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UNIT 4 -- SENSATION and PERCEPTION, MOTIVATION and EMOTION SensationPerceptionAbsolute thresholdDifference threshold (JND)Weber’s lawSensory adaptationSelective attentionSignal detection theorySubliminal stimulation (messages)Parts of the eye (including order light transmitted)foveaVisual receptors rods/cones/bipolar/ganglionNearsighted/farsightedColor theoriesYoung-Helmholtz (trichromatic)opponent-processFeature detectorsParallel processingParts of the ear (including order waves conducted)Deafnessconductionsensorineural (nerve)Pitch theoriesplace theoryfrequency theoryNoise induced hearing lossdecibels (high/loud) = lessened ability to hear high hertz (high pitch)Olfactory receptorsSmell and memoryTouch sensationsGate-control theory (substance P)Kinesthesis Vestibular sense (including where it is located)Sensory interactionTop-down processingBottom-up processingPerceptual organizationcontext effectsvisual capturePerceptual setschemasGestalt theory (main idea)similarity, figure ground, closure,proximity, continuityMonocular/binocular depth perceptionlinear perspective/interpositionretinal disparity/convergence MOTIVATION AND EMOTION Motivation and sources of motivation Biological, emotional, cognitive, social InstinctDriveNeedIncentiveTheories of MotivationInstincts and EvolutionaryInstinct: ?innate, automatic disposition toward responding in a particular way when confronted with a specific stimulusProblems with this theory (especially with humans)?Not as common with humans as are with other species???2. ?DrivesDrive-reduction theory: ?states that motivation arises from imbalances in homeostasis (constant internal state)the imbalance in homeostasis creates a need (biological requirement for well-being)the brain responds to such needs by creating drive (psychological state of arousal that prompts an organism to take action, restore balance and reduce the drive)remember…drives PUSH us to satisfy our needs???3. ?IncentivesIncentive theory: ?states that behavior is directed toward attaining desirable stimuli and avoiding unwanted stimuliValue of an incentive is influenced by both biological and cognitive factorsremember…incentives PULL us into action???4. ?Optimum ArousalArousal theories: ?state that people are motivated to behave in ways that maintain what is, for them, an optimal level of arousal Your level of arousal can be measured by electrical activity in your brain, heart rate or muscle tensionPeople perform best when arousal is moderate Generally people try to increase arousal when to low or decrease when too high– level is different for all people???5. ?Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needslower needs must be met 1st ??HungerLateral and ventral hypothalamus External incentivesTaste preferenceAnorexia nervosaBulimia nervosaBinge eating disorder SexKinseyMaster and Johnson Sexual response cycle Sexual Orientation AchievementIntrinsic motivationExtrinsic motivation THEORIES OF EMOTION Emotions: ?feelings that generally have both physiological and cognitive elements and that influence behaviorTheories of emotionsJames-Lange Theory Cannon-Bard TheorySchachter-Singer (Two-Factor) TheoryMust cognition precede emotion?Zajonc – argues that emotional reactions can be quicker than our interpretations of a situation…so we feel before we thinkResearch on neurological processes support this idea – some neural pathways involved in emotion bypass the cortical areas involved in thinking Lazarus – argues that while our brain does process a lot unconsciously, even instantaneously felt emotions require some sort of cognitive appraisal of the situation – otherwise, how do we KNOW what we are responding toAppraisal may be effortless and may not be conscious of it, but it is still happening EXPRESSING EMOTION How do we express emotions?Cultural universalsEkman – people speak and understand pretty much the same “facial language” around the worldEmotional “facial” universalsCultural differencesHuge differences across cultures in both the context and intensity of the emotional displaysSTRESSStressor – a stressful stimulus, a condition demanding adaptation Stress: ?the physical and mental changes that occur in response to a challenging or threatening situation 4 major components to the stress responseCognitive appraisal Physiological responseSubjective feelings Behavior Stress is NOT just another emotionTypes of stressorsCatastrophic eventsLife changes/strains Chronic stressors Daily hassles The Physical Stress ResponseFight-or-flight response – sequence of internal processes preparing an organism to struggle or escapeSeyle – General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) – a three-stage pattern of responses triggered by the effort to adapt to any stressorStage 1 = alarm reactionIf stressor persists over long period…this initially adaptive alarm reaction can become distress as it depletes body’s energy and defense resourcesStage 2 = resistanceResistance only applies to the original stressor – if another stressor is introduced, organisms defenses could be so depleted that it would be unable to respond to second stressorStage 3 = exhaustionStress and the Immune System ................

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