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Business Credit and Finance Information Posts Year 1

Information posts are the backbone of the F.I.T philosophy. Your prospects are interested in getting financing and business credit. So naturally they’ll want to receive information relative to these topics.

By providing them with extensive information on all topics related to financing and credit, you instantly become a creditable expert. Nobody else in their life has every taught them much of any of this. And knowing how the credit system works, what financing is available, and other topics about obtaining money and credit are really essential topics most business owners should know.

So by you being the one who’s providing the education, you are seen as an expert, the authority when it comes to business credit and financing. After all, look at how much you’ll teach your readers that they had no clue of before getting your emails.

And here’s the best part… it doesn’t matter if they read, or don’t read your emails.

They’ll know that the content is good once they review one, or more. But even when you send them emails they don’t read, most people will set them aside in a separate folder for future review. Maybe they never do get back to read it, doesn’t matter, they still know where to find your info… in their special folder. Even if they delete your emails, they’ll still know where they are.

And as they see your emails come in, no matter what they do… they’ll quickly associate you, your name, your email address, even your images in the email, with “the” person to talk to when it comes to money and credit. ]

If they don’t want your emails, they’ll simply opt out. But that’s the beauty of being in the business credit and financing space… not too many people will choose not to get free info about how they can get capital.

So you’ll quickly find with this type of quality content, you won’t have a high percentage of opt outs. Most people will want this info, and thank you for proving it.

Then when they are ready to take action and get money and credit, you’ll be at the forefront of their mind. And, you’ll have established yourself as an expert and authority, so naturally they’ll trust you and want to do business with you. So the sales process will also be much easier and faster when they’re ready to take action.

Providing a drip of consistent, quality information to your clients on an ongoing basis WILL help cement you as an authority, and can lead to you getting a lot of business, without a ton of effort. Once you put this in place you can then focus on getting leads into your funnel, and letting these emails with the others provided in this module, go to work to start making you some money.

Space these emails 5 days apart:

Email 1

Do you have a Paydex Score?

You probably have personal credit scores established, and you are probably familiar with your scores at Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union.

But do you have a Paydex business credit score yet?

The main credit score used in the business world is known as a Paydex score provided by Dun and Bradstreet.

This number assess a business’s lending risk much the same as a consumer credit score reflects a consumer’s individual credit risk.

The exact definition from Dunn & Bradstreet, or D&B is: The D&B PAYDEX® Score is D&B's unique dollar-weighted numerical indicator of how a firm paid its bills over the past year, based on trade experiences reported to D&B by various vendors.

There are many BIG differences from a business Paydex credit score and an individual FICO credit score.

Consumer FICO credit scores range from 350-850. The Paydex Score ranges from 0-100 with 100 being the highest score you can obtain.

Having a Paydex business score of 80 or higher is very good, as scores below 70 are very bad.

Individual credit scores are calculated based on a number of factors. The Paydex score is calculated based on only one single factor; whether a business makes prompt payments to its suppliers and creditors within the agreed upon terms of payment.

For example, prompt payments will produce a Paydex score of 80. A 70 score reflects paying 15 days behind, 60 score is 22 days behind, a 30 score reflects paying 90 days behind, and a 20 Paydex reflects paying bills 120 days late.

If you own a business, your Paydex score is essential in establishing new credit and continuing to build credit limits exceeding $100,000.

Call me on my number below to start the process of establishing your Paydex score and getting approved for $50,000 in business credit this year with no personal guarantee and regardless of your personal credit quality.

Email 2

Dun and Bradstreet

Dun and Bradstreet is the biggest and major business credit reporting agency.

Dun and Bradstreet is commonly known as D&B and is a publically traded company with a headquarters in Short Hills New Jersey.

D&B provides information on businesses and corporations for use in credit decisions. Currently they hold over 200 million business records on file.

D&B roots track back all the way to 1841 with the formation of the Mercantile Agency in New York. In 1933 the Mercantile Agency joined with R.G. Dun & Company and became known as Dun and Bradstreet.

In 1962 D&B created the DUNS number which is now the worldwide preferred method of identifying businesses.

Dun & Bradstreet offers many products and services to consumers and business.

Some of these include risk management products such as the Business Information Report, Comprehensive Report and the DNBi platform.

These provide current and historical business information primarily used for lenders and financial institutions to assist in making credit decisions.

D&B also offers sales and marketing products such as the DUNS Market Identifier database, Optimizer, and D&B Professional Contacts which provide sales and marketing professionals with business data for both prospecting and CRM activity.

Just as Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union are leaders in the consumer credit reporting arenas, Dun and Bradstreet is the leader in business credit data.

Contact me today to learn more about how you can establish a profile with Dun and Bradstreet, obtain your DUNS number, and getting approved for $50,000 in business credit this year with no personal guarantee and regardless of your personal credit quality.

Email 3

Experian Business

Dun & Bradstreet is the primary company used to evaluate business credit and issue a credit score known as Paydex.

There are also other companies that provide similar credit evaluation services to businesses based on their independent databases.

One of them is Experian Business who offers a credit score known as Intelliscore.

Experian, one of the three major consumer credit rating bureaus and also provides business credit evaluations for over 27,000,000 small businesses and corporations.

Experian’s model is designed for companies that provide goods and services to small businesses.

Some of the items listed on Experian’s reports include…

• Business credit scores and credit summary

• Key facts about the business

• Corporate registration and contact information

• Summaries of collections and payments

• Uniform Commercial Code filing information

• Banking, insurance and leasing information

• Bankruptcy filings

• Judgment filings

• Tax lien filings

Credit scores range from 0-100 with a lower score indicating a higher risk for serious delinquency.

Experian does provide both consumer and business credit risk models, but there are considerable differences between the two.

Call me today to start the process of establishing your Experian business credit score and getting approved for $50,000 in business credit this year with no personal guaranty or credit check.

Email 4

Do you have a DUNS number?

The Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) is a business identifier code provided by Dun and Bradstreet.

This business identifier code was developed in 1963 to support Dun and Bradstreet’s credit reporting practices.

Today the DUNS number is widely used to identify businesses lending for issuing new credit. It is also used by the European Commission, United Nations, and the United States government.

More than 50 global, industry, and trade associations recognize, recommend, or require DUNS. The DUNS database now contains over 100 million entries for businesses throughout the world.

The DUNS number is a nine-digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet assigned to each business location in the D&B database having a unique, separate, and distinct operation for the purpose.

The DUNS number is a randomly assigned number used to identify the business.

Unlike national Employment Identification Number (EIN), a DUNS number may be issued to any business worldwide.

Certain U.S. government agencies require that a vendor have a DUNS number as well as a U.S. Employer Identification Number (EIN).

The Office of Management and Budget, a United States federal agency, announced in the June 27, 2003 issue of the Federal Register (68 FR 38402) that a DUNS number would be required for all grant applicants for new or renewal awards submitted on or after October 1, 2003.

The DUNS number supplements other identifiers, such as the EIN, and is required whether the application is made electronically or on paper.

Other agencies such as some United Nations offices and the Australian government agencies require certain businesses to have a DUNS number.

A DUNS number is also a way in which separate corporate entities, having no official relationship, can be branded as one by sharing one DUNS number among the affiliated companies.

A DUNS number is sometimes formatted with embedded dashes to promote readability, such as 15-048-3782. Modern usage typically omits dashes, and shows the number in the form 150483782. The dashes are not part of D&B's official definition of the DUNS number.

Numerous other business numbering systems exist independent of DUNS—for example, the International Suppliers Network system. However, few, if any, register as many international businesses as DUNS.

Dun and Bradstreet’s unique DUNS number is the most widely used worldwide method of identifying businesses.

Call me today to start the process of getting your DUNS number and getting approved for $50,000 in business credit this year with no personal guarantee and regardless of your personal credit quality.

Email 5

Business Credit

You are APPROVED with no personal guarantee

Most business owners quickly get accustomed to using their personal credit and personal guarantee for their businesses.

As a result, most never realize that it IS possible to obtain considerable credit for their business with no personal guarantee or personal credit inquiry.

I am a business credit expert dedicated to helping business owners build positive business credit profiles, and then using those profiles to obtain substantial amounts of useable credit.

I can assist you in getting approved for $50,000 or more in business credit with NO personal guarantee and NO personal credit check.

This means even if you have horrible personal credit, you WILL still qualify for $50,000 or more in real usable credit.

First we setup a new business for you or we start working with your existing business if you own one now.

We help you establish your D&B DUNS number and start the establishing of your credit profiles.

We strategically help you get approved for new credit items that require shorter payback terms and report to the appropriate business credit reporting agencies.

Once those items are paid, you will start to establish your business credit scores. We will then quickly start qualifying for useable credit with major retailers on revolving terms.

Within months you will start qualifying for credit lines with retailers such as Dell, Home Depot, Office Max, Staples, Sears, and many more.

You will also have an excellent business credit score established.

Within a year you will be on your way to even more business credit with major card companies. These cards can be used at any stores just like a normal credit card.

It is very realistic that from one year on you will continue to qualify for high credit limits in your business’s name with no personal guarantee.

Many of our clients continue on to qualify for $100,000 or more in real credit in their business name.

All of this is possible for YOU and your business, with no personal guarantee and no personal credit check.

Call me today to learn more about getting approved for $50,000 in business credit this year with no personal guarantee and regardless of your personal credit quality.

Email 6

Wow, great information for business owners directly from …

The following article comes directly from and contains some very valuable information regarding business credit.

As an entrepreneur, did you know you have a unique opportunity to build, maintain and acquire credit both individually and as a business owner? That's good news if you're trying to build and grow a company because you won't have to rely solely on your personal credit to do that.

As a member of the business credit industry, it's been my experience that fewer than 10 percent of all entrepreneurs know about or truly understand how business credit is established and tracked-and how it affects their lives and businesses.

So let's first take a look at how personal credit differs from business credit. Then we'll discuss some steps you can take to build your business credit.

At the point an individual with a social security number accepts their first job or applies for their first credit card, a credit profile is started with the personal credit reporting agencies. This profile, otherwise known as a credit report, is added to with every credit inquiry, credit application submitted, change of address and job change.

The information is typically reported to the credit bureaus by those who are issuing credit. Eventually, the credit report becomes a statement of an individual's ability to pay back a debt.

In some cases, the same is true for businesses. When a business issues another business credit, it's referred to as trade credit. Trade, or business, credit is the single largest source of lending in the world.

Information about trade credit transactions is gathered by the business credit bureaus to create your business credit report using your business name, address and federal tax identification number (FIN), also known as an employer identification number (EIN), which you get from the IRS.

The business credit bureaus use this compiled data to generate a report about your company's business credit transactions. In many cases, those issuing credit to you will rely on your business credit report to determine if they want to grant you credit and how much credit they'll give.

The major business credit bureaus that compile and provide copies of the reports are:

• Dun & Bradstreet

• Experian Business

• Equifax Business

• Business Credit USA

Unfortunately, because the information provided to the business credit bureaus is sent in voluntarily--no business is required to send it in--the credit bureaus may never receive all or even any information about your business credit transactions. In fact, you could go for years racking up business credit without any of it being reported to the credit bureaus.

Establishing Business Credit

Let's start by talking about your business credit score. Business credit scores range on a scale from 0 to 100 with 75 or more considered an excellent rating. Personal credit scores, on the other hand, range from 300 to 850 with a score of 680 or high considered excellent.

It's important to note that there are many factors that affect a credit score; it's based on more than just whether you pay your bills on time. Your score can be affected by the amount of available credit you have on bank lines of credit and credit cards, the length of time you've had a credit profile, the number of inquiries made on your credit profile and more.

The mistake many business owners make is using their personal information to apply for business credit, leases and loans. By doing so, they risk having a lower personal credit score.

Call me today to be approved in over $50,000 in business credit with no personal guaranty or credit check.

Email 7

The "Secret" Credit Bureaus and What They Know About YOU...

What a lot of people don't realize about the "credit bureaus" is that there are more than just 3. Furthermore, some of these unknown--or "secret"--credit bureaus work in the background providing information about consumers to the "big 3" credit bureaus and many other companies. And they do this all without the consumer knowing about it.

It's possible that there is some disclaimer in the fine print somewhere, but whether disclaimed or not, these credit bureaus manage to fly under the radar of most consumers.

Here are the top 4 little-known bureaus that you should know about:

1. Innovis. The key involvement of Innovis is in the "pre-screening" of consumers. Creditors and even other credit bureaus use Innovis for pre-screening and other verification services. Innovis keeps records of who moves and where they move to, when they move, and more. For more information on Innovis or to obtain your Innovis report, go to: .

2. ChexSystems. ChexSystems collects and shares information about your bank account habits. If you've ever bounced a check, then there is a chance you've been reported to ChexSystems. ChexSystems is an information sharing network for banks, to help banks screen account applicants. If you misuse an account at one bank, it could prevent you from opening an account at another bank. Incorrect information reported to ChexSystems could also prevent you from opening a bank account. ChexSystems manages to fly under the consumer radar much of the time... until someone has a problem and can't open an account. To find out if you've been reported to ChexSystems, go to: .

3. The Medical Information Bureau (MIB). The MIB is a network of several hundred insurance companies that share information about policyholders and applicants to prevent someone from leaving out important medical information when applying for life, health, disability, or similar insurance products. To get a copy of your MIB file, go to .

4. LexisNexis. LexisNexis is a huge company that provides a variety of information types to a variety of corporate and government customers. In addition to providing information for screening in the areas of employment, health care, insurance, and other key areas, LexisNexis is also the primary source through which the credit bureaus obtain and verify public records. LexisNexis obtains public record information electronically through PACER, and also has field workers who input data directly from courthouse records.

There are, of course, more "secret" credit bureaus out there. We've covered 4 of them here. If there is one thing we can be certain of, it is that in one or another area of our seemingly private lives... someone, somewhere, is collecting and selling information about us!

Email 8

It all matters

You do qualify for up $50,000 or more in business credit with no personal guarantee and without a personal credit check.

Our goal is to make this process easy and fast for you to get approved for your new credit.

Even though we might make it seem easy, there is a lot involved with insuring you get approved for $50,000 or more in credit with no personal guarantee.

When building business credit, everything matters.

Your approval is sometimes based on the exact number of employees you claim on your application. In other cases you might be denied if you don’t claim the right amount of vehicle gas usage in a month.

Certain types of phone numbers should not be used, while it is essential to insure your number is listed in places the business credit reporting agencies and creditors will look.

If you don’t have the right type of phone number, or if it isn’t listed in the right places, you will be denied.

The type of corporation you list, the years you company has been in business, and the type of ownership all factor in to getting you APPROVED for higher credit limits.

Most importantly, knowing and understanding which of the thousands of creditors to apply for and in which order to apply are essentials in the business credit approval process.

I am here to take care of all of this for you. This way you can enjoy the perks of having $50,000 in available business credit without any hassles.

Call me today to get started and be on your way to $50,000 in credit approvals with no personal guarantee and regardless of personal credit history.

Email 9

Your business IS your credit

Most business owners have very high expectations for their businesses. But with stringent banking standards, capital is hard to come by to help them meet those expectations.

As a result many business owners put their personal credit, funds, and guarantee on the line to try to finance their vision and dream.

I am writing you this email to tell you that you can get all the money and capital you need without your personal guarantee, personal funds, or your personal credit.

Let your business finance your business.

I can assist you with building your business credit profile. Over the next few months you will have access to real usable credit in your business’s name.

This revolving credit can quickly grow to $50,000 or higher within the first 6 months. Many of our clients are then approved for between $100,000- $250,000 in real usable credit within a couple years.

This type of credit is known as business credit and requires no personal guarantee. There is also no personal credit check whatsoever.

So even if you have horrible credit, you will still qualify for $50,000 or more in business credit.

If you don’t currently own a business, I can help you get one started.

If you do currently own a business you might qualify for even more credit depending on how many months you have been open.

You have just been let in on the best kept secrets in business. You CAN finance your business dreams and vision using only your business to qualify, not your personal credit or guarantee.

Call me today to be on your way to $50,000 in business credit approvals.

Email 10

Why is it secret?

You have most definitely heard of Equifax, Experian, Trans Union, and the FICO score before as they are household names.

But most business owners have not heard of a DUNS number, Paydex score, Intelliscore or Duns and Bradstreet.

reported that less than 10% of business owners have any knowledge whatsoever of business credit.

WOW is this great for you!

It’s great because now that you have found me you DO know about business credit. It is even greater because 90% of other business owners no nothing about it making it all YOURS.

Have you been affected by the changes in economy over the last few years?

Many creditors have lowered credit limits while others deny applications that once would be easily approved.

This means less money for you making it tougher and sometimes seemingly impossible to do business.

Well not anymore.

You qualify for $50,000 or more in business credit. And this money can be secured with no personal guarantee or personal credit check.

Business credit is still vastly available because 90% of business owners know nothing about it. This means you just found the $$$ goldmine you have been dreaming of.

Within a few months you will qualify for thousands in real useable credit. Within 6-12 months you will have access to over $50,000 in revolving credit with major retailers.

In 1-2 years you can then continue on to qualify for $100,000-$250,000 based on how you utilize your newly acquired credit.

The credit IS available and waiting. And this is credit you can use to build the company of your dreams without the personal liability..

Call me today to get started and be on your way to $50,000 in credit approvals with no personal guarantee and regardless of personal credit history.

Email 11

No Personal Guarantee

Most business owners use their personal credit and a personal guarantee for most of their business debts.

This causes a big problem as the business owner then becomes liable for the business debts.

And if the business has financial problems, the creditors then start pursuing the business owner’s personal assets like their bank accounts and home.

This can easily be prevented. Business owners can build credit in their business name that requires no personal guarantee, and no personal liability.

This keeps business debts separate from the personal credit, and keeps the business owner safe as there is no personal liability.

Many hear that this is available and are very surprised, almost think it sounds too good to be true.

Business Credit is credit that is in the business name. This credit uses the business credit profile and score to qualify, not the personal credit.

Most consumers are familiar with regular consumer credit. You can go into a store like Wal-Mart and apply for credit.

When you apply they pull a personal credit profile, and then approve you based on the strength of that credit profile and score.

You can secure store credit at places like Chevron or Wal-Mart, or you can apply for Visa and MasterCard credit that you can use in almost any store.

Business credit works the EXACT same way. You apply for credit at the same stores, and with Visa and MasterCard.

But with business credit the business credit profile and score are used for qualification, not the personal credit.

This means there is no personal guarantee required and no personal credit check.

The secret to success with business credit is you must first start building credit with vendors who report to the appropriate business credit reporting agencies.

Once this is done you then will have an excellent business score and profile that can be used to start obtaining credit in the business name.

All you need is a corporation to qualify. And approval limits are much higher than normal consumer credit.

Call me today to get started on building business credit with no personal guarantee or credit check.

Email 12

5 Quick and Easy Ways To Build Business Credit...

Here are 5 quick and simple ways to build business credit.

1. Take care of your personal credit first. It might seem strange, but personal credit can really help you build business credit faster. If you take care of your personal credit, the process of building your business credit will be easier.

2. Build credit and apply for credit before you need it. This is one mistake that many businesses make. They wait until they really need credit to worry about getting credit. And guess when it is most difficult to get approved for business credit? When you really need it! You need to think like the story of Noah's Ark... and start building your boat even though everything is sunny and bright right now. Build business credit and apply for business credit before you need it. Someday you'll be glad you did.

3. Use the credit you do have. You can't effectively build credit if you don't use what credit you do have. Use your credit, and use it responsibly. This will mean making charges on any business credit cards, and paying them off in a timely manner. It will mean using vendor credit accounts from places like Quill to buy basic supplies each month, and paying those charges off early. Working in this way from the very start is the best way to build the best business credit profile for the long haul.

4. Build relationships with local banks, and diversify among lenders. There are two very important things that few businesses consider when building business credit: First, RELATIONSHIPS with local banks are extremely important. Second, the "banks" part should always be plural. Let me explain. Building a relationship with a local bank is smart because many local banks aim to attract local businesses.

They often have perks and products that other large banks won't have. But the flip side of this is that local banks of all sizes (large and small) will change periodically. Their products will change. Their policies will change. Their loan terms will change. And when that change comes, it is important for you to have built other relationships with other banks... just in case you need them.

One recommended strategy is to utilize different types of banks for different types of business accounts. You may have a business checking account at one bank, a business savings account at another, and you may have a small line of credit with yet another. Spreading out your business accounts like this can allow you to build valuable relationships with multiple banks, and will give you the best options when you eventually need a bank loan for your business.

5. Don't forget that there are other options out there. When you're building business credit, and especially when you are shopping for larger loans, consider some of the viable alternatives: , , private lenders, investors, and more. How can these things help you "build" credit? For one, they will keep some credit off of your business credit report, and that can actually be good in some cases, especially when just starting out. Secondly they can be an alternative source of funds when the traditional sources are too slow or too limited. Thirdly, they can be a source of references when applying for bank loans or other larger credit sources in the future.

In all of these cases, the key is really to take action and "do something" now. You've got to take care of your personal credit. You need to START NOW and build business credit. You need to USE your busines credit. You need to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. You need to actively seek funding for your business. All of these steps ultimately boil down to one thing: ACTION! So take action, and take positive steps to build your business credit.

Email 13


$150,000 in Unsecured Credit…

Brand new startup businesses with no financials can qualify for up to $150,000 in unsecured credit lines.

There are NO financials required, the lender won’t even look at your monthly revenue.

For this program all that is needed is a 680 credit score or higher to qualify. Personal credit, and only personal credit is used to qualify.

The better the personal credit, the higher the credit line approval will be. You can even use someone as a Personal Guarantor who does have good credit if you have credit issues now.

This is the best account in the country for new startup businesses and new franchises as you don’t need any financials to qualify.

The credit line is revolving, and you can use it for any purpose. You will receive a debit card, even a checkbook so you can write from this account.

It only takes 2-4 weeks to close and have the money in your bank account.

Would you like $150,000?

Call me today so we can talk more about securing funding for you and your business.

Email 14

Your Credit Score Matters More Than You Think...

We know that good credit is a valuable resource for a business. Having your credit to fall back on throughout the ebb and flow of business life can be extremely helpful. But your credit score may very well matter more than you think. It's about a lot more than "troubled times" and "funding". Consider this:

- Good credit will save you money. Your business will save money on loans, credit cards, lines of credit, and even insurance. How much might it cost you in the long run to ignore business credit? It could add up to thousands.

- Good business credit could save your personal financial life… and even your marriage. Think about it: a person who is putting their personal credit on the line for their business and who hasn't built business credit could ruin their finances if their business starts to struggle. Then what? I probably don't have to tell you that one of the major reasons cited for marital problems is MONEY or FINANCIAL STRESS. Most of us can probably think of at least one example of a person we know whose marriage either ended or almost ended because of financial and credit problems. Put two and two together, and you can see how bad business credit or no business credit could cost you a lot more than money.

- Good business credit can reduce your stress level. In today's world, chronic stress is a major concern. There are hundreds of problems ranging from depression to serious illness that are ultimately triggered by the high stress world that we live in. Having good business credit in place gives you a certain security. It lowers your stress level, because you know that you can get the money you need WHEN you need it. That's worth a whole heck of a lot!

I once knew a guy who took serious advantage of this last point. He had a customer who always paid late. The customer paid, but they were always about 60 days behind. This person needed to keep the cash flow going for his business and was constantly stressed about being paid by this one large customer. The eventual answer he came up with was a business line of credit. This allowed him to easily fill in the gaps if necessary, but most importantly: it reduced his stress! He was no longer worried about cash flow, because the line of credit would be there if he needed it to fill in while waiting for a late payment from his biggest customer.

You can reduce your stress in similar ways by building a good business credit profile and score.

Email 15

Equipment Financing

You can easily secure the equipment you need for your business.

One of the best and smartest ways to obtain the equipment you need is by using Equipment Financing.

You can deduct the interest you pay on the lease and you won’t need a large down payment to be approved.

This is one of the reasons over 80% of U.S. businesses use equipment lease financing to acquire equipment for their businesses.

Using Equipment Financing you can improve your business cash flow and increase capital.

You can keep your normal cash flow, leave your money in the bank, avoid major out-of-pocket expenses incurred by purchasing the equipment up-front, and benefit from multiple tax advantages.

Equipment Leasing is one of the most common types of equipment financing available today.

When leasing equipment you will find most leasing options offer you fixed-rate financing. This means your interest rate and payments will stay the same from month-to-month during the term of your lease.

Whether you need office equipment or large commercial equipment used for manufacturing, Equipment Financing is a perfect option for you and your business.

Equipment financing can also be used if you are starting a new business which needs equipment to operate.

There is typically no down payment required on equipment leasing loans. The lender will collect 1-2 of your monthly payments upon approval.

This amount of money required is usually equal to 3-7% of the total equipment cost.

You will have low monthly payments available. And your payments can be tailored to fit your company’s individual needs.

You can also include taxes and other charges such as installation charges into your new equipment lease.

Equipment loans are perfect for any business owner looking to purchase equipment.

The most aggressive equipment loan and lease lenders are available for you through our business funding suite.

Your money is waiting, contact me directly so we can get you access to your own funding suite and start putting $$$ in your pocket today.

Email 16

3 Quick Keys to a Good Business Credit Score

Here are 3 quick keys to good business credit:

1. Action. The first key is always taking action! You need to be proactive in establishing, building, and monitoring your business credit. If you do this, you are well on your way!

2. Separation. The second key is to keep your business credit and finances separate from your personal credit and finances to the greatest extent possible. It should go without saying: mixing the two can mess up both your business life and your personal life. So keep these two financial worlds separate. This also forces you to depend on business credit for your business's credit needs. And that's a good thing.

3. Growth. The third and final key is constant and steady growth. Just as you work to grow a business, you should work to grow your business credit. It's a process. You don't start out with amazing credit. You grow and build it. (The same way you grow and build your business.) So don't be afraid to start small, and work steadily towards the growth of your business credit profile.

If you can master these three things, you will be well on your way to mastering business credit.

Email 17

Merchant Cash Advances

You can get money for your business quickly by borrowing against your future credit card sales. This type of financing is known as Merchant Cash Advances.

These loans use your past and current credit card history to determine how much financing you can be approved for.

Money is advanced to you based on how much you process each month in credit card transactions.

Then a small portion of each future credit card sale goes towards paying back the merchant advance loan not interfering with your cash and check receipts.

There are no fixed repayment amounts or terms which gives flexibility to your business if you are having a slow month.

One of the best benefits of merchant advances is you can receive money in your bank account as soon as 24 hours after approval.

Another great benefit of merchant loans is you don’t have to have good credit to qualify. These loans leverage your positive credit card processing history to get you approved, not your credit scores.

There are some credit score restrictions, but in most cases you can be approved with even below average personal credit scores.

And there is no personal guarantee required and no collateral is needed.

Merchant loans can be obtained up to $500,000. How much you will be approved for will be determined based on how much you process in credit card transactions each month.

Every business has its strengths and weaknesses.

If you use credit cards as a payment source for your clients, a merchant advance can be the perfect way for you to obtain a lot of money in a short period of time.

These loans are available for businesses that process as low as $5,000 monthly in credit card transactions. And the higher you do process the higher advance loan you will be approved for.

There are no application fees and no out-of-pocket costs.

And you can use the funds for payroll, marketing, increase business inventory, pay taxes, pay rent, advertising, order supplies and equipment, expand your business and open an additional location, or use the funds for working capital.

Merchant Advance Loans are a great source of capital for your business and is 1 of over 30 core funding products available with me.

Your money is waiting, contact me directly so we can get you access to your own funding suite and start putting $$$ in your pocket today.

Email 18

Why doesn't your business have this?

If your business doesn't have a credit report yet, it means that you haven't taken important steps to build your business credit yet. That's okay, but it does mean that you need to establish and build your business credit as soon as you can. Actually "getting" business credit reports for your company is a fairly easy process:

For D&B: You can set up your business credit report manually through their website.

For Experian and Equifax: Your reports will show up once you start getting credit reported.

You will want to make sure you have your ducks in a row first... but once you start building business credit and getting usable credit it will be well worth the effort. Business credit can be a powerful source of funding for businesses. But it all starts with getting business credit reports established with the business credit bureaus.

Email 19

Secure Versus Unsecure Funding

Secured or Unsecured, that is the question

Our finance suite offers over 30 core funding products. Some of them are secured, and some are unsecured.

Due to our vast array of funding products our clients commonly ask which is better for them, secured or unsecured funding.

Secured funding is easier to be approved for. Even if you have credit issues, you can still obtain many types of secured funding.

This is because secured funding is using something as collateral for the funding you are receiving.

When you own a business there are many business assets you can use as collateral to obtain funding.

Equipment financing for example leverages your equipment as collateral for the debt.

Purchase order financing uses your purchase orders as collateral, while account receivable factoring uses your receivables as collateral.

You can also use real estate, revenue, and other business assets to qualify for specialized funding vehicles to help you get money fast.

And since these financing options are using an element of your business as security, your personal or business credit doesn’t have to be great to qualify.

If you do have good credit with a score of 650 or higher, then you should qualify for unsecured funding options also.

Unsecured funding is where the bank will lend you money or approve you for a credit line with no security required.

This means you will not need to leverage any aspect of your business as collateral. The lender will base the lending decision on the quality of your personal or business credit profile.

Either your personal or business credit profiles can be used to get you approved.

With even a 650 personal credit score or higher you can qualify for these kinds of unsecured funding options.

And with a good business credit profile built you can also qualify for large amounts of business funding.

Through our Business Finance Suite you have access to up to $150,000 in unsecured credit that require NO financials to qualify.

You also have access to credit lines up to $250,000 if you do want to supply financials. These are unsecured credit lines using no business assets as collateral to qualify.

Interest rates on unsecured debts are obviously higher than secured debts as the lender’s risk is higher.

Still, you can obtain good working capital loans and credit lines at very reasonable interest rates and payments.

Whether you are interested in secured, or unsecured funding we have the answer for you.

Give me a call today to learn more about all the funding you qualify for now.

Email 20

Getting Suppliers To Report Credit

If a particular supplier doesn't show up on your business credit reports, it probably means that they are not reporting your payment history.

Not all suppliers and vendors report credit, and some that do fail to do it consistently. If you're building business credit, every bit of positive reporting will help your cause. You may want to send a letter to your suppliers asking them to report.

A simple letter is usually sufficient:

"Dear [vendor],

I have been a customer of yours for {time}, and recently noticed that you haven't reported my payment history to any of the business credit bureaus.

The purpose of this letter is to request that you do so, as this will help to strengthen my business credit profile, and will be better for both of our businesses in the long run. The three business credit bureaus are Experian, Equifax, and Dun & Bradstreet. I hope you will consider reporting my company's payment history to one or all three of these business credit bureaus.

As a customer, I would appreciate getting "credit" for the responsible manner in which I handle my accounts.



Some smaller suppliers or vendors may not be able to. Other larger ones may have intended to report your payment history but the process could have failed for one reason or another. In any case, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Some recommend only using suppliers and vendors who report business credit. I wouldn't go that far. Non-reporting accounts have a place in your business finances too. But especially when you are starting out, the reporting accounts are the most important to get and use.

Email 21

The Importance of Business Credit

One common problem for managers and business owners is that they fail to see the importance of credit when times are good. This means they neglect to build business credit when they can, and end up not having it when they need it.


A company in the Midwest handles a variety of "print and mail" jobs for customers. When times were good, cash was plentiful. The owner never bothered to build credit, and didn't anticipate ever needing it.

He always saw dealing in "cash only" as a sign of strength and character. However, the time eventually came when business slowed down.

The company struggled. The owner drained the company's cash reserves as well as his own, and eventually was forced to find a few generous investors just to stay afloat.

The company survived, but just barely. And the ownership and leadership of the company had been changed forever in the process. (Not to mention the fact that the owner sacrificed his personal savings.)

Luckily for this company, after this incident the leadership did decide to build business credit for future use... "just in case."

For many companies, credit isn't about the expected profits but rather the unexpected downturns and events. Building good credit when things are good will help to ensure that it is there when you need it.

Don't think about the times when everything is going just right. Think about how credit might benefit you when things aren't so hot. THAT is when you need it. THOSE are the times for which you build it. And when those times come, you'll be glad you did.

Email 22

How to Build Credit for a Small Business

Building credit for a business is rather simple at the core of it. Sure, there are details. But the process isn't rocket science, and is perfectly achievable for those willing to put forth the necessary effort.

The number one key to building credit for a small business is being prepared. Being prepared means you'll be organized. You'll have your finances and business together in a consistent way.

Prepared also means you have a plan. You know what your financial goals are. You know what your credit goals are. You know the steps you need to take.

In order to get prepared, there are just a couple of simple things to do:

1. First, make sure your business details are in order.

2. Second, open your business bank accounts if you haven't already.

3. Make sure your personal credit is in top shape.

4. Apply for vendor credit, and start using it--always paying early.

If you did nothing but these 4 things, you'd be well on your way to building credit for your small business. Is there more to the story? Sure there is, but we'll have to save that discussion for another day!

Email 23

Your money is waiting

SBA Loans are only a few of many financing options available through our business funding suite.

One SBA program that might be perfect for your business is known as CAPLines. This is an umbrella loan program that helps small businesses meet their short-term and cyclical working-capital needs.

There are many types of CAPLine types of lines-of-credit including Seasonal lines, Contract lines, Builder lines, and Standard and Small Asset-Based lines.

Each line has a separate purpose which can help you and your business.

For example the Standard line is a revolving line-of-credit for cyclical growth, recurring, and short-term needs.

The Seasonal lines can be used to offset lower revenues in slower seasons, while the contract lines can be used to pay for contract costs for expansion.

SBA offers many programs you can benefit from, and the money is ready and waiting.

Call me today to get started and be on your way to $50,000 in business credit approvals with no personal guarantee and regardless of personal credit history.

Email 24

The 4 Cs of lending

If you are looking for money for your business than you will be happy to know you only need one

“C” to qualify.

In lending when we look to see if a client is fundable we are looking for one of the 4 “C”s. You don’t have to have all of the 4 Cs, only 1 to secure funding.

The first C is Cash Flow. When you have an existing business with good cash flow you can qualify for business funding.

If you do have verifiable cash flow this substantial increases your chances of being approved for funding. There are many funding programs you might qualify for including Business Revenue Lending.

If you don’t have cash flow your business still might have Collateral, the second C.

Collateral for your business is really your business assets. Many things can be used as collateral including equipment, purchase orders, even account receivables.

Having Collateral greatly increases your chances of being approved.

If you don’t have cash flow or collateral, don’t worry you still can qualify for business funding.

Lenders also look at your business Credit to qualify you. Business Credit is our third C.

Lenders will lend you money with no personal guarantee based on your business credit profile and score. If you have a good business credit profile you can use that as security to obtain funding.

If you don’t have business credit built now, call me so I can help you quickly build an excellent business credit score and profile.

Maybe you are just starting a new business, and you have no business credit, cash flow, or collateral. In this case you can still qualify for funding. But lenders will use your personal Credit to qualify you.

Personal Credit is the fourth and final C that lenders will look at to approve you for funding. You can secure credit lines, through me, up to $250,000 with as low as a 650 credit score.

These types of unsecured credit lines do not look at revenue or financials. Your credit is all that is used to qualify you for funding.

If you don’t have good credit, call me. I can also help you insure you have an excellent personal credit profile to secure funding.

All you need is 1 of the 4 “C”s to qualify.

And I can help you build business credit and improve your personal credit so you WILL qualify for funding.

Call me today so we can talk more about obtaining money for you and your business.

Email 25

Common Credit Card Complaints

Some common problems with credit cards can be fixed more easily than you might think. Here are three of the most common credit card complaints, and the remedies to take the pain out of each of them:

1. The card has an annual fee.

This one is kind of a no-brainer. If you have a card with an annual fee and you want one without, there are two choices: You can apply for a different card with no annual fee, or you can call your existing card company and ask them to remove the annual fee. The second choice will probably avoid an inquiry on your credit, and is probably the best to start with if you're otherwise happy with the card.

2. The interest rate is too high!

High interest rates stink. But what many people don't realize (and this applies to both business and personal credit cards) is that interest rates are NEGOTIABLE. In other words, just because you have a lousy interest rate doesn't mean you're necessarily stuck with it. The remedy: Call your credit card company and ask them to lower your interest rates. If you have to, tell them you're considering switching to a card with a better rate if they can't help you. Worst case scenario, shop around for better cards with better rates.

"But what if my credit is bad?"

If your credit isn't up to snuff, then the obvious fix for your high credit card interest rates will be addressing your credit problems first. Many don't realize that many common credit problems can be legally "repaired". Not everything can be fixed, but even minor improvements can be enough to help you qualify for better interest rates.

3. My cards are maxed out. / I have too much debt!

If you've got a debt problem, then there are basically 3 ways out of it:

1. Pay off your debt the "old fashioned way".

2. Negotiate your accounts and "settle" them for less than the current balance.

3. File for bankruptcy.

The “old fashioned way” is in many cases the best way. #2 would include things like Consumer Credit Counseling and working with debt settlement companies. It may also include doing your debt settlement on your own, or settling with collectors and creditors when you're already falling behind. The third option is of course a last resort, for when all other options have failed.

Unless your situation is irreversible (and occasionally this is the case), your best bet is by far #1. That way you can keep your good credit and pay off your debts and feel good about all of it in the end. The "old fashioned way" usually boils down to a few simple steps. If you're in this situation and you want to find the way out, here's how to get started:

- Find ways to make more money

- Find ways to spend less money

- Take the extra "found" money and put it towards a single debt

- When that debt is paid off, put that payment plus all the extra towards another debt

- While you are in this process, do NOT accumulate any more debt!

These 5 steps alone could help many to become completely debt free!

Email 26

Micro Money

The SBA has a great loan program called The Microloan Program.

Although the name is Micro, the benefits to you can be huge.

The Microloan Program provides small, short-term loans to small businesses. Micro loans can provide you working capital and fulfill other purposes when you need money the most.

Some of the common uses for Micro loans include:

• Working capital

• The purchase of inventory or supplies

• The purchase of furniture or fixtures

• The purchase of machinery or equipment.

Terms, Interest Rates, and Fees and loan terms vary based on the size of the loan, the planned use of funds, the requirements of the intermediary lender, and the needs of the small business borrower.

Micro Loans are only a few of the 30 funding options available through your Business Cash Machine.

Contact me today to gain access to your very own business funding suite and access cash and credit to grow your business.

Email 27

In 60 days you can have excellent business credit

Your Business Credit Score is much different than your personal scores. Your personal scores are comprised of many factors which affect your scores.

But your business credit score is only based on 1 factor, how have you paid your accounts over the last 12 months.

Most business owners do not have any kind of business credit profile established. This prevents them from getting approved for the endless money that is available for them and their businesses.

Your business funding suite comes complete with access to over 400 individual financing options.

Your funding suite also provides you a few simple steps to insure you establish a near perfect business credit score within 30-60 days.

This excellent business score can then easily be leveraged to get you approved for the money you want for your business.

You will be able to get immediately approved for major credit with retailers like Dell, Staples, Home Depot, Chevron, and hundreds more.

And, you can get these approvals with no personal credit check and no personal guaranteed required.

Plus you will have access to SBA loans, equipment loans, merchant loans, and over 30 core funding products designed to put money in your hand quickly.

We help you establish an excellent business credit score quickly, then get you one-click access to cash, credit, and capital to help grow your business.

Contact us today to gain access to your very own business funding suite and to quickly establish an excellent business credit score and money for your business.

Email 28

Purchase Order Financing

Seasonal sales, business growth and expansion, and large orders can restrict your business cash flow.

Many clients want to pay on terms of net 30 or 60, but many of your suppliers demand payment on delivery.

At the same time you have to cover other expenses including shipping, labor costs, materials, packing, and many more further restricting your cash flow.

Purchase order financing helps free up your cash flow so you can grow your business and your profits.

You can obtain funds based on outstanding orders with existing clients.

While a bank looks at your company’s finances, these loans focus on the financing and credit of your customers.

This means this type of financing can be obtained even if you have damage to your personal or business credit profiles.

There are a few different types of Purchase Order Financing currently available to help you and your business.

One option that is currently available is to obtain funds that are paid directly to your suppliers.

You can receive advances up to 100% of the purchase cost to your supplier. The bank will then pay your supplier and you receive immediate access to your goods.

The bank will collect the invoice payments from your client and will also pay you the balance between the order value and the amount paid to your supplier.

You receive the net total minus any fees once payment has been received.

A second purchase order financing option is to issue a letter of credit to your suppliers.

This letter is a commitment to pay the supplier on their fulfillment of certain conditions. The conditions are normally related to the supplier providing necessary documentation. These Letter of Credits are also governed by the regulations of the International Chamber of Commerce.

A third option is a Supplier Guarantee. This is a commitment to pay the supplier from the availability generated on the funding of the receivables when generated relating to the purchase transaction.

The amount of purchase order financing available to you will depend on the volume of outstanding purchase orders you have.

It is very practical to obtain over $500,000 in financing if you have that amount or greater in orders.

Funds can commonly be delivered within a week after approval, and interest rates and terms are typically very good.

Your money is waiting, contact me directly so we can get you access to your own funding suite and start putting $$$ in your pocket today.

Email 29

The Secret About Credit Scores That Your Banker Won't Tell You...

It's not that your banker doesn't want to tell you the truth about credit scores. It's just that they probably don't know the truth. The number one thing that your banker won't tell you is that the credit scores they use are not the credit scores that are available to you.

Banks use multiple credit scores in determining your creditworthiness for loan and account purposes. Unfortunately, the scores they use are NOT the same scores that you can purchase online through the credit bureaus' websites.

That in itself might not sound too bad. Why does it matter? Aren't all the credit scores pretty similar?

Yes and no. Yes, credit scores are similar in what they try to achieve. They are similar in presentation. But one score can be drastically different from another for the same consumer when it comes to labeling a credit risk as "acceptable", "good", or "bad".

As an example, a 2012 Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) study analyzed 200,000 credit files from the "big 3" credit bureaus, comparing the lender FICO scores for each report with the "educational" credit scores provided directly by the credit bureaus. The result? About 1 in 5 consumers got scores that were different enough to place them in two different categories. In some cases the score differences were dramatic.

What this means is that the scores you and I can obtain won't always mirror the scores that the bank uses. Some banks provide copies of credit scores used when you apply for a loan, but if there were a big difference that would hurt your chances, by then it might be too late. Imagine checking your credit score, finding that you have a score of 800, and going to the bank to find out their score for you is much lower.

One work around for this problem is to find out what score your lender uses in advance. Some lenders use only one score, and many of those lenders will tell you if it's a FICO score or a Vantage score or something else.

If possible, check your reports and scores using the same scoring system that the bank uses. For example: If the bank says they use a FICO score and pull your TransUnion reports, then order your FICO score from TransUnion to get the closest match to what the bank will be looking at. It may not be a perfect match, but it will be the best bet for getting the most accurate picture you can before applying for a loan with a particular bank.

Email 30

Equifax Small Business Credit Risk Score

Dun & Bradstreet is the primary company used to evaluate business credit and issue a credit score known as Paydex.

There are also other companies that provide similar credit evaluation services to businesses based on their independent databases.

One of them is Equifax who offers a business scoring credit model knows as Equifax Small Business Enterprise/ Equifax Small Business Credit Risk Score.

Equifax, one of the three major consumer credit rating bureaus, is now providing business credit evaluations for over 22,000,000 small businesses and corporations to detect early signs of trouble by monitoring key customers, suppliers & partners.

Equifax’s model is designed for companies that provide goods and services to small businesses.

The score was created to enhance risk assessment throughout the account lifecycle by predicting the probability of a new or existing small business customer becoming seriously delinquent on supplier accounts, or bankrupt, within a 12 month period.

Credit scores range from 101-816 with a lower score indicating a higher risk for serious delinquency.

There are also four reason codes which indicate top factors that impact the credit score for a better understanding of risk.

Equifax does provide both consumer and business credit risk models, but there are considerable differences between the two.

Contact me today to start the process of establishing your Equifax score and getting approved for $50,000 in business credit this year with no personal guarantee and regardless of your personal credit quality.

Email 31

About Your Vantage Score...

The Vantage score is a collaboration of the major credit bureaus with a stated goal of a more accurate and standardized grading system, and (arguably) an unstated goal of replacing FICO scores altogether and capitalizing on the credit scoring marketplace.

The breakdown of the Vantage Score (i.e. how the scores are weighted) is slightly different than FICO scores. Here is a comparison:

FICO Score

Payment History: 35%

Amounts Owed: 30%

Length of Credit History: 15%

Types of Credit: 10%

Recent Credit (incl. inquiries): 10%

Vantage Score

Recent Credit: 30%

Payment History: 28%

Credit Utilization:23%

Account Balances: 9%

Types of Credit ("Depth"): 9%

Available Credit: 1%

At first glance these may seem substantially different. They aren't really as different as they seem, though. The major difference is probably how "Recent Credit" is scored. FICO assigns recent credit applications and accounts 10% of the overall score, where the Vantage Score assigns 30% to the same category. This could result in substantial categorical differences for certain categories such as newer or "thin" credit files.

Another thing you may notice is that instead of having a single category for amounts owed or credit utilization, the Vantage Score breaks it down into 3 different parts. The first is credit utilization which is 23%, the second is balances at 9%, and the third part is available credit which is 1%. What this really means it that "Amounts Owed" or "credit utilization" will probably have slightly more impact on a Vantage Score than on a FICO score.

In addition to the numerical scoring system, the Vantage Score also includes letter grades ranging from A to F. These are similar to the ones used in school, where A is the highest and F is quite bad.

The big thing to understand about your Vantage Score is that it is NOT the same as your FICO score. A Vantage Score of 800 is "so so" while a FICO score of 800 is excellent. If you have a Vantage Score of 800 then it might mean a FICO score of 625. That's not exact of course... just a ball park guess, but the key to understand is that the numbers represent different things.

The lesson in all this? Know what credit score you're getting if you're going to check your credit score, and know what score your lender uses. If you're going to apply for credit and going to check your credit score in advance, you might as well make sure you are comparing apples to apples!

Email 32

Unsecured Credit Lines

Unsecured revolving business credit lines are a smart way for you to grow and expand your business. You pay only on the credit you use making revolving credit lines a perfect financing source for your business.

Plus revolving business lines can be used, paid down, and then reused making them very practical for you as a business owner. This gives you tremendous peace of mind to know that additional money is available if needed.

The amount you will be approved for will vary based on your volume of business. You can secure revolving credit cards and lines for over $150,000 with no financials needed to qualify, and credit lines up to $250,000 if you are showing business tax returns and financials.

Some revolving lines do require you put up collateral to qualify. Collateral can include accounts receivables, inventory, machinery & equipment, and even real estate.

Other credit lines are available with limited to no financial documents needed to qualify.

Most business revolving credit lines require a personal guarantor to be approved. This means that if you fail to meet the terms of the agreement you will be personally liable.

Your personal credit will also be used to qualify you for revolving business credit lines. You can also qualify with a strong business credit profile and score.

Through your business funding suite you can easily establish excellent business credit scores in less than 60 days. You can then use your newly established business credit profile and score to qualify for unsecured credit lines without personal credit being as much of a factor.

Most banks have cut back dramatically on the funds they are offering to small business owners. As a result many owners have found it very difficult to obtain revolving business credit lines.

Through the business funding suite you have access to the best revolving business credit lines available today with the most lenient personal credit score and documentation requirements.

You can easily and quickly get approved and receive your credit line in only a few weeks through your own funding suite.

Your money is waiting, contact me directly so we can get you access to your own funding suite and start putting $$$ in your pocket today.

Email 33

Equipment Financing

You can easily secure the equipment you need for your business.

One of the best and smartest ways to obtain the equipment you need is by using Equipment Financing.

You can deduct the interest you pay on the lease and you won’t need a large down payment to be approved.

This is one of the reasons over 80% of U.S. businesses use equipment lease financing to acquire equipment for their businesses.

Using Equipment Financing you can improve your business cash flow and increase capital.

You can keep your normal cash flow, leave your money in the bank, avoid major out-of-pocket expenses incurred by purchasing the equipment up-front, and benefit from multiple tax advantages.

Equipment Leasing is one of the most common types of equipment financing available today.

When leasing equipment you will find most leasing option offer you fixed-rate financing. This means your interest rate and payments will stay the same from month-to-month during the term of your lease.

Whether you need office equipment or large commercial equipment used for manufacturing, Equipment Financing is a perfect option for you and your business.

Equipment financing can also be used if you are starting a new business which needs equipment to operate.

There is typically no down payment required on equipment leasing loans. The lender will collect 1-2 of your monthly payments upon approval.

This amount of money required is usually equal to 3-7% of the total equipment cost.

You will have low monthly payments available. And your payments can be tailored to fit your company’s individual needs.

You can also include taxes and other charges such as installation charges into your new equipment lease.

Equipment loans are perfect for any business owner looking to purchase equipment.

The most aggressive equipment loan and lease lenders are available for you through our business funding suite.

Your money is waiting, contact me directly so we can get you access to your own funding suite and start putting $$$ in your pocket today.

Email 34

Some Little Known Facts About Credit Cards...

A lot of people don't fully understand the credit cards they use. Sometimes they don't find out about certain downsides to credit cards before it's too late. Consider this: approximately 10% of people actually read the terms and conditions of their credit card accounts. That means as many as 90% of credit card users don't know the true details behind their own credit cards!

If they did read their terms and conditions, they might find out some interesting things.

They would probably see that the credit card company can change their interest rate without their permission.

They might also see that they don't have to pay the new rate. They can cancel the card or make other arrangements with the credit card company to keep the old rate. The key is, they just have to speak up.

One good feature that many people have on their credit cards but don't use or understand is "purchase protection".

Purchase protection means that if you purchase an item with a credit card and it turns out to be a dud, and you can't get the issue resolved with the company, the credit card company will refund your money. In some cases this will result in a charge-back for the merchant, in other cases they will refund the money without a charge-back.

In one case, an American Express user had purchased an item online that turned out to be a complete sham. It was a $200 purchase. They went to the merchant and the merchant refused to refund saying "all sales are final". The card user forgot about the issue for a while, but some time later remembered... and contacted American Express to see if they could help. It was too late for a charge-back in this case but American Express credited the purchase to the card-holder's account.

Obviously each case is different, but in this case this little-known "feature" saved this cardholder $200!

The bottom line here is that you should read your credit card's terms and conditions, and be familiar with the features and limits of your card. Doing so could save you a lot of money and headaches!

Email 35

Vendor Are the Gatekeepers

reports that 90% of business owners don't have access to business credit.

The reason for this is that they don't know where to go to get VENDOR accounts to build their business credit profiles and scores.

Vendors are the Gate Keepers of business credit. They are the REAL secret of business credit building.

You can go to Home Depot today and apply for business credit. But you would be denied, or approved only with a personal guaranty.

To get approved with them with NO personal guaranty you must first meet their business credit qualifying requirements.

The problem is most people never know what their qualifying criteria is. So they apply and are approved only with a personal guaranty, or are denied all together.

You can't just walk into a merchant like Wal-Mart, Staples, or Home Depot and get approved for business credit with no guaranty.

You first must have a good business credit score and 5 or more trade-lines reporting on your business credit to get approved.

Here is where most people get stuck. They can't get credit since they have no credit, so they are never able to build their business credit.

The real secret to business credit are Vendor accounts. With these accounts you can get approved for credit with vendors who will report to the business reporting agencies.

This makes it easy for you to now build 5 or more trades and establish an excellent score.

Through our business funding suite we give you access to lots of vendors who will approve you and help you quickly build the business credit score and trades you need.

Once this is done you can then start getting approved for real business credit through your funding suite, enjoying the largest supply of business credit sources anywhere.

You will be approved for credit with companies like Dell, Wal-Mart, Costco, Shell, Chevron, Home Depot, Lowes, Staples, Office Max, Shell, Office Depot, Amazon, Sears, BP, Speedway, Sam's Club, Race Trac, and more.

You will have access to $10,000 business credit cards with Key Bank, CSI, Fleet MasterCard, T-Check MasterCard, Volvo MasterCard, Pitney Bowes, and more.

Contact me today to take a free tour of the business funding suite and see how easy it is to get approved for MASSIVE amounts of business credit with no personal guaranty.

Email 36

Simply The Best

When it comes to business credit and funding we are one of the most accredited and highly ranked companies you will ever find.

One of the reasons for this is that we offer you the largest database of lenders available anywhere today.

Having thousands of lenders and over 30 funding programs allows us to offer you flexible funding options with great repayment terms.

And, we commonly get our clients approved for multiple forms of funding, even when they have credit issues.

Our business funding suite is also the only system in the world which integrates directly with Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax.

You can actually monitor your business credit building and reports live, in real-time. And you can even obtain your DUNS number with Dun & Bradstreet right through your portal at no cost.

Our special relationship and access with Dun & Bradstreet also insures that you have the largest list of business credit sources available anywhere.

Our funding suite is also the only place in the nation where you have access to both certified funding advisors and certified business credit coaches.

Our certified coaching team helps you choose from all the funding options that are available and helps build your business credit profile quickly.

These are only a few of many reasons why I know we can help you secure the money you want for your business.

Call me today to learn more about the funding you already qualify for now.

Email 37

Business Revenue Financing

A great way for businesses to access money is through revenue-based financing. It’s also sometimes referred to as revenue participation or revenue sharing funding.

Revenue financing is a loan to a company which is paid back through a royalty on the revenues. Typically this royalty is in the 2 to 5% range.

With revenue based capital, instead of selling ownership in your company you sell rights to a percentage of your company's revenue for some period of time.

Funding is commonly available up to 25% of a company's annual revenue. You receive money monthly, sometimes equal to 10%-12% of monthly revenues.

To qualify a company must have current revenue.

When you borrow money from a bank, you commit to repayment and you commit to a specific rate of repayment.

One of the benefits of revenue funding is that it provides a variable payment.

If revenue goes down, your payment also goes down equivalent. This is extremely helpful in seasonal industries.

Another difference compared to a bank: lenders want a personal guarantee and collateral. If you default you may lose that collateral.

Revenue based financing typically has no collateral requirement. There are also no personal guarantee requirements for the founder unlike bank loans.

This funding can be used for many purposes including growth capital. And there are no restrictive covenants like bank loans.

Revenue Financing is one of over 30 core funding products available to you through our Business Finance Suite.

Contact me today to access money for your business.

Email 38

A Few Words About Vendor Credit...

Vendor credit is a very useful type of unsecured credit for businesses, both for managing cash flow and for building credit. Most vendor credit accounts have terms of 7, 10, 15, or 30 days. Some longer terms do exist, and there are even revolving vendor credit accounts that don't have to be paid in full each month.

The key thing to understand about vendor credit accounts is that you can't really have too many of them. "The more, the merrier."

You should also understand that vendor credit accounts are very good business credit BUILDING tools. They are good because they are:

1. Easy to get.

2. Easy to use.

3. Usually cheap or "free".

They aren't complicated. Most vendor credit accounts such as Net 30 accounts do not charge any interest or fees for that 30 days. If you were to pay late, they might. But if you're building business credit, you shouldn't be paying late! On the flip side, many vendor credit accounts offer DISCOUNTS if you pay early. Instead of costing you money, they could actually save you. (Note: For vendor credit accounts that offer revolving terms, expect to pay higher APRs. Typical APRs range from 14% to 29%.)

Vendor credit accounts are also easy to get and simple to use, making vendor credit accounts ideal tools for businesses that are just starting down the road to business credit. Some accounts are of course easier to get than others, and because of this you should always start with certain "easy" targets first and then add on additional vendor credit accounts once your "core" accounts are established.

Email 39

Inventory Loans

Inventory financing is bank line of credit secured by the company's inventory as collateral.

With inventory financing, the borrower receives a loan in order to purchase inventory. The purchased inventory is then used as collateral against the loan.

This is a great finance option for business owners as it provides the inventory that a business needs without tying up cash, receivables, credit cards, or bank lines.

This type of financing can help to free up some of the cash you have tied up in inventory for more pressing needs.

Inventory loans are perfect for businesses who enjoy a high inventory turnover rate but are short of the cash needed to replenish their supply.

These loans free up much needed cash, especially for businesses who maintain high levels of inventory.

Inventory financing loans are also convenient for businesses that need to keep some capital free for other interests and investments.

Lenders will typically need to see that you have a proven sales history to approve you. And they will require you possess tangible inventory.

Lenders will want to see that you have a proper inventory management system in place which provides accurate and timely information on your inventory size and cost.

Ensure that the inventory is protected from damage and shrinkage.

Most lenders will also require sales orders to verify you are actually selling.

Inventory Financing is one of over 30 core funding products available to you through our business funding suite.

Contact me today to access money for your business.

Email 40

What Business Credit Can Do For You

You want to protect your personal finances. But when you own a business this is very tough to do.

Most creditors and lenders require that you supply them with your own personal guarantee for anything you do for the business.

This means if anything were to go wrong at work, they come after your personal assets also.

What they don’t want you to know is that you CAN easily obtain money for your business without offering this personal guarantee.

Business Credit is credit you obtain in your business name. You can be approved with no personal guarantee required.

Your business credit profile is used to approve you, not your personal credit profile. So this means there is no personal guarantee and no personal credit check required.

Business credit is easier to qualify for than most consumer credit. And typically the approval limits are also higher.

Plus business credit allows you to build a separate business credit profile, and you still have your consumer credit profile.

So this doubles your borrowing ability, and still lowers your risk.

As you utilize your business credit you get approved for higher limits, and more unsecured credit with Visa and MasterCard.

This helps you have a security blanked in a time in need. And most importantly, you can use this credit without having any personal financial liability.

Having an excellent business credit score greatly adds to the overall value of your business.

Your value, and borrowing power will be greatly improved the higher business score and borrowing potential your business has.

Give me a call today to see how much money you already qualify for now.

Email 41

6 Keys To A Healthy Credit Rating…

Here are 7 quick keys to keep your business (and personal) credit healthy.

1. Pay on time or early, every single time. Late payments add up. Avoid them if at all possible. Paying obligations on time is a "staple" of good credit.

2. On installment loans, always pay the full amount or over, and always pay early.

3. Plan ahead. Don't buy things on credit if you can't afford the payments or can't expect to pay them off in a reasonable amount of time. Think ahead, and allow for hiccups and interruptions in income.

4. Don't overextend yourself on credit. Debt payments can grow out of hand very quickly. Use credit carefully and in a controlled and planned manner.

5. Don't carry large amounts of debt. Maxed out credit cards and other lines of credit usually hurt your credit more than help it. Keep your balances reasonable, and your overall debt level well under control.

6. If you run into trouble, communicate with your creditors. Many creditors will forgive a single late payment as a courtesy. Knowing this could help get you through a difficult time or a cash flow hiccup with your credit intact.

Email 42

Importance of Having Finance Options

If you are looking for money for your business it is essential that you deal with a company who can offer you extensive finance options.

As business owners we tend to rely on our bank when we need funding. The problem with this is banks only have access to limited financing options.

And most financing options banks do offer look at all the business financials, the personal credit and assets of the owner, and other business factors such as revenue and assets.

These loans, such as SBA insured loans, are tough to qualify for as all aspects of the business must be perfect to be approved.

This is why it is essential that you work with a company who can offer you financing options through many lending institutions and investors, not just the limited sources banks offer.

Many types of available financing will not look at all the business financials, or the assets or credit of the owner, or even the revenue and business assets.

There are many sources of financing available that only focus on certain aspects of your business, not the entire business itself.

For example Purchase Order financing is a way you can secure money for your business quickly. With this option a factoring company is only focusing on your outstanding purchase orders, and nothing else.

The lender is more concerned with your client’s ability to pay than yours, and the lender will even collect on the outstanding purchase orders for you.

Your business and personal credit and assets don’t really tie into the lending approval decision; they are mainly concerned with only your purchase orders.

Account Receivable financing focuses on your receivables, Equipment Financing focuses on what equipment you own, Revenue Financing focuses only on your business revenue.

These are only a few of many financing options that are available to you which focus only on certain aspects of your business, not your entire business.

This makes it easy for you to obtain financing based on the strengths of your business, while insuring lenders ignore the weaknesses.

Another benefit of having finance options is that your monthly payments can also vary.

If you obtain a SBA loans, your payments are set on how much you must repay each month. So if you have a slow month, it might be tough to repay that loan payment.

But many finance options limit how much you must pay back to how much revenue you are bringing in.

For example you can obtain $50,000 through a Merchant Advance and you will be charged a small percentage on your future credit card sales until you pay back the loan.

If your credit card sales drop in a month, so does your loan payment. So as your sales fluctuate so does your payment.

Business Revenue lending works the same as it is based on your business revenue. If your monthly revenue drops in a month, so does your loan payment.

Insure you work with a company who can offer you a multitude of financing options for your business.

This will insure you can get approved for the money you seek with repayment terms you can afford.

Give me a call today to see how much money you already qualify for now.

Email 43

Retirement Plan Financing

You and your partners can borrower against your 401ks to obtain funds for your business.

To start a setting up 401k financing you will first have your company adopt a retirement plan. Specifically, the retirement plan should be a profit-sharing plan that allows 100 percent of the plan assets attributable to rollovers to be invested in employer stock.

A 401(k) works perfect for Retirement plan financing. You can quickly and easily rollover your retirement funds from your previous employer or IRA into the new 401(k) plan.

The funds can come from multiple different sources and multiple people, including your spouse or an employee who is looking for an investment opportunity.

And, thanks to provisions in the tax code, you can do this without penalty.

Your business funding suite and credit coaches can even help you to handle the formation of the corporation and the new retirement plan.

By rolling your funds into retirement financing you can buy a small business or use funds for your existing business, and use these funds as an investment inside your retirement plan, without distribution penalties!

A few of the many benefits of Retirement Financing include:

• Utilize funds from retirement accounts like IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Keoghs, SEPs, etc., without incurring early distribution taxes or penalties

• Start your small business with minimal to no debt while securing significant tax benefits

• Use up to 100% of your retirement funds, or use a portion as a down payment on an SBA or unsecured loan

• Combine your retirement funds with the retirement funds of a business partner or spouse

• Save thousands in interest fees and protect your personal credit

• Lower business overhead while aggressively growing your retirement account

Retirement plan financing is a great funding option for you and your business.

And retirement funding is 1 of over 30 funding products available to you through our business funding suite.

Contact me today to access money for your business.

Email 44

3 Secrets That Credit Card Companies Don't Want You to Know

Here are a few secrets that your credit card company won't advertise. Why not? Because these are things they'd rather you not know. Here they are:

1. Your credit card company WANTS you to be in debt.

My friend John discovered this when he hit some difficult times, and racked up a large balance on one of his credit cards. The thing is, he was shocked at how many offers he got for balance transfers, convenience checks, and similar enticements on the card that was nearly maxed out. When he reached about 75% of his available credit limit, the credit card company sent him an offer that was "already in effect": a full year of 0% purchases. No fees. No checks to use. Just swipe the card, and get 0% interest until this time next year! The catch? The interest rate goes up and then you'd be even more buried in debt!

The bottom line is that card companies benefit when people are deep in debt. Keep that in mind next time you see one of those enticing offers.

2. Fixed interest rates aren't really fixed.

A fixed interest rate can still go up. The credit card company must give you notice, but they can still raise your fixed interest rate to a higher one. The problem is that some people use fixed rate cards for debt consolidation for the sole fact that they have a "fixed" rate. Don't think a fixed rate card is a safe haven for your debt. Piling debts onto a credit card-whether fixed rate or not--is usually a bad idea. If you want to consolidate debts, use a fixed rate installment loan instead. Many credit unions offer loans of this type at attractive interest rates.

3. Even "0%" balance transfer checks charge interest.

Balance transfer checks all have an interest cost. 0% checks charge interest in the form of a fee. Here's how it works:

You sign up for a “0% interest for a year” offer. The balance transferred is $5,000. The balance transfer free is 4%, which this case is $200. So that 0% balance transfer is actually like having an APR of 4% for the year, and HIGHER after that! Think about it: If you transferred a balance from an account that had a 2.9% interest rate to a card with a “0% for one year” offer and paid a 4% balance transfer fee, you'd actually LOSE more money than you'd save!

As you can see, credit cards are tricky and you need to be on your toes if you're going to utilize them in a smart way. Don't fall for the traps of 0% offers and so-called fixed rates. Be sure to read the fine print, do the math for yourself, and be prepared for the unexpected!

Email 45

Secure Money Before You Need It

In lending most applications are denied when the applicant is in need of money the most.

Lenders lend based on risk. And the better a business is doing, the lower the risk it is from a lender’s prospective.

Still most business owners don’t look for money until they actively, and sometimes desperately need it.

Maybe it is an AC unit going out or freezer breaking, but something usually happens that costs much more than what is on hand.

This is not the time that most business owners want to be looking for money. Instead, even major problems can be fixed without even a little hiccup if money is sitting and waiting.

This is one of many reasons business owners should investigate and obtain business credit and funding before they really need it.

This credit can be grown to even greater amounts over time, and can be secured without a personal guarantee.

Now when a business owner runs into a BIG problem, they have the financial solution available.

Look into business credit and funding today for your business. Major problems can quickly occur, so insure you are financially prepared.

Give me a call today to see how much money you already qualify for now.

Email 46

“5 Ways To Build Business Credit”

Building and maintaining a healthy business credit profile is important for the success of many businesses. What can you do to maximize your business credit building progress? Here are a few simple steps:

1. Make sure that all loans and credit accounts are in the business name, and that the business name is consistent across all accounts and government agencies. You want to consistently use the same name and information on all accounts, and get as many vendor credit and other accounts as possible in the business's name.

2. Make sure your business is healthy. Your business should have capital. It should have cash flow. It should look like a healthy business. Your business credit scores and your ability to obtain business loans are in part affected by the overall financial health of your business... NOT just your "credit" or payment habits.

3. Get lines of credit and business credit cards, but don't over-utilize them. The amount of available credit for your business needs to be in balance. Too much or too little can actually hurt your score and your chances of getting approved for a loan. Generally speaking, you should aim to use no more than 20% to 30% of your available credit at any given time.

4. Don't close unused accounts. Again, your credit limits and credit utilization can affect your ability to get credit. If you close, say, an unused business line of credit with a $5,000 limit, you may inadvertently hurt your credit by making it look as if you're using up more credit and therefore in worse financial shape!

5. Check and monitor your business credit reports. Make sure vendor credit accounts are reporting. Make sure all accounts are reporting accurately. If you encounter any issues or inaccuracies, take steps to correct them right away.

Email 47

Wrap Financing

Wrap Financing is one of many financing options available through our business funding suite. This type of financing is for business owners who want to “wrap” their vehicle with graphics.

You have more than likely seen a wrapped vehicle before, and you might even be thinking about wrapping one of your vehicles now.

Wrapping a vehicle turns it into a mobile billboard. Everywhere you go your car is advertising your business.

Many business owners swear by this marketing technique and insist it brings them significant amounts of business.

But, most business owners don’t know that they can obtain financing to wrap their vehicles or even the windows in their business.

Wrapping a vehicle sometimes costs upwards of $2,500 or more. But with financing available this makes it much more affordable for business owners.

I can help you secure funds for your business through a plethora of lending options.

Call me today to see how much money you already qualify for now.

Email 48

Is it real credit?

I can get you approved for $50,000 in business credit guaranteed. When I tell clients this they commonly ask me, “is it real credit I can use”. This is a great question.

As our client you will be approved for business credit with major merchants. These are merchants you probably frequent now, and definitely merchants you and your business will use.

Some of the merchants you might be approved with include Home Depot, Dell, Staples, Office Max, Sears, Chevron, and many more.

Imagine what you can do with your business with over $50,000 in available credit with these types of merchants.

Of course these merchants won’t just approve you right away.

We first start building your credit profile with smaller merchants. Again many of these merchants you have heard of and some you probably haven’t.

As we establish your credit profile a very high Paydex credit score is also established.

Your high business credit score is then used to secure approvals with your major merchant retailers.

As you pay those retailers you will then qualify for revolving credit cards you can use anywhere just like a normal personal credit card.

The main difference is your business credit will have no personal guarantee, so you are not held personally liable in case of default.

Most clients qualify for real usable credit within a few months. Within 6-12 months our clients have access to $50,000 in real usable credit, including Visa and MasterCard accounts that you can use anywhere.

Many then continue on and build $100,000-$250,000 in business credit after leaving us and following our action plan.

You DO qualify for $50,000 in business credit with no personal guarantee and no personal credit check. And this is real, useable credit with major retailers.

Imagine what you can do with your business with an extra $50,000 in available credit.

Call me today to get started and be on your way to $50,000 in credit approvals with no personal guarantee and regardless of personal credit history.

Email 49

Keeping Business Credit and Personal Credit Separate

It's important to keep your business and personal finances separate for a variety of reasons. One area where you'll want to keep this separation as much as possible is in the area of credit.

With that said, it can be difficult to get credit for a small business without a personal guarantee or cosigner.

Most of the time business credit cards cosigned by an owner will not show up on the owner's personal credit report. Banks CAN report this data since the owner cosigns, but currently most of them don't when the card is a business credit card for business use.

But how can you avoid being personally liable for the business's debts?

Here are a couple of ideas that should help:

1. Don't use the company credit card for long term financing. Use it, rather, for convenience. Make purchases and pay it off each month. In this way you will avoid as much as possible any risk to your personal credit. If you must use a business credit card to finance business expenses, use it wisely and for short term financing only.

2. Use the personally guaranteed business credit card as a building block. Use it to build credit, and work towards getting credit that does not have the personal guarantee requirement. Even small businesses can do this with some effort.

3. Utilize vendor credit and other credit resources (those that don't require a personal guarantee or cosigner) to the greatest extent possible. If you must lean on the use of credit cards or other credit lines that have personal guarantees, make sure they are last in line.

Email 50

Securities Based Loans

Securities Based Loans are an excellent source of funds for someone who holds publically traded stocks.

Securities-based lending is generally involves a revolving line of credit that uses your eligible investment portfolio as collateral.

This funding option permits you to access funds without immediately liquidating your portfolio.

This gives you the ability to access liquidity while maintaining your portfolio’s current exposure to the market.

You will continue to receive the benefit of any dividends, interest or capital appreciation that may accrue in the account.

Some of the other main benefits of securities financing include:

• Interest rates range from 2.5% to 4.5%, fixed, interest only payments

• Loan periods up to 10 years

• Loans are NON-recourse, and not recorded

• Borrower retains full beneficial interest (dividends, appreciation, etc.)

• Funds may be used for virtually any purpose, anywhere in the world

• Borrower's nationality and residence can be anywhere in the world

This is a non-recourse, non-recorded loan and the lender cannot come after you personally nor report you to the credit bureaus in case of non-payment.

If you default, you get to keep the money, and the lender gets to keep the stock as the sole remedy.

At the end of the loan period, the borrower will receive back from the lender the same number of shares originally pledged as collateral, which automatically includes any appreciation as well.

This is a great option for many business owners, especially foreign nationals, borrowers with limited or undocumented income, and there is no credit check so you qualify even with challenged credit.

And Securities Based Loans are 1 of over 30 funding products available to you through our business funding suite.

Contact me today to access money for your business.

Email 51

I found this awesome article on SBA's website that I thought you might enjoy about how to sell a business. It’s a long article, but packed full of valuable insight, check it out...

For some entrepreneurs, buying an existing business represents less of a risk than starting a new business from scratch. While the opportunity may be less risky in some aspects, you must perform due diligence to ensure that you are fully aware of the terms of the purchase.

If you have decided to buy an existing business, you will want to be sure you are making the right choice in your new venture. Only you can determine the right business for your needs; however, the following topics can help guide you make the best decision.

The Steps to Starting

There are many different types of businesses to buy. Take these steps to narrow down the list of potential businesses you may want to purchase.

1. Identify Your Interests If you have absolutely no idea what business you want to invest in, first eliminate businesses that are of no interest to you.

2. Consider Your Talents Being honest about your skills and experience can help you eliminate unrealistic business ventures.

3. List Conditions for Your Business Consider if a business has a condition that is unfavorable to you, such as location and time commitment.

4. Quantify Your Investment Finding profitable businesses for sale at reasonable prices can be difficult.   Ask yourself why this business is for sale in the first place.

Advantages to Choosing an Existing Business

There are many favorable aspects to buying an existing business such as drastic reduction in startup costs. You may be able to jump start your cash flow immediately because of existing inventory and receivables.

Disadvantages to Choosing an Existing Business

There are also some downsides to buying an existing business. Purchasing cost may be much higher than the cost of starting a new business because of the initial business concept, customer base, brand and other fundamental work that has already been done. Also, be aware of hidden problems associated with the business like debts the business is owed that you may not be able to collect.

Doing Due Diligence

As you become a business owner, there are items that need to be addressed before entering into any business agreements or transactions.

• Obtain all Licenses and Permits Most businesses need licenses and permits to operate. The type of license or permit you need depends on your industry and the state in which the business is located.  Use SBA’s licenses and permits finder tool to get a listing of federal, state and local permits and licenses you will need to run your business.

• Zoning Requirements: Zoning requirements may affect the type of business that you are intending to operate in a particular area. Visit the Basic Zoning Laws for more information about zoning and to ensure your business is abiding by all laws in your area.

• Environmental Concerns: If you are acquiring real property along with the business, it is important to check the environmental regulations in the area. VisitEPA’s Small Business Gateway for more information. 

Determining the Value of a Business

There are a number of different methods to determine a fair and equitable price for the sale of the business.  Here are a few:

• Capitalized Earning Approach: This method refers to the return on the investment that is expected by an investor.

• Excess Earning Method: Similar to the capitalized earning method, except that it separates return on assets from other earnings.

• Cash Flow Method: This method is typically used when attempting to determine how much of a loan the cash flow of the business will support. The adjusted cash flow is used as a benchmark to measure the firm's ability to service debt.

• Tangible Assets (Balance Sheet) Method: This method values the business by the tangible assets.

• Value of Specific Intangible Assets Method: This method compares buying a wanted intangible asset versus creating it.

For more information, read SCORE’s article on How to Value Your Business.

Doing Research for Purchasing a Business

Once you have found a business that you would like to buy, it is important to conduct a thorough, objective investigation. The following list includes important information you want to include when researching the business you want to buy.

Letter of Intent:  The letter of intent should spell out the proposed price, the terms of the purchase and the conditions for the sale of the business.

Confidentiality Agreement:  A confidentiality agreement indicates that you t will not use the information about the seller's business for any purpose other than making the decision to buy it.

Contracts and Leases:  If the business has a current lease for the location, be aware that you may have to work with the landlord to assume any existing lease on the business premises or negotiate a new lease.

Financial Statements:  Examine the financial statements from the business for at least the past three to five years. Also make sure that an audit letter accompanies the statements from a reputable CPA firm. You should not t accept a simple financial review by the business itself.

Tax Returns: Review the business's tax returns from the past three to five years. This will help you determine the profitability of the business as well as any outstanding tax liability.

Important Documents:  Numerous documents should be checked during your investigation. Examples include property documents, customer lists, sales records, advertising materials, employee and manager information and contracts.

Professional Help:  A qualified attorney should be enlisted to help review the legal and organizational documents of the business you are planning to purchase. Also, an accountant can help with a thorough evaluation of the financial condition of the business.

Sales Agreement for Buying a Business

The sales agreement is the key document to finalize the purchase of the business. This agreement defines everything that you intend to purchase including business assets, customer lists, intellectual property and goodwill. If you do not have a lawyer to help you draft the terms of the sale, you should at least have one review the agreement before you sign it.

Checklist for Closing On a Business

The closing is the final step in the process of buying a business. Keep in mind that you should have legal counsel available to review all documentation necessary for the transfer of the business.

The following items should be addressed in a closing:

• Adjusted Purchase Price This will include prorated items such as rent, utilities, and inventory up to the time of closing.

• Review Required Documents These documents should include a corporate resolution approving the sale, evidence that the corporation is in good standing, or any tax releases that may have been promised by the seller. Check with your local department of corporations or Secretary of State for more information.

• Signing Promissory Note In some cases, the seller will have back financing, so have an attorney review any note documentation.

• Security Agreements A security agreement lists the assets that will be used for security as a promise for payment of the loan.

• UCC Financing Statements Uniform Commercial Code documents are recorded with the Secretary of State in the state you will be purchasing your business.

• Lease: If you agree to take over the lease, make sure that you have the landlord's concurrence.  If you are negotiating a new lease with the landlord instead of assuming the existing lease, make sure both parties are in agreement of the terms of the new lease.

• Vehicles: If the purchase of the business includes vehicles, you may have to complete transfer documents for the vehicles. Check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles to determine the correct procedure and necessary forms.

• Bill of Sale: The bill of sale proves the sale of the business. It also explicitly transfers ownership of tangible business assets not specifically transferred on their own.

• Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights: If there are any patents, trademarks and/or copyrights associated with the business, you may need to complete the necessary forms as part of the transaction.

• Franchise: You may need to complete franchise documents if the business is a franchise. See the Consumer Guide to Buying a Franchise for more information.

• Closing or Settlement Sheet The closing or settlement sheet will list all financial aspects of the transaction. Everything listed on the settlement should have been negotiated prior to the closing.

• Covenant Not to Compete It is a good idea to have the seller sign an agreement to not compete against the business. This will help prevent any interference from the previous owner.

• Consultation/Employment Agreement: If the seller is agreeing to remain on for a specified amount of time, this documentation is necessary for legal purposes.

• Complete IRS Form 8594 [pic] Asset Acquisition Statement This document will indicate how the purchase was allocated and the amount of assets, which are important for your tax return.

• Bulk Sale Laws: Make sure that you comply with bulk sale laws, which govern the sale of business inventory.

Email 52

Commercial Sign Financing

Commercial signage can be expensive. To have a company install a sign in front of your business, especially a lighted sign, can cost thousands-of-dollars.

With our business funding suite you can obtain funding specifically for Commercial Signage.

This means you can put an elegant and bold sign in front of your business to attract more clients and make you stand out.

Many companies skimp on their signage due to the huge cost of commercial signage.

But now through your funding suite you have the ability to finance your signage insuring you can afford the best signage available.

Now your business can stand out and attract more clients.

And Commercial Signage is one of many financing options available to you through your funding suite.

I can help you secure funds for your business through a plethora of lending options.

Call me today to see how much money you already qualify for now.

Email 53

Good Funding Projects Needed, Private Investors Have Money to Lend

We have private investors who are hungry to invest money into make-sense projects.

The business funding suite is host to over 6,200 lending institutions and investors.

Many of the private and angel investors available have money to lend and are looking for the right investment opportunity.

Investors are looking for projects and investments that make sense. These investors will gladly offer loans for many projects when most banks won’t.

This gives you a great opportunity to secure the money you need to grow your business, even if your bank has said no.

Through the business funding suite you can even access guides on How to Prepare a Successful Funding Request and The Art & Science of Obtaining Venture or Angel Investor Capital.

Funding and business credit coaches also work with you hand-in-hand to help you secure the funds you need.

Through your funding suite you can even learn how to or find someone who can help you prepare a business plan.

Your funding suite helps you build the best business plan and funding proposal. Then it gives you access to thousands of lending sources and investors who will approve you.

And your coaches will help you through the approval process and insure funds are delivered quickly to your bank account.

Nowhere else on the planet Earth will you find this kind of unprecedented access to money.

Give me a call today to see how much money you already qualify for now.

Email 54

FAST Money

The Small Business Administration has an Express program to expedite loan approvals.

The SBAExpress program gives small business borrowers an accelerated turnaround time for the SBA to review the loan application.

Applications can be approved within only 36 hours. In addition, lower interest rates are often available to you when your application is submitted through this VIP Express program.

The true beauty of the funding suite we can setup for you is you have access to the money you need and the concierge coaching.

This coaching helps in sure your applications are processed quickly, and are approved.

Call me today to get started and be on your way to $50,000 in business credit approvals and funding with no personal guarantee and regardless of personal credit history.

Email 55

Some Business Credit Errors That Could Cost You

When building business credit, you will need to pay attention to more than just your payment history. How you use and interact with the credit system on several levels can either be a great benefit to your company, or come back to bite you if you aren't careful. Here are a few things to watch out for:

1. Don't be damaged by the bad credit of others. Suppliers and customers with bad credit can hurt your business. Not only do you need to be concerned about your own credit profile, but that of your suppliers too. A simple example of the importance of this is what happens with accounts receivable financing. Your rates for accounts receivable financing are based on your customer's credit rather than your own business's credit.

The reason is that accounts receivable financing depends on your customer's ability to pay, not yours! So even if you don't use accounts receivable financing, you should still check credit and know who you are doing business with, because a default on the end of a customer or supplier can be as harmful to your business than any internal hiccups that you might more easily anticipate.

2. If you must issue credit, don't issue too much. Businesses need cash to operate. If you're issuing credit, especially with longer terms, and always having to chase down funds, this can drastically reduce the day to day financial health and well being of your business.

3. Don't take credit when you don't need it. While this might seem strange, financing certain operations just because you can isn't always the wisest choice. Save your business credit for when you need it. Use credit to save available cash and purchase assets for the business. Use credit for creating and multiplying profits. But never use credit "just because".

4. Never use your personal credit for your business. It blurs the line between your personal and business finances (increasing the likelihood that a lawsuit could "pierce the corporate veil"), it puts your personal credit at risk for your business's debts, and it doesn't do anything for you with regards to building your business credit. It's a lose-lose scenario that should be avoided.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 56

Why Consumer Credit Report Errors Are Hard to Fix

If you've ever had credit problems, you have probably experienced the difficult process of attempting to fix errors and problems on your personal credit reports. For business owners building business credit, personal credit is definitely a concern. This especially applies to those with lower personal credit scores. As a business owner, it's wise to fix your personal credit and/or make sure it is in the best shape possible.

However, repairing credit and addressing the errors and issues that occur on personal credit reports is often more difficult than people anticipate.

Here's why:

While the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires the credit bureaus to conduct a "reasonable reinvestigation" into consumer disputes, what actually happens is probably somewhat short of that goal.

When a consumer sends a dispute, the credit bureau converts their dispute into one of a few numeric codes that describe the category of the dispute. Then (in about 85% of cases--the other 15% are either rejected, corrected, or otherwise resolved internally by the credit bureaus) the numeric code is sent to the creditor through an electronic system called e-OSCAR, and the creditor then responds and tells the credit bureau whether the information is accurate or not.

That's the gist of it.

The problem is that the "investigation" done by the creditor is typically just a check of the information being disputed against their own records. Since the information being disputed actually came from their own records in the first place, there is little chance that they are going to discover something wrong or mismatched through this method of investigation.

Consumer advocates have long lamented this shoddy investigation system, and the government is slowly starting to listen. A 2012 report by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau covered many details of the consumer credit reporting system and the dispute resolution practices of the credit bureaus and creditors.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 57

Business Credit Benefits

Imagine having the ability to access $50,000, $100,000, even $250,000 for your business.

Now imagine doing this with NO personal credit check and NO personal guarantee.

Your success in business will be determined based on your business credit profile and score. With a good business credit profile you will have near unlimited borrowing power.

Without having a good business credit profile it will be a difficult path to success without having access to working capital and funding.

This is why almost all Fortune 500 companies use their business credit to secure funding.

It’s not that they need the money to operate. Successful companies use funding as leverage to grow their business.

Business Credit is the best kept secret in business. Over 90% of all business owners know nothing about business credit or business credit scores.

But when you do discover the power of what business credit can do for you and your business you will be floored at how easy it is to get money and grow your business.

One of the many benefits of business credit is that you can obtain funding with no personal credit check.

With a strong business credit profile lenders will lend you money based on your business credit, not your personal credit.

This is excellent if you have personal credit issues as you can still qualify for funding.

Even with exceptional personal credit, business credit gives you DOUBLE the borrowing power.

You can get approved for much higher funding amounts using your business credit than you would if you used your personal credit to qualify.

Another great benefit of business credit is there is no personal guarantee required for much of the funding you obtain.

This means you can be approved with no personal liability. So if you ever do default, the creditor can’t pursue your personal assets like your home or personal bank accounts.

Business credit adds more value to your business and gives your business credibility.

Stakeholders, partners, lenders, even potential buyers of your business will see more value in your business if you have a strong business credit profile built.

Most important by having a good business credit profile built you have security. It is much easier to run your business when working capital is easy to come by.

Any business with a $150,000 credit line available will have a much better chance of growth than if $0 was available.

You do qualify right now for business credit.

And through our business funding suite you will be able to secure well over $100,000 in business credit within months.

The business funding suite is the only system in the world that interfaces directly with Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian Business.

This way you receive live data streams from the business credit reporting agencies right to your funding suite. This allows you to monitor your credit reports live as your business credit is being built.

Contact me today so we can get you started on building business credit and EXPLODE your borrowing potential.

Email 58

Funding for Startups

Any business owner will attest that it is much easier to start and grow a business when you have access to funding and working capital.

Our funding suite offers you up to $150,000 in unsecured creit, even if you have a brand new business, or want to start a business.

This credit line is kind of a no-doc line of credit. You don’t need to show financials or revenue to qualify. This is what makes it perfect for startup businesses and new franchises.

But it is also perfect for existing business owners who don’t want to show a lot of documents to obtain working capital up to $150,000.

It takes about 3-4 weeks to close and receive full access to your credit line.

This account does require good credit to qualify. We can help you improve your credit if you don’t qualify, or you can also use a personal guarantor to help you secure your funding.

Having access to your new $150,000 credit line will no-doubt give you more peace-of-mind as your business grows.

Call me today to learn more about funding you already qualify for now.

Email 59

35+ “Other” Credit Bureaus

Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion are always referred to as the "Big 3" consumer credit bureaus. Have you ever wondered about who the "little" ones are?

Below is a list of over 35 "other" credit bureaus. Before you check out the list, here are a couple of highlights:

ChexSystems - This is a credit bureau used for NSF and check fraud screening. They are a "consumer credit bureau" in the truest since, and consumers can request their ChexSystems report like they can from the big 3 credit bureaus. Unlike the "Big 3" credit bureaus, however, no creditor or merchant reports positive data to ChexSystems. If you're in their database, it's only bad news!

LexisNexis - LexisNexis collects public records from the PACER system and from courthouses around the country and shares those records with the "Big 3" credit bureaus. 100% of the credit bureaus' public record data comes from LexisNexis.

Medical Information Bureau - Have you checked your MIB report lately? The Medical Information Bureau keeps tabs on your medical history. Your medical history is pretty important, so it could pay to keep tabs on your MIB report.

Here's the full list for your viewing pleasure. Note, not all of the below credit bureaus are necessarily "credit bureaus" in the strictest sense of the word. A few are supplementary to the other credit bureaus, and are used for data appending and verification or other consumer data industry needs.

Banking and Check History CRAs:

- ChexSystems

- Certegy Check Services

- Telecheck

Payday Lending Reporting Agencies:

- Factor Trust

- Clarity Services

- CL Verify Microbilt

- CoreLogic Teletrack

- DataX

Auto and Property Insurance Reporting Agencies:

- Insurance Services Office (ISO) (A Plus Property Reports)

- Insurance Information Exchange

- L.N. (Clue Personal Property Report)

- L.N. (Clue Auto Report)

Supplementary/Alternative Credit Reporting Agencies:

- CoreScore Credit Report

- L2C

- Pay Rent Build Credit (PRBC)/Microbilt

- ID Analytics

- Innovis

- Lexis Nexis Screening Solutions. Inc.

Utility Credit Reporting Agencies:

- National Consumer Telecom and Utilities Exchange

Rental Reporting Agencies:

- Core Logic SafeRent

- LexisNexis Screening Solutions Inc. Resident History Report

- Leasing Desk (Real Page)

- Tenant Data Services

Medical Reporting Agencies:

- Medical Information Bureau

- Milliman IntelliScript

Employment Reporting Agencies:

- Accurate Background

- Contemporary Information Corp.

- Early Warning Services

- EmployeeScreenIQ

- First Advantage


- HireRight

- Infocubic

- Intellicorp

- Pre-

- Trak 1 Technology

- Verifications Inc.

- The Work Number

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 60

Mixing Business and Personal Expenses on Credit Cards

According to recent reports, as many as 49% of small business owners use personal credit cards for business use. This statistic is alarming for several reasons:

First, by using personal credit cards for business purposes, the owner is mixing their personal and business finances and could be compromising the liability protection provided by the corporate structure of their business.

Second, every business owner relying on their personal credit cards is putting their personal credit at risk for the sake of their business. This is a bad idea, because if the business starts to have problems their personal credit rating could suffer substantially. Many people have had to file personal bankruptcy because of debts that actually belonged to their business's.

Third, business owners who use personal credit to finance their business are foregoing the opportunity to use credit cards to build business credit. Instead of giving their business a safety net of credit and further protecting their personal finances and credit, they are jeopardizing the business's financial well being, their own credit, and their own financial well-being.

As you can see, I'm not exactly a fan of using personal credit cards for business. It's just a bad idea. You are much better off separating your business expenses out onto business cards, reporting to business credit bureaus, that are not in any way tied to your own personal credit.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 61

Receivables Financing

Receivables Financing or “invoice factoring” is a great way to get money for your business.

Accounts receivable financing is not a loan; it's an advance against your client invoices.

You are selling your outstanding invoices to a factoring company who then gives you back up to 95% of the invoice value in the form of a loan against those invoices.

Receivable Financing is mainly used to generate immediate cash flow for the business selling the accounts receivable.

These are a great funding option as they provide an immediate advance of cash to you leveraging your outstanding invoices.

This means as your business grows so does the amount of funding you will qualify for so you can meet increasing demand.

Most major companies including most major Fortune 500 companies utilize some form of Accounts Receivable Financing.

One of the best benefits of receivable financing is giving your business an increase in working capital without needing to borrow money or tie up your business or personal assets.

This boost to your cash flow positively impacts your profitability.

You can receive money quickly, typically within 24 hours from approval. This is much faster than if you were trying to collect on the invoices on your own and wait for that money.

Prior to purchasing your invoices, a factor conducts a credit analysis on the client you are invoicing to determine their risk or repaying the invoice.

You are entitled to the resulting analysis which is a huge benefit as it can assist you in your future business dealings with that client.

Another big benefit of Receivable Financing is that you are not obtaining a loan. The cash advanced is based on your client's credit status, not yours making it easier to qualify for.

You may qualify for factoring even if you are a new company without an established track record, have a tax lien, or even declared bankruptcy.

This is not considered a loan since you are literally selling your own receivables. And you can be approved for as much as 25 million dollars in financing.

Accounts Receivable Financing really boosts your cash flow by providing an immediate advance of cash into your business against the value of your outstanding invoices.

Your money is waiting, contact me directly so we can get you access to your own funding suite and start putting $$$ in your pocket today.

Email 60

They are a crowd favorite

Small Business 7(a) loans are well known and loved in the business community.

If you are awarded a 7(a) loan, the loan proceeds may be used to establish a new business or to assist in the acquisition, operation, or expansion of an existing business.

Directly from the SBA, here are some of the uses for loan proceeds:

• The purchase land or buildings, to cover new construction as well as expansion or conversion of existing facilities

• The purchase of equipment, machinery, furniture, fixtures, supplies, or materials

• Long-term working capital, including the payment of accounts payable and/or the purchase of inventory

• Short-term working capital needs, including seasonal financing, contract performance, construction financing and export production

• Financing against existing inventory and receivables

• The refinancing of existing business indebtedness that is not already structured with reasonable terms and conditions

• To purchase an existing business 

SBA 7(a) loans are only a few of many funding options available through your own business funding suite.

Contact me today to gain access to your very own business funding suite and access cash and credit to grow your business.

Email 61

How Credit Reporting Helps the Credit System

Did you know that credit card interest rates in some countries are over 200%?

Rates this high are common in countries where the credit systems are not well developed. For example, in Brazil where the credit interest rates have averaged over 300%, certain aspects of credit reporting that are taken for granted in the U.S. credit system have not historically been allowed. The rules are changing, though, which is expected to bring the interest rates down some.

The point is, with no credit reporting to speak of, the only thing banks and lenders can do to protect themselves is to charge outlandish rates. As credit reporting systems are developed and credit reporting practices take hold, the interest rates eventually come down because banks and lenders have a better handle on the RISK associated with a given borrower.

In the U.S., the credit system is far from perfect. Privacy and consumer protection concerns often lead people to believe that the system as a whole is a problem. The reality is, without the data collection, tracking, and reporting practices of a functioning credit system, loans and credit would quickly become unbearably expensive.

The reason we can get credit cards with reasonable terms--the reason we can get lines of credit, personal loans, business loans, and more--without breaking the bank, boils down to the fact that we have a fairly efficient and well-functioning credit reporting system.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 62

Those blanket debt consolidation loans offered by debt consolidation companies can sometimes seem like an appealing way to manage both business and personal debt. However, debt consolidation has its drawbacks for both business and personal credit. Let's talk a little about each.

Personal Credit:

On your personal credit report, debt consolidation can have several rather negative effects. Often when people use debt consolidation, they close all the credit accounts that they are consolidating. Often people convert their unsecured credit cards to a single installment loan.

For people who close accounts, the closing of those accounts generally hurts their credit score. Closing credit card accounts reduces their "high credit limit" and hurts their debt to credit ratio. They also reduce the number of open positive accounts they have, and reduce the variety of credit types they are utilizing.

Furthermore, the debt consolidation loan typically involves a hard inquiry on their credit report. All of these factors have a generally negative impact on a consumer credit score. The changes in credit utilization (debt to credit ratio) alone can cause a significant credit score drop, since credit utilization accounts for over 30% of a consumer's credit score. The negative impact of consolidating debts can be drastically reduced by keeping the credit lines/credit cards open rather than closing them.

Business Credit:

The scoring rules for business credit are different, but they serve the same purpose... so we can expect some of the same effects. If you keep your accounts open when consolidating business credit, it could actually boost your business credit scores because those accounts will show as being paid off.

If a business uses a debt consolidation company (versus a consolidation loan from a bank), this is likely to be viewed negatively by future lenders and investors. Debt consolidation loans from banks, however, are often quite helpful to businesses and usually do not have a serious negative score impact--as long as the consolidated accounts are not immediately closed.

For Businesses And Consumers:

The bottom line on debt consolidation is that it can be a real life saver if done correctly. Blanket debt consolidation loans that consolidate a large pile of either consumer or business debts into a single large debt are usually a bad idea because they take away other possible options for dealing with the debts. However, sometimes debt consolidation is a necessary and valuable tool that can help businesses and consumers restructure their debts into a more affordable and manageable form.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 63

Just the benefits

You qualify to participate in our business credit building program.

This means you will be approved for $50,000 or more in business credit starting within only a few months.

Here are a few of the many benefits our business credit services provide you...

Insure your business is listed with major business credit reporting agencies

Eliminate your personal liability and risk in obtaining financing

Separate your personal and business credit so you can build both to obtain greater amounts of credit

Save you money with lower interest rates on business loans

Qualify for more loans, leases, and government contracts

You do qualify for business credit with no personal guarantee and no personal credit check.

Call me today to get started and be on your way to $50,000 in credit approvals with no personal guarantee and regardless of personal credit history.

Email 64

America loves you and so does the SBA

We love the United States military and their family.

So we are so happy that the SBA has decided to give our veterans and military members some great funding incentives and special programs.

One of the SBA programs is the SBA’s Patriot Express program. This pilot Loan Initiative is for veterans and members of the military community wanting to establish or expand small businesses.

The SBA and its resource partners are further focusing extra efforts on counseling and training to augment this loan initiative, making it more accessible and easy to use.

Eligible military community members include:

• Veterans

• Service-disabled veterans

• Active-duty service members eligible for the military’s Transition Assistance Program

• Reservists and National Guard members

• Current spouses of any of the above

• The widowed spouse of a service member or veteran who died during service or of a service-connected disability

Loans can be used for many purposes. Some of the most common purposes are:

• Start up costs

• Equipment purchases

• Business-occupied real-estate purchases

• Inventory

• Infusing working capital

• Managing your business

• Expansion

• Preparing your business for the possibility of your deployment

• Setting up to sell goods and services to the government

• Recovery from declared disasters.

Patriot Express loans feature the SBA’s lowest interest rates for business loans, generally 2.25 percent to 4.75 percent over prime depending upon the size and maturity of the loan. 

SBA Patriot loans are only a few of many funding options available through your own business funding suite.

Call me today to get started and be on your way to $50,000 in business credit approvals with no personal guarantee and regardless of personal credit history.

Email 65

Why is that?

The average consumer credit report gets just one inquiry per year and has 11 credit obligations, typically broken down as 7 credit cards and 4 installment loans.

Business owners are not your average consumer, however, because they carry both personal and business credit. This typically doubles the number of inquiries made to their personal credit profile and the number of credit obligations they carry at any given time, all of which negatively impact their personal credit score.

And because business inquiries and personal inquiries aren't separated on their personal credit report, the scores, again, is negatively affected. At the same time, by using their personal credit history to get business credit, they're not able to build their business score, which could help them attain critical business credit in the future.

The key to establishing a business credit profile and score is to find companies that will establish credit for your business.

Contact me today to learn more about getting approved for $50,000 in business credit this year with no personal guarantee and regardless of your personal credit quality.

Email 66

What makes up your business credit score? What gives you the best chances of getting a loan? Here are a few factors that play into your business credit picture, and what you can do to make the most of them:

1. Payment History - Your payment history is an important part of your business credit profile, and is what your D&B Paydex score is based on. Many credit opportunities come with a minimum Paydex requirement. What you can do: always pay vendors EARLY. On time is "okay", but paying early (as in before you receive the invoice) is best.

2. Credit Applications - Believe it or not, multiple applications for credit can be a red flag that will keep you from getting approved for a loan. Too many in a short period of time will make your company look desperate and be a sign to potential lenders that things are going downhill. What you can do: plan your use of credit accordingly, and keep applications to the minimum necessary to accomplish your goals.

3. Blanket UCC Filings - One thing that many people don't realize is that they need to pay attention to the order in which they get certain types of loans, and what UCC filings the lenders will file. Some lenders may file a "blanket" UCC filing, which essentially says they have an interest in ALL of your assets. These blanket UCC filings will then take precedence over any subsequent ones, which drastically reduces your ability to get credit elsewhere. What you can do: plan your credit carefully, and negotiate UCC filings according to what your needs are. For example, if you need particular assets excluded from a UCC filing to use as security for another loan, explain that fact in advance to get those items excluded from any blanket filings, or, alternatively, get the loan or account with the more specific UCC filing first. Some experts recommend opening accounts with competing UCC filings at the same time, and negotiating the details with each party simultaneously.

4. Company Financials - With D&B, it's important to make sure your financials in your credit file are up to date. If they are not, it could negatively reflect on your company when the lender is comparing the available data. What you can do: update your financials on your credit reports so that they reflect your current circumstances, and plan to do so periodically.

5. Company Legal Structure - The legal structure of your company (LLC versus INC versus Partnership, etc.) can also affect your business credit. Lenders are less likely to loan money to Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships than Corporations or Limited Liability Companies. What you can do: if you aren't incorporated, you should be. The advantages span far past just your ability to get credit.

There are other factors that affect your ability to get credit, such as the amount of debt you already have, how heavily invested you are in your company, and even your personal credit can play a role in your approval or denial. Here we've covered five of them. In the end, the better the all-around picture you can paint, the better your chances of getting approved for loans will be.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 67

Why You Should Have a Business Credit Card

A lot of small to medium-sized business owners use credit cards in the course of business. The problem is, many make the mistake of using their personal credit cards. There are a couple of major problems with this:

First, if you use your personal credit cards for your business you are blurring the line between business and personal finances. The better separation you can achieve between your business finances and personal finances, the better off you will be. For this reason, a business credit card in your business name is the best route.

Second, using your personal credit cards for your business puts your personal credit at risk. If the debt belongs to the business, shouldn't it be on the business's credit?

Most people don't think this is a big deal until they run into problems and no longer have their personal credit to fall back on.

In one example, a couple in business together racked up over $100,000 of unsecured debt on their personal credit for their business. When the business's income dropped, even though the business was at first able to stay afloat, the couple was forced to file for bankruptcy.

With their personal credit destroyed, they could no longer get credit to support the business--and the business went through some serious struggles as a result. The couple is now divorced, no doubt in part due to the stress from those difficult times.

Might things be different if they had depended on business credit rather than their personal credit?

Maybe you're thinking that your business won't struggle, or that you don't use credit cards much anyways. What's the point, then?

Using a business credit card in your business does have some real advantages aside from the two big ones above. For example:

1. Streamline operations and automate expense tracking. Paying expenses can be much easier to manage with a business credit card, and reports can be generated monthly or annually in many cases to help categorize and analyze expenses.

2. Business cards have "rewards" programs too! If you have a lot of regular monthly expenses for your business that can be paid with a rewards card, you could easily get $500 to $1000 per year (or more) in cash rewards, or even free airline tickets if you use a travel rewards card.

3. Manage employee spending. Business credit cards can be set up to have spending limits for employees, which can aid in managing expenses for in-the-field employees.

4. Using a business credit cards helps you build credit for your BUSINESS, which is of utmost importance in today's economy.

As you can see, there are several big advantages to using an actual business credit card for your business.

A helpful hint for those wishing to establish business credit:

Try to get approved based on your business's creditworthiness rather than your personal creditworthiness.

This means avoid providing your social security number on credit applications for your business credit card. If you don't get approved based on your business credit alone, then you can try applying and include your personal credit information as necessary.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 68

Denied Business Credit? Read This…

According to recent reports, as many as one third of applications for business loans are denied. If you find yourself as part of that group, there are some things you can do to help the situation.

The first thing you need to do is try to determine where the problem is. Possible areas of concern may include:

- Your business profits. Does your business have a healthy profit margin? Improving your profits by reducing and trimming down the operational excess and unnecessary business spending can help improve profits and boost your chances of getting approved.

- Your business assets and liabilities. If your balance sheet is out of whack, most lenders will run the other way. If your business is already heavy on debt, then this will be an area of concern that you'll want to address.

- Your payment histories and business credit profile. Obviously, how you are paying your existing obligations will play a role in your approval or denial for credit. If you've been denied business credit recently, check your PayDex and other payment performance data and make adjustments as necessary.

Most payment experience data is only reported for 2 to 3 years (depending on the credit bureau), so if you've made a mistake or hit a bump or two in the road, don't let it worry you. Just keep the positive payment history building, and make sure what is being reported to date is accurate.

- Your bank ratings. If your business bank account balances are habitually low, this can actually rule you out for certain types of business credit. Try to maintain $10,000 or more in your business bank accounts to avoid trouble.

The bottom line, if you've been denied credit, is that there is something about your business that makes it appear to be a bad risk.

Your job is to analyze and understand your business credit report and business finances, determine where the problem is, and take the necessary steps to correct your course.

Sometimes the lack of history or data on your business will be a key factor in a credit denial.

This is something that can be easily remedied by taking careful steps to shape your business's financial picture and credit profile.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 69

Money is Available, Just Not Through Most Banks

Most business owners go to their bank when they need money.

As many entrepreneurs are now discovering, banks have really tightened up their lending guidelines making it harder than ever to be approved.

This is one of the main reasons that you want to check for financing with a company that offers you multiple finance options.

The truth is there are billions-of-dollars ready to lend right now for you and your business.

But much of the funding that is available cannot be secured through a conventional bank.

Factoring companies, credit unions, merchant companies, private and angel investors all have money to lend to you right now.

But if you are not sure exactly what type of financing you need, it is tough to know where to look.

For example most business owners don’t know about Business Revenue lending, or Purchase Order or Account Receivable Financing, or Equipment lease backs or merchant advances.

Most banks do not offer these types of financing options. And unless you knew exactly the type of financing you are looking for, you would not know these options exist.

Our business funding suite was designed to fix this problem.

The funding suite hosts over 6,200 lending institutions with money to lend to you and your business.

Every kind of legitimate financing option that is available today can be obtained through the funding suite.

Thousands of banks, credit unions, private investors, factoring companies, merchant advance companies, and more are all available in one place.

This kind of access insures business owners will be approved for the financing they seek.

The funding suite even comes with a $50,000 guarantee that you will be approved for at least $50,000 in business credit.

And most clients obtain $50,000 in business credit within only 6 months.

But business credit is one of many financing options that you can access through your own business funding suite.

Having access to over 6,200 lending sources insures you can be approved for the funds you want for your business.

And having access to finance options allows you to obtain funding based on the strengths of your business, giving you a significantly greater chance of being approved.

Give us a call today to see how much money you already qualify for now.

Email 70

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Owning a business can be much easier when you have cash, credit, and capital backing you.

So many business owners put themselves and their family’s security on the line with personal guarantees to secure the money they need for their business.

But right now, you qualify for a near endless amount of money for your business with no personal guarantee and no personal credit check.

This is known as business credit, and is one of over 30 core funding products available to you in your very own Business Cash Machine.

You can use your business to finance your business. In doing so you can secure all the credit you need without having the liability of a personal guarantee.

I can help you quickly establish an excellent business credit score so you can then qualify for the financing options that you need.

You can then easily log into your business funding suite, and in one click access cash and credit through over 400 individual funding sources.

You can easily be approved for thousands-of-dollars in business credit within weeks. Your approvals can then easily exceed $50,000 in 6 months.

And this credit will be obtained with no personal guarantee from you and no personal credit check.

Now you can access the money you need to grow your business. And, you can keep your family safe as you will have no personal guarantee for the business credit accounts you access.

Plus, your funding suite also gives you access to all other legitimate funding sources for your business including SBA loans, equipment loans, merchant loans, and hundreds more.

The business funding suite is your source of cash, credit, and capital for your business.

Your money is waiting, contact me directly so we can get you access to your own funding suite and start putting $$$ in your pocket today.

Email 71

Starting with Business Credit

Sometimes getting started with business credit can be difficult. Business owners, when first building credit, sometimes feel forced to settle for business credit cards with less-than-desirable terms.

Perhaps this is why it is reported that as many as 41% of small businesses rely on their personal credit cards instead. But using personal credit isn't good for your business in the long run, so business owners should consider the other options available to them.

Twenty percent of small businesses rely on credit cards for one purpose or another. How can a business that is just getting started with business credit get off on the right foot with the right business credit card?

The best advice is often the most simple:

1. Build business credit. Use vendor credit as much as possible. Utilize other business credit building tools so that you'll be able to get approved for better credit terms as soon as possible.

2. Plan for higher interest rates. Higher interest rates are not the end of the world, especially when you consider that the condition is only temporary!

It is not uncommon in the consumer credit market for a person with no credit to start out with a 20% APR credit card. This is acceptable because it's temporary.

The same thing applies to business. With patience, time, and careful management of your business credit, you will eventually be approved for much better rates.

3. Don't shy away from offering a personal guarantee. Again, offering a personal guarantee or using your personal credit to win credit approval for your business may not seem like the best case scenario. But it's a stepping stone; a building block. You've got to start somewhere, and this is a common place to start.

Remember that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Your first steps into business credit are just that: first steps. The only way to get down the road towards the BEST business loans and credit cards is to take the steps that will eventually lead you in that direction.

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 72

Managing Your Personal Credit… and Why it Matters

Believe it or not, maintaining your personal credit is important for obtaining business credit. Your personal credit could come under scrutiny in correlation with a variety of business credit and business funding related matters, from bank loans to dealings with private investors.

The most common gauge of your personal credit is your credit score. There are two main score types: the FICO score and the Vantage score. The ranges and precise makeup of the scores vary slightly, but generally speaking a positive or negative change in one score will be similarly reflected in the other.

To know where you stand with your personal credit, you should check your credit reports from all three credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion) and obtain either your FICO or Vantage Scores as well. This can be done for a nominal fee, and the insight you gain may be worth it.

Most of your credit score (approximately 65% for the FICO scoring model) is made up of your payment history (positive or negative) and your debt to credit ratio. Most people who have low credit scores have serious problems in one or both of these areas. Here's a brief synopsis of each area:


The more payments you make on time, the better. Having several types of accounts with on time payments spanning over several years is best. Isolated late payments usually aren't too damaging, and can often be removed.

Anything more than one or two 30 day late payments can severly damage your credit score. If you do mess up, the good news is that isolated late payments are often easily removed by contacting the creditor.

Many creditors will remove a single isolated late payment as a matter of good customer relations.


Your debt to credit ratio is a comparison of your total unsecured debt balance to the total of all your credit limits. The lower your credit limits and higher your debts, the more it looks like you are in over your head.

This can have quite drastic negative effects on your credit score. If your debt to credit ratio is too high, there are two main ways to fix it: either pay off some debt, or get higher credit limits (or an additional credit line) to raise your high credit limit.

Usually if the above two areas are well under control, the other areas that affect credit scoring (such as inquiries and length of credit history) will naturally be under control too.

By paying attention and managing your personal credit and overall personal financial picture, you will open more doors to your business when it comes to business credit opportunities.

Banks and private investors want to know that the people who own and run the business know how to take care of financial matters. One important place to demonstrate that is your personal credit.

Have you checked your credit lately?

If not, you can get copies of your personal credit reports for free from the annual credit report service at .

Contact us today to talk more about obtaining financing and building business credit for your business.

Email 73

Angel Investors

Angel investors can be your saving grace when you are looking for business funding. Sometimes angel investors are willing to lend money when other banks and financial institutions simply won’t.

Interest rates and fees with angel investors can also be very favorable, sometimes better than bank rates and terms.

Even though angel investors are a great source of business funding, there are some things you want to be cautious about before you commit with an investor.

Despite their name, angel investors are not there to rescue the business. These investors are usually businesses or individuals who have money to lend but expect to take a safe risk and earn a nice return on their investment.

These investors are usually one-time investors. Many angel investors do not lend to the same person twice, even if that person paid them back perfectly.

They choose to spread their risk out over many people and many businesses to insure they get a safe return on their investment.

Another concern with angel investors is that they typically want a percentage or part of the company to lend the money. Sometimes they want a small stake, and other times they want full control and 51% ownership. But in most cases they do want a percentage of the company itself.

When the investor does want a stake in the company it is important that the terms are acceptable for the business owner also. The investors’ funds can really help grow a business, but the trade-off of handing over part of the company means the deal has to be worth it for the business owner as well as the angel investor.

Another concern with angel investors is they do sometimes commit, but don’t follow through and close on the transaction. For this reason it is essential that the business owner does not spend any of the funds until the deal is completely done and the funds are in the bank.

Nothing is worse than committing those funds only to discover that the deal falls apart and the angel investor never delivers the funds.

Angel investors are a great source of money for your business. But make sure you watch out and make the best decisions for you and your business if moving forward with this type of investor.

Your money is waiting, contact me directly so we can get you access to your own funding suite and start putting $$$ in your pocket today.


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