The Vision of Wesleyan Homes

A faith-based ministry providing comfort and care for residents and their families in a place called home.

The Mission of Wesleyan Homes

Wesleyan Homes strives to be the premier provider of supportive care and services in Central Texas, open to all senior adults.


Welcome to Wesleyan Homes, Inc., which includes The Wesleyan at Scenic Healthcare & Rehabilitation, The Wesleyan at Estrella Assisted Living and Memory Care, The Wesleyan at Estrella Independent Living and Wesleyan Hospice. We value you and your decision to work with us. We hope you will find satisfaction in your work and your relationship with our residents.

Wesleyan Homes, Inc. is a charitable non-profit The Wesleyan, incorporated under the state laws of Texas. The governing body is composed of the 35 members of the Board of Trustees who are elected by the Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. Wesleyan Homes, Inc. is a dedicated ministry to the seniors stressing a philosophy of Christian concern to preserve and enhance the dignity and individuality of each person we serve.

Wesleyan Homes is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We believe that all persons are entitled to equal employment and do not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment, training or advancement because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or disability.

The admissions policy of Wesleyan Homes considers admission of all persons to its facilities on a non-discriminatory basis. All potential residents are considered for admission and, if admitted, will receive benefits and services without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, disability or medical condition including AIDS or HIV.

Potential residents of The Wesleyan at Scenic Rehabilitation and are assessed by the Nursing Department to determine their total care needs. The Wesleyan at Scenic will admit and retain only residents whose needs can be met through services from the facility staff or in cooperation with outside resources. Potential residents having mental and/or physical diseases which may endanger other residents may be admitted or retained only if adequate rooms and care are available to protect other residents. Each potential resident is considered on an individual basis with regard to his/her particular circumstances and the facility’s ability to meet those needs.

Wesleyan Homes, Inc. does not subscribe to the Texas Workers' Compensation Act, and employee injuries are handled in accordance with facility policies and procedures. The Employee Handbook and other policies are designed to inform you about how to handle work related injuries as well as other employee policies and benefits. It is important that you understand and comply with these guidelines.

Safety of our employees and residents is our top concern. Please study the policies in this Employee Handbook and in the Employee Guide for Safety and Health. Always follow the safety rules as you do your job. Be on the watch for hazards and never let an unsafe situation go unreported and uncorrected.

We are pleased you have chosen to be part of our team and take on the responsibility of caring for the seniors.

Wesleyan Homes, Inc.


Employment with Wesleyan Homes, Inc. is at-will. Either you or Wesleyan Homes, Inc. may terminate the relationship at any time, for any reason.

This handbook is intended as guide and nothing contained herein shall be deemed to create a contract of employment.

Wesleyan Homes, Inc. reserves the right to amend or alter any provision of this handbook.


Hand Book Interpretation 7

Equal Opportunity Employer 7

Work Ethics 8

Conflict of Interest and Nepotism 9

Resident Mistreatment or Neglect 9

Confidential Information 9

Conduct and Responsibility 9

Orientation 10

Communication 10

Open Door Policy 10

Staff Meetings 10

Supervisors 11

Licenses, in Services and Health Examinations 11

Health Requirements 11

Dress Code Policy 12

Employee ID Cards 12

Attendance and Punctuality 12

Job Assignment 13

Job Group and Employment Classifications 14

Working Hours 14

Employee Pay 15

Social Security and Withholding Taxes 16

Garnishments 16

No Personal Loans and Salary Advances 16

Seniority and Anniversary Date 16

Promotion and Transfer Opportunities 16

Benefits 16

Retirement Benefits 18

Paid Time Off Accrual 18

Use of Paid Time Off 19

Jury Duty 20

Bereavement Leave 20

Family & Medical Leave Act 20

General Leave 24

Military Leave 24

Returning to Work After Leave 24

Reduction in Force 24

Termination 25

Disciplinary Action 25

Grievance Procedure 27

Workplace Harassment 29

Safety Program 32

Employee Injury Medical Treatment & Wage Continuation 33

Light/Transitional Duty 33

Safety Bonus 34

Drug and Alcohol Policy 34

Security 35

Participation in Disaster Plan Drill 36

Workplace Violence 36

Vehicle Safety 37

Leaving Facility Premises & Loitering 38

Solicitation and Distribution 38

Visitors 38

Lost and Found 39

Property, Equipment & Supplies 39

Cell Phone / Telephone 39

Computer / Email Usage 39

Social Networking 40

Paging System 41

Smoking/Tobacco 41

Parking 41

Employee Meals 41

Voting 42

Personnel Records 42

Employee Acknowledgement Form 43


The information in this handbook will be helpful in familiarizing new employees with The Wesleyan and its policies. This handbook, however, cannot anticipate every situation or answer every question about employment. The Wesleyan must demonstrate flexibility in the administration of policies and procedures, and reserves the right to change or revise policies and procedures without notice when such action is deemed necessary.



Wesleyan Homes, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer, employing persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex or disability; but on a basis of the capacity to perform the particular job applied for and willingness to work with others to perform assigned tasks and serve residents in a kind, efficient manner.

Wesleyan Homes believes that all persons are entitled to equal employment and does not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or disability provided they are qualified and meet the physical requirements established for the job.

Further, we will not retaliate against anyone who has opposed employment practices which may be illegal under the Acts or because they have testified or participated in any proceedings under the Acts.

Wesleyan Homes Inc., will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals, with known disabilities unless doing so would result in undue hardship. This policy governs all aspects of employment, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.

Any employees with questions or concerns about any type of discrimination in the workplace are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of their immediate supervisor or Human Resources. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Wesleyan Homes, Inc. complies fully with:

• Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;

• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;

• Age Discrimination Act of 1975;

• The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and

• Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993.


Wesleyan Homes will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its directors, supervisors, volunteers and employees to conduct business in accordance with the letter and spirit of relevant laws and refrain from dishonest or unethical conduct.

Residents must be able to place their trust and confidence in the employees. Situations that appear to take advantage of this relationship should be avoided. Employees shall act in a manner which will inspire public trust in their integrity, impartiality and devotion to the best interests of the Wesleyan and its residents.

To ensure ethical and impartial business, it is prohibited for Wesleyan Homes employees to:

• Offer, accept or solicit money, property, service or other items of value by way of gift, favor, inducement or loan with the intent that the offer would influence or the recipient would be influenced by such conduct in the discharge of public duties.

• Engaging in private business dealings with a resident or family member.

• Becoming a beneficiary in the will of a resident who is not a relative.

• Receiving payment of any kind for caring for a resident on leave or recent former resident.

• Using any type of equipment or property belonging to a resident.

• Conducting Wesleyan business for private benefit.

• Using their official position, uniform or badge to secure special advantage in business, personal gain or other benefit derived from such relationship.

• Using any The Wesleyan-owned facility, building, equipment, materials or vehicle for their personal use or benefit, or for the personal use or benefit of any other individual; without the specific permission of their business unit administrator or the PRESIDENT. An exception to this rule is specific conditions of employment such as the provision of an automobile for an executive or a parsonage for a chaplain. No employee shall have unauthorized possession of The Wesleyan property.

In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, will be the guide with respect to lines of acceptable conduct. If a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper course of action, the matter must be discussed with the immediate supervisor and/or the Department Director.

Approval must be obtained from the President of Wesleyan Homes, Inc. for these or other situations involving a potential conflict of interest.


Employees shall refrain from and avoid conflicts of interest or appearances of conflicts between their private interests and their official responsibilities with Wesleyan Homes. A potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee or a relative has a personal, financial, or business interest, direct or indirect, in a transaction that is taking place on behalf of Wesleyan Homes. Outside employment is strictly prohibited in any circumstance where the employment creates the potential for or the appearance of a conflict with the business or other interests of Wesleyan Homes.

Employment of relatives (including spouses) will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to insure that such employment does not involve conflicts of interest or other potential adverse consequences to business operations.


Residents must be treated with dignity and respect under all circumstances. Mistreatment, abuse, or neglect of any nature will not be tolerated. Allegations of physical or verbal abuse or negligence will result in immediate suspension followed by a prompt investigation. Employees determined to be responsible for abuse or neglect will be discharged and will be reported to law enforcement and the appropriate state regulatory agency as required by law. Any incident or suspicion of abuse or neglect must be reported to the facility’s administrator. Failure to report abuse or neglect is a violation of law.


All information concerning residents' medical and financial status such as charts, medication records, financial records, doctors' orders, etc., must be kept strictly confidential. This information may not be used, released, or discussed with anyone outside the facility without authorization from administration. Requests for such information should be referred to the facility administrator or his/her designee.

Only the facility administrator and his/her designee will be authorized to provide information concerning administrative, technical, or financial data about The Wesleyan and its residents and personnel. All information regarding a resident's medical condition, medical treatment, etc., is confidential and may not be released without written consent of the resident or resident's guardian. Refer any request for information to the administrator, including requests from the news media. Medical and financial information may not be shared with employees who are not involved in a resident's care or financial administration, respectively. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.


When an employee accepts a job at The Wesleyan, there is a responsibility to work with co-workers and supervisors to provide quality resident care while making the working environment as pleasant and fulfilling as possible.

Employees help create The Wesleyan's reputation by their conduct and must show respect and courtesy to residents, visitors, and fellow employees. Employees should never allow complaints, problems, or arguments to be overheard by the residents' families or visitors.


New employees are required to attend New Employee Orientation that covers basic policies, procedures and benefits. Additionally, each department will give new employees orientation and training about specific job duties, job safety, and departmental rules and regulations. The supervisor of each department will assist new employees to learn job assignments.


A free exchange of information about matters that concern employees and The Wesleyan facilities is important for efficient operation and good employee morale. The Wesleyan will strive to keep employees informed and to provide an atmosphere that encourages open, honest, and straightforward two-way communication.

Employees are encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions for improving the work environment. Day to day communications and opinion surveys may be conducted occasionally to obtain ideas and suggestions.

Written communications will be provided to inform employees about policies and trends pertaining to the job. This may include newsletters and magazines concerning long-term care and the seniors.

Bulletin boards are maintained at facilities and are an important means of communication. They will contain notices of events, policies, and other information that should be checked on a daily basis. Items may be posted on the Employee Bulletin Board only after the administrator’s or supervisor's approval.

Electronic communication is provided on The Wesleyan Intranet and is for employees only. Employees can find information about benefits, policies, events, etc. Contact Human Resources for your Username and Password for access to the Intranet.


The "Open Door" policy at The Wesleyan provides employees an opportunity to communicate freely with all levels of management. The Wesleyan believes employees should feel free to express concerns, grievances and complaints without fear of reprisal.


Periodically The Wesleyan has staff meetings where information and ideas are exchanged to help improve quality of resident care. Occasionally these meetings will be mandatory, requiring all off-duty personnel to sign-in and all on-duty personnel to remain clocked in until the meeting has adjourned. Employees will be paid for attending mandatory meetings, in-services and training sessions. Only the administrator or supervisor has the authority to excuse an employee from a mandatory meeting. Should an employee miss or be excused from a mandatory meeting/in-service, the employee is still required to make up that training. Being in compliance on state and facility mandatory in-services is a condition of employment. Failure to be in compliance may result in discharge.


Questions about the job, pay, benefits, co-worker relations, policies and procedures, or the facility in general should be directed to Human Resources or the employee’s supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for directing an employee's work, evaluating job performance, providing instruction and guidance in the job, and taking any disciplinary action that may be necessary. Disrespect for a supervisor's or administrator's authority will not be tolerated and will be cause for discharge.

Periodically work performance will be formally evaluated and discussed with each employee. An employee who feels the evaluation is unfair should discuss any concerns with his/her supervisor, Human Resources or the facility administrator in accordance with the Grievance Procedure.


Any required licenses are the responsibility of the applicant/employee and must be presented prior to employment and kept current.

Health certificates required by state or local ordinances must be obtained and renewed at the employee's expense.

Mandatory in-services must be completed by due dates. All in-services are expected to be completed during working hours.


Each employee must be physically and emotionally capable of performing the essential functions of their job.

Employees with an infectious disease that can be communicated at work will not be permitted to work for the duration of communicability. If an employee becomes ill while on duty he or she must report to the supervisor immediately.

If an employee has excessive absences from work due to illness, his/her physical condition may be reviewed to determine his/her ability to continue in that position and a physician's release may be required for the employee to return to work.


All employees will wear clean neat clothing while on duty. Employees required to wear uniforms must conform to their particular department's uniform and other dress code requirements. If Fridays are designated as casual days, employees may wear casual clothing that allows them to do their job safely and is in good taste and appropriate for a faith-based environment.

All employees are required to maintain the highest standards relating to personal hygiene including regular bathing and use of deodorant, brushing of teeth and use of mouthwash as necessary, maintaining clean hands and fingernails at all times. Hair must be clean and combed and worn pulled back, away from the face and not allowed to hang loose. Hairnets or hats must be worn when working with food. Facial hair must be neatly trimmed.

Logos worn on clothing and/or headwear must be approved by your supervisor.

Visible tattoos must be approved by your supervisor and may be required to be covered. Employees must limit their jewelry to small items that will not harm residents during close contact or become caught in equipment or machinery. With the exception of limited ear piercings, visible body piercing is not allowed.

Any bandage worn must be kept clean and changed as often as needed. Any open wound must be bandaged while you are on duty.

For employees who work in patient care areas, food service,and maintenance should wear footwear that is low heeled with non-skid soles and closed toes.

Employees are not to obstruct their hearing with headphones, ear buds or other sound equipment that plays directly into their ear(s) during working hours.


Employee ID cards/Badges are furnished by The Wesleyan and employees are required to wear them at all times. This ID card works with the time clock and hourly employees are required to clock in their hours worked. There is a replacement fee for lost ID cards.


Employees are required to be at work on time and work all hours scheduled. The cooperation and consideration of all employees is required in order for our operation to maintain a level of efficiency and services. This is especially true with regard to absenteeism and tardiness. It is imperative that employees work when they are scheduled to work. An absence adds to the work load of co-workers and disrupts the routine. If an emergency, illness, or other situation occurs which will prevent you from reporting to work or reporting to work on time, you must give your supervisor as much advance notice as possible, no later than two hours prior to the start of your scheduled work time. Employees must have access to a telephone so that they are able to inform their supervisor if they are going to be absent or tardy to work.

If you are off more than one day, you must call in your absence to the facility each day you are off. When informing the facility of your absence or tardiness, indicate when you expect to report to work.

Tardiness is defined as the failure to be ready to work at the scheduled start time. Excessive tardiness is when this situation occurs more than once per work week or more than three (3) times per month. Excessive absenteeism is defined as not reporting to work, as scheduled, any three (3) days in a thirty (30) day period, or more than ten (10) days annually. Employees with excessive absences from work due to illness may be asked to have their physical condition reviewed to determine their ability to continue in that position and a physician's release may be required. This policy will consider excusing absences under the American Disabilities Act and other similar laws.

Once an employee has reported to work for his/her scheduled work day, the employee may not leave The Wesleyan premises unless he has been given authorization to do so by his/her supervisor and/or a member of management.

When available; PTO will be used to fulfill the 37 hours a week required of a Full Time employee.


Every employee will be assigned to a regular job when possible, though circumstances may make it necessary to temporarily transfer an employee to another job. When this occurs, details of the situation may be discussed with the employee prior to the transfer. Cooperation in such a situation is an important factor in each employee's work performance and The Wesleyan's overall operation. All direct care staff are assigned to resident care areas based on experience, training, and resident needs. Staffs’ or residents’ race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex (unless bona fide occupational qualification), or disability will not be considered when making staff assignments.

During orientation the employee will be presented with two copies of the job description. The employee will retain one copy and the other will be signed and placed in the employee's personnel file. The written job description contains guidelines for satisfying job requirements. Each employee is expected to comply with the job description. Cross-training and extra duty assignments do not violate an employee's job description. Periodically the supervisor may wish to train an employee for other jobs so the employee may become more flexible and valuable to the department.


Each employee will be classified according to length of employment and number of regularly scheduled work hours. Compensation and participation levels in employee benefits will be determined by employee classification:

• Full-time - An employee who works at least 37 hours per work week on a regular basis;

• Part-time - An employee who works less than 37 hours per work week on a regular basis;

• Introductory - A new employee, either full-time or part-time, who has worked less than 90 calendar days;

• PRN (Call-in) - An employee who works less than 37 hours on an irregular or intermittent basis. (To remain an active PRN employee, the employee must work at least 16 hours each month.)

A minimum Evaluation/Training Period of 90 calendar days is a specific part of the employment process (although a longer period may be set for some personnel). This period gives the employee an opportunity to evaluate the job and determine if the work is suitable. It also allows supervisors to observe the new employee's job performance, safety habits, attendance, and ability to get along with others.

An employee who proves to be unsuited during this period will be released from employment. If the employee's work is satisfactory, he or she will be eligible to participate in the benefits described elsewhere in this handbook. Satisfactory completion of the introductory period does not alter the employment-at-will status.

If an employee changes to a new job position, there will be a new evaluations/training period.


The normal workweek for a full-time employee is a minimum of 37 hours. The workweek is defined as starting at 12:01am Sunday and for the 10-6 shift, 9:45 pm on Sunday.

The normal workday includes the employee’s assigned shift with either one or two 30-minute meal breaks or a one-hour break in the employee's time. Each department sets policies for these breaks. Any employee who takes more time than allowed, as specified by the department, will not be paid for the time he/she takes and may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. An employee who does not take a meal break must designate "no meal break" on the exception sheet and have the supervisor initial it.

All overtime must be pre-approved by the supervisor and the supervisor must sign the exception sheet reflecting overtime. Any employee who attempts to receive pay for unauthorized time and/or overtime, continually forgets to clock in, or continually clocks in early or late will be subject to disciplinary action.

Each employee is normally permitted to break for 15 minutes in the first half of an 8-hour shift and 15 minutes during the second half. Each employee should be aware that rest breaks are given only when scheduled and workload permits. The supervisor will schedule rest breaks. There will be times when a rest break is not permitted.


A. Pay Periods

Wesleyan’s paydays are every other Friday. The pay period is a two-week period ending the Saturday before the Friday payday.

B. Overtime Pay

It is Wesleyan's policy to discourage overtime work and to have the employee accomplish the specified workload within a prescribed time frame. If an employee's posted schedule indicates more than forty hours in one week, notify the supervisor immediately to verify that a scheduling error has not been made.

1. Exempt: In positions classified as exempt under the Federal Wage & Hour Laws, no overtime payment is required.

2 Non-Exempt: In positions classified as non-exempt under the Federal Wage & Hour Laws, each employee will be compensated at regular hourly rates for the first forty hours per week and at time and a half for hours worked thereafter.

3. Overtime work must be pre-approved by the supervisor.

4. Paid Time Off, Leave of Absence, Bereavement Leave, Jury Duty and Lost Hours are not included in calculating overtime hours. Hours worked at the overtime rate do not add to the accrual of Paid Time Off or the eligibility of other benefits.

C. Substitute Pay

When an employee works in another employee's place, that employee may not accept compensation from the other employee. The Wesleyan will pay all wages and only to the employee who performed the work.

D. Deductions

For months that have three paydays in it, elected insurance premiums will not be deducted from the third check.


An employee of Wesleyan Homes, Inc. is covered under the Federal Social Security program. Social Security is deducted from the employee's salary according to federal regulations. In addition, income tax is withheld from the employee's salary as regulated by federal law and the amount withheld depends on the employee's salary and number of exemptions claimed.


When The Wesleyan is presented with a properly executed order of garnishment against an employee's wages for payment of debts, the Court Order will be honored and the legal amount of the salary will be turned over to the appropriate party.


The Wesleyan will not issue any personal loans or salary advances.


Seniority is determined by continuous length of service from the most recent hire date Seniority is not interrupted by an approved Leave of Absence (i.e., FMLA) or change from full-time to part-time status. Seniority is lost however, if employment terminates for any reason or on a change to a casual (call-in) status. Once removed, seniority credit is not reinstated upon rehire or return to full-time status.

Anniversary date is the day, month, and year an employee begins work from the most recent hire date and is also a factor in determining the eligibility date for some benefits.


The Wesleyan realizes an employee may wish to be promoted to a more challenging position, or transferred to another shift or department. It is the policy of The Wesleyan to transfer and promote from within whenever practical and when such transfer or promotion best meets the needs of the The Wesleyan.

An employee initiated transfer is available after an employee has completed 180 days in their current role. An employee who has been disciplined or undergoing a performance improvement plan within the last 60 days of the transfer request is not eligible for a transfer.


Health, Dental and Vision benefits are available to employees who work a minimum of 37 hours per week.

Life, Long Term Disability and other voluntary benefits are available to employees who are considered full – time and work at least 37 hours a week.

The continuation of health benefits during a Leave of Absence will be according to state and federal laws and the regulations of the health benefit plan at the time. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA) allows all covered employees and dependents to elect to have their current coverage continued after termination of employment. The employee must give written notice to the Human Resources that they elect to continue coverage. To continue coverage, the full monthly premium will be at the employee’s expense and must be paid to The Wesleyan in a timely manner.

Waiting periods for eligible employees is as follows:

|Benefit |Waiting Period |Category |

|Health |60 days & first of following month |C.N.A.s, all line staff |

|Health |30 days & first of following month |salaried, supervisors, LVNs, RNs |

|Health |1st of the following month |PRESIDENT, CFO, Administrators |

| | | |

|Dental & Vision |60 days & first of following month |C.N.A.s, all line staff |

|Dental & Vision |30 days & first of following month |salaried, supervisors, LVNs, RNs |

|Dental & Vision |1st of the following month |PRESIDENT, CFO, Administrators |

| | | |

|Life Employer paid |30 days & 1st of the following month |All Full Time Staff |

|LTD Employer paid |30 days & 1st of the following month |All Full Time Staff |

| | | |

|Vol Benefits |60 days & first of following month |C.N.A.s, all line staff |

|Vol Benefits |30 days & first of following month |salaried, supervisors, LVNs, RNs |

|Vol Benefits |1st of the following month |PRESIDENT, CFO, Administrators |

If an employee changes from temporary status to permanent status, they must wait the appropriate waiting period noted above to be eligible for benefits.


All employees are encouraged to participate in The Wesleyan's Defined Contribution 401k Savings and Retirement Plan.

All employees are eligible to enroll in the 401k plan effective the first of the month after 180 days of continuous employment. The Wesleyan will match 200% of the employee’s contribution up to three (3) percent. Therefore, if the employee contributes 3%, The Wesleyan will contribute 6% on their behalf. The minimum an employee can contribute is 1%, which would entitle them to a 2% contribution from The Wesleyan. An employee may contribute more than 3%, however The Wesleyan’s contribution will not exceed 6%. An employee’s contribution may not exceed the limits established by law.

This benefit is not retroactive to the date of eligibility if an employee elects to enter the plan later in their employment with the Wesleyan.


Paid time off (PTO) is a benefit that full-time employees receive for working on a regularly scheduled basis. It is designed to replace traditional vacation time, sick leave and holidays. The full-time employee accrues PTO for each hour worked, excluding overtime. After three months of continuous full-time employment the employee will receive PTO retroactive to the beginning date of current employment. Benefits are computed each pay period and accrue at the following rates:

Hours of Paid Time Off accrued per hour worked are:

1 Yr. 2 Yrs 3 Yrs 4 Yrs 5 Yrs 6 Yrs 7+ Yrs

.06539 .08462 .08847 .09231 .0962 .l00 .l039

Maximum hours accrued per year:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7+

136 176 184 192 200 208 216

Equivalent number of days accrued per year:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7+

17 22 23 24 25 26 27

Maximum hours that may be accumulated per year:

1 2+

136 240

Employees may only accumulate a maximum of 240 hours. Once an employee has accumulated 240 PTO hours, the employee is strongly encouraged to use 100% of any PTO that accrues thereafter. Employees may not carry more than 240 hours past their anniversary date. On their anniversary date, any employee with more than 240 accumulated PTO hours will have their excess hours placed in a “PTO Catastrophic Fund” for their possible future use. Once hours are transferred to the Catastrophic Fund, they will remain in this pool of hours and may not be donated to another employee. The employee’s access to their Catastrophic Fund hours will be limited to an FMLA qualifying event. Catastrophic Fund hours may only be used once the employee has exhausted all their regular paid time off.

If an employee makes a bona-fide effort to schedule PTO and is unable to take the time off, the facility administrator may allow the employee to be paid for PTO in excess of 240 hours at the rate of 75% of the employee's current wage rate. The remaining 25% is forfeited.

When an employee resigns/retires from the Wesleyan, if they have given and fulfilled at least a two week notice, they will be paid their regular paid time off balance. The hours in the Catastrophic Fund will be forfeited and will not be paid.


Employees wishing to use PTO must fill out a form requesting the time off at least two (2) weeks in advance. These forms are available from the supervisor, Human Resources and on The Wesleyan Employee Intranet. In exceptional cases an employee may be allowed to schedule time off with less than two weeks notice with permission from the supervisor or Administrator. A verbal/written approval or denial of an employee’s request will be made by the supervisor as soon as possible. Employees should be aware that PTO requests are given at the convenience of management and frequently depend on current staffing needs.

Paid time off requests must be limited to actual time accrued. An employee can request PTO in one hour increments. The facility administrator must approve any exceptions.

In an employee's first year, he/she must wait three (3) months before receiving PTO benefits; however, PTO begins accruing on a full-time employee's first day of work. An employee authorized to use PTO will also accrue PTO at the regular rate during absence from work. Any employee on Leave of Absence without pay or not receiving authorization for use of PTO will not accrue PTO for the absence.

Employees may request the use of scheduled PTO for almost any reason, including:

- Any Wesleyan recognized holiday: New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.

- Vacation

- Personal reasons (doctor appointments, school functions, illness, etc.)

Hourly employees who are scheduled to work a full shift on one of the above holidays, may elect, in advance, to have eight hours of accrued PTO added to your hours in the pay period that includes the holiday. This, in effect, will give an employee “double pay” for the holiday shift. The employee must work his/her last scheduled shift before and the first scheduled shift after the holiday to be eligible for PTO for the holiday.

Employees will use accumulated PTO for sickness. The Wesleyan may require medical proof of an illness.

After completing one year of full-time employment, employees are required to use at least 40 (forty) hours of PTO per anniversary year. The facility administrator may waive this rule in exceptional cases based on the needs of the Wesleyan.

When available, PTO will be used to fulfill the 37 hours a week required of a non exempt Full Time employee.

Employees are not allowed to take leave without available PTO (leave without pay) unless approved by supervisor or on approved General Leave / Family Medical Leave.


Any employee called for jury duty during scheduled work periods will receive his/her base salary while serving as a jury member. The Jury Summons must be presented to the supervisor as soon as it is received. When jury duty is completed, a certificate of service must be obtained from the court clerk and must specify the dates involved and time of dismissal. The employee must give a copy of this documentation to his/her supervisor.


A full-time employee may receive up to two (2) days of leave with pay for attending an immediate family member's funeral. Immediate family members include father, mother, step father/mother, brother, sister, step brother/sister, child, spouse, grandparents, grandchildren, father/mother-in-law, sister/ brother-in-law, grandparents-in-law. In the event of a significant relationship not described above, i.e., raised by an aunt, permission for paid funeral leave may be granted by the administrator. If the employee requests additional time off from work for funeral attendance, the additional time will be subtracted from PTO with the facility administrator's approval. An employee must provide as much advanced notice as possible to the supervisor, but at least two hours prior to the beginning of the scheduled shift from which he/she will be absent.


A. General Provisions

It is the policy of Wesleyan to grant up to twelve weeks of family and medical leave during any twelve-month period to eligible employees, in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). The leave may be paid, unpaid, or a combination of paid and unpaid, depending on the circumstances and as specified in this policy.

B. Eligibility

In order to qualify to take family and medical leave under this policy, the employee must meet all of the following conditions:

1. The employee must have worked for the employer at least twelve months, or 52 weeks. The twelve months, or 52 weeks, need not have been consecutive. An employee will be considered employed for an entire week even if the employee was on the payroll for only part of a week or if the employee is on leave during the week.

2. The employee must have worked at least 1250 hours during the twelve month period immediately before the date when the leave would begin.

C. Type of the Leave Covered

In order to qualify as FMLA leave under this policy, the employee must be taking leave for one of the reasons listed below:

1. The birth of a child and in order to care for that child;

2. The placement of a child for adoption or foster care;

3. To care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition; or

4. The serious health condition (described below) of the employee.

An employee may take leave because of a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of the employee’s position. A serious health condition is defined as a condition that requires inpatient care at a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility; or a condition that requires continuing care by a licensed health care provider.

Employees with questions about what illnesses are covered under this FMLA policy are encouraged to consult with the Human Resources Director.

The Wesleyan may require an employee to provide a doctor’s certification of the serious health condition.

An eligible employee can take up to twelve weeks of leave under this policy during any twelve-month period. The Wesleyan will measure the twelve-month period as a rolling twelve-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any leave under this policy. Each time an employee takes leave, the The Wesleyan will compute the amount of leave the employee has taken under this policy and subtract it from the twelve weeks of available leave, and the balance remaining is the amount the employee is entitled to take at that time.

If a husband and wife both work for The Wesleyan, and each wishes to take leave for the birth of a child, adoption or placement of a child in foster care, or to care for a child with a serious health condition, the husband and wife may only take a total of twelve weeks of leave between them.

D. Employee Status & Benefits During Leave

While an employee is on leave, The Wesleyan will continue the employee’s benefits during the leave period at the same level and under the same conditions as if the employee had continued to work.

If the employee chooses not to return to work for reasons other than a continued serious health condition, The Wesleyan will require the employee to reimburse it the amount it paid for the employee’s benefit premiums during the leave period.

While on paid leave, the employer will continue to make payroll deductions to collect the employee’s share of the premiums. While on unpaid leave, the employee must continue to make this payment, either in person or by mail. The payment must be received in the Human Resources by the 1st day of each month. If the payment is more than 30 days late, the employee’s coverages may be dropped.

E. Employee Status After Leave

An employee who takes leave under this policy will be able to return to the same or an equivalent job with equivalent status, benefits and other employment terms. The position will be the same or substantially equivalent in skill, effort, responsibility and authority.

The Wesleyan may choose to exempt certain key employees from this requirement and not return them to the same or similar position.

F. Use of Paid and Unpaid Leave

If the employee has accrued Paid Time Off (paid leave), the employee must use paid leave first and take the remainder of the twelve weeks as unpaid leave.

G. Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Work Schedule

The employee may take FMLA leave in twelve consecutive weeks, may use the leave intermittently (take a day periodically when needed over the year), or under certain circumstances may use the leave to reduce the workweek or workday, resulting in a reduced hour schedule. In all cases, the leave may not exceed a total of twelve weeks over a twelve-month period.

The Wesleyan may temporarily transfer an employee to an available alternative position with equivalent pay and benefits if the alternative position would better accommodate the intermittent or reduced schedule under the FMLA.

For the birth, adoption or foster care of a child, Wesleyan and the employee must mutually agree to the schedule before the employee may take the leave intermittently or work a reduced hour schedule. Leave for birth, adoption, or foster care of a child must be taken within one year of the birth or placement of the child.

If the employee is taking leave for a serious health condition or because of the serious health condition of a family member, the employee should try to reach agreement with Wesleyan before taking intermittent leave or working a reduced hour schedule. If this is not possible, then the employee must prove that the use of the leave is medically necessary. Wesleyan may require certification of the medical necessity, discussed in Section H.

H. Certification of the Serious Health Condition

Wesleyan may ask for certification of the serious health condition. The employee should try to respond to such a request within 15 days of the request, or provide a reasonable explanation for the delay. Failure to provide certification may result in a denial of continuation of leave. Medical certification must be provided using the Medical Certification Form available from Human Resources.

Certification of the serious health condition shall include: the date when the condition began, its expected duration, and a brief statement of treatment. For medical leave for the employee’s own medical condition, the certification must also include a statement that the employee is unable to perform work of any kind or a statement that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the employee’s position. For a seriously ill family member, the certification must include a statement that the patient requires assistance and that the employee’s presence would be beneficial or desirable.

If the employee plans to take intermittent leave or work a reduced schedule, the certification must also include dates and the duration of treatment and a statement of medical necessity for taking intermittent leave or working a reduced schedule.

The Wesleyan has the right to seek a second medical opinion. The Wesleyan will pay for the employee to get a certification from a second doctor, which the The Wesleyan will select.

If necessary to resolve a conflict between the original certification and the second opinion, The Wesleyan will require the opinion of a third doctor. Wesleyan and the employee will jointly select the third doctor, and The Wesleyan will pay for the opinion. This third opinion will be considered final.

I. Procedure for Requesting Leave

Except where leave is not foreseeable, all employees requesting leave under this policy must submit the request in writing to the Human Resources Director.

When an employee plans to take leave under this policy, the employee must give The Wesleyan 30 days notice. If it is not possible to give 30 days notice, the employee must give as much notice as is practicable. An employee undergoing planned medical treatment is required to make a reasonable effort to schedule the treatment to minimize disruptions to Wesleyan’s operations.

If an employee fails to provide 30 days notice for foreseeable leave with no reasonable excuse for the delay, the leave request may be denied until at least 30 days from the date the employer receives notice.

While on leave, employees are requested to report periodically to their supervisor regarding the status of the medical condition, and their intent to return to work.


A Leave of Absence without pay may be granted for medical reasons not covered by FMLA. All requests for Leave of Absence must be in writing and must state the reason for the leave, the estimated duration, and the expected date of return. Leave of Absence is granted without loss of accumulated time in service; however, Paid Time Off will not accrue during the leave. In all Leave of Absence cases, an employee's individual circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The Wesleyan reserves the right to require an employee who is requesting non-FMLA Medical Leave to be examined by a physician designated by The Wesleyan. No employee will be permitted to work if the The Wesleyan’s physician determines he/she is medically unable to perform the job. When an employee is on Leave of Absence due to medical disability, his/her job may be permanently filled if circumstances dictate.


A Military Leave will be approved for an employee required to attend military reserve duty. An employee on Military Leave must provide The Wesleyan with a copy of his or her orders and will be reinstated according to federal law. Seniority status will not be lost.


Except for military leave or as otherwise required by law, an employee will not be guaranteed the same job or shift if the position has been filled. An employee who has been on an approved Leave will be offered the first available position for which they are qualified. The Wesleyan is not obligated to offer a position to an employee who has accepted employment elsewhere while on leave from The Wesleyan. Employees found to have taken other employment while on Leave of Absence will be terminated.


Should The Wesleyan experience a significant census decline or other circumstances arise that require a reduction in work force, the reduction will be as follows:

• PRN and Temporary employees;

• Introductory Period employees;

• Part-time employees;

• Full-time employees, if necessary, will be laid off by job classification regardless of shift. Employees remaining must be qualified to perform the remaining available jobs. Requests to be laid off rather than work another shift or job assignment will generally be honored.

Those employees with the greatest seniority in a given job will generally be the last to be laid off. The Wesleyan may consider position, performance and staff coverage requirements when making reduction in force decisions.

Full-time and part-time employees who have completed their introductory period will maintain their seniority and recall rights for a period of time equal to their length of service at the time of layoff, but not to exceed one (1) year. Recall will be in accordance with length of service by classification.


A. Resignation In Good Standing

An employee who wishes to resign his/her position should provide the department supervisor at least two (2) weeks notice before leaving (four (4) weeks for supervisors). The employee may be asked to indicate the reason for leaving with his/her signature. If the employee resigns with the appropriate two weeks notice and Paid Time Off is still available, he/she will be eligible to receive this benefit on the last paycheck.

B. Resignation without Proper Notice

An employee who terminates without proper notice or no notice will forfeit any benefits they have earned or accumulated. Employees who are absent two consecutive workdays without notification are considered to have resigned without notice.

C. Discharge

Employees discharged for poor job performance and/or violating Wesleyan’s policies will forfeit any benefits accumulated at the time of dismissal.

Whenever possible, an exit interview will be conducted by the Human Resources Director to clarify any possible misunderstandings and to obtain information that might lead to improvements in working conditions or resident care. Information obtained in the exit interview is confidential.


All employees are expected to meet Wesleyan Homes’ standards of work performance. Work performance encompasses many factors, including attendance, punctuality, personal conduct, job proficiency and general compliance with the Wesleyan’s policies and procedures. At the time of employment, each employee will receive the following: (1) a copy of these Personnel Policies; (2) a copy of his/her job description; (3) orientation from the supervisor regarding goals, philosophy and regulations of the agency.

If an employee does not meet these standards the Wesleyan may, under appropriate circumstances, take corrective action.

The intent of corrective action is to formally document problems while providing the employee with a reasonable time within which to improve performance. The process is designed to encourage development by providing employees with guidance in areas that need improvement.

Disciplinary action will generally be progressive in nature. However, it is important to know that discipline may begin with any of the options below based on the Wesleyan’s determination of the seriousness of the offense.

Verbal Warning: The supervisor will discuss the policy violation and corrective action with the employee. Written documentation of the verbal warning will be placed into the employee’s personnel file.

Written Warning: The supervisor will discuss the policy violation and present a written warning to the employee. Written documentation of the warning and/or suspension will be placed into the employee’s personnel file

Final Warning: The supervisor will discuss the policy violation and present a final written warning to the employee. Written documentation of the warning and/or suspension will be placed into the employee’s personnel file.

Immediate Termination: The Executive Director, or his designee as authorized in writing, will inform the employee of his/her termination. Written documentation of the termination will be given to the employee and placed into the employee’s personnel file.

The following guidelines are designed to inform supervisors and employees about expectations in the work environment. Violation of these guidelines will lead to the disciplinary action. This list cannot encompass rules to cover every situation, and therefore management retains the right to administer disciplinary action for violation of rules not included.

|Falsification of facts on application |

|Resident abuse or neglect |

|Theft from residents, employees or facility |

|Possession or use of unauthorized drugs or weapons |

|Immoral conduct or indecency on Wesleyan property |

|Assault, fighting, or making threats to staff, residents, or visitors |

|Absent for two consecutive days without notifying your supervisor or without an acceptable excuse |

|Willful negligence or major violation of safety practices |

|The appearance of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on duty |

|Clocking another employee’s time card or permitting another employee to punch your card |

|Abusive language to staff, residents, or visitors |

|Gambling while on duty |

|Violation of confidentiality of resident or staff information |

|Failure to disclose a real or potential conflict of interest |

|Destruction of property |

|Leaving facility prior to end of shift without permission |

|Insubordination and/or refusal to take direction from a supervisor |

|Accepting gratuities or tips from residents or families |

|Failure to report to your supervisor that you will be absent |

|Minor violation of safety practices |

|Disrespect or rudeness to residents, visitors, or employees |

|The appearance of sleeping while on duty |

|Failure to complete mandatory in-services by due dates |

|Unauthorized loitering on the premises when not on duty |

|Posting or removing notices, signs, or writing in any form on Wesleyan property without permission of the facility Administrator|

|Stopping work before break time, lunch time, or quitting time |

|Interfering with other employees on the job |

|Disregarding the starting and quitting time for shifts and breaks |

|Breach of confidence or professional ethics; disloyalty |

|Excessive tardiness |

|Loitering while on duty |

|Excessive or patterned absenteeism |

|Misuse of Paid Time Off privileges |

|Leaving work area without permission |

|Use of malicious gossip and/or spreading rumors |

|Smoking in an unauthorized area |

|Personal business on The Wesleyan time |

|Minor time card violations |

|Inefficiency, carelessness, or failure to meet established work standards |

|Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions |

|Dress Code Violation |


When an employee believes there has been a misinterpretation or unfair application of a policy, and the grievance cannot be resolved on an informal basis with the immediate supervisor, then the employee may bring the grievance to management's attention. A formal grievance should be initiated within 30 days of the employee becoming aware of the occurrence of the set of circumstances which the employee believes adversely impacted him/her. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision at any level of the procedure, it is the employee's responsibility to initiate the next step of the grievance procedure. Any agreements reached by the employee and the immediate supervisor must be reviewed and approved by the next level of supervisory personnel. Complaint forms and assistance with filing a complaint are available from Human Resources.

• Step 1 - An employee should first discuss a grievance with the immediate supervisor. If a settlement is not reached in five calendar days, the grievance may be carried to the next step.

• Step 2 - The grievance must be submitted to Human Resources in writing within the next five calendar days to the department head. A written decision will be returned to the employee within seven calendar days after receiving the grievance.

• Step 3 - If not satisfactorily settled in Step 2, the grievance may, within five calendar days thereafter, be submitted in writing to the Administrator for a hearing. A hearing will be held within ten calendar days after receipt of the grievance. The hearing will be composed of two parts. The employee may elect to discuss the grievance with the Administrator privately, and after the discussion with the Administrator, the Administrator may elect to ask the department head, immediate supervisor, and employee to participate in the hearing. At this time the employee’s grievance will be discussed again and a written decision will be returned to the employee within seven calendar days of the hearing.

• Step 4 - If not satisfactorily settled in Step 3, the grievance may, within ten calendar days thereafter, be submitted for a hearing to a special grievance committee of those persons appointed by the Chairman of the Board who serves on the Board of Trustees for Wesleyan Homes. The hearing will be convened within thirty calendar days of receiving the employee's request for a hearing. The Committee's unanimous or majority decision will be returned in writing by the elected chairman within seven calendar days following the hearing. All decisions of the grievance committee are binding for all parties.

Failure by the employee to carry the grievance to succeeding steps within the time limit specified constitutes a waiver of the grievance.



| | | |

|Employee learns of adverse circumstances. Employee has 30 days to discuss this with his supervisor. | | |

| |30 |30 |

|Supervisor has 5 days to resolve. |5 |35 |

|Employee has 5 days to bring grievance to department head |5 |40 |

|Department head has seven days to resolve. |7 |47 |

|Employee has 5 days to submit in writing to Administrator. |5 |52 |

|Administrator has 10 days to set hearing. |10 |62 |

|Administrator has 7 days to resolve. |7 |69 |

|Employee has 10 days to request hearing with board committee. |10 |79 |

|Committee chair has 30 days to convene hearing. |30 |109 |

|Committee chair has 7 days to render decision. |7 |116 |


The Wesleyan is committed to providing a work environment for all employees free of harassment. The Wesleyan maintains a strict policy prohibiting harassment because of race, sex, religious creed, color, national origin, disability, age or any other basis protected by federal, state, or local law or ordinance. All such harassment is prohibited. Employees violating this policy - and managers who condone violations of this policy - may be disciplined up to and including discharge.

The purpose of this policy is:

• To define unlawful harassment;

• To provide employees with guidelines for dealing with possible occurrences and the means to report such behavior; and

• To provide supervisory personnel with guidelines for dealing with it, should it occur in their work group.

A. Definitions


The Wesleyan’s harassment policy applies to all persons involved in the operations of The Wesleyan and prohibits harassment by any employee of the The Wesleyan including supervisors and co-workers, as well as by any person doing business with or for The Wesleyan. Harassment in any form, including verbal, physical and visual contact, threats, demands, and retaliation is prohibited. Harassment because of sex, race, religion, national origin, disability, age or any other protected basis includes but is not limited to:

• Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory comments, jokes or slurs, or unwelcome sexual advances, invitation or comments;

0. Visual contact such as derogatory or otherwise offensive posters, cards, calendars, photographs, cartoons, graffiti, drawings or gestures;

1. Physical conduct such as assault, unwelcome touching, blocking normal movement or interfering with work when such conduct is engaged in on the basis of sex, race or any other protected basis;

2. Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests in order for an employee to keep his/her job or avoid some other loss, or offers of job benefits in return for sexual favors;

3. Retaliation for having resisted or reported or threatened to report harassment.

The policy prohibits any form of protected-basis harassment that impairs an employee’s working ability or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment is unlawful whether it involves co-worker harassment, harassment by management, or by persons doing business with or for The Wesleyan, such as health care providers while on the Wesleyan’s premises.

Federal law defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

4. Submissions to such conduct is made a term or condition of employment; or

5. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual; or

6. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

This definition includes many forms of offensive behavior. The list includes but is not limited to:

7. Unwelcome sexual advances;

8. Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors;

9. Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances;

10. Visual conduct: leering, making sexual gestures, displaying of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, or posters;

11. Verbal sexual advances or propositions;

12. Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentary about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words to describe an individual, suggestive or obscene letters, notes or invitations;

13. Physical conduct: touching, assault, impeding or blocking movements.

B. Reporting Harassment

Employee Responsibility

Any employee who feels he/she is a victim of harassment does not have to tolerate such conduct. The Wesleyan encourages all employees to report any incidents of harassment forbidden by this policy immediately so that complaints can be quickly and equitably resolved.

An employee should report any incidents to:

14. His/Her supervisor; or the Human Resources Director.

Complaints are to be made in writing. The complaint should include all details, specifying dates, witnesses, and name(s) of individual(s) involved.

This policy encourages, but does not require, the employee to speak with the offending party directly if he/she believes this would clear up any misunderstanding. The employee is encouraged in this discussion to state his/her feelings about the inappropriate action and request that the person cease the behavior immediately.

Management Responsibility

Every member of management is responsible for ensuring that no harassment occurs within his/her area. Failure to take appropriate action concerning harassment, tolerance of harassment and/or participation in harassment may result in discharge. All employees have a responsibility to assist The Wesleyan in assuring a workplace free of harassment.

Once a Supervisor receives a complaint, or has reason to believe such conduct is occurring, he/she must:

15. Report the action to the Human Resources Director or Administrator.

16. Obtain a written description of the complaint from the employee.

17. Assure the employee that there will be an immediate investigation and that the employer will not retaliate against the employee for resisting harassment or making a complaint of harassment.

C. Resolving a Complaint

Administration or other designated individuals will immediately review all facts pertaining to the allegations, interview those involved, and contact any third parties involved.

Subject to legal requirements, information concerning a complaint of harassment shall be kept confidential. All persons involved in the investigation will keep all information of allegations and complaints confidential and will not discuss information outside of the investigative and remedial process. The purpose of this provision is to protect an employee who files a complaint, to encourage the reporting of any incidents of harassment, and to protect the reputation of any employee wrongfully accused of sexual harassment.

Administration will review the findings of the investigation. If there is not enough evidence to support the accusation, the investigation will be terminated and no further action will be taken. If the findings support the accusation, management will determine the appropriate corrective action to be taken.

Any corrective action will be taken promptly and will be designed to stop the harassment immediately and to prevent its recurrence. Such action may include discipline up to and including discharge. The person making the complaint will be notified when the investigation is complete and whether it was closed with or without action taken.

Administration will make follow-up inquiries after the completion of the corrective action to ensure that the harassment has stopped.

If the employee making the complaint or the alleged harasser is not satisfied with the result of the investigation and/or proposed corrective action, he/she may appeal such result and request further action through the grievance procedure.

Filing groundless and malicious complaints is an abuse of this policy and is prohibited. If filing is found to be malicious in nature disciplinary action will be administered.


In the event of a job related injury or illness, an employee must complete an Employee's Incident Report and the supervisor must complete an Employer's Incident Report. Also a Release of Medical Information for Health Care Benefits form must be filled out to ensure that the incident will be considered under the Work Related Illness/Injury Policy. These forms are available at the Human Resources or from a supervisor.

Employees must observe the facility safety rules contained in the Employee Guide for Safety and Health, with particular emphasis on proper lifting techniques. All employees are required to participate in the safety efforts of The Wesleyan and to attend safety in-services. Incidents and/or accidents to personnel or residents will be reviewed on a regular basis to identify safety hazards. Any accidents or injuries must be reported immediately to the supervisor, no matter how insignificant they may seem.

A Safety Committee will be designated to monitor safety practices and procedures. The Committee will also review injury reports to determine on a case-by-case basis what benefits, if any, will be provided to the injured employee. It is the Committee's responsibility to monitor the injured employee’s medical treatment, their progress and prognosis, and to determine what continuing benefits, if any, will be awarded. The Committee will be comprised of at least three of the following:

• Administrator

• Director of Nurses

• Human Resources Director

• Department Head or Shift Supervisor on duty when the accident occurred.

Employees involved or witnessing an incident must provide information on the appropriate report. Immediate action in recording all the details of the accident is very important.

Post-accident drug and/or alcohol testing may be required at management’s discretion.


The Wesleyan has elected not to participate in the voluntary Workers' Compensation Program of Texas. Employee injuries occurring on the job are handled through The Wesleyan's internal management of health benefits. It is important that employees be familiar with their responsibilities for safety practices and injury prevention, accident and incident reporting, providing a medical release, and obtaining pre-approval for any health care services for which The Wesleyan may be responsible to pay. These responsibilities are prerequisites for health care benefits for work-related injuries. After appropriate reporting of an on-the-job injury, medical evaluation and medical treatment, where appropriate, may be provided by The Wesleyan. Under no circumstances will medical evaluation or treatment be paid for without The Wesleyan's prior written approval. Any medical care or treatment to be paid by The Wesleyan for an on-the-job injury will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

The Wesleyan will not cover job related injuries that occur when an employee knowingly places himself/herself or others in danger of injury. Nor will The Wesleyan be responsible for expenses incurred from an on-the-job injury that occurs when the employee is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

The Wesleyan will continue to pay an injured employee's salary at 80% of their normal pay; however, the Safety Committee has authority to end salary continuation at any time upon review. Lost time due to an employee on-the-job injury will not accrue Paid Time Off.


The Wesleyan will try to provide light/transitional duty for an employee who has received an on-the-job injury and has received treatment from our The Wesleyan medical provider. Employees will be required to report as scheduled when The Wesleyan provides a light duty job, and the doctor gives you a light/transitional duty release. The employee will be paid at the prevailing rate for that job, until such time a release is received for the job previously performed.

In the event no light duty tasks are available, the employee may not seek employment outside the Wesleyan unless prior approval is obtained from the management.


A bonus system is in effect to reward employees for achieving an exceptional safety record. All employees will be divided into employee groups. If an employee group completes a calendar quarter with no lost time due to a job related injury occurring in that quarter, then each employee in the group will receive a $20.00 bonus. An additional $5.00 per employee in groups earning the bonus will be placed in a pool to be drawn and shared equally by four eligible employees.


The Wesleyan has a vital interest in maintaining a safe, healthy, and efficient working environment for its employees; an environment free from the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and unauthorized use of prescription drugs. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the job poses serious safety and health risks not only to the user, but also to all who come in contact with the user.

A. Rules:

1. The sale, purchase, use, possession, and reporting to work under the influence of intoxicants, non-prescribed narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, or other non-prescribed controlled substances while on facility property or during the work hours are prohibited.

2. The sale, purchase, use, and possession of equipment, products and materials that are used with non-prescribed controlled substances while on facility property or during working hours are prohibited.

3. Reporting to and being at work with a measurable quantity of intoxicants, non-prescribed narcotic, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, or other non-prescribed controlled substances while on facility property or during working hours is prohibited.

4. Reporting to and being at work with or under the influence of a measurable quantity of prescribed narcotics or drugs, where in the opinion of The Wesleyan, such use prevents the employee from performing the duties of his or her job, or where such use poses a risk to the safety of the employee, other persons or property, is prohibited. An employee taking a prescribed narcotic, pain killer, or any medication likely to cause drowsiness or mental impairment must advise his/her supervisor of its use. The employee may remain on the job or may be required to take a leave of absence or other appropriate action as determined by management.

B. Tests:

An employee may be requested to undergo a blood test, urinalysis, "breath-analyzer" test or other diagnostic test under any of the following circumstances.

1. After the occurrence of any work-related accident while on facility property or during working hours.

2. When there is reason to believe, in the opinion of The Wesleyan's management, that an employee is under the influence of intoxicants, drugs or narcotics while on facility property or during working hours.

3. Employees in job classifications that have a direct impact on safety may be tested for drugs and alcohol on a random basis.

4. As part of any periodic medical examination provided or required.

C. Searches:

Where there is reason to believe, in the opinion of Wesleyan’s management, that an employee is under the influence of intoxicants, drugs or narcotics, or is in the possession of any intoxicants, drugs, narcotics or equipment, products or materials which are used, intended for use or designed for use with non-prescribed controlled substances, The Wesleyan. may request that the employee submit to a search of his or her person and/or property (including lockers and vehicles brought onto facility premises).

D. Discipline:

An employee's refusal to submit immediately upon request to a search of his or her person and/or property or to take a blood test, urinalysis, "breath-analyzer" test or other diagnostic test; or a positive result on such test(s) indicating prior use of intoxicants, non-prescribed narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana or other non-prescribed controlled substances may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

E. Interpretations:

Property covered by this policy includes property of any nature owned, controlled or used by Wesleyan Homes, Inc., including parking lots, offices, desks, lockers and vehicles.


Security consciousness helps to protect the property and safety of The Wesleyan's employees and residents. An employee must advise his/her supervisor any time a resident has valuables that may need to be secured. Employees have a responsibility to help residents protect their property even when they may be careless. Valuables should not be left so as to tempt other residents, employees, or visitors.

Employees are encouraged to avoid bringing valuable or unneeded cash to work. Care should be taken to secure a purse or other belongings away from public access areas, and preferably in lockers, if available, in an employee's department. The Wesleyan cannot assume responsibility for articles lost on the premises.

Facility property should also be properly secured. Particular care should be taken to secure keys and prescription drugs at all times.

Employees must report to the administrator or their supervisor of any alleged theft or misuse of a resident’s property. Employees must also report the presence of unknown or suspicious individuals to their supervisor.

All employees should be advised that video equipment and/or recorders may be used by the Wesleyan for security and quality control monitoring.


Each employee is required to read the Disaster Plan for his/her facility. An employee may at any time be expected to participate in a drill and carry out the procedures specific to his/her department. The basic procedure in case of a fire is "RACE”.

R - Rescue residents in immediate danger.

A - Sound the Alarm

C - Contain the fire by closing the doors and windows

E - Extinguish the fire if it is small and you are safe (Otherwise, let the

fire department extinguish it.)


Wesleyan Homes provides a safe workplace for all employees. To ensure a safe workplace and to reduce the risk of violence, all employees should review and understand all provisions of this workplace violence policy.


The Wesleyan does not tolerate any type of workplace violence committed by or against employees. Employees are prohibited from making threats or engaging in violent activities.

This list of behaviors, while not inclusive, provides examples of conduct that is prohibited.

• Causing physical injury to another person;

• Making threatening remarks directly or indirectly;

• Aggressive or hostile behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to another person or subject another individual to emotional distress;

• Intentionally damaging employer property or property of another employee;

• Possession of a weapon while on The Wesleyan property or while on The Wesleyan business;

• Committing acts motivated by, or related to, sexual harassment or domestic violence.


Any potentially dangerous situations must be reported immediately to a supervisor. Reports can be made anonymously and all reported incidents will be investigated. Reports or incidents warranting confidentiality will be handled appropriately and information will be disclosed to others only if necessary. All parties involved in a situation will be counseled and the results of investigations will be discussed with them. The Wesleyan reserves the right to suspend those allegedly involved in prohibited conduct with or without pay during the investigation. The The Wesleyan will actively intervene at any indication of a possibly hostile or violent situation.


Hiring: The Wesleyan takes reasonable measures to conduct background investigations to review candidates’ backgrounds and reduce the risk of hiring individuals with a history of violent behavior.

Safety: The Wesleyan conducts annual inspections of the premises to evaluate and determine any vulnerability to workplace violence or hazards. Any necessary corrective action will be taken to reduce all risks.

Individual Situations: While we do not expect employees to be skilled at identifying potentially dangerous persons, employees are expected to exercise good judgment and to inform their supervisor if any employee exhibits behavior which could be a sign of potentially dangerous situations. Such behavior includes:

➢ Discussing weapons or bringing weapons to the workplace;

➢ Displaying overt signs of extreme stress, resentment, hostility, or anger;

➢ Making threatening remarks;

➢ Sudden or significant deterioration of performance;

➢ Displaying irritations or inappropriate behavior.


Employees that are required to drive on The Wesleyan business at any time are expected to wear seat belts at all time while in a moving vehicle being used for The Wesleyan business, whether they are the driver or a passenger.

The use of handheld cell phones, whether personal or business-owned, while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle being used on The Wesleyan business is strictly prohibited. Engaging in other distracting activities including, but not limited to, eating, putting on makeup, reading or changing radio stations or music, is also strongly discouraged while driving, even when in slow-moving traffic. All employees are expected to follow all driving laws and safety rules such as adherence to posted speed limits and directional signs, use of turn signals and avoidance of confrontational or offensive behavior while driving. Employees should never allow anyone to ride in any part of the vehicle not specifically intended for passenger use.

Employees who drive commercial vehicles or who are otherwise subject to separate rules and regulations such as those dictated by state or federal law are also expected to adhere to all policies and regulations associated with the appropriate law or regulation that applies.

Employees must promptly report any accidents to local law enforcement as well as to the The Wesleyan in accordance with established procedures. Employees are also expected to report any moving or parking violations received while driving on The Wesleyan business and/or in The Wesleyan vehicles.


Should it be necessary to leave the facility premises during working hours, each employee must notify his/her supervisor and obtain permission. The supervisor should also be notified before leaving the premises for lunch break so they may know who is available in case of an emergency.

Off duty employees or other persons not having business with The Wesleyan or visiting a resident, will be requested to leave the premises. Employees are expected to come to the job in time to begin work and to leave the premises as soon as practical after completing the workday, generally within ten (10) minutes. Anyone waiting longer for transportation should do so at the entrance and remain out of the resident care areas.


In the interest of providing a pleasant atmosphere conducive to quality resident care, the following guidelines on solicitation and distribution will apply:

• Soliciting or distributing literature to residents, visitors, or employees by non-employees on facility premises is strictly prohibited.

• Solicitation by an employee of another employee, guest or resident is prohibited all times.

• Employees are not permitted to distribute advertising material, handbills, printed or written literature of any kind on facility premises.

• Some exceptions may be allowed with Administrator or President approval.


Family members and friends may visit you briefly, away from your work space, with prior supervisor permission. They are allowed to be present for bringing you to or from work. If an emergency arises, please inform your supervisor immediately.

At no time will visitors or family members use The Wesleyan equipment or supplies.


Any articles found or lost should be immediately turned in or reported to the Human Resources or to the supervisor. Items left by residents must also be promptly turned in or reported to the receptionist.


The property, equipment, and supplies used at The Wesleyan are very expensive. Each employee is responsible for taking care of this property, equipment and supplies belonging to The Wesleyan and for reporting damaged property or equipment to the supervisor immediately.


A. Business Calls

Prompt and courteous handling of all telephone calls is important. Telephone contacts affect The Wesleyan's image with the community, families, and employees. When answering the phone, an employee should begin with identifying the facility at which you work and then your name.

B. Cell Phones and Personal Calls

Personal calls distract from work and interfere with business, and should be made or received only in emergencies. Cell phones are also a distraction and potential safety hazard. Cell phones should not be used or be on one’s person during working hours. Cell phones may be checked for messages or used during breaks.

Unauthorized use of residents' phones or long distance calls may result in disciplinary action.


Computers, computer files, the E-mail system, the Internet, and software furnished to employees are The Wesleyan property intended for business use. Employees should not use a password, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication without authorization. To ensure compliance with the policy, computer E-mail, and Internet usage may be monitored.

Wesleyan Homes strives to maintain a workplace free of harassment and sensitive to the diversity of its employees. Therefore, Wesleyan Homes prohibits the use of computers, the E-mail system, and the Internet in ways that are disruptive, offensive to others, or harmful to morale. For example, the display or transmission of sexually explicit images, messages, and cartoons is not allowed. Other such misuse includes, but is not limited to, ethnic slurs, racial comments, off-color jokes, or anything that may be construed as harassment or showing disrespect for others.

No employee has a right to privacy in anything created, received, or sent on the communications system and information transmitted or stored is the sole property of the Wesleyan.


The Wesleyan recognizes the importance of social media. However, under certain circumstances, use of social media by employees may become a problem if, it interferes with the employee’s work; is used to harass coworkers or customers; creates a hostile work environment. Harassment, bullying, discrimination, or retaliation that would not be permissible in the workplace is not permissible between co-workers, residents, resident’s family members, even if it is done after hours, from home and on home computers.

Where no policy or guideline exists, employees are expected to use appropriate professional judgment and take the most prudent action possible. If you are uncertain about the appropriateness of a social media posting, check with your manager or supervisor.

Note: As used in this policy, “social media” includes, but is NOT limited to, forums and social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and MySpace.

• Do NOT use social media networks while on The Wesleyan time.

• Employees may NOT use The Wesleyan equipment or facilities for non-work related activities without permission. Social media activities should NOT interfere with duties at work. The Wesleyan monitors its network to ensure compliance with this restriction.

• Employees may not disclose or use, either during or subsequent to employment, any information received during employment which is considered proprietary or which is related to the trade secrets of the Wesleyan, as defined by management. The Wesleyan information includes, but is not limited to residents, clients, vendors, photographs and employees.

• The employee is responsible for what he writes or presents on social media. The employee can be sued and held liable by other employees, clients, and any individual that views your social media posts as pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous or creating a hostile work environment.

• Do NOT link to the Wesleyan’s website or post The Wesleyan material on a social media site.

• Do NOT post any opinion or statement as the policy or view of The Wesleyan or of any individual in their capacity as an employee or otherwise on behalf of the Wesleyan.

• Violation of this policy may lead to discipline up to and including the immediate termination of employment.


Facilities of The Wesleyan are equipped with a paging system for calling personnel to the phone, to resident rooms or other areas, conducting fire and disaster drills, and for relaying information to employees, residents, and visitors.

The paging system should be used solely for relaying official information and must not be used for relaying personal messages.


Wesleyan Homes, Inc. is committed to the health and safety of our residents and our staff and therefore prohibits smoking, vaping and tobacco of any kind on its property. This includes but is not limited to parking lots, cars in the parking lot, outside break areas, and walking trails.

Please be advised that Electronic cigarettes are not considered smoking cessation devices; therefore, they will also be prohibited.


Parking is provided for the convenience of Wesleyan employees. It is the employee’s responsibility to secure his/her vehicle in the designated employee parking area. The Wesleyan is not responsible for any damage to an employee’s automobile or theft of it or its contents.


Time off for lunch will be for a period of thirty or sixty minutes as specified by department policy.

Employees may bring their own lunch or they may leave the premises to eat elsewhere.

Employees may purchase meals from the facility, provided proper notice is given. The cost of meals is available in Administration of your facility.

A break room is available at both facilities to allow employees an opportunity to relax during breaks and meal periods.


Employees are encouraged to vote before or after work. Employees have the right to vote during working hours if the polls are not open two or more consecutive hours outside of his/her scheduled working hours. Time off to vote is without pay. The Wesleyan will comply with state law regarding an employee’s right to vote.


Personnel records are of vital importance and contain confidential information. They must be kept current to meet various regulations, to allow the facility to reach employees in an emergency, forward mail, and to properly maintain insurance and other benefits. Please advise the Human Resources promptly of any changes or corrections in address, phone numbers, name, family additions or deletions, or who to contact in an emergency.

Personnel records are the property of Wesleyan Homes. An employee may direct questions regarding his/her personnel file to the Director of Human Resources.




Wesleyan Homes Inc.

The Policy Manual for Wesleyan Homes Inc. is not a contract.

The working procedures and policies described are guidelines and subject to unilateral change at the discretion of management, but will remain in effect until changes become necessary or appropriate. In certain specific cases, exceptions may be made based upon unusual circumstances.

Should any provision be found to be unenforceable and invalid, such finding does not invalidate the entire procedures and policies, but only the subject provision.

I have received and will carefully read the policies, rules, and regulations and agree to conform to them.

I have reviewed and understand the policies given to me by the Organization.


Employee Signature:__________________________________________________

Print Name:_________________________________________________________









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