Speed and Velocity Problems

Speed vs. Velocity

Definition of speed in your own words: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Definition of velocity in your own words: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How speed and velocity differ: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Directions: 1) Determine if the question is asking for speed or velocity. 2) Answer the question. 3) Add the direction if it is a velocity (if needed).

1. What is the average speed, in m/s, of a cheetah that sprints 100 meters in 4 seconds?

2. If I travel at 20 km/hr for 15 minutes, how far will I travel in km?

3. If I travel at 40 m/s, how long will it take me to travel 200 meters?

4. What is the average speed, in km/hr, of a car that travels 40 kilometers in 30 minutes?

5. What is the average velocity, in km/hr, of a train that travels 400 kilometers West in 5 hours?

6. What is the average velocity, in km/day, of a blue whale that is migrating 882 km North in 42 days?

7. If a car moves with an average speed of 60 km/hr for an hour, it will travel a distance of 60 km. How far will it travel if it continues this average rate for 4 hrs?

8. A runner makes one lap around a 200 m track in a time of 25.0 s. What was the runner's average speed?

9. A motorist travels 288 km during a 7.0 hr period. What was the average speed in km/hr and m/s?

10. A cannon is shot at 400 m/s. What time is required for the cannonball to strike a target 1800 m to the East?

11. A car travels at a rate of 20 km/hr for 15 minutes, then at 50 km/hr for 30 minutes, and finally at 30 km/hr for 6 minutes. Find the total distance covered in km.

12. A car and a truck are traveling on highway 65 South. The car traveling 90 km/hr is 100 km behind the truck traveling 50 km/hr. How long will it take the car to reach the truck?

|Time |0 hr |0.5 hr |1 hr |1.5 hr |2 hr |2.5 hr |3 hr |

|Car | | | | | | | |

|Truck | | | | | | | |

13. Some people make an attempt to calculate the distance lightning strikes from them. Light travels at 300,000 km/s so if we see lightning, the light will arrive in our eye almost instantaneously. However, sound travels around 340 meters/second. If we count 15 seconds between a lightning strike and when we hear the thunder, how far away is the lightning in km?

14. Usain bolt, the fastest man alive, holds the world record for the 100 meter sprint. Usain bolt ran the 100 meter sprint in 9.58 seconds during the world championships in Berlin in 2009. What was his speed in meters per second? In order to convert that time to miles per hour, 100 meters is 0.0621371 miles. What is his time in miles per hour? Round to nearest 10th (.1)

15. The tortoise and the hare are in a road race on the Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge from the East side to the West side to defend the honor of their species. The tortoise crawls the entire 1000 m distance at a speed of 0.2 m/s while the rabbit runs the first 200.0 m at 2.0 m/s The rabbit then stops to take a nap for 1.3 hr and awakens to finish the last 800.0 m with an average speed of 3.2 m/s. Who wins the race and by how much time?

16. Light from the sun reaches the earth in 8.3 minutes. The speed of light is 3.0 ( 108 m/s. In kilometers, how far is the earth from the sun?

17. Light waves travel through a vacuum in a straight line at a speed of 3.0 ( 108 m/s. How far is a light year (the distance light travels in a year)? Answer in km.

Essential Questions: How do you calculate speed and velocity and what units do you use? What are the similarities and differences between speed and velocity? What are some directions used for velocity? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. S 25m/s = 100m/4s

2. S 20km/hr = 5km/.25s

3. S 40m/s = 200/5s

4. S 80km/hr = 40km/.5hr

5. V West 80km/hr = 400km/5hr

6. V North 21km/day = 882km/42 days

7. S 60km/hr = 240km/4hr

8. S 8m/s = 200m/25s

9. S 57.6km/hr = 288km/5hr and (288•1000)/(60•60) = 16m/s

10. V East 400m/s = 1800m/4.5s

11. S 20km/hr = 5km/.25hr + 50km/hr = 25km/.5hr + 30km/hr = 3km/.1hr = 33km

12. V East Answer for chart

Time |0 hr |0.5 hr |1 hr |1.5 hr |2 hr |2.5 hr |3 hr | |Car |0 km |45 km |90 km |135 km |180 km |225 km |270 km | |Truck |100 km |125 km |150 km |175 km |200 km |225 km |250 km | |S 340m/s = 5.1km/155s

13. S 10.4m/s = 100m/9.58s and 23.4mi/hr = 0.0621371mi/0.00266111hr

14. V West Tortoise – 0.2m/s = 1000/5000s, Hare – 2.0m/s = 200m/100s + 4680s + 3.2m/s = 800m/250s = 5,030s. The Tortoise won by 30 seconds.

15. S 3.0 x 105 km/s = 1.494 x 108 km/498s

16. S 3.0 x 105 km/s = 9.46 x 1012 km/31,536,000s

Answer to the essential question

In order to calculate speed and velocity you need to divide the total distance divided by the time. Some units that can be used for speed and velocity are m/s, km/hr, mi/hr, km/day, and many others. The similarities between speed and velocity are that you need to do the same mathematical function to find them. The main difference is that velocity includes a direction. Some directions that can be included for velocity are the cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) or up and down, or left and right.


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