Sentence Structure 4 – Complex Sentences

IAE ? Writing a Descriptive Paragraph ? Week 3 ? Sentence Structure: Complex Sentences

Sentence Structure 4 ? Complex Sentences - Introduction

A dependent clause is not a complete idea and therefore cannot make a simple sentence. Notice that the conjunction relative pronoun in a dependent clause is part of the clause.

1. Look at the clauses below. Identify which clauses are independent (I) and which are dependent (D). In the dependent clauses highlight the conjunction or relative pronoun

the routes enabled people to transport goods


because a large part of trade along this route consisted of silk


goods were bought and sold by many traders


that the route was important for spreading technology as well as trade ___

who bought and sold goods in market towns


2. Look at the sentences below. Identify the sentences with dependent clauses ? underline the dependent clause and highlight the conjunction/relative pronoun.

It was full of difficulties and obstacles, but it was the only way for China to connect with the West between the second century B.C.E. and the 10th century.

This made it very difficult to return and settle there when peace returned.

This was one of the reasons the Silk Road declined.

These preserved towns and villages contain ancient documents, which tell us a great deal about life on the Silk Road.

Many historians claim that it is the most important trading route in human history.

The sentences you have identified are complex sentences. A complex sentence contains at least one independent and one dependent clause. A dependent clause needs an independent clause to make a sentence.

What are the other two sentence types in exercise 2 above?

Three common types of complex sentences are those with an adverb clause, an adjective clause or a noun clauses. These are explained briefly below.

IAE John Slocombe GE: UAEU


IAE ? Writing a Descriptive Paragraph ? Week 3 ? Sentence Structure: Complex Sentences

Adverb clause An adverb clause tells us why, when or where something happens or they are used to introduce a contrast.

The Silk Road declined because of a number of different factors.

Whereas goods were traded many time along the land route, on the sea routes products were taken directly from China to Europe

If you are writing a text which describes the reasons why and when the Silk Road declined, using adverb clauses makes writing the information much clearer and concise for the reader.

Adverb clauses begin with conjunctions which include; when, after, since, while, before, though, although, even, because, if, whereas...

Adjective clause An adjective clause tells us more about a noun. They help to describe something.

Ships had become stronger, and the sea route opened new markets and commercial opportunities, which had previously been closed off.

Goods were bought and sold many times by different traders, in the busy markets of the oasis towns that were situated along the route.

Clearly, if you are describing something in detail in a paragraph then adjective clauses will make your writing much clearer and concise for the reader

Adjective clauses begin with relative pronouns; which, that, who, where and when.

Noun clause A noun clause acts like a noun and can be a subject or verb. One of the most common noun clauses in academic writing is a `that' clause, which follows reporting verbs. Look at the examples below.

Evans (2000) claims that the Silk Road acted like an `information superhighway'.

It is argued by many historians that the `Silk Road' was the foundation of the modern world.

3. Read the text below and identify all the complex sentences. Underline the dependent clauses and highlight the conjunction/relative pronoun. Annotate which are the adverb clauses and the adjective clauses.

IAE John Slocombe GE: UAEU


IAE ? Writing a Descriptive Paragraph ? Week 3 ? Sentence Structure: Complex Sentences

The ultimate decline of the Silk Road in the 14th and 15th centuries was largely due to the development of the silk route by sea, as it was becoming easier and safer to transport goods by water instead of overland.

A disadvantage of the land route was there were many stops along the Silk Road. With each stop merchants would sell their goods to other merchants, who would transport them further along the route to the next major city and sell them again. This process resulted in an increase in the price of the products as they slowly made their way along the route.

In addition, the problem of `tribal politics' between the different peoples who lived along the route was another drawback. The success of the Silk Route depended on the countries it passed through being at peace with each other because war made it more difficult to transport goods along the Road. Notably, the end of the Mongol empire in the 14th century led to political instability and war across central Asia

In contrast to the problems of the land route, the sea route had fewer stops, and so goods travelling by sea could be sold at lower prices. Ships had become stronger, and the sea route opened new markets and commercial opportunities in Southern Asia, which had previously been closed off. However, trade through the sea route sometimes suffered disruption caused by bad weather and piracy.

As you can see, using these clauses allows the writer to include lots of information and ensure the text is easy to read.

4. Look at a paragraph you have recently written. Find any complex sentences and underline the clauses and highlight the conjunction/relative pronoun. Annotate and correct any mistakes you have made. Are there are parts of the paragraph where you could have used more complex sentences?

Review A complex sentence contains at least one independent and dependent clause. Two common types of dependent clauses are adverb and adjective clauses.

IAE John Slocombe GE: UAEU



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