ENG3U Seminar Presentation Rubric:

ENG1D – Teach Your ISP Novel\

| |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

| |(80-90%) |(70-80%) |(60-70%) |(50-60%) |

|Knowledge & Understanding: |Communicates a thorough, clear|Communicates a clear |Some understanding and | Does not understand and explain |

|Presentation of Content |analysis and explanation that |explanation and of topic that |explanation of topic and |topic clearly, and lacks |

| |displays a deep understanding |shows a good understanding of |audience is displayed, but |analysis. Student uses basic |

|Purpose and extent of knowledge|of topic |topic and audience |lacks focus and needs more |information that could be easily |

| | | |clear analysis |found online. |

| |Student has complete |Student is able to show | | |

|Length |knowledge on the book that |substantial knowledge on the |Students shows decent |Student shows limited knowledge |

| |they read |book that they studied |knowledge of their book when |of their book and topic when |

| | | |presenting |presenting |

| |Lesson is 30+ min. long |Lesson is 25-30 min. long | | |

| | | |Lesson is 20–25 min long |Lesson is 15-20 min. Long |

|Thinking: |Effectively engages the |Has some engaging questions |Adequately presents discussion|Has few diverse questions, and |

|Discussion |audience with provoking |and audience interaction |questions |lacks awareness of audience needs|

| |questions | | | |

| | |Draws connections between | |Makes few connections between |

|Intertextuality |Skilfully draws complex |audience questions & topic |Makes some connections between|audience questions and topic |

| |connections between audience | |audience questions and topic | |

| |questions & the topic | | | |

| | |Communicates unique ideas and | |Communicates inconsistent ideas |

| |Communicates profound ideas |inferences that reflect their |Communicates some ideas and |and inferences that do not relate|

|Deep thought put into content |and inferences that complement|novel |inferences, but needs more |to novel |

| |novel | |originality | |

| | |Student is able to create a | |Student is able to create a 1-2 |

|Ability to create response from|Student is able to create a 5+|4-5 minute discussion with the|Student is able to create a |minute discussion with the class |

|class |minute discussion with the |class |2-4 minute discussion with the| |

| |class | |class | |

|Communication: |Communicates in clear, |Communicates in a clear |Communication is somewhat |Communication lacks clarity and |

| |coherent manner, using tone, |manner, using vocal strategies|clear, but lacks coherence. |few vocal strategies are |

|Vocal Strategies |volume, pauses effectively |well. |Needs more practice and use of|employed, to minimal effect |

| | | |appropriate vocal strategies | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Uses minimal audio-visual aids| |

|Audio Visual Aids |Uses a variety of outside | |with limited effectiveness in | |

| |informative and relevant |Uses some audio-visual aids |lesson |Does not use audio-visual aids |

| |audio-visual aids to support |that nicely enhance lesson and| |effectively to support lesson and|

| |and enhance lesson and engage |engage the audience | |engage audience |

| |class | | | |

| | | |Eye contact is made frequently| |

| |Eye contact is maintained all |Eye contact is maintained |and student has memorized many| |

| |through-out lesson, student |through most of the lesson, |different parts of lesson |Eye contact is not made often as |

| |has clearly memorized their |student has memorized a great | |student is constantly reading. |

| |content |deal | |Most of the lesson is not |

| | | | |memorized |

|Application: |Uses very appropriate and |Uses some good cues that lead |Student’s in-class activity |Student has not thought out their|

| |well-rehearsed cues to lead |to a smooth activity |lacks interaction and students|activity well and as a result it |

|Audience Engagement |productive activity | |are not engaged |is incoherent |

| | | | | |

|Interpersonal Speaking |Student is able to clearly |Student is able to explain the|Student explains the activity |Student is not able to explain |

|Strategies |explain their activity right |activity, but needs to clarify|decently, but there is some |their activity well and the class|

| |the first time |some rules |confusion |is disoriented |

|Media Use | | | | |

| |Student is able to incorporate|Student is able to incorporate|Student is able to incorporate|Student is able to incorporate a |

| |a unique form of self-created |a unique form of self-created |a form of self-created media |form of self-created media in the|

| |media in the presentation such|media in the lesson, but it |in the lesson, but it is not |lesson, but it is hostility put |

| |as an original video or audio |could use some improvement |well-constructed or entirely |together and does not contribute |

| |recording | |relevant to the topic |to the lesson at all |

Total Mark: __________



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