26670762000Parker County Soil and Water Conservation District #558604 North Main, Suite 100, Weatherford, Texas 76086Contact us at 817-594-4672, ext. 3 or Email: parkercounty@swcd.Website: DEAR FRIENDS,505206074866500PARKER COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT has for the past 28 years sold low cost tree seedlings for privacy screens and windbreaks. Wildflower seeds were added 17 years ago for low maintenance ground cover. Rain barrels for water harvesting, made from food grade recycled containers, were first introduced 8 years ago. “Range Plants of North Central Texas” became available 5 years ago, and gate signs were first introduced last year. 212217011430000left3111500Give a $25 or more donation and receive this book as a thank you; or give a $20 or more donation and receive one of these gate signs!618363010414000Conservation Tree and Shrub Seedling Saleleft698500Containerized seedlings may be ordered individually or in sealed boxes of 25. This year the offering is Afghanistan Pine, Austrian Pine, Catalpa, Italian Stone Pine, Lotebush, Oriental Arborvitae, Pinyon Pine, Texas Redbud, and Western Soapberry at a cost of $3.00 each or $75 a box.Bur Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Shumard Oak, and native Pecan are available in lots of 25 and are shipped bare rooted in gel packing. Cost this year is $38 a bundle.-266704127500632079065278000Bluebonnet seeds are sold in 1 lb. bags for $22, wildflower seed mixes are sold in 1 lb. bags for $24 and have 20% Bluebonnet seeds in the Native and 15% in Starburst mixes. A wonderful mix of seed diversity that will keep any area colorful February through December. Bluebonnet seeds may be planted in the spring, but the plants will not seed because they need the winter to grow a vigorous root system.Ryegrass, alfalfa, clover, wheat, mixes for deer, clover, and dove, as well as many other seed varieties may be ordered through the District from Turner Seed in Breckenridge for convenient pickup at our office.-152405207000Rain barrels with various attachments are available year-round, but now is the time to start storing water for your gardening needs next summer. A 40 x 60 roof area and a 1 inch of rain has the potential to produce 1,743 gallons of usable water for lawns, gardens, or other purposes. Water that would have run into riveways, streets, or storm drains. And don’t forget – RAIN WATER HARVESTING EQUIPMENT AND RAIN BARRELS ARE TAX EXEMPT!left78105MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR FEBRUARY 7, 2020The District will be offering a LANDOWNER WORKSHOP featuring Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, Texas AgriLife Extension (Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist. Check our website mid-January for details.00MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR FEBRUARY 7, 2020The District will be offering a LANDOWNER WORKSHOP featuring Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, Texas AgriLife Extension (Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist. Check our website mid-January for details.TURNER SEED COMPANY, 211 CR 151, BRECKENRIDGE, TEXAS 764241-800-722-8616 or 254-559-2065 2019 TEXAS NATIVE MIXTURE ($24.00 PER ONE POUND BAG)Flower Name% By WeightTime of BloomAnnual/PerennialFlower Color1Black-Eyed Susan3%May/NovemberAYellow2Bluebonnets (Texas)20%March/MayABlue/White3Butterfly Milkweed1%April/SeptemberPOrange4Clasping Coneflower8%May/JuneAYellow/Dark Red5Drummond Phlox1%February/JunePRed6Engelmann Daisy8%March/JulyPYellow7Greenthread1%February/DecemberAYellow/Dark Red8Indian Blanket20%February/DecemberARed/Yellow9Lemon Mint8%April/OctoberAPink/Purple10Mexican Hat8%March/NovemberPYellow/Dark Red11Plains Coreopsis5%April/JuneAYellow/Dark Red12Prairie Coneflower1%March/NovemberPYellow13Purple Coneflower5%May/JunePPurple14Purple Prairie Clover4%June/JulyPPurple15Scarlet Sage2%March/DecemberA/PRed16Showy Evening Primrose2%March/JulyPPink17Standing Cypress1%June/AugustPRed18Tahoka Daisy1%May/OctoberAPurple19White Yarrow15April/JunePWhite2019 TEXAS STARBURST MIXTURE ($24.00 PER ONE POUND BAG)Flower Name% By WeightTime of BloomAnnual/PerennialFlower Color1Black-Eyed Susan3%May/November AYellow2Blanket Flower 2%May/JunePRed/Yellow3Bluebonnets (Texas)15%March/MayABlue/White4Butterfly Milkweed1%April/SeptemberPOrange5California Poppy5%February/SeptemberAOrange6Clasping Leaf Coneflower5%May/JuneAYellow/Dark Red7Cosmos8%May/NovemberARed/Pink8Drummond Phlox1%February/JuneARed9Engelmann Daisy5%March/JulyPYellow10Grayhead Coneflower1%May/SeptemberPYellow11Greenthread1%February/DecemberAYellow/Dark Red12Indian Blanket19%February/DecemberARed/Yellow13Lemon Mint8%April/OctoberAPink/Purple14Mexican Hat5%March/NovemberPYellow/Dark Red15Moss Verbena2%March/JulyPPurple16Plains Coreopsis3%April/JuneAYellow/Dark Red17Prairie Coneflower1%March/NovemberPYellow18Purple Coneflower3%May/JunePPurple19Purple Prairie Clover3%June/JulyPPurple20Scarlet Flax2%May/JulyARed21Scarlet Sage2%March/DecemberARed22Showy Evening Primrose2%March/JulyPPink23Standing Cypress1%June/AugustPRed24Tahoka Daisy1%May/OctoberAPurple25White Yarrow1%April/JunePWhiteSEEDING RATE PER ACRES = 8 – 10 POUNDS - PLANT 1/5th TO ? POUND PER ONE THOUSAND SQ FT PARKER COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT #558604 NORTH MAIN, SUITE 100, WEATHERFORD, TEXAS 76086E-mail parkercounty@swcd. with questions or call (817) 594 – 4672, EXT. 3Generally, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:00 – 3:00 MAIL IN ORDER FORMNAME: ________________________________________PHONE: ___________________________________ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________EMAIL (FOR CONFIRMATION IF REQUESTED): _________________________________________________________________________WILDFLOWER SEEDS - (available - in one-pound bags)PRICEQUANTITYTOTALBluebonnet seeds$22.00Texas Native Mix (20 different flowers)$24.00Starburst Mix (28 different flowers)$24.00SPECIES PLASTIC CONTAINER 6–12 inches sold individually or in lots of 25.(10 cubic inch root volume)Afghanistan Pine$3.00Austrian Pine$3.00Catalpa$3.00Italian Stone Pine$3.00Lotebush$3.00Oriental Arborvitae$3.00Pinyon Pine$3.00Texas Redbud$3.00Western Soapberry$3.00HARDWOOD SEEDLINGS 18 - 24 inches - Packaged bare rooted in lots of 25Oak, Bur$38.00Oak, Chinkapin$38.00Oak, Shumard$38.00Pecan$38.00SUBTOTAL OF ORDER _____________SALES TAX (8.25%) +____________TOTAL AMOUNT DUE = ____________PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO PARKERCOUNTY SWCD #558NOTE: LAST DAY TO ORDER TREES FREIGHT FREE IS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2020.TREES SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR PICK UP AT OUR OFFICE 9:00 – 3:00, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2020 **(A limited number of seedlings in plastic containers are usually available for sale on pickup day.)“Range Plants of North Central TexasOR Either Gate SignGive a $25 or more donation, receive a book. Give a $20 or more, receive a sign. Donations support the District’s mission.-5588076835001294765-444500288734514922500 Donation: $______________Gift(s) _______________-34925189865Thank you!00Thank you!_______________PARKER COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT #558604 NORTH MAIN, SUITE 100, WEATHERFORD, TEXAS 76086parkercounty@swcd. or call 817-594-4672, ext. 3Generally, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:00 – 3:00 NAME: ______________________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________________ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________RAINBARRELS/ACCESSORIES - Prices include shipping to your door!Styles may vary depending on supply. PRICEQUANTITY/COLORTOTAL-6353175000 50-gallon Terra Cotta@ 35” tall$99.00-63500060-gallon in Black$120.00-444503111500Flex Elbow (shipped in barrel) White or Brown - plastic 13664202093500 Barrel connectors @ 13” (shipped in barrel)$5.25$4.2529521153619500Flex Fit Diverter?will divert rain water from your downspout into your rain barrel, until the rain barrel is full, and then automatically?send the rest of the water back through the down spout, or into a?second or third rain barrel, and then back through the downspout. (shipped in barrel)$25.95TOTAL DUE =$ _________Purchaser claims this exemption for the following reason:Tax Code 151.355 exempts rainwater harvesting equipment from sales tax. The exemption applies to equipment and supplies used solely (used exclusively for the reason stated) for certain types of water conservation. Rain barrels and attachments the District sells are used solely for conservation rainwater harvesting and are tax exempt. I understand that I will be liable for payment of all state and local sales or use taxes which may become due for failure to comply with the provisions of the Tax Code and/or all applicable law.I understand that it is a criminal offense to give an exemption certificate to the seller for taxable items that I know, at the time of purchase, will be used in a manner other than that expressed in this certificate, and depending on the amount of tax evaded, the offense may range from a Class C misdemeanor to a felony of the second degree.__________________________________________________________________________________Signature of PurchaserBy signing, you are acknowledging your agreement with the above statements. CONTAINERIZED SPECIESleft76962000AFGHANISTAN PINE - Pinus eldarica: fast growing, adapted to acidic or alkaline soils. Drought tolerant grows on loamy, sandy, well drained or clay soils. Not cold hardy, tolerates heat, wind and dry conditions very well, but not wet sites. Retains branches to ground, open and airy, produces needles 4-6 inches long, blooms in the spring and produces 3" reddish-brown cones. Susceptible to pine tip moth and cotton root rot. Mature height 40 - 50 ft., 20-30 ft. spread.495301143000AUSTRIAN PINE – Pinus nigra: pyramid shaped, retains branches down to ground, with a compact crown with dark green needles. Flowers yellow to purple in color, cones 2–3 inches long yellow-brown in color. Good nesting for birds in the dense branches. Resistant to pine tip moth. Adapted to various soil types, prefers moist well drained sites. Drought and air pollution tolerant. A European native; handles cold well. Mature height 30 - 50 ft., 20 - 25 ft. spreadleft10287000CATALPA - Catalpa speciose: deciduous, fast-growing tree, prefers hot, dry conditions, and is an excellent shade tree. Green leaves are a foot in length and 8 inches wide, large hearts with 3 leaves to a node, whorled pattern, dull green on top, hairy pale underneath. Beautiful white flowers produce 18” – 20” seed pods that release in the spring. Heartwood of this tree is resistant to rot and makes excellent fence posts. The largest living tree is on the Michigan State Capital grounds and was planted in 1873. Mature height is 40 - 70 feet with a 50-foot arching canopy and a lifespan of 60 years or more.left335978500ITALIAN STONE PINE - Pinus pinea: moderately fast growing, adapted to arid and semi-arid zones, appears able to grow and do well in a variety of soils, even dry alkaline soils. Needles are dark green, thick, slightly twisted and pointed, in pairs and rather sparse. Bark is reddish brown with deep dark cracks forming long plates. Self-prunes lower branches as it reaches maturity. Not cold hardy. Flowers open in June. Cones are about 5 inches long and heavy. Mature height may reach 100 ft. in the forest but in the open forms a much lower umbrella shaped tree of 40 - 50 ft. with a spread of 30 - 35 ft.left9842500LOTEBUSH: a flowering deciduous shrub from the buckthron family, well adapted to areid regions, prairies, grasslands, woodlands, and other habitats. Lotebush is a shrub with many branches that form a thorny tangle that provides food and shelter for many birds and mammals. Leaves are a thick gray to green color with oval blades, usually 1 to 1 ? inches long. Fruit comes from clusters of dull, yellow green flowers. In the winter the leaves drop and the bush appears to be coated with waxy whitish hairs. The “twigs” taper into sharp thorns. Mature height is 9 – 10 ft., with a spread of 13 ft.left14605000ORIENTAL ARBORVITAE - Platycladus orientalis: a moderate growing evergreen conifer widely used for privacy hedges, has a broad pyramidal shape and dense, erect branches that crowded together. Bright green above and pale green below, leaves may turn yellow brown during winter. An aromatic, long living tree native China, Arborvitae grows well on a variety of soils, is very drought hardy, but salt sensitive. Foliage may cause dermatitis in some individuals. Mature height 25- 35 ft. with a 15-25 ft. spread.08953500PINYON PINE – Pinus edulis: a Texas native with moderate to high tolerance for alkali soils. Extremely slow-growing, small to medium height, develops compact crown of short, curved, needles. Requires little water, but good drainage, produces large cones and quite edible nuts; a favorite of songbirds, quail, squirrels, deer and humans. Resistant to pine tip moth, wood is very fragrant when burned. Mature height 10 – 30 ft. with a spread of 8 – 12left2476500REDBUD - Cercis canadensis var. texensis: also known as “Judas tree” either because of the legend Judas Iscariat hanged himself in this type of tree or the name could be from “Judea’s tree” as they are commonplace in Judea. The redbud is a small sturdy tree, flowering in early spring before its leaves appear. Flowers are heart ot kidney shaped, appear in clusters and continue to bloom while the bluish-green leaves develop. Fruit is a reddish brown flat pod about 4 in. long. Leaves turn gold or red in the fall and seedpods are reddish purple and persist into the winter months. Attactive tree to add to a windbreak. Mature height is 20 - 30 ft. with a spread of 15 – 25 feet.left2349500WESTERN SOAPBERRY – Sapindus drummondii: a slow-growing, medium sized, drought and winter tolerant tree adapted to a variety of site conditions, as well as poor soils. Has an open rounded crown, glossy medium green leaves, grape like yellow to orange fruit which is poisonous to humans if eaten in large quantities, but the poisonous saponins make the fruit objectionable to taste, but the tree provides excellent cover and browse for deer as well as nesting sites for birds. The fruit was crushed to make cleansers and soap by Native Americans and early settlers. Mature height of 30-50 feet with a spread of 20-30 fee BAREROOT SPECIESleft1079500BUR OAK - Ouercus macrocarpa: large, moderate to fast growing tree. Broad crown with strong mature branches consisting of semi-glossy dark green on top and grayish to whitish green on bottom of leaves. Adapts to a wide variety of sites but prefers fertile loam and deeper soils. Acorns are excellent food for birds and other wildlife. Flowers are yellow? green or reddish. Have the largest leaves and acorns of all the oaks. Mature height 50-60 ft., 40 - 60 ft. spread.190506286500CHINKAPIN OAK - Ouercus mihlenbergii: common to well-drained bottomland soils or deep, non-compacted soils; withstands strong winds; susceptible to salt. Leaves have a deep green color, a top sheen and a dull bottom; excellent shade tree. Flowers form small, narrow clusters; produces an acorn an inch long that is a favorite of squirrel and deer. Good for limestone soils, is insect resistant and drought tolerant. The champion tree is 100 ft. tall with a trunk diameter of 6 ft. in Breckenridge County Kentucky. The Chinkapin can live to be 600 years old. Mature height 40 - 50 ft. with a spread of 30 - 40 ft.6477012509500PECAN - Carva illinoensis: this Texas native small pecan variety is a favorite of many landowners and is the State Tree of Texas. Pecan comes from the Algonquin word "pacane" meaning "nut so hard as to require a stone to crack." Large deciduous tree with an upright, vase-shaped crown, it is moderately drought hardy and has a low tolerance to alkali soils, preferring deep, well drained soils. The national champion pecan resides in Weatherford, Texas, boasting a height of 91 ft., a crown spread of 120 ft., and a circumference of 263 in. Mature height of 60 - 70 ft. with a spread of 50 - 60 ft.342901079500SHUMARD OAK - Ouercus shumardii: named after Benjamin Franklin Shumard (1820 - 1869), a former Texas state geologist, red oaks are relatively fast growing, providing brilliant autunm color with leaves that tum scarlet-red in the fall. Shumard oak with stout branches and a spreading canopy is adapted to a variety of sites but prefers deep soils; growing tallest in moist bottomland soils and becoming more open at maturity. Shumard oaks grow singly and far apart, not in groves. Mature height 30 - 55 ft. with a spread of 30 - 40 ft. ................

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