
June 7, 2021 Hello!My name is Mr. Trotter, and I’m writing to you as your teacher for AICE History AS in the 2021-2022 school year at Overton. I hope you are well, and that you are having a good summer so far. I am excited that you will be in my class this fall, and I am looking forward to getting to know you as a student and as a young person. I also want to let you know about the summer assignment for this class. On the back of this page you’ll find instructions for this assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions about this or any problems completing it. Please stay safe, and I look forward to the fall!Mr. TrotterJames.trotter@AICE History AS – Summer Assignment 2021Name: ________________________________Mr. Trotter – james.trotter@Part I Pay attention to the national news and the current events that are happening. Get in the habit of reading/watching a variety of reputable news sources. At least 2-3 times a week you should look over the headlines and find a story or two that interest you. Here are several good ones. The New York Times, NPR, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Associated Press. Some of these require a subscription, but you can usually read many articles for free or find free links to them on other social media platforms like Twitter. Part II – Read the US Constitution, and answer the following questions. The text of Constitution can be found here: . You can read just the text, or you can click through and read interpretations and explanations of each section. This should be your own work – not that of your friends and/or classmates. There will be a test over this material during the first week of school in August. You may use this worksheet and any other hand-written notes you have on that test.Preamble: According to the preamble to the US Constitution, who established the US Government?Article I: Section 1What branch of government is this? What powers do they have? What does this mean that they do?What are the two major parts or “houses” of this branch?Section 2How often are representatives elected? How old do they have to be?How many representatives does each state get?Who is the representative for Nashville in this branch (look online or ask your parents)?In the formula for determining representation, section 2.3 refers to “…three-fifths of all other persons.” Who is this talking about? Why was this included? You might need a little internet searching.Section 3How many senators does each state get? How often do they get elected?How old do senators have to be?Who are Tennessee’s two senators (look online or ask your parents)?Section 8 These are the powers of Congress. Does anything surprise you here?Section 9These are the things Congress can NOT do. Does anything surprise you here?Read Section 9.1. Who is this talking about? What does this mean?Article II: Section 1What branch of government is this? Who is this? How often do they get elected?Section 1.5 lists the three qualifications for this position. What are they? i. _______________________ ii. ________________________ iii. ________________________Section 2 – These are the powers of the president. Does anything surprise you here?In section 4 – How and for what reasons may this person be removed from office?Article IIIWhat branch of government is this? Who is this?How are these people chosen (look back up in Article II section 2)?How long do they keep their jobs?Who is the current Chief Justice of the Court (look online or ask your parents)?Article IV Read Article IV section 2.3. Who is this talking about? What does this mean?Amendments What are the five freedoms identified in the 1st Amendment? 1. __________________________ 2. ______________________________ 3. _______________________ 4. _____________________ 5. __________________________ What is the 2nd Amendment about?In very general terms, Amendment 4-8 are designed to protect what people?What did the 13th Amendment do & when was it ratified?The 14th Amendment is pretty complicated. Read section 1 and describe what you think it does.What did the 15th Amendment do, and when was it ratified?What did the 16th Amendment allow? When was it ratified?How did the 17th Amendment change how we senators are elected (Look back up in Article I section 3 if needed)? When was it ratified?What did the 18th Amendment do? When was it ratified?What did the 19th Amendment do? When was it ratified?Part III - US History Basic Review – Use any books or online resources to answer these questions. Remember that this should be your own work – not that of your friends and/or classmates. The United States has had two different types of government in its history as an independent nation, each with a different structure.What was the first government of the independent United States (1781-1789)? What type of government structure was this? Explain.What is the second government of the United States (1789 to the present)? What type of government structure does it have? pare & contrast the two governments of the United States. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?What was the Missouri Compromise of 1820? What did it attempt to do, and why was it so controversial?For what reasons did the US go to war with Mexico in 1846, and what new territories did the US gain in the Mexican-American War 1846-1848? If you have any questions, feel free to email me at james.trotter@. Hope you have a great summer! ................

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