Chapter 1

1. We are first introduced to 7th-grader Eric Hayes, the main character, and newly arrived in the town of Bellport, Long Island, shooting hoops at his middle school. Who does he see, what is that person doing, and what conclusions/predictions can you draw/make from the action in this chapter?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What visual image does the author create of David Hallenback? Based on the details provided by the au-thor, draw your interpretation of David and his situation in the space below. No, you do not have to be an artist! ---variations of stick figures are just fine!

3. Cite three words and/or phrases that convey how David feels or how Eric reacts to David’s actions and appearance.


Chapter 2

1. The first sentence of this chapter is a powerful sentence. What inference tells you that Eric was expecting one or more persons to come on the scene after David Hallenback fled the basketball court?


2. Preller calls those who arrive, “hunters.” Your thoughts as to why? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Why does Eric have a, “knot in his stomach?’


4. What is it about Griffin that attracts Eric?


5. Reading the final several paragraphs of this chapter, starting with the seemingly innocent request of Griffin for a, “souvenir,” are you willing to make a prediction about what may happen between Eric and Griffin later in the book?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 3

1. Eric struggles with his feelings in this chapter, having to make minute-by-minute decisions as to how to respond to Griffin and the others. Why do you think he thinks, “Good riddance,” when they ride off?


2. What point is Griffin making when he returns, alone, to confront Eric?


Chapter 4

1. Eric believes that, even though he has moved to a new home in a new town, “…there was no such thing as a new beginning. You get one life and it rolls out like a long hallway carpet.” Why do you think the au-thor used this simile, and do you agree with Eric’s feelings about life? Support your answer with specific evidence from your own life, that of others, or real-world examples.


2. Using direct evidence from the text, describe in detail the past and current relationship between Eric and his father. Does Eric miss his dad? What evidence tells you so?



Chapter 5

1. Based on the final several paragraphs of Chapter 4 and the opening paragraphs of this chapter, is Eric looking forward to his new school? Why or why not? Cite 1-3 sentences that reveal the answer to this question.


2. Bullying can be defined as (please include here how your school defines bullying). What incident(s) tells the reader that bullying is happening in this school?


Chapter 6

1. Once Eric realizes that it was David Hallenback who was pushed into the locker and who was the, “ketchup boy,” what does he begin to understand about Griffin Connelly?


2. What advice does Mary give Eric and why?


Chapter 7

1. This chapter is entitled, “lunch.” Describe what occurs in the cafeteria that reveals additional infor-mation about the character traits of Griffin Connelly.


Chapter 8

1. Eric, his brother and mother run into Griffin at the grocery store, where Griffin turns on his most charm-ing manner to Eric’s mother. Does Eric believe him? How do you know?


Chapter 9

1. What does Griffin do that reveals still more about the type of person he is?


2. What meaning do you think Griffin is referring to when he states, “It’s about building trust….You have to wait for the right time before cashing it in?”


Chapter 10

1. At Griffin’s house, Eric lies to his mother. What part does Griffin play in this lie? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. At this point in book, Eric believes that Griffin is his friend. What specific evidence supports this belief? What could be the reason for Griffin’s refusal to explain where and how he acquired his, “souvenirs?”


Chapter 11

1. What conclusion does Eric come to about telling the truth, and why does he reach that conclusion? What information about his family is he unwilling to share with Griffin, and why?


2. Describe Eric’s father from Eric’s point of view, using specific words and/or phrases that paint a vivid image of their relationship.


Chapter 12

1. As the chapter opens, Eric is beginning to feel more comfortable, “in his new surroundings.” Although he does not like all his teachers, nor all of Griffin’s friends, he has made friends with Mary and is starting to “fit in.” What information about Griffin Connelly is revealed in this chapter that may have some bearing on Griffin’s character?


Chapter 13

1. Not all bullying is physical, but sometimes it is. Describe in detail what happens to David Hallenback. Who was at fault? Is it possible that more than one person could be held accountable for what occurred, and, if so, why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Bullying is a learned behavior. Why do you think that Griffin Connelly physically attacked David Hallenback?


3. Do you think that Mrs. Diaz’s reaction was sufficient? Did she do enough in response to the situation?


4. Why do you think Eric did not interfere? What would you have done? Why?


Chapter 14

1. Eric finally begins to notice the climate of bullying that is occurring at Bellport Central Middle School. Describe some of the bullying behavior and the people who were targets.


2. Eric at first believes himself to be innocent because he is a, “bystander,” who does not actually partici-pate in the bullying pranks. Then, he changes his mind, thinking, “I’m just as bad as the rest of them.” Do you agree or disagree that he is should be held accountable, as an individual student, for what goes on at the school? Why or why not?


Chapter 15

1. Griffin comes to visit Eric at Eric’s home, and Eric’s mom disappears into the kitchen. Why? What could be a reason or reasons for her not wanting Eric to visit Griffin?


2. Griffin admits to Eric that he does not know why he hurt David Hallenback at recess. Do you think it is possible that Griffin truly does not know why he bullied David? Support your answer with evidence from the book, your life, or real-world examples.


3. As the chapter closes, Rudy and Eric discover that items are now missing from their rooms. What are the items, how might they have disappeared, and how do you know? Can you offer evidence and a motive?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________

Chapter 16

1. Eric runs into Mary on one of his dog-walking jobs and they chat for a while. What does Eric do to as-certain Mary’s opinion of Griffin, and what is Mary’s response? What do you think she means when she states, “It takes a while, but you’ll figure him out eventually.”


2. What unexpected information does Mary reveal about herself in this chapter? What is your opinion of what she has done?


Chapter 17

1. What is the definition of bullying given in this chapter? How does it compare with the definition your school uses, or others you have heard?


2. What are the 4 types of bullying Mr. Floyd mentions and how might you define them?


3. How does the class define slander, and what examples do they use to support the definition?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Examine the strategies Eric’s group lists to create a bully-free environment. Which of these are in use at your school, which might work if not currently in place, and are there any others that might be effective at your school? (You might want to form groups for this question.)


Chapter 18

1. Describe the experiment that was performed in the early 1960’s by Yale professor Stanley Milgram, and how the results of that experiment relate to Mr. Scofield’s statement, “In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”


Chapter 19

1. By now, Eric knows for certain what happened to Rudy’s money and his CD’s. He also knows the kind of person Griffin Connelly is. As Eric states, “It was like a switch flipping on, a darkened room suddenly filling with light.” Describe his realization about Griffin.


2. How has David Hallenback’s relationship with Eric changed? What do you think is the reason, and, based on David’s actions, what might David be considering?


Chapter 20

1. What has Mary done and how has that changed her standing with other “in” students in the school? Do you think the reaction of the other students is appropriate? Why or why not?


2. What bullying behavior does Griffin display toward Eric and how does Eric handle the situation? What statement does Griffin make about Eric’s dad and how does that statement relate to Griffin’s relationship with his own father?


Chapter 21

1. Hallenback leads Eric to the cemetery and a possible confrontation with Griffin and his crew. What do we know about bullies that would explain why Hallenback, the target of so many bullying behaviors, would do such a thing? What emotion(s) is/are at the root of David’s deception of Eric?


Chapter 22

1. Based on what is revealed, what role did David Hallenback actually play in the fight at the cemetery? What has David Hallenback’s anger made him become? Who comes to Eric’s aid?


2. Why do you think Griffin does not do the actual fighting, given that he is the, “leader,” of the group?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 23

1. What does Eric write about in his letter to his dad, and why does he tear it up instead of sending it? What feelings does Eric have about his father?


Chapter 24

1. Why do you think that Eric does not mention David’s name when he reveals to his mother some of what happened at the cemetery? Why do you think he does not tell her the whole truth?


2. What happens at the meeting between Cody and Eric in Mr. Floyd’s office? Why do you think that nei-ther of them implicate Griffin? Has the relationship between Cody and Eric changed as a result of this meeting, and, if so, how?


Chapter 25

1. Who has replaced Eric at Griffin’s table? Why do you think that has happened?


2. What advice did Mr. Schofield give to Mary, and do you believe it is sound advice? Why or why not?


3. At the end of the chapter, Griffin threatens Eric. What does he say and why?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 26

1. Eric’s bike has been stolen and Eric discusses the theft with Officer Goldsworthy. What can you infer from Officer Goldsworthy’s conversation are his suspicions about Griffin Connelly? Cite some specific evi-dence that lets you, “read between the lines,” to come to this conclusion.


Chapter 27

1. Having just had his bike stolen, Eric is now falsely accused of having a knife in his locker, but is unable to learn the name of the person who made the report. Who do you think made the false accusation and why?


Chapter 28

1. Mary reveals important information in this chapter. What does she reveal, how does she feel about what she did, and what is Eric’s reaction? Does this revelation weaken or strengthen their friendship?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 29

1. Eric and Griffin get into a heated exchange. How does Eric handle Griffin’s taunting and Griffin’s knowledge of Eric’s locker combination? What does Eric warn Griffin about David?


2. What does Griffin want Eric to do at the Rosen’s house? What is Eric’s response? What decision does Eric come to when he thinks, “It had to stop.”


Chapter 30

1. Eric and his mom drive to the beach. What does his mom reveal to Eric about his dad? What do you think she means when she states about Eric’s dad, “All you can do is love him, even if it breaks your heart sometimes.” What is Eric’s reaction to this statement?


2. When they arrive home, Eric sees that several members of Griffin’s friends have returned Eric’s bike. How did Cody, Pat, and Hakeem persuade Griffin to return the bike? Why are they going to help Eric repair the bike? What has changed in the way these boys relate to Eric?


Chapter 31

1. In his phone conversation with Eric, Griffin reveals more of his character. What does the reader learn from this brief exchange?


2. What does Eric do at Griffin’s house and what is his motive? Is he successful?


3. What does he now understand about Griffin’s “souvenirs?”


4. As Eric retrieves his CD, he thinks about Griffin, “Why is he like that? Eric could never understand” What do you understand about Griffin?


5. What does Eric write and why?


6. Who surprises Eric as he is about to leave Griffin’s house and what is Eric’s reaction?


Chapter 32

1. Eric makes his escape, but not without leaving something behind. What does he leave in Griffins’s room? Is he concerned? Why or why not?


Chapter 33

1. What is Griffin wearing when Eric sees him in the cafeteria? How does this affect Eric?


3. What opportunity may present itself for Eric as revealed in his conversation with Pat?


4. What life-changing choice has Eric made?


Chapter 34

1. Eric has ended his relationship with Griffin Connelly, and is now focusing on his success on the basket-ball team, his renewed determination to master the guitar, always a symbol of hope and stability, and per-haps even reconnecting with his father. Eric is no longer a, “bully, a target, or a bystander. He was just Eric Hayes.”

What have you learned from this book? What impact has it made on your life? Are you a bully, a target or a bystander? What can you do about it, and will you?


2. It is now ten years in the future. What do you think has become of Griffin Connelly? Why? Could anything have been done to help Griffin—what, and who could have helped him?



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