October 2013 Memorandum DSIB Item 1 Attachment 11 ...

|School |New West Charter School |

| |West Los Angeles, CA 90064-2908 |

| |CDS 19-75663-6120158 |

| |Charter Number: 0431 |

|Charter Term |July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2017 |

|Approved Grade Span |Grades Served |6-12 |6-9 |

|Enrollment Cap |600 |

|Numerically Significant Subgroups |Hispanic or Latino, White |

|Title I Funded/ PI Status |No/Not Applicable |

|School Data and Demographics |

| |2010–11 |2011–12 |2012–13 |

|Percent Free and Reduced Lunch |11 |14 |17 |

|Percent English Learner |1 |1 |1 |

|Percent Student with Disabilities |7 |9 |9 |

|Fall Enrollment |341 |338 |573 |

|Number of Suspensions |6 |5 |0 |

|Number of Expulsions |0 |0 |0 |

|Growth API |930 |942 |911 |

|Growth from Prior Year |22 |12 |-31 |

|Grade 10 CAHSEE ELA Pass Rate |na |na |na |

|Grade 10 CAHSEE MATH Pass Rate |na |na |na |

|Statewide Rank |10 |10 |NA |

|Similar Schools Rank |10 |9 |NA |

|Cohort Drop Out Rate (High School Only) |-- |-- |na |

|Cohort Graduation Rate (High School Only) |-- |-- |na |

Data suppressed by CDE or not provided by school is indicated by a ‘--‘

Data that is not currently available at this time is indicated by ‘NA’

Data that is not applicable is indicated by ’na’

A school that did not have a valid 2012 Base API and will not have any growth or target information is indicated by ‘B’

2012–13 SBE Actions and Official Correspondence


2012–13 Key Actions by the Governing Board (as reported in SBE-Authorized Charter School - General Information Form)

New West Charter School (NWCS) reported that the governing board took actions on the following items:

• Budget Review – Cash flow Monitoring

• Fiscal Oversight

• Academic Oversight

• Charter Compliance and Monitoring

• Human Resource Review

Fiscal Management

Based on the April SBE Authorized Schools Fiscal Memo, NWCS demonstrates an ability to operate with a balanced budget, maintain stable enrollment and attendance ratios, manage cash liquidity and maintain low debt levels, maintain positive fund balances, and the school has met the recommended reserve levels specified in the MOU. The CDE continues to monitor New West as they report during the fiscal year.

September 2013 SBE-Authorized Charter School Self-Reporting Update on the 2012–13 Measureable Pupil Outcomes

Name of School: New West Charter School

Target Population (including outreach efforts made this year):

|Measurable Pupil Outcome |Outcome Met (Yes/No) |List of Evidence or Narrative on Progress Made |

|(PREPOPULATED BY CSD | |Towards Meeting Outcome |

|FROM SCHOOL’S CHARTER) | |(To Be Completed by |

| | |Charter School) |

|Middle School Program | | |

|90 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” on the California|Yes |CST results |

|English Language Arts Standards test | | |

|90 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” (6-7) on the |Yes |CST results |

|California Standards-based writing test (in 7th only) | | |

|80 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” on the California|Yes |CST results |

|Mathematics Standards test | | |

|80 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” on the California|Yes |CST results |

|Science Standards test (in 8th grade only) | | |

|80 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” on the California|Yes |CST results |

|History Standards test (in 8th grade only) | | |

|90 Percent or above of students meeting learning outcomes for each |Yes |Internal assessment system |

|core subject at each grade level | | |

|Statewide and Similar Schools Academic Performance Index |Unknown |Information not yet released |

|The API goal for New West over a five-year period 2012 – 2017 is 950. |910 | |

|New West will meet adequate yearly progress as defined by the No Child|No |API Report |

|Left Behind Act. | | |

|High School Program | | |

|Began only with 9th grade in 2012 | | |

|80 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” on the California English - Language Arts Standards Test |Yes |Internal |

|(grades 9-11) | |assessment system |

|70 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” on the California Mathematics Standards Test (grades 9- 11) |No |CST results |

|75 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” on the California Science Standards Test (grade 10 only) |Yes |CST results |

|80 Percent or above of students scoring “proficient” on the California United States History Standards Test (grade |N/A |We only began with|

|11 only) | |10th grade in Aug |

| | |2013 |

|90 Percent or above of students meeting all A-G course requirements |N/A | |

|100 Percent of students passing the CAHSEE by graduation (beginning grade 10) |N/A | |

|90 Percent or above of students meeting learning outcomes for each core subject at each |Yes |Internal |

|grade level | |assessment system |

|75 Percent or above of students scoring a 3 or higher on College Board Advanced Placements Exams (grades 11 & 12) |N/A | |

|Statewide and Similar Schools Academic Performance Index. |N/A | |

|NWCHS will meet adequate yearly progress as defined by the No Child Left Behind Act. |N/A | |

|90 percent or above of students applying to 4 year universities to pursue post - secondary education. |N/A | |

Additional Areas of Student Success:

In the space below, describe any additional ways students are excelling and/or showing improvement. These areas should be unique to the charter school and go beyond standardized test results.

| |

|New West utilizes a daily monitoring system to check the progress of all students. |

Content submitted by school, formatted by the California Department of Education, Charter Schools Division

October 2013.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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