Date: November 28, 2006

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30

Location: 4040 Esplanade Way, Room 225F

Members in attendance:

|Cathy Christensen |Attorney General |Ralph Kiessig |DOC |

|Elaine Cooper |DOACS |Rene Knight |HSMV |

|David DiSalvo |DMS |Sharon Larson |DMS |

|David Faulkenberry |DMS |Paul Nichols |LEG |

|Mark Helms |DCA |Donna Pottle |AWI |

Non-Members in attendance:

|Cathy Jones |Auditor General |Cindy Meeker |Convergys |

| | | | |

Members not in attendance:

|John Bennett |DFS |Lane Fenner |Convergys |

|Diane Gomez |DCF |Linda Lieblong |FSU |

|Bob Naves |Convergys |Karen Samuel |SCS |

|David Tepper |DOS | | |


Welcome and Introductions: David Faulkenberry

David opened the meeting and made the following staffing announcements:

• LeeAnn Korst will be the Chief of Staff at Highway Safety Motor Vehicles (HSMV).

• Sharon Larson is the new Human Resource Management (HRM) Director.

• Phil Spooner is now working in HRM.

• Donna Pottle is the acting PO for the Agency for Workforce Innovation (AWI).

• David (Faulkenberry) is the Deputy Secretary over the Division of State Group Insurance, the Division of Retirement, and the Division of HRM.

• JoAnn Leznoff is no longer at the Office of Policy and Budget (OPB). David will check with OPB to see if Rene Gunn will be JoAnn’s replacement.

• Karen Samuel replaced Dave Pepper at State Courts.

• The Change Review Board (CRB) elected representatives from AWI and HSMV six months ago. These representatives will continue in their capacity until the next vote.

Follow-up from Previous Meeting: LeeAnn Korst

The universities would like to know the status of the early effective dates and seeing the history further back than twelve months.

Aspire Update: David Faulkenberry

DMS staff are working with Convergys and BOSP on the Aspire/People First interface. A contract amendment with Convergys has been signed specifying four key interfaces that are due in December:

1. TRC inbound

2. Initial load file

3. TRC outbound—this file is more challenging, and because Aspire has made some changes, this will take longer.

4. Personnel and position data—no problems are anticipated.

Convergys is reviewing all screens and will write a functional design document (FDD) to give to DMS for review. Development and testing processes will be business as usual.

David recommended that agency HR and finance/accounting offices talk with each other about changes of responsibility due to Aspire. An agency concern is that the finance/accounting offices believe that the date for release has been moved out, and, therefore, they are not concerned at this time. David said that we do need a more realistic time table to establish goals, but asked agency HR offices to continue to bring the processes to finance/accounting. It was also recommended that Aspire representatives be visible and available to speak at finance and IT meetings and that the Aspire team pull in finance/accounting people for planning.

12-23-06 Release Update: David DiSalvo

The 411 Directory Interface and Hiring Managers Interface were originally scheduled for the December release; however, both have been postponed until 2007. Because of input on the 411 Interface BRD from the agencies, we now have a comprehensive product that will allow nightly updates and appropriate screen terminology. Because the BRD was sent out after the last People First monthly meeting, it will take more time for Convergys to write the FDD. The Hiring Managers Interface was put on hold after the Authoria system was down November 13-15. We feel Authoria should perform additional testing on this interface prior to its release in early 2007. This interface will improve the maneuverability and look for the hiring managers and will be ADA compliant. This release is in preparation for the full upgrade to Authoria 10 in 2007.

The Direct Deposit fix is going in as scheduled. The language on the screen will change as required from DFS Business and Accounting. The STOP button will work, so that direct deposit is stopped when the button is clicked.

We will send out a system enhancement notification when other release items have been confirmed.

Agency Visits: David DiSalvo

Over the next year, DMS People First Team members and Donna Herrick will visit every agency, university, etc. to meet with HR staff. The purpose of these meetings is to better understand agency unique issues and to give the agencies the opportunity to ask about changes to the system.

Two weeks prior to the visit, DMS will send an engagement letter to request any topics that the HR office would like to discuss. After the visit, DMS will follow-up with any takeaway items. If an agency needs to make a change to the schedule, please let DMS know as soon as possible.

Linda Lieblong requested that James from Convergys Benefits attend the university visits.

User Role Code Security Matrix: David DiSalvo

Key points within the User Role Code Security Matrix BRD:

▪ A new role will be created for the Auditor General.

▪ A new role will be created so that benefits staff can have access to benefits statewide.

▪ The L, O, P, and W role codes are being deleted. Users currently assigned to these role codes will be transitioned prior to the release.

▪ Agencies will be able to define user access by org ranges, which do not have to be contiguous.

▪ When an employee terminates, the exiting agency will have 30 days to access employee data to make changes as needed. Note: the Board voted to change the agency access to 60 days.

▪ For security purposes, the exiting agency will only be able to see an employee’s history for the time at that agency and previous history, not future.

▪ Terminated employees will be able to access the system for 30 days to make changes as needed. Note: the Board requested that the word, “calendar” be inserted.

▪ The Data Warehouse Focus Group will, if time permits, address reports related to this BRD.

▪ The 508 language will be standard for all future BRDs.

The Board agreed to not resend this BRD to personnel officers, but rather to send it to Convergys once edits are made. No timeline has been set at this time.

David Faulkenberry requested that members begin to consider how we can train HR staff regarding these changes, as compared to current access. It was suggested that the UAT be expanded to include more people.

Data Warehouse Focus Group: David DiSalvo

The focus group will take a comprehensive look at the following areas:

▪ External reports

▪ Back end issues

▪ Impromptu issues

▪ Views

▪ Communication

▪ Training

The group will develop a prioritized list, and then assist with the BRDs at a later time. The result of this initiative is that HR staff and managers will have the data they need to do their jobs.

LeeAnn commented that she is pleased to have Toni Estes on board to spearhead this project. She also thanked the members for their patience as DMS works toward this priority.

David DiSalvo requested a good budget person to sit on the focus group. He asked that the members email him if they know of someone from their agency.

Internet Explorer 7 (IE7): Lane Fenner

As an overview, Microsoft had planned to release IE 7 at the end of 2006, but moved it to October. Convergys received the SAP patch in November and is in the process of making programming changes and conducting quality assurance testing. The timeline is for mid-December, but Convergys thinks it will be sooner.

Several hundred users have downloaded IE 7 on their own. When they call the Service Center, they are instructed to uninstall IE 7. Lane tested this on his personal computer, and the uninstall worked well. There have been few complaints to the Service Center.

Authoria: Lane Fenner

was acquired by Authoria 1½ to 2 years ago. Authoria is about to launch version 10, but Convergys will not be in the first round of scheduled upgrades; rather, Convergys plans to move the latter part of 2007. Authoria hosts the online application, not Convergys.

During the online job application launch two weeks ago, Authoria went to another server system which had not been tested as a part of the upgrade. Seven individuals saw data that was not their own. The system was shut down immediately while testing was conducted. A sample of other users from that same time period was contacted to determine what they had seen while logged on. None reported seeing other user’s data. Authoria reverted back to a single server. Convergys continues to monitor the situation closely and is working with DMS to be sure that this issue has been fixed and that no other issues have been reported.

The alert that was sent out Monday regarding the job application tab was not related to events from two weeks ago.

DMS People First Work Plan: David DiSalvo

The Work Plan is still in its draft stage; however, it will be a working document and will be continually updated. The final items in the Work Plan will include all BRDs, their status, and release dates. The Work Plan will come before the Change Review Board for prioritization of items.

Elaine Cooper questioned why the Data Warehouse refresh does not occur on time so frequently. Lane Fenner responded that Convergys is writing FDD documents that should improve Data Warehouse performance.

Transition: LeeAnn Korst

DMS would like to monitor the benefits of incoming and exiting staff (due to transition) to ensure that their insurance and other benefits transfer smoothly. Please send names David DiSalvo. Representatives from Convergys and DMS are monitoring the list daily.

Wrap-up: LeeAnn Korst

The next meeting will be held in January. Happy Holidays to all.


▪ Respond to the universities’ request to know the status of the early effective dates and seeing the history further back than twelve months. (The Benefits Team met with Convergys on December 13 to discuss benefits enhancements that will be available with the SAP upgrade. These issues will be included in that and future discussions. Tom Lockridge 12-12-06)

▪ Add University of West Florida to agency visit schedule. (Completed: Lydia Stafford updated the schedule on 11-29-06. Updated copy sent 11-30-06 to all stakeholders.)

▪ From page 4 of the User Role Code Security Matrix, verify for Cathy Jones how the AG position is controlled. (Each auditor will have his or her own position number and security will be assigned individually by DMS, based on the AG’s request, Jimmy Cox, 12-08-06.)

▪ On page 6 of the User Role Code Security Matrix, the AG role needs to be able to search by SSN. (Completed. Jimmy Cox added to requirements BRD on 12-08-06.)

▪ On page 8 (and subsequent pages as needed) of the User Role Code Security Matrix, change 30 days to 60 calendar days for exiting agency access of terminated employees. (Completed. Jimmy Cox added to requirements BRD on 12-08-06.)

▪ On page 10 (and subsequent pages as needed) of the User Role Code Security Matrix, change 30 days to 30 calendar days for terminated employee access. (Completed. Jimmy Cox added to requirements BRD on 12-08-06.)

▪ The AG, S, and any other required role codes need to be able to view personnel file documents. (Completed. Jimmy Cox added to requirements BRD on 12-08-06.)

▪ Add Cathy Tarleton’s name to the Data Warehouse Focus Group Charter as the representative for DOACS. (Completed: Toni Estes updated Charter on 11-30-06.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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