Mr. Sutton's Class!

Ch 19 WWI ReviewSec. 1 Sec. 2 Sec. 3 Sec. 4 Sec. 5*The 4 Causes:-Imperialism-Militarism-Nationalism-System of AlliancesArchduke Franz Ferdinand-Black Hand-Gavrillo Princip-arms race-Axis Powers-Allied Powers-Schlieffen Plan-stalemate-trench warfare-propaganda-the Preparedness Movement-National Security League-the Peace Movement-U-boat-British blockade-Lusitania-Sussex pledge-election of 1916-the Zimmerman Note-City of Memphis & Vigilancia -Russian Revolution-Vladimir Lenin-Communism-Gen. Pershing-Selective Service Act-American Expeditionary Force (AEF)-training-convoy system-doughboys -segregated units-the western front-trench warfare-modern warfare-chemical weapons-Battles of the Marne-dogfights-Meuse-Argonne Offensive-armistice-Liberty Bonds-War Industries Board-Food Admin.-price controls-rationing-daylight savings-Committee on Public Information-George Creel-anti-German propaganda-Espionage Act-Sedition Act-Eugene V. Debs-the Great Migration-Women’s Trade Union League-Woodrow Wilson-14 Points-self-determination-League of Nations-The “Big Four”-Treaty of Versailles-reparationsCh 19: World War I Sec1: The Road to WarWhat were the 4 main causes of WWI?Explain how conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia led to all of Europe descending into war?Which countries were members of the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers? What was America’s response at the start of WWI? What were the reasons for that response?Compare the views of the Preparedness Movement vs the Peace Movement. Who would likely be members of each?Sec2: The US Declares WarHow did Germany’s use of submarines affect the war?How did each of the following influence America’s decision to enter the war: U-boat attacks, the Zimmerman Note, Lusitania, the Russian RevolutionSec3: Americans on the European FrontDefine: Selective Service Act, American Expeditionary Force, armisticeWhy were convoys important to the US war effort?How did new weapons change the way that soldiers fought during the war?Sec4: Americans on the Home FrontWhat role did each of the following play in America’s war effort: Liberty Bonds, price controls, rationing, daylight saving time, the War Industries Board, Food AdministrationHow and why did the Federal government enforce loyalty for the war effort? ExamplesWhat role did propaganda play in mobilizing the US population for the war? Explain ................

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