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Week 5 Single Source EssayInstructionConsider the following process as you prepare to write your single source essay this week. Prewrite your essay in a style works best for you (outlining, journaling, mapping, free writing, etc.). Compose the essay. In the introduction paragraph, make sure to summarize the article. Then create a thesis statement that tells readers whether you agree or disagree with the writer’s claims and why you hold that position within the introductory paragraph. Support your ideas in the body paragraphs of your essay (2-3 paragraphs). You can provide support with quotes or paraphrases from the article and then cite them in context and share the reference at the end. You may create citations and references by applying the online generators). There should be 2-3 examples of integrated evidence within your essay.Conclude your essay in the last paragraph. Review the main ideas on your topic and restate the thesis. Offer any final words on the subject for the audience to take away.Revise your work for errors in paragraph organization, focus, and grammar by applying the grammar tools from the Center for Writing Excellence.Apply any other strategies to help check for errors, such as reading the essay aloud to yourself, reading it out of order, having a peer reader, or applying instructor feedback from previous weeks.Week 5 Single Source EssayThe response starts on the next page. Title of PaperYour NameENG/100DateInstructor NameType Title of Your Paper Here AgainBegin writing your response on this page. You may select and type over this template, but delete out anything that you do not complete yourself. Please double-space the entire document like this. Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces. Summarize your article, and name the author. Insert your thesis here, this is your main idea and the reasons you hold that point of view (in academic work on a research paper, there are usually three reasons, but for this reading response you may have only one or two). Include a transitional phrase to move between ideas. Examples might include “primarily” or “overall.” Address the first reasoning point of your thesis. Then share evidence from the article and cite it with a last name and the year it was published. Include a page or paragraph number if this is a direct quotation (Name, 2019). Respond to the evidence. Conclude your response here, or as a separate conclusion paragraph.ReferencesLangan, J., & Albright, Z. L. (2019). College writing skills, with readings. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.<This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply delete this line of text using the backspace key, and replace the information with the references used. Organize by author’s last name. If in doubt, apply a tool, like the Center for Writing Excellence’s Reference and Citation generator.> ................

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