Chapter 8, Activity 6, page 323

Chapter 8, Activity 6, pages 289–290

Document for Analysis: Persuasive Request

Analyze the following memo written to encourage employees to attend a meeting to gain additional information about financial planning. The company hopes to increase enrollment of employees in its 403(b) plan that allows them to invest 15 percent of their gross wages in tax-deferred annuities. Presently only 22 percent of the company’s employees have taken advantage of this plan. Pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of the human resource director’s memo, and then revise it if directed by your instructor.

Despite our efforts, very few of you have taken advantage of the tax benefits afforded by the 403(b) plan. Contributing to a tax-deferred annuity enables you to shelter a portion of your income from current income taxes. The earnings in your annuity also grow tax free and you don’t pay income taxes on these funds until you withdraw them at retirement.

Contributing into a 403(b) plan is easy. Because the funds can be deducted automatically from your checking account, anyone can afford it.

You’ve got one more chance to learn about this plan. An information session will be held next Wednesday in the conference room beginning at 1 p.m. All your questions will be answered by a representative of our human resources division.

See you there.

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