4 temperaments personality


4 temperaments personality

Proto-psychological theory This article is about the "four moods" in the field of Greek-Roman medicine, a specific form of the most universal proto-medical concept of Humourism. For Hindemith score and choreographed ballet from balancing, see the four temperament. For the Symphony of Carl Nielsen, see Symphony No. 2 (Nielsen). Depicting of the 18th century of the four temperament, [1] Phlegmatic and Carriera above, blood and melancholy under the four temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory that suggests that there are four types of fundamental personalities: blood, colleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. [2] [3] Most formulations include the possibility of mixtures between types where types of personality of an individual overlap and share two or more temperaments. Greek doctor Hippocrates (c. 460 a c. 370 BC) described the four temperament as part of the ancient medical concept of Humourism, which four bodily fluids affect personalities and human behavior. Modern medical science does not define a fixed relationship between internal secretions and the personality, although some type of psychological personality systems use categories similar to Greek temperaments. Temperament history and development theory has its roots in the ancient Humourism theory. He could have originated in Egyptian medicine [4] or in Mesopotamia, [5] but was Greek medical hippocrates (460a 370 BC) who developed in a medical theory. He believed that certain human soul states, emotions and behaviors were caused by excess or lack of body fluids (called "moods"), which he ranked like blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. [3] Galen (at 129 to c. 200) has developed the first type of temperament in its temperamentis dissertation, and seeked for physiological reasons for different behavior in humans. He ranked them as hot / cold and dry / humid taken by four elements. [6] There could also be balance between quality, obtaining a total of nine temperaments. The word "temperament" itself derives from the Latin "temper", "mix". In the ideal personality, the complementary features were exquisitely balanced between warm-fresh and dry-wet. In four types less ideal, one of the four qualities was dominant about all others. In the remaining four types, a quality pair dominated the complementary torque; For example, warm and damp dominated and dry. These last four were the temperamental categories that Galeno called "Sanguigna", "Carriera", "melancholy", and "phlegmatic", after bodily moods. Each was the result of an excess of one of the moods who produced the imbalance in coupled qualities. [3] [7] [8] [9] Choleric, sanguine, melancholy, and phlegmatic temperaments:. 17C, part of the great Persian Persian Persian Commande (980a 1037 AD) has extended the theory of temperament in its medicine canon, which was a standard medical text in many medieval universities. He applies them to "emotional aspects, mental capacity, moral attitudes, awareness of s?, movements and dreams." [10] Nicholas Culpeper (1616? ? 1654) suggested that the moods acted how to govern the principles on physical health, with astrological correspondences, [11] and explained to them on physiognomy and the personality. [12] He proposed that some people had a single temperament, while others had a mixture of two, a primary and secondary temperament. [13] Modern medical science rejected the theories of the four temperament, even if their use persists as a metaphor within some psychological fields. [14] Immanuel Kant (1724? ? 1804), Rudolf Steiner (1861? ? 1925), Alfred Adler (1879? ? 1937), Erich Adickes (1866? ? 1925), Eduard Spranger (1914), Ernst Kretschmer (1920), and Erich Fromm (1947) All theorized on Temperations (with different names) and considerably in the shape of modern temperament theories. Hans Eysenck (1916? ? 1997) was one of the first psychologists to analyze the differences in personnel using a psycho-statistical psycho-statistical method Factors analysis and research led him to believe that temperament is biologically based. The factors that he proposed in his book the dimensions of the personality were neurotism (N), the tendency to experiment with negative emotions and extraversion (e), the tendency to enjoy positive events, in particular social ones. By coping the two sizes, Eysenck noted how the results were similar to the four ancient temperaments. [Necessary quote] Other researchers have developed similar systems, many of which have not used ancient temperament names, and different extraversion coupled with a different factor to determine the relationship and orientation of activities. Examples are disk evaluation and social styles. One of the most popular today is the KeiSire Temperament Sorter, whose four temperament were based largely on the Greek divinities Apollo, Dionysus, EpimeTheus and Prometheus, and were mapped to the 16 types of Myers - Briggs type indicator (MBTI). They were renamed as Artisan (SP), Guardian (SJ), Idealist (NF) and Rational (NT). [Necessary quote] Report from various four temperament theories Classic element Adler [15] Riemann [16] Disk [17] (Several publishers use different names) Melancholy land avoiding consciousness obsessively or obsessively flexmatic water obtaining the schizoid stability / solidarity air bleed socially Useful a hysterical influence / inspiring the fire of fire depressed dominance four types of fundamental personality that most individuals tend to have aspects of their personality that identify with each of the four temper. However, there are usually one or two primary temperaments that are displayed at a significantly higher level. [Necessary quote] An individual could be any combination of the following four types. The kind of bloody personality is mainly described as highly talkative, enthusiastic, active and social. Datui tend to be more extroused and enjoyed being part of a crowd; They find that being social, outgoing and charismatic is easy to realize. [2] [3] Individuals with this personality have difficulty doing nothing and engage in greater risk of seeking behavior. [2] Individuals cholerno tend to be more extrovertitous. They are described as independent, decisive, oriented to the lives and ambitious. These combined with their dominant and result-oriented perspectives make them natural leaders. In Greek, medieval and Renaissance thought, they were also violent, can be revenical and tempered. [18] Melancholic individuals tend to be analytical and retailed to detail, and are thinkers and deep feelings. They are introverted and try to avoid being identified in a crowd. [2] A melancholy personality leads to self-sufficient individuals who are thoughtful, reserved and often anxious. [2] They often struggle for perfection in themselves and their surroundings, leading to ordered and detailed behavior. [2] Phlezes are tend to be relaxed, peaceful, quiet and facilitate. [2] They are nice and care about others, yet they try to hide their emotions. Even phlegmatic individuals are good to generate ideas or problems in the world and making compromises. [2] Modern views, implementations and restatization Waldorf's education and anthroposophy believe that temperments help to understand the personality. Christian Writer Tim Lahaye tried to repopulate ancient temperaments through his books. [19] [20] [21] I use the classic XVIII century composer Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach composed a sonata trio in c minor known as Sanguineus et melanancholico (STL 161/1). In the 20th century, Sinfonia N. 2 of Carl Nielsen (op.16) is subtitled "The four temperament", each of the four movements From a sketch of a particular temperament. [22] The theme of Paul Hindemith and the four variants for the rope orchestra and the piano are also known as the four temperament: although originally designed as ballet for l? ? ? Onide Massine, [23] [24] The score It was ultimately completed as a commission for George Balanchine, which . Choreographed like a neoclassical ballet, using the theory of temperaments as [25] starting point [26]: 253 The 19 ? ? century French author of a mile Zola used the four temperaments as the basis for his novel Th? ? ra ? if Raquin. [27] See also Big Five personality traits of blood theory of personality Enneagram of personality fundamental orientation interpersonal relationships Table of comparison between similar systems temperaments models two factors of personality References ^ Woodcut by Johann Kaspar Lavater, Physiognomische Fragmente der zur befa ? rderung Menschenkenntnis und Menschenliebe (1775? ? 1778) ^ abcdefgh "four human temperaments." . ^ A b c d Merenda, P. F. (1987). "Towards a theory to four temperamental factors and / or personality." Journal of the personality assessment. 51 (3): 374 367A. doi: 10.1207 / s15327752jpa5103_4. PMIDA 16372840. ^ van Sertima, Ivan (1992). The golden age of the Moro. Transaction publishers. p.? 17. ISBN? 156000-581-5. ^ Sudhoff, Karl (1926). "Essays in the history of medicine." Medical Life Press, New York: 67, 87, 104. Cite magazine requires | journal = (help) ^ Boeree, C. George. "Early Medicine and Physiology". Retrieved 21 February 2013. ^ Kagan, Jerome (1998). Galen's Prophecy: Temperament in human nature. New York: Basic Books. ISBN? 0-465-08405-2. ^ Osborn L. Ac., David K. "INHERENT CHARACTER". Retrieved 21 February 2013. ^ "Filed copy". Filed by the original on 2011-07-20. Extract 2010-03-26.CS1 maint: archived copy the title (link) ^ Lutz, Peter L. (2002). The Rise of Experimental Biology: An Illustrated History. Human Press. p.? 60. ISBN? 0-89603-835-1. ^ Nicholas Culpeper (1653) an astrologer-physical discourse of human virtues in man's body, transcribed and annotated by Deborah Houlding. Skyscript 2009 (retrieved November 16, 2011). Originally published in Complete (English physician) made from herbs Culpeper. London: Peter Cole, 1652. ^ Nicholas Culpeper, Semeiotica Urania, or astrological judgment of diseases. London: 1655. Reprint, Nottingham: Armpit, 1994. ^ Greenbaum, Dorian Gieseler (2005). Temperament: Key Forgotten astrology. Wessex Astrologer. pp.? 42, 91. ISBN? 1-902405-17-X. ^ Martindale, Anne E.; Martindale, Colin (1988). "Metaphorical equivalence of elements and temperaments: empirical studies of Bachelard's theory of the imagination." Journal of Personality and social psychology. 55 (5): 836. doi: 10.1037 / 0022-3514.55.5.836. ^ Lundin, Robert W. (1989). Alfred-Adler's Basic concepts and implications. Taylor and Francis. p.? 54. ISBN? 0-915202-83-2. ^ Riemann, Fritz (2008). Anxiety. Ernst Reinhardt. ISBN? 978-3-497-02043-0. ^ "What are the types Four disc?". DISC personality test Blog. 01/27/2014. Retrieved 09/22/2020. ^ "Four humours". ^ LaHaye, Tim (1966). The Spirit Controlled Temperament. Tyndale Publishing. ^ LaHaye, Tim (1984). Your temperament: discover its potential. Tyndale Publishing. ISBN? 0-8423-6220-7. ^ LaHaye, Tim (1988). ? Why do you behave the Way You Do. Tyndale Publishing. ISBN? 0-8423-8212-7. ^ Foltmann, Niels Bo, ed. (1998). Symphony No. 2 (PDF). Carl Nielsen works. II. Instrumental music. 2. The Carl Nielsen Edition, Royal Danish Library. ISBN? 978-87-598-0913-6. ISMN M-66134-000-3. Archived from the original (PDF), 16 October 2014. ^ Corleonis, Adrian. "Paul Hindemith, theme and variations, 'die vier tagly' (four temperament)". American Symphony Orchestra. Abstract 1 February 2021. ^ Hindemith, Paul (1948). Theme and four (four temperament) variations (PDF). New York: Associated Music Publishers. ^ Kant, Marion (7 June 2007). The Cambridge companion to Ballet. p.? 231-232. ISBN? 9781139827195. ^ Balanchine, George; Mason, Francis (1977). Complete Stories of Balanchine ballets. ^ Zola, Preface to Th? ? ? rase Raquin. Further reading Arikha, Noga (2007). Passions and tempers: A History of Harpers. Isbn?, 978-0060731175 Edelman, Kathleen (2019). I said this, you heard heard As your wiring colors your communication. Northern point resources. Isbn?, 978-1943535415 External links in our time (BBC Radio 4) Episode on the four moons in mp3 format, 45 minutes I said this, you heard that (a group studio in the four-temperament interactive workbook format) which includes an assessment of temperament; Accompanying teaching videos available through the free app. Shakespeare and the four umoli recovered from " " = 1037170263 " 4 temperaments personality test. 4 temperaments personality test pdf. 4 temperaments personality ppt. 4 temperaments personality types. 4 temperaments personality test printable. hippocrates 4 temperaments personality. what are the four temperaments of personality. 4 temperaments characteristics

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