--------------------I’m windy and cloudy. Flowers come with me.--------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /202) Finish the crossword:-1- It’s hot and sunny.2- It’s cold and rainy.3- It’s windy and cloudy.4- It’s warm.smewnrsratn1 234Name:---------------- Date: / /2068580416560Write the season:153162018415425196013335--------------------- Name:---------------- Date: / /20Vocabulary5384165288925Write the opposites :1) It’s cold today . Summer is --------.5679440215901878965450852) A rabbit is small. An elephant is ---------. 5520690825502259965254000 3)The plane is ---------. The car is slow. 241236523050549225201289054- The cat is ---------. The train is long. 2259965220345598932049530 5- I get up at sunrise. I have dinner after----------. Name:---------------- Date: / /20Fill in the spaces with words from the list :492696432893000 plants - bottle - cloudy – rubbish - clean – desert 51079403625851- Let's go to the ………………………………….44411904051302. Can I have a ………………………………….of water ,please?43268903619503. It's always ………………………………….in autumn .4. Put the ……………………………………in the basket. 4926965279405. The ……………………………are beautiful in the spring . 4193540323856- Please, keep your room ………………………………….Name:---------------- Date: / /2053174906986Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage then answer: I'm Fahad. Last week, I went with my family to the desert . I helped dad with the heavy bags. There were some beautiful plants in the desert after the rain. I played hide and find with my brothers, Ahmed and Khalid. Then we had fish and salad for lunch. My mum said that it's very important to keep the desert clean so we put all the rubbish in the bag. We went home at 8 o'clock .We saw the moon and stars. The desert is beautiful at night.Read and match :1. We must keep ( ) in a bag.2. We put the rubbish ( ) the desert clean.3. We helped dad with ( ) plants. ( ) the heavy bags.Mark ( √ ) or ( X ):1- Fahad went to the beach last week. ( ) 2. The desert is beautiful. ( ) 3. We must throw rubbish in the desert. ( )Name:---------------- Date: / /20 Composition 2126615621665378396562166578740621665Write a short paragraph about "A picnic in the desert" using the following pictures and guide words: Last week- desert/ saw-plants-flowers/ Put-rubbish- bag "A picnic in the desert"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name:---------------- Date: / /20GrammarChoose the correct answer: 1- There ( is - are - am ) some water in the bottle .2- ( Is - Are -Am ) there sand in the desert?3- ( Is - Are -Am ) there any nuts in the bag?4- Last weekend , we ( go - going - went ) to the desert.5- It ( is - was - -were ) hot yesterday.6- ( Put - Puts - Putting ) the rubbish in the bag !7-It ( is - was - were ) always sunny in summer . 8- You must ( keeping – keeps - keep) your school clean. 9-Don't ( throw - threw – throws ) rubbish in the street. 10- Let's play tennis ( in – of - on) the beach. Name:---------------- Date: / /20Look at the pictures, read and circle (Yes) or (No):32029401149351- He is watching T V.32029401060452- They are reading. 2059940762003- He is eating.2860040476254- I can see a ship.2517140469905- He is swimming.2059940438156- He is jumping.26314404006852402840749307- She is writing.8- I went to the farm.21742401022352631440165103088640165109- I like apples.37744402540032029402540010- They are vegetables.297434040894018313401587511- It can fly. 12- We saw a cat in a hat.239014043751536601408255030886408255026314408255013- There are 3 pens.14- It can't fly.263271043688037744403175015- They are listening to the teacher.298704030797516- She is a teacher.17- We went to the zoo.35648908382018-We see this animal in the zoo.3317240-190419- This is a boy.217424013081020- It is a goat.Name:---------------- Date: / /20 Look at the pictures, read and circle (Yes) or (No):297434034925021-The fish is on the dish.299339041148024028405334022- Eggs are fruit.272669012065023- This is an elephant.24- It has a short neck.??????237744043497522885402540025- She is writing.286004033528026- This is a good boy.245046544450027- The rabbit is white.28- They are writing.197421537719025171403873529- She is cooking.30- A bat is black.337439063531-There is no plant in the pot.27457409017032- He is in the class.35458405651533- It is an apple. 23742651905034- This is a flower.Name:---------------- Date: / /202974340312420Cut down the items of food and stick them under the right heading:-44602402413018313402413034544013843047364659588533172401149351945640191135154940114935Unhealthy foodHealthy foodfizzy - medicine - hurt - stomach - healthy - better - fruit Find these words in the following table:-y t f i z z y o p x b n m z kd s t t p k l g r u o m e d i c i n eh u r t o p h e r t e w s a x z m vf s w e t u j s t o m a c h n g br t e w p h e a l t h y y u I n o kp h m h b e t t e r h j k l o y t n b mh r e w I o f r u i t p l g f r d f b n 326390864235Name:---------------- Date: / /20Name : _________________________ Date : _____/ / 20__Is there any water?.................................Look at the pictures and answer the question beside it:4438651304925Are there any apples?..........................................2025651208405326390113030Is there any fizzy drink?..............................................................Are there any vegetables?............................................164465220345 -45085359410Find the words : ................

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