Maryland Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans


Currently, 19 Active Members.

REMEMBER: Dues are due on October 15th. The amounts are as follows:

$40.00 Active

$15.00 Associate

$10.00 Life

Make checks payable to Mechanized Cavalry Camp 2134 and forward to PO Box 763, Clarksville, MD 21029. Any questions contact Danny Adams at 410-531-5014.


Paul Behne Commander

Rick Smith Lt. Commander

Danny Adams Adjutant/Treasurer


October 1st - 5th Myrtle Beach Fall Bike Rally for information see

October 4th Turkey Shoot (see attached flyer)

October 11th Maryland Division Mid-Year Meeting

October 16th – 19th Biketoberfest, Daytona Beach, for information see

October 25th Army of Northern Virginia-Meeting at Point Lookout

November 1st Bikers with Heart Toy Run, Fort Washington for information see

November 16th Massing of the Colors in front of the Naval Academy Chapel at 1:30 PM

November 22nd Remembrance Day Parade, Gettysburg at 12:00 Noon


Beginning balance $791.00

Income $197.00

Payables $ 40.00

Balance $948.00

Payables include: a bank charge.


The next meeting and ride will be on October 4th at Grotto’s home during the Turkey Shoot. Directions are as follows:

Directions from Harley Davidson at Rt 5 & Rt 231 in Hughesville: Take Route 231 East (Toward Prince Frederick) approximately one mile to Goode Road and follow the signs in.

Directions from Prince Frederick: Take Route 231 East, across the bridge at Benedict, and go approximately 5 miles to Goode Road (Just past Jimmy’s Corner) and follow the signs in.



October 19th 1864 – Battle of Cedar Creek

October 20th1819 – General Daniel Sickles Born

October 21st 1861 – Battle of Ball’s Bluff


The deadline for submission for the November Newsletter is October 29, 2008. Your articles and photos can be sent to bankgirl17@.



Members, Saturday the 20th of September was a fine day weather wise and for the Maryland SCV. We attended the Trimble event at the Howard County Courthouse with 15 members riding their iron-horses, two passengers and one prospective camp member in his cage. We arrived a tad late, but they say the cavalry has always made its mark in history as being late, so we carry on the tradition today. And as always in their splendor the Maryland Color Guard gleamed in the midmorning sun as the flags of the Confederacy waved gallantly in the breeze. We were thanked by Compatriot Terry Klima for our attending this event during his acknowledgments of those who did attend. After placing flowers at the base of the monument and Taps being played, the Mechanized Cavalry camp members headed back to Danny Adam's house for some grub.

We had approximately 30 or so members and guests at Danny's to partake of food and share in some Southern hospitality. To my amazement our Chaplain had attended the event and actually showed to our feast, but then of course he only lives down the road a piece.

Thanks to Danny and Debbie for opening their home to us and Debbie for all the fine homemade vittals! I would also like to personally thank those who attended the event and our meeting, those in attendance was:

Dan Adams/ Debbie Hylton/ Amanda Arbaugh

Rick Smith

Lee Cox

Bob Linkenhoker and son

Whitey Whitt

Jay Barringer

Commander Clarence Woods

Jay Moore

Carl Berenholtz

Vanessa Knight

Sheila McDowell

James Shaffer, Jr.

Dave Demisch

Bill and Linda Atwell

Bill Spencer

Dave Brown Sr

Doug Jaeger

Jerry Holden

Robb Peters

Richard Tranter

Robert Knight

Randy Stonesifer Sr.

Sorry if I missed anyone and I know I did, these names were taken from the sign in sheet, again THANKS to all for attending!!


Our next event is the TURKEY SHOOT, Saturday Oct 4th, being held down at Grotto's place in Southern Maryland. Anyone not knowing what he can do to help before and during the event should contact one of the camp officers to receive an assignment for that day. This will be a big event for the camp and all hands are expected to attend and pitch in. Make sure to bring yer scatter gun, so for those who do want to shoot and don't have a gun, you can borrow one.


The Camp meeting for Nov will be held on the 15th at noon time, hosted by Lee Cox. Lee has invited everyone to meet at his place of business. So mark yer calendars.


Compatriot Eric Smith, my brother and one of our newest camp members is home safe with his family in Taneytown, Maryland after his military tour overseas in the "Sand".

Looking forward to seeing ALL camp members at the TURKEY SHOOT and remember to tell yer friends, family and bring guests.


With Confederate Regards

Lt Commander Rick Smith


Suggestions for Group Riding:

Dangerous Riding: (reprint from Sept. 2008 Dixie Biker)

Hey Dixie Biker:

I saw a couple of bikes riding close behind a tractor-trailer today and felt obligated to write. I drove over-the-road for 10 years and have seen a lot of crazy stuff happen. I had another truck pass me one day, and just as he came back into my lane he blew a trailer tire. Truck tires almost always blow, and the outer casing comes completely off in a large strip of rubber and steel belting flying wildly down the road. This tire casing flew up and hit my windshield hard enough to break the glass.

Every time I get behind a big truck or see someone else riding behind one, I remember that day. The break in the wind you get from riding behind a semi is not worth a tire blowing up. I try to never ride behind a truck unless it can not be avoided and when I am forced to, I leave as much room between me and the truck as possible so I have time to react. Those tire casings could break you neck or even take your head off.

RIDE SAFE! Tom A., Jacksonville


1. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.

2. When you remove the people’s right to bear arms, you create slaves.

3. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.

4. Guns, the original Homeland Security.


Confederate Cemetery in Mt Jackson, Virginia

Lt Commander visited while on the road.

Cemetery Bench in Mt Jackson, Virginia

Monument to the Confederates of Mt Jackson, Virginia

Mechanized Cavalry Meeting in Ocean City, Maryland during Bike Week

The picture says it all!

New member Jeff Mitchell with his colors gets a salute from Jerry.

These Colors Don't Run!

A proud sponsor of the cause!

What else do you do at OC Bike Week? Look at.....

Jeff proudly displays his new colors!

Ocean City Bike Week encampment

Big Grizz

Bluegrass Band at the Trimble Ceremony

The troops on their way to the Howard County Courthouse Event

Our colors in the Howard County Museum

The troops at Danny's ready for some vittles!

The troops gather around.

Danny and the "Doc".

Redneck shares the Shine!

Redneck finishes the Shine!


A biker from the Mechanized Cavalry is putt’n thru the historic district of New Market, when outside of an antique shop he spots a highly detailed, very unique, brass sculpture of a rat. The biker is so impressed he asks the shop owner for the price.

“It’s $50.00 for the rat and $1,500.00 for the story that goes with it,” says the owner.

The biker replies, “I’ll take the rat but you can keep the story old man.”

The biker leaves the store with the brass rat under his arm and as he mounts his iron horse, two live rats run out of a storm drain and begin to follow him. By the time he has gone a mile, a hundred rats are right behind him. He cracks the throttle as thousands of rats swarm from the storm drains, basements and vacant lots. When he sees the Monocacy River at the bottom of the hill, he gives his iron horse all the throttle it has.

He reaches the edge of the river and jumps up and grabs a tree limb with one hand and pitches the brass rat into the river. Pulling his legs up and holding on to the tree, he watches his bike and all the rats go into the river and drown.

In amazement he walks all the way back to the antique shop. “You’ve come back for the story?” asks the owner. “No,” says the biker, “I want to know if you have a brass Yankee?”


His application is under review.

The Finger

A carpenter calls his wife from a hospital emergency room to tell her that he just cut off a finger at work.

“Oh my God,” she screams. “Not the whole finger?”

“No. The one next to it,” says the guy.

Submitted by Bushlicker





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Directions from Harley Davidson at Rt 5 & Rt 231 in Hughesville: Take Rt 231 East (Toward Prince Frederick) approximately one mile to Goode Road and follow the signs in.

Directions from Prince Frederick: Take 231 East, across the bridge at Benedict, and go approximately 5 miles to Goode Road (Just past Jimmy’s Corner) and follow the signs in.


gates open at 11:00 AM.

we provide all ammo.

leave yours home.



CAMP 2134




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