Quiz Chapter 6: Psychosocial Development in Infancy

Quiz Chapter 6: Psychosocial Development in Infancy (15 points)


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. Which of the following emotions are categorized as primary emotions?

a. jealousy, anger, shame, and sorrow

b. fear, joy, anger, and interest

c. guilt, anger, interest, and sorrow

d. joy, shame, jealousy, and anger

2. The strange situation technique is used to gauge an infant’s

a. attachment.

b. maturity.

c. personality.

d. socialization.

3. Which of the following components of family relationships is important to the development of an infant, physically as well as socially?

a. marital satisfaction of the parents

b. sibling-sibling interactions

c. parent-sibling interactions

d. all of these are important components

4. The success of any child-parent relationship hinges upon two things: how the parents view and exercise their roles and

a. the age of the child.

b. the number of children they have.

c. their age when they have children.

d. how the child reacts to the parenting style.

5. What is Bowlby’s basic premise of attachment?

a. A warm, intimate relationship between caregiver and infant is essential to mental health, as the child’s need for comfort is as great as its need for nourishment.

b. The total range of reinforcement provided by the caregiver explains attachment.

c. Attachment is an intellectual achievement involving cognitive concepts based on prediction and outcomes.

d. Infants become attached to those who provide them oral satisfaction.

6. How did Ainsworth describe mothers of avoidantly attached infants?

a. anxious during separation from their child

b. reluctant to seek help from others

c. indifferent to physical contact

d. encouraged exploration in their infants

7. Which of the following statements concerning a father’s role as caretaker is correct?

a. Fathers tend to function better in situations where they are not the primary caretaker.

b. Fathers tend to do an excellent job when they are the primary caretaker.

c. Fathers are not as adept as mothers at taking care of children.

d. In general, fathers tend to avoid playing a major role in caring for the children.

8. An individual’s unique emotional style, physical and attentional reactivity, and self regulation make up his or her

a. personality.

b. temperament.

c. attitude.

d. emotional set.

9. Which of the following directly precipitates an infant’s development of autonomy?

a. their realization that they have some control in the interactions between themselves and their parents

b. the parents changing their behavior to adapt to the infant’s needs

c. the parents leaving the infant with other caregivers such as relatives or a day care facility

d. the amount of stimuli they are able to adapt to

10. The mother of 3½-year-old Carlos drops him off at his regular day care center. How is he likely to react?

a. At this age he is just beginning to manifest distress at her departure.

b. At this age he is just beginning to notice her impending departure.

c. He will cry when his mother leaves.

d. He will accept his mother’s temporary absence and play with the other children.

11. When parents adjust their expectations fit their child’s temperament they establish what is known as

a. reciprocal interactions.

b. secure-autonomous relations.

c. attachment behaviors.

d. goodness of fit.

12. Megan is starting to regulate her emotional expression. This impulse control is strongly influenced by

a. her temperament.

b. her family’s reactions to her emotional outbursts.

c. the interaction of biopsychosocial factors.

d. All of these are important components.

13. At what age do children typically begin to develop a need for peer interactions?

a. beginning of their first year

b. beginning of their second year

c. beginning of their third year

d. beginning of their fourth year

14. Babies smile instinctively at faces, real or drawn. This probably reflects

a. an ability to imitate adult faces.

b. the human tendency to attend to patterns.

c. pure happiness.

d. babies’ desire to manipulate their environment.

15. A(n) __________________ is a model of intermittent dealings or contacts between two people that incorporates various exchanges over time.

a. interaction

b. association

c. social role

d. relationship


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