CRMA Course - Maine

CRMA Course

Unit 2 – Pharmacology


• There will be one quiz of 50 questions. If the instructor wishes to give 2 quizzes of 25 questions each, then the instructor will use the average of those two quizzes as the Unit 2 quiz score.

• To select questions, highlight the question(s) you want on your exam, copy the question(s), and then paste the question into a new document to create “your” Unit 2 Exam.

• Be sure to count your answers for the total number of points to equal 25 or 50 points.

• If a “Retake Exam” is needed, be sure to select some different questions and/or change the order of the questions you select so that the Retake Exam does not have all the same questions or look the same as the original Unit Exam.

• Remember: These exams are to be monitored and are not “open book” or “take home” exams.

CRMA Course

Unit 2-Pharmacology Question Pool

After you cut and paste your exam in a word document with the answer and have printed your key, simply delete the answer and print another copy to be given to the student.

Short Answer:

Directions: Answer each of the following in the space provided.

1. Name one of two places where a Schedule II Drug is recorded?

Answer: In a bound book or on an individual count sheet

2. The doctor’s order is for 10 ml of a liquid medication. How many teaspoons will this be?

Answer: 2

3. What are the most common side effects to any medication?

Answer: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation

4. How much time is allowed to administer medications to a resident at a medication pass?

Answer: One hour before and one hour after the medication unless otherwise specified by the duly authorized licensed practitioner.

5. Name four drug classifications of medications:





Answer: Analgesics, Antidepressants, Anticoagulants, Antihypertensives, Antacids, Antibiotics

6. Name four routes of a medication a CRMA may administration:





Answer: Oral, Rectal, Inhalant, Topical, Transdermal, Vaginal, Otic or Opthalmic

7. List the abbreviations for the following:

a. Drop _____________ Ans. gtt

b. Both eyes _____________ Ans. ou

c. Every three hours _____________ Ans. q3h

d. Before meals _____________ Ans. ac

e. Immediately and at once _____________ Ans. stat

f. Discontinue _____________ Ans. d/c

g. Ointment _____________ Ans. ung

h. Sublingual _____________ Ans. sl

i. Suppository _____________ Ans. supp

8. Give the meaning for each of the following abbreviations:

a. qod _____________ Ans. Every other day

b. ml _____________ Ans. Milliliter

c. npo _____________ Ans. Nothing by mouth

d. qh _____________ Ans. Every hour

e. pc _____________ Ans. After meals

f. hs _____________ Ans. Hour of sleep

g. tid _____________ Ans. Three times a day

h. IV _____________ Ans. Intravenous

i. otc _____________ Ans. Over the counter

j. I&O _____________ Ans. Intake and Output

9. If a person wants to self-administer medications, what is required by regulation?

Answer: An assessment to determine the resident’s ability or need of assistance

10. In the Metric System, the unit of weight is the _____________; and the unit of volume is the ______________.

Answer: Gram, Liter

11. Calculate the following conversions:

a. 1 tablespoon = ___________ teaspoons Answer: 3

b. 1 Ounce = ___________ ml Answer: 30

c. 1 tsp = ___________ ml Answer: 5

d. 1 Liter = ___________ ml Answer: 1000

e. 1 Gram = ___________ mg Answer: 1000

f. 1 tbsp = ___________ ml Answer: 15

g. 1kg = ___________ Gm Answer: 1000

12. How often are Schedule II drugs counted when in use: ___________________

Answer: Daily when in use

13. How are Schedule II drugs stored?

Answer: Double locked away from other medications

14. How often must a Practitioner renew medications that are not psychotropic PRN medications?

Answer: Every year

15. How far should a rectal suppository be inserted for an adult?

Answer: 3 inches or the length of a gloved finger past rectal sphincter

16. List eight items that must be on a prescription label.

a. _________________

b. _________________

c. _________________

d. _________________

e. _________________

f. _________________

g. _________________

h. _________________

Answer: Resident’s name, Name and strength of medication, Dosage, route and time of meds, Directions/instructions, Physician’s name, and phone number, Pharmacy name, address, and phone number, Medication number, Expiration date, Amount of medication dispensed, Date filled, Number of refills

17. What would you do if a medication that you were administering dropped on the floor?

a. Make out an medication incident report

b. Tell the supervisor

c. Dispose of in accordance with regulations

d. All of the above

Answer: D

18. List four types of medication errors in which an Incident Report/Reportable event/medication error form must be filled out?

a. ________________

b. ________________

c. ________________

d. ________________

Answer: Resident injury, Omission (errors of signature or documentation), Comission (errors of resident, medication, dose, time, route)

19. The letters “MAR” stand for:

Answer: Medication Administration Record

20. List the eight (8) rights in giving medications.

a. ________________

b. ________________

c. ________________

d. ________________

e. ________________

f. ________________

g. ________________

h. ________________

Answer: Right Patient, Right drug, Right dose, Right route, Right time, Right to know, Right to refuse, Right Documentation

21. How many times do you check the medication label?

Answer: 3

1. How long do you have to destroy discontinued, expired, or medications of a deceased resident_________days.

Answer: 60 Days

22. When receiving medications from the Pharmacy, you should compare the label of the medication to the:__________________

Answer: Physician order

23. What is the meaning of an Automatic Stop Order?

Answer: A medication will stop at the end of the dosing period, i.e. “Take x 10 days”

24. When you make a medication error, you should always:

A. Complete an incident report

B. Notify Administrator

C. Notify the prescribing practitioner and legal representative

D. All the above

Answer: A

25. Give the abbreviation for each of the following:

a. By mouth ____________ Answer: po

b. At bedtime ____________ Answer: hs

c. With ____________ Answer: c with line above

d. Once a day ____________ Answer: qd

e. Vital signs ____________ Answer: v/s

f. Before meals ____________ Answer: ac with line above

g. After meals ____________ Answer: pc with line above

h. Ounce ____________ Answer: oz

i. Dram ____________ Answer: dr

j. Right eye ____________ Answer: od

27. The order reads “Tylenol 325 mg. 2 tabs po Q4H prn with a maximum of 6 doses in 24 hours. “Joy Smith MD”

The following 5 questions relate to this order:

A. What is missing from the order?_______________________

Answer: reasons or indications

B. How many tablets can this person receive in 24 hours?____________

Answer: 12

C. What is the maximal dose in 24 hours?_______________

Answer: 3900 mg or 3.9 grams

D. PRN means:_______________________________

Answer: whenever needed; as needed

E. How many milligrams are in each dose?____________

Answer: 650

True and False:

Directions: Write “T” for true and “F” for false in the space provided for each of the following:

| | |

|F_____ |ROM means Range of Movement. |

| | |

|F_____ |Sometimes you can administer a drug without an order. |

| | |

|T_____ |Schedule II drugs have a high potential for abuse. |

| | |

|F_____ |Morphine is a Schedule I drug. |

| | |

|F_____ |Coated Capsules may be crushed or opened. |

| | |

|T_____ |Medications are prescribed to cause a desired effect. |

| | |

|T_____ |Anything but the desired effects of a drug is considered unwanted effects, side effects, or adverse |

| |reactions. |

| | |

|T_____ |The CRMA MUST know the typical unwanted effects of medication. |

| | |

|F_____ |The fewer medications a person is taking; the greater the potential is for unpredictable interactions. |

| | |

|T_____ |Carcinogenicity is the ability of a drug to cause cancer. |

|F_____ |If you recognize the doctor’s voice over the phone, it is okay to accept a verbal order and carry that order|

| |out to the best of your ability. |

| | |

|F_____ |You must never wake a client up to give them meds |


Directions: Write the correct answer in the space provided.

|G_____ Diuretics |Helps clear the airways. |

|D_____ Antitussive |A drug that prevents vomiting. |

|H_____ Sedative |.Pulls fluid into the GI tract |

|K_____ Vaccine |Suppresses cough. |

|A_____ Expectorant |Used to decrease inflammation. |

|F_____ Analgesic |Relieves pain. |

|L_____ Vasodilator |Promotes excretion of urine. |

|I_____ Miotics |A drug that induces sleep. |

|J_____ Antihypertensive |Eye drops used to constrict the pupil. |

|B_____ Antiemetic |Agents that reduce blood pressure. |

|11. C _____ Stool softener |Prevents disease by stimulating the immune system. |

|12. E _____ Anti-inflammatory |Agents that dilate blood vessels and increase circulation. |

|13. M _____ Anticoagulant |Used to thin the blood. |

Multiple Choice:

Directions: Circle the correct answer for each of the following.

1. Mr. Brown is to receive a medication PO qid. This means

a. By mouth every day

b. Before meals every day

c. After meals every day

d. By mouth four times a day

Answer: D

2. Which of the following is not a Psychotropic drug group:

a. Anti-inflammatory

b. Sedatives

c. Antidepressants

d. Antipsychotic

Answer: A

3. Enteric-coated capsules or tablets dissolve in the

a. Mouth.

b. Rectum.

c. Stomach.

d. Intestines.

Answer: D

4. You dropped a capsule on the floor while preparing your individual’s meds.

a. You save it so a co-worker can observe you destroying it.

b. You have a co-worker co-sign that you disposed of the med properly.

c. You need a witness when anyone destroys medication.

d. All of the above.

Answer: D

5. Liquid medications are measured by:

a. Reading uppermost line of curve.

b. Holding calibrated cup at eye level.

c. Setting med cup on a table and reading it at eye level.

d. Reading lower line of curve.

Answer: C

6. If an individual refuses to take medications, you should

a. See if the next shift can pass the med.

b. Develop a plan to influence the individual to take the med.

c. Record the reason and inform the doctor.

d. Both b and c.

Answer: D

7. Tardive Dyskenesia is a potential side effect of which classification of drugs?

a. Antianxiety

b. Anticonvulsant

c. Antipsychotic

d. Antihypertensive

Answer: C

8. Medications that are used to treat psychological disorders such as depression, OCD, and anxiety are called:

a. Antibiotics

b. Psychotropics

c. Analgesics

d. Anticoagulants

Answer: B

9. The resident you are working with is on Depakote to help control a bipolar disorder. How often would this medication need to be renewed by the prescribing practitioner?

a. every 30 days or per the practitioners order

b. every 90 days or per the practitioners order

c. every 6 months or per the practitioners orders

d. every year or per the practitioners orders

Answer: B

10. Your client has an order for Depakote levels to be drawn the first Monday of every month. The physician did not write any special instructions. Which of the following actions is not appropriate?

a. Take the person for their blood work as ordered

b. Call the lab to find out if there are any special instructions

c. Call the physician to find out if there are any special instructions

d. Look it up in the med book and hold the Depakote until the lab test has been drawn

Answer: C

The following 2 questions are about Angela:

11. The client you are working with, Angela, has developmental disability, seizures, and OCD. Her medications include Tegretol, Multivitamin, Zyprexa, and Colace. Circle TWO things you may conclude from this information:

a. She has dysphagia as she has a developmental delay

b. She has profound MR as she has a developmental delay

c. She should be monitored for weight gain as a medication side effect

d. She has constipation and should have increased fluid intake

e. She has difficulty walking because of seizures

f. She does not consume a balanced diet and needs a multivitamin

Answer: D and F

12. Angela’ mother calls the program site and states she does not want Angela to take the Colace anymore. What is your response?

a. Explain to her that you will call the physician with the request as you need an order to discontinue the medication.

b. Discontinue the Colace immediately per the guardian request and let the physician know at the next appointment.

c. Tell her you will pass the information on to the program manager next week.

d. None of the above

Answer: A

13. The medical order reads: “Guaifenesin 1.0L po Q6H prn for cough up to 4 doses per day”.

You should:

A. Give the medication ordered with water

B. Order more medication from pharmacy

C. Call the doctor for a new order

D. Call pharmacy and ask what to do

Answer: C

14. The medical order reads “Mylanta 2 TBSP” How many plastic medication cups do you need to hold this dose?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Answer: A

15. You are giving 2t of Robitussin and 3t of Mylanta. How many plastic medication cups should you use?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Answer: B

16. The medical order reads “10cc of Robitussin”. That is the same as:

A. .01L

B. 10 ml

C. 3t


Answer: B

17. Medical order reads” Haldol concentrate 2 ml. mixed with 4 oz water TID po”. When administering this medication you should:

A. Have client drink 2 ml of medication followed by 4 oz of water

B. Mix 2cc of medication into 120 cc of water and have client drink

C. Mix 2 ml of medication with 80 cc of water and have client drink

D. Mix 4 L of medication with 240 ml of water and have client drink

Answer: B

18. Which abbreviation would you most probably see with the dosage in a medical order?





Answer: D

19. The dosage reads “give 1 ounce”. That is the same as:


B. 4 tsp

C. 3.0 cc

D. 30 ml

Answer: D

20. You are asked to record the amount of liquids Jack drank this morning. His record reads: water 120cc, juice 6 oz, liquid medicine 3 tsp, and coffee 240 ml. The total amount he drank was:

A. 18 oz

B. 1.7 L

C. 555 ml

D. 540 cc

Answer: C

21. Robitussin 2 tsp is the same as:

A. 5 cc

B. 10 cc

C. 15 cc

D. 20cc

Answer: B

22. MOM 30 ml is the same as:

A. 3 tsp

B. 1 oz

C. 3.0 cc

D. 4 tsp

Answer: B

Metamucil (Psyllium) is ordered by the doctor. The order reads: “Psyllium 1 TBSP Mix with 8 oz of water and take in every AM.”

The next 4 questions relate to this order:

23. Psyllium is ordered for:

A. Constipation


C. Diarrhea

D. Ulcers

Answer: A

24. 1 TBSP is equal to:

A. 5 cc

B. 10 cc

C. 15 cc

D. 20 cc

Answer: C

25. 8 oz of water is the same as:

A. 8 cc

B. 160 cc

C. 240 cc

D. 320 cc

Answer: C

26. The Psyllium and water should be mixed:

A. Right before taking

B. 15 minutes before taking

C. 30 minutes before taking

D. 60 minutes before taking

Answer: A

27. When giving eardrops to small children, you should:

A. Pull the earlobe up and back

B. Pull the earlobe down and back

C. Pull the tragus forward

D. Leave the ear in its natural position

Answer: B

28. If children are unable to take medication in the form ordered the CRMA should:

A. Make the child take the pill

B. Cut or crush according to pharmacist directions

C. Hide in applesauce

D. Give PR

Answer: B

29. Prescription medication dosages for small children are calculated using:

A. The child’s chronological age

B. The child’s height

C. The child’s weight

D. The child’s gender

Answer: C

30. Mary, age 10, has a headache. The safest medication to be given to stop this headache is:

A. Aspirin

B. Acetaminophen

C. Darvocet

D. Verapamil

Answer: B

Jack, age 12, has developed a cough, a fever and runny nose.

The physician orders:

Robitussin 2 tsp Q8H po prn for cough up to 30cc per day

Tylenol 325 mg 1 tab po prn Q4H for temp above 100 up to 6 doses in 24hours.

Jack has no known allergies.

The following questions are about Jack and his care:

31. The proper dosage of Robitussin is:

A. 30 ml

B. 5 cc

C. 10 cc

D. 15 ml

Answer: C

32. The total number of Tylenol tablets that Jack can have in 24 hours is:

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 6

Answer: D

33. Since Jack has a hard time swallowing pills, the CRMA should:

A. Get an order for Liquid Tylenol

B. Have Jack chew them

C. Give the pills in his dinner

D. Omit the pills

Answer: A

34. The medication classification to which Robitussin belongs is:

A. Vasodilators

B. Antitussives

C. Anticoagulants

D. Bronchodilators

Answer: B

35. In this situation, the Tylenol is being used as a :

A. Antitussive

B. Antipyretic

C. Mood Elevator

D. Anti inflammatory

Answer: B

36. The following are abbreviations for dosage and strengths of medication, except:

A. Mg.

B. ml.


D. Ls.

37. If you are not sure of an abbreviation, it is OK to guess.

True False

38. It is important to know the policies on approved abbreviations for your facility.

True False

39. A milliliter is the same as a milligram.

True False

40. Medications may be given out of the one hour window with a doctor’s order.

True False


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