Liquidated Damages .us

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications for Maintenance and Operation of Water and Wastewater Systems at Safety Rest Areas.Qualifications of Contractor:Prior to awarding the contract, the contractor will be required to furnish references indicating they are capable of performing wastewater and water maintenance services in a satisfactory manner. They must prove their financial responsibility and stability by providing PennDOT with any financial records or information requested. They must also provide verification they have been actively engaged in this business for at least five years. In addition, they must furnish any necessary information required by PennDOT to evaluate the qualifications of all proposed subcontractors such as years of experience, financial responsibility, trade certifications, ability to furnish proper tools and equipment, etc.Liability:The contractor is responsible for taking all reasonable precautions, in accordance with sound industrial practices, to safeguard and protect PennDOT property in its possession or custody. The contractor assumes the risk of, and will be responsible for, any loss or damage to PennDOT-furnished property in their possession except for reasonable wear and tear and to the extent that such property is consumed in the performance of the contract. They are responsible for reporting all acts of vandalism to the District Roadside Specialist or his designated representative and the Pennsylvania State Police within three (3) hours of the contractor’s knowledge of the occurrence.An insurance certificate verifying coverage must be furnished to PennDOT prior to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The provisions of the certificate cannot be canceled or changed until a 30-day prior written notice has been given to the Commonwealth. Except as otherwise specified, the contractor is also responsible for damage claims as outlined in the PennDOT specifications Publication 408 Section 107.14.Surety Provisions:Each bidder must submit a “monetary guarantee” in the form of a cashier’s check, bank treasurer’s check, certified check, or money order, payable to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in the amount of One Thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The deposit of the low bidder will be held as guarantee of execution of the contract for work according to the proposed terms. It will be returned when the contract is executed and a performance bond is furnished. If the successful bidder does not execute the contract and furnish a performance bond within 30 days of notice to do so, the deposit will be forfeited. The “monetary guarantee” checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders within five (5) days after the contract is awarded. The monetary guarantee must be mailed to the Engineering District 4-0 office at 55 Keystone Industrial Drive, Dunmore, PA 18512, prior to the bid opening date.The successful bidder will be required once the contract is awarded to furnish the Department with an appropriate performance and payment bond with sufficient surety in a sum equal to 100% of the one year contract in accordance with the provisions of PennDOT specifications Form 408 Section 103.05.Bidding Reservation Clause: The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to advertise for new proposals; in the judgment of the Secretary of Transportation, the best interests of the Commonwealth will be promoted thereby.Laws, Ordinances, and Fees:The contractor must comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations as applicable and as may be set forth by PennDOT covering work specified in this contract, and must secure all permits and pay all required fees.Non-Compliance:In the event the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of this contract Section 108.09 of the current PennDOT Specifications Publication 408 will prevail.In the event the contractor fails to comply with any of these contract specifications and /or requirements through neglect or “planned” damages to Department equipment or facilities to increase work items, Penn DOT reserves the right upon 24-hour written notice to terminate further performance by the contractor. Or PennDOT can record and award the same to another contractor without any liability therefore, except for payment for authorized work satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date.The defaulting contractor will be liable for all costs over and above his original contract, incurred by PennDOT, for failure to perform the balance of work for the scheduled contract period, for negligent or “planned” damages and for the noncompliance for the balance of the scheduled contract period.Basis for PaymentPayment will be paid monthly. All labor and materials used for work performed must be documented on the “Conformation of Service” OS-501, supplied by PennDOT. This report in addition to any materials invoices and contractor invoices will serve as a basis for payment and shall be sent to the Comptroller’s Office for payment. All testing fees outlined in the specifications are considered incidental to the monthly operations of the facility and are not paid for separately.The cost of materials, parts or replacement equipment billed under the contingency provision shall be invoiced at the suppliers invoice price, plus 15%. A copy of the supplier’s invoice must be attached to the monthly statement for payment. No material purchase in excess of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) may be initiated without approval of the District Roadside Specialist. The Department reserves the right to supply materials to be installed by the contractor when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Commonwealth. This item refers only to the materials needed in excess of those to be supplied by the contractor for general operations.Sewage treatment plant waste sludge pumping, removal and disposal will be paid for based on the number of gallons of sludge pumped from the sludge holding tank. A record of gallons removed must accompany all invoices for this service.Method of Payment:At the end of each month, the contractor must submit to PennDOT Comptroller Office an itemized invoice. Attached to the invoices must be the original Form OS-501 and invoices of suppliers and/or subcontractors covering all items of work authorized and completed during that month. Additionally, a copy of the OS-501 form must be submitted to the PennDOT Engineering District 4 Office, Attention Roadside. Safety RequirementsAll work will be conducted in a manner to insure the preservation of property and to permit uninterrupted normal day to day operations of department facilities. The contractor will comply with the latest DEP and OSHA safety regulation when entering confined spaces. All work will be performed in accordance with governing Federal, State and local laws and regulations.NoncomplianceIf the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the contract, Publication 408, Section 108.09 will prevail.Should the contractor fail to properly sample and perform any of the requested tests designated herein, or fail to submit tests before the date stipulated, the contractor will be assessed liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per occurrence for each test or tests not properly performed or reported. These monies will be collected by reducing the dollar value of the invoices submitted or if this amount is insufficient, by direct reimbursement to the department. Split sample test results which verify improper sampling, handling storage or testing will be resolved under the provisions of this section.If laboratory certification is revoked or a contract noncompliance persists, the department reserves the right, upon 24 hours written notice to cancel the contract and to award the same to another without any liability therefore, except for payment for work satisfactorily performed to the date of cancellation. The defaulting contractor will be liable for all costs over and above his original contract incurred by the department for failure to perform the balance of his scheduled contract period.Liquidated DamagesThe Department of Transportation reserves the right to assess liquidated damages in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per occurrence for any of the following circumstances, under operator or contractor control.1. Failure to properly sample and perform any of the requested tests.2. Failure to comply with any requirements of the permit.3. Damage to Department property through negligence.4. Failure to perform testing on specified schedule.5. Failure to immediately notify the District Roadside Specialist of operational failure.6. Failure to immediately notify the District Roadside Specialist of mechanical failure.7. Incomplete DMRs for two consecutive months.8. Failure of the contractor to maintain a 5 day schedule for operation of the facility.9. Split sample test results which verify improper sampling, handling storage or testing.Additional charges may be assessed as indicated in the specifications for respective items. Multiple assessments of liquidated damages may result in termination in the contract for contractor noncompliance.SPECIFICATIONS LUZERNE COUNTY FACILITIESA. Purpose:The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, hereafter referred to as PennDOT, requires complete maintenance and operation of:***The water and wastewater systems at the Interstate safety rest area Site 39 on Interstate 80 eastbound between exits 262 and 273, Luzerne County.***Water supply facilities for Safety Rest Area Sites 53 & 54 along Interstate 81 northbound and southbound, between exits 159 & 155, Luzerne County.B. Description of Work:Operation of Wastewater and Drinking water facilities consists of performing all services, work and repairs in accordance with the following specifications.The sewage treatment plant at Safety Rest Area site 39 is an 8,600 GPD extended aeration sewage treatment plant having the following components:in-line flow equalization tank with transfer pumpsduplex aeration tanks and clarifiersWaste activated sludge holding tankTertiary intermittent sand filtersChlorine contact tankEach facility water supply system is designated a transient, non-community water supply and includes a groundwater well, submersible well pump, hydro-pneumatic tank and disinfection (Chlorine).In general, contract services include, but are not limited to, performing all necessary routine maintenance and operation procedures; supplying the required chemicals; discharge and process control sampling and laboratory analyses; repairs, record keeping; report preparation and submission.Operation of Wastewater Treatment (Rest Area Site 39)A. GeneralThe contractor will furnish a sewage treatment plant operator (Class D-1 minimum), certified by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), to operate and maintain the extended aeration wastewater treatment facility in compliance with the monitoring and discharge requirements issued under the water Quality Management Permit No. PA 0035629. In addition, the contractor shall provide and designate a back-up operator to be responsible for operation when the lead or chief operator is not available. The treatment plant operator must be familiar with the regulations pertaining to non-community water supply systems and have previous experience in operating similar water supply systems. A copy of the operator’s license must remain on file at the PennDOT District 4-0 office.B. Time of Operation:The operator will be on duty seven (7) days per week, during the daylight hours, as much time as is required (minimum of one hour per day) in performing routine duties, the daily, weekly, and yearly duties, and to maintain the treatment plant in compliance with the monitoring and discharge requirements of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. PA0035629. The operator will also be available “on call” all other times as needed in case of an emergency. The operator must have a pager and cell phone as methods for contact in the event of an emergency. The pager and cell phone numbers must be available to the District Roadside Specialist and remain on file at the PennDOT District Office. Upon arrival at the site, the operator must sign the attendant’s master diary in the attendant’s office. No additional monies will be paid for “on call” hours.C. Duties and ResponsibilitiesOperation of the wastewater system will also include maintaining the sewer line between the rest area building and the treatment plant and opening any blockages in the line.The operator will furnish all lubricants, tools, testing apparatus and chemicals required for proper systems operation and monitoring.The operator will be responsible for complete operation of the system including equipment inspection, routine maintenance, sludge pumping and removal, plant performance evaluation, process control testing, system adjustments, minor repairs, daily data collection, record keeping discharge water quality testing, and monthly discharge monitoring report preparation and submission.When any system failure or major mechanical breakdown occurs, the operator is to evaluate the situation and immediately notify the Department of the incident and the corrective action. Major repairs and mechanical replacement will require Department authorization.The contractor will be responsible for grass mowing inside the treatment plant fenced perimeter. The Safety Rest Area employees are prohibited from performing lawn maintenance, weeding sand filter beds and all other duties listed in the specifications pertaining to the operation of wastewater and/or drinking water system.D. Waste Treatment Restrictions:The sewage treatment plant is for the sole purpose of treating sewage generated by the buildings to which it is directly connect. Waste from another PennDOT rest stop facility may be allowed at the facility, however, express written permission is required prior to accepting of the waste. If the contractor knowingly allows the introduction of influent from any other source, it will be cause for immediate cancellation of this contract the difference in cost between the canceled contract and the subsequent award will be assessed against the noncompliant contractor. In addition, the noncompliant contractor will be liable for any fines, penalties, expenses or costs of any other nature which may accrue from the introduction of outside influents to the plant or from the processes of contract cancellation and re-award.All rest areas are open 24 hours per day. The failure of any water or wastewater system effectively eliminates the reason for the rest area existence. Immediate and uninterrupted attention to any failure is mandatory. Proof that the most expeditious source of supply for parts is being pursued will be required when work on system restoration is interrupted. A list of all suppliers contacted may be required by the District Engineer. The contractor must provide sufficient personnel, in-house or subcontracted, as approved by the District Engineer, to accomplish uninterrupted repairs. Liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per hour following the third hour of interrupted service will be assessed for the failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph.E. Wastewater SystemThe contractor shall conduct effluent water quality testing in accordance with the minimum measurement frequency for each discharge parameter designated in the discharge permit. It will be the operator’s responsibility to analyze and record all parameters requiring daily monitoring. Discharge monitoring reports (DMR) are to be properly completed, signed by the operator, and submitted to the Department of Transportation and The Department of Environmental Protection within 28 days after the end of each monthly report period. It will be the responsibility of the operator to prepare and submit to DEP all noncompliance reports as required by the permit. In the event the Department receives a violation notification from DEP the operator will be asked to either prepare, or contribute to the preparation of reply correspondence.The contractor shall have an authorized manufacturer’s representative calibrate and certify the flow meter operation at least once each year and shall provide a written schedule of when these events will take place during the year. The contractor shall submit documentation (copy of invoice) indicating when the services were performed along with the name and certificate number of the certifier. The flow meter shall be labeled with the certification number and date of certification.F. Equipment and MaterialsThe contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment and materials required for daily maintenance and plant operation, process control testing and sample collection. The equipment and materials shall include but are not limited to, dissolved oxygen meter, ph, colorimeter, hose, lubricants, tools, sampling and testing apparatus and reagents.The contractor shall also furnish all required chemicals for proper system operation in maintaining plant discharge within permit compliance. The chemical supply will be incidental to the operation lump sum cost and will include, at a minimum, the following:* Disinfection* Sodium hydroxide* Alkalinity and pH Adjustment* Caustic soda, lime magnesium hydroxide or other appropriate chemical.* Bioaugmentation* Microorganisms (As needed to enhance bacteria enzymes in.Removal efficiency of the liquid or dry form.biological systems)G. Wastewater Discharge Sampling and TestingThe contractor shall collect composite wastewater samples and arrange for laboratory test analysis of all parameters, in accordance with the testing requirements and frequency indicated in the discharge permit. Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall be those contained in 40 CFR Part 136 (Code of Federal Regulations), or alternate test procedures approved pursuant to that part.Discharge sampling and testing is required each month in accordance with the DEP permitting requirements, except for total residual chlorine, dissolved oxygen and pH, which are to be measured and recorded daily. Samples shall be collected and analyzed within the first two weeks of every month. Effluent samples must be collected and analyzed within the first seven calendar days of each month. Upon receipt of test results, the operator shall review each parameter discharge concentration for permit compliance. Should any parameter exceed the permit’s average discharge concentration value, immediately take corrective operational action followed by the collection and analysis of a second sample for the noncompliant parameter. The results of the second analysis shall be incorporated with the previous values and a new monthly average concentration computed for permit compliance evaluation. Again, should the average concentration exceed the permit limit, repeat sampling and testing procedures as required to bring all parameter average discharge concentrations within the permit limits. For each collected and analyzed sample the contractor shall be responsible for recording the following information as required under Part A, paragraph II E of the discharge permit.*The exact place, date, and time of sampling or measurement*The person who performed the sampling or measurement*The dates the analyses were performed.*The person who performed the analyses*The analytical techniques or methods used.*The results of such analyses.All test results, along with the required recorded information, shall be typed on the testing laboratory letterhead and forwarded to the Department, along with each month’s discharge monitoring report. In the event that a split sample is required by the department, the contractor will provide all the sterilized vessels necessary for collecting the sample.Acquisition of samples will be conducted in the presence of the system operator, District Roadside Specialist or assigned representative. The contractor will notify the appropriate individual in advance as to the scheduled day and time for sample collection.On the second, and all subsequent occurrences where the contractor has failed to follow the testing and reporting procedures as outlined above, a $500.00 liquidated damage assessment will be made for each occurrence.H. Discharge Monitoring Reports and Violation NotificationsMonthly monitoring results shall be summarized and reported on the discharge monitoring report (DMR) included in the permit. In addition the contractor will be required to complete a supplemental monitoring report of daily records for submission to the Department of Transportation. The contractor shall submit the DMR to the Department at the following address within the first week of the following month.Pennsylvania Department of TransportationEngineering District 4-055 Keystone Industrial ParkDunmore, PA 18512Attn: Bill Fives, Roadside Specialist.Copies of the DMR shall be submitted to the EPA Regional office listed in Part A, Paragraph II B of the permit and the following Department of Environmental Protections Office:PA Dept. of Environmental ProtectionWater Management Program2 Public SquareWilkes-Barre, PA 18701-3296All DMR’s shall be prepared in typewritten form. All incomplete or hand printed reports will be returned for revision and subsequent resubmission. The contractor shall comply with the discharge permit non-compliance reporting procedures and shall give comment and explanation of any violation where indicated on the DMR form.In the event the Department receives a notice of discharge violation for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the plant operator will be required to prepare, or contribute to the preparation of reply correspondence. Should DEP request a field or office meeting as a result of discharge violations, the plant operator shall accompany the Department, and be prepared to explain the cause of the violation and present the intended corrective actions for compliance. Response preparation or meeting attendance will be incidental to the contract bid price.I. Sludge DisposalThe contractor shall be responsible for the pumping and disposal of waste activated sludge resulting from the treatment process. The contractor shall maintain sludge production and disposal records. Sludge disposal must be at a Department of Environmental Protection approved site and performed in accordance with applicable DEP rules and regulations. The contractor must submit the sludge hauler’s invoice as well as the vendor’s disposal site, certification number and Form M-609 (Daily Roadside Activity Report).J. TestingIt will be the responsibility of the contractor to conduct or arrange for all necessary testing as outlined in the specifications at no additional cost to the Department. Subletting of any testing procedure will not relieve the contractor of any responsibility under this contract, including testing lab certification and report filing requirements. Operation of Water Supply Systems A. GeneralThe rest area water supply systems are designated as transient, non-community public water supply systems, and have been issued the following Public Water Supply Identification Numbers:Site 39 – PWS2400828Site 53 – PWS2400829Site 54 – PWS2400830The operator must be familiar with Pennsylvania’s Safe Drinking Water Act and the Title 25 PA Code Chapter 109 regulations and have operation and maintenance experience in similar small groundwater systems.The contractor shall be responsible for the complete operation and optimization of the water supply system. Duties shall include performing routine and minor repairs and equipment inspections; preparing disinfection solution; adjusting chemical feed rates for maintaining adequate residuals; and maintaining adequate system pressure.The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and performing all required sampling and water quality testing for the safety rest area water supply system in accordance with the current Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), chapter 109, Safe Drinking Water Rules and Regulations, as pertaining to transient non-community systems.The contractor shall conduct ph and disinfection residual monitoring during each daily site visit and make system adjustments accordingly. A daily log of chlorine residual readings must be maintained and be readily available.B. Time of Operation: The operator will be on duty five (5) days per week, during the daylight hours, as much time as is required (minimum of one hour per day) in performing routine duties, the daily, weekly, and yearly duties, and to maintain the treatment plant in compliance with the monitoring and discharge requirements of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. PA0035629. The operator will also be available “on call” all other times as needed in case of an emergency. The operator must have a pager and cell phone as methods for contact in the event of an emergency. The pager and cell phone numbers must be available to the District Roadside Specialist and remain on file at the PennDOT District Office. Upon arrival at the site, the operator must sign the attendant’s master diary in the attendant’s office. No additional monies will be paid for “on call” hours.C. Certification RequirementsThroughout the duration of the contract, the contractor shall retain the services of a qualified water-testing laboratory to perform required analyses. The laboratory shall have Department of Environmental Protection’s certification for analytical procedures in microbiology and inorganic chemicals in accordance with the current update of Subchapter H, Chapter 109, Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act (35 P S 721.1 – 721.17). Prior to award of the contract, submit a copy of the laboratory certification.D. Methodology and General Sampling RequirementsPerform sampling and testing procedures in accordance with analytical techniques approved through the Department of Environmental Protection’s Certification guidelines and as referenced in the “EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastewater” or the approved edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”.Furnish sterilized containers and collect all routine, supplemental and check samples as required. Preserve samples and transport to the laboratory for analysis.Pack all samples, subject to off-site testing, in ice or mechanically refrigerate to 4 degrees centigrade immediately following collection. Maintain temperature until laboratory testing in required containers, preservation techniques, and holding times are specified in Table II of 40 CFR 136.Have tests for coliform bacteria conducted within 24 hours of sample collection. Perform nitrate and nitrite analysis within 48 hours of sample collections.E. Required Analysis, Testing Frequency and MethodologyUpon receipt of laboratory test results exceeding the maximum contaminant level, the contractor will notify the Department. At such time, it will be the responsibility of the operator to immediately shut down the drinking water supply, post a public notice in the building, send a copy of the notice to the appropriate DEP district office notifying them of the situation, inspect the system for possible sources of contamination and proper operation of the disinfection equipment and begin check sampling procedures. The contractor will be responsible for collecting check samples and having the sample analyzed by a DEP certified laboratory each day until two consecutive samples show negative results. At that time the operator will remove the public notices and open the drinking water supply to the public.The contractor shall conduct sampling and analysis for total coliform bacteria once per month and perform nitrate and nitrite testing once each year. Fecal coliform analyses shall be performed as required following a positive total coliform bacteria test result.In the event of a positive total coliform bacteria test result, follow all required notification procedures and testing protocol for conducting check sample tests (4 tests) in accordance with DER, Chapter 109 Safe Drinking water Rules and Regulations. In the month following a positive coliform sample, perform five (5) routine total coliform bacteria tests. When coliform bacteria exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL) in a drinking water sample, immediately notify the District Roadside Specialist at the above number and report the occurrence and post notification prior to contacting DEP. If the Roadside Specialist is not available, then notify the respective county Maintenance Manager.F. Reporting and NotificationSubmit copies of the drinking water results to the Department of Environmental Resources (DER Form SDWA-1) within 10 days following the end of the quarterly monitoring period. Forward the report forms to the following address:PA Dept of Environmental ProtectionBureau of Water supply and Community Health2 Public SquareWilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790Phone – 570-826-2532All verbal and written regulatory agency notification shall be made through the above address. Within one hour of receipt of a positive coliform test result, notify the following Department representative. Submit copies of all regulatory agency test result submissions to the same individual at the following address as well.PA Dept. of TransportationEngineering District 4-055 Keystone Industrial ParkDunmore, PA 18512Attn: Bill Fives, Roadside Specialist (570) 963-4016The following is a sample public notification, which is to be posted if the maximum contaminant level for coliform bacteria is exceeded during any month’s testing.NOTICEThe Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reports that the water supply at this facility, Safety Rest Area Site #xx, xxxxxx County exceeded the allowable level for coliform bacteria as determined through our monthly water sample testing conducted on (mm/dd/yy).To prevent any current health hazards, the Department of Transportation has temporarily discontinued use of the drinking water supply at this facility. The problem is being investigated and disinfection procedures are being performed in order to prevent this situation from reoccurring.The Department of Environmental Protection has been notified of the situation and check sampling has begun. The drinking water supply system will be returned to operation following receipt of two (2) consecutive acceptable samples.This public notification by the Department of Transportation is in compliance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act.SPECIFICATIONS PIKE COUNTY FACILITIESA. Description of WorkThe Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, herein referred to as the “Department”, requires complete maintenance and emergency services for the Pike County Welcome Center’s water and wastewater pumping stations located along westbound Interstate 84 in Westfall Township, Pike County and the drinking water and wastewater system at Interstate 84 rest areas located in Pike County, referred to as Site 61, I-84 Eastbound, Promised Land, and Site 62, I-84 Westbound, Promised Land, between exits 20 and 26.Contract services include, but are not limited to, performing all necessary routine preventive maintenance procedures; supplying the required chemicals; performing minor repairs and providing emergency response services. B. Maintenance of Pumping Stations, Matamoras Welcome Center1. GeneralThe contractor shall provide maintenance personnel having the proper skill and experience in maintaining wastewater pumping station and knowledge of pump and control systems. Maintenance should be carried out in a manner to prevent emergencies or unscheduled shut-downs.2. Time of OperationThe operator will be on duty seven (7) days per week for wastewater treatment plants and five (5) days per week for water treatment testing, during the daylight hours, as much time as is required (minimum of one hour per day) in performing routine duties, the daily, weekly, and yearly duties, and to maintain the treatment plant in compliance with the monitoring and discharge requirements of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. PA0060348. The operator will also be available “on call” all other times as needed in case of an emergency. The operator must have a pager and cell phone as methods for contact in the event of an emergency. The pager and cell phone numbers must be available to the District Roadside Specialist and remain on file at the PennDOT District Office. Upon arrival at the site, the operator must sign the attendant’s master diary in the attendant’s office. No additional monies will be paid for “on call” hours.3.Equipment and Materials(a)The contractor shall furnish all necessary tools, materials and lubricants required for daily routine maintenance and equipment servicing. The contractor shall be equipped with, or have or immediate access to, a portable winch for lifting and removing pumps.4.Wastewater Pumping System Description(a)The sewage pumping station is a 5 ft. diameter pre-cast concrete wet well having a total volume of 558 gallons and an effective volume of 264 gallons. The wet well is equipped with two 5 hp, 460 volt, 3 phase submersible grinder pumps controlled by mercury float switches. A pump disconnect rail system is provided for pump removal.(b)The pumping station is supplemented by a Davis Industries Bioxide system for odor control and removal of hydrogen sulfide in the wet well and discharge force main. Included with the system are two chemical feed pumps, a feed controller and a 4,000 gallon underground Bioxide solution storage tank. Bioxide solution is not considered incidental to this contract and will be paid for as a material contingency item.5.Duties and Responsibilities(a)The contractor shall conduct regularly scheduled visit, once per month, for Site K to inspect the sewage lift station’s wet well and mercury float switches; test pump controls; and check pumps for proper operation. (b)Check for accumulations of grit on the wet well floor and grease on the sidewalls and perform regular cleaning procedures. Once each month, draw down the water level in the wet well and clean the sidewalls and tank bottom by flushing with a high pressure water discharge, making certain that the hosing is effective. Flush the mercury float switches and pump disconnect rail system as well.At each visit, test the operation of the automatic float controls and alarm functions and manually start each grinder pump to ensure proper operation. Perform all necessary preventative maintenance including the removal of the pumps as may be required to clear jams or fibrous material from the pump cutters.Annually replace the rotary cutter and the stationary shredding ring or cutter on each grinder pump.During each site visit, check the dual Bioxide chemical feed bellows pumps and control unit to ensure proper operation. Verify pump calibration and timer settings.Check the chemical solution storage tank liquid level and leak detection monitor.Make adjustments and or repairs as may be necessary to maintain proper system operations.C. Operation of Wastewater Treatment and Water Supply System Promised Land FacilityGeneralThe contractor will furnish a sewage treatment plant operator (Class D-1 minimum), certified by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), to operate and maintain the extended aeration wastewater treatment facility in compliance with the monitoring and discharge requirements issued under the water Quality Management Permit No. PA 0060348. This monitoring is for seven (7) days per week, in addition, the contractor shall provide and designate a back-up operator to be responsible for operation when the lead or chief operator is not available. The operator must be familiar with the DEP rules and regulations pertaining to non-community water supply systems and will have previous experience in operating similar water supply systems. Operation of the wastewater system will also include maintaining the sewer line between the rest area building and the treatment plant and opening any blockages in the line.The operator will furnish all lubricants, tools, testing apparatus and chemicals required for proper systems operation and monitoring.The operator will be responsible for complete operation of the system including equipment inspection, routine maintenance, sludge pumping and removal, plant performance evaluation, system adjustments, minor repairs, daily data collection, record keeping and monthly discharge monitoring report preparation and submission.When any system failure or major mechanical breakdown occurs, the operator is to evaluate the situation and immediately notify the Department of the incident and the corrective action. Major repairs and mechanical replacement will require Department authorization.Employees of the Prime Contractor who operate and maintain Safety rest area building and grounds are not permitted employment by the subcontractor responsible for the operation of wastewater and/or drinking water systems. Safety Rest Area employees are prohibited from weeding sand filter beds and all other duties listed in the specifications pertaining to the operation of wastewater and/or drinking water system.The sewage treatment plant is for the sole purpose of treating sewage generated by the buildings to which it is directly connected. If the contractor knowingly allows the introduction of influent from any outside source, it will be cause for immediate cancellation of this contract. The difference in cost between the canceled contract and the subsequent award will be assessed against the noncompliant contractor. In addition, the noncompliant contractor will be liable for any fines, penalties, expenses or costs of any other nature which may accrue from the introduction of outside influents to the plant or from the processes of contract cancellation and re-award.All rest areas are open 24 hours per day. The failure of any water or wastewater system effectively eliminates the reason for the rest area existence. Immediate and uninterrupted attention to any failure is mandatory. Proof that the most expeditious source of supply for parts is being pursued will be required when work on system restoration is interrupted. A list of all suppliers contacted may be required by the District Engineer. The contractor must provide sufficient personnel, in-house or subcontracted, as approved by the District Engineer to make required repairs for uninterrupted service. The contractor will be responsible for grass mowing inside the treatment plant fenced perimeter. The Safety Rest Area employees are prohibited from performing lawn maintenance.Wastewater SystemThe contractor shall conduct effluent water quality testing in accordance with the minimum measurement frequency for each discharge parameter designated in the discharge permit. Discharge monitoring reports (DMR) are to be properly completed, signed by the operator, and submitted to the Department of Transportation and The Department of Environmental Protection within 28 days after the end of each monthly report period.It will be the responsibility of the operator to prepare and submit to DEP all noncompliance reports as required by the permit. In the event the Department receives a violation notification from DEP the operator will be asked to either prepare, or contribute to the preparation of reply correspondence.The contractor shall have an authorized manufacturer’s representative calibrate and certify the flow meter operation at least once each year and shall provide a written schedule of when these events will take place during the year. The contractor shall submit documentation (copy of invoice) indicating when the services were performed along with the name and certificate number of the certifier. The flow meter shall be labeled with the certification number and date of certification.Water Supply SystemUpon receipt of laboratory test results exceeding the maximum contaminant level, the contractor will notify the Department. At such time, it will be the responsibility of the operator to immediately shut down the drinking water supply, post a public notice in the building, send a copy of the notice to the appropriate DEP district office notifying them of the situation, inspect the system for possible sources of contamination and proper operation of the disinfection equipment and begin check sampling procedures. The contractor will be responsible for collecting check samples and having the sample analyzed by a DEP certified laboratory each day until two consecutive samples show negative results. At that time the operator will remove the public notice and open the drinking water supply to the public.TestingIt will be the responsibility of the contractor to conduct or arrange for all necessary testing as outlined in the specifications at no additional cost to the Department. Subletting of any testing procedure will not relieve the contractor of any responsibility under this contract, including testing lab certification and report filing requirements. Sampling and Testing of Wastewater and Drinking WaterA. DescriptionThis work will consist of taking samples and performing the required test analyses for Department water supply and wastewater treatment facilities as indicated and located in the attached facility tabulation sheets.B. Certification RequirementsThe testing laboratory will operate under and maintain for the duration of the contract a valid certification from the US Environmental Protection Agency and/or the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to perform microbiological analysis of drinking water.C. Required Analysis, Testing Frequency and Methodology1. Site specific testing requirements are indicated on the attached facility tabulation sheets and will include analysis of any or all of the following parameters.Wastewater (Effluent)Five days Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD)Suspended SolidsFecal ColiformPhosphorusAmmonia NitrogenDissolved OxygenChlorine ResidualWaterTotal Coliform - MonthlyNitrate (three-year intervals only).2. Wastewater sampling and testing will be performed twice each month. Both effluent samples must be collected and analyzed within the first seven calendar days of each month. All laboratory results shall be reported to the Department within eight days following the second effluent sample. Drinking water will be sampled and tested once each quarter. 3. Sampling and analyses will be performed in accordance with analytical techniques of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection guidelines and as referenced in the most current approved edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.”4. Upon receipt of the test results, the treatment plant operator, or person responsible for preparing the monthly discharge monitoring report, is to review each analyzed parameter for compliance with the facility’s discharge permit limits. Should any parameter exceed the permit’s average discharge concentration value, immediately take corrective operational action followed by the collection and analysis of a second sample for the noncompliant parameter. The results of the second analysis shall be incorporated with the previous values and a new monthly average concentration computed for permit compliance evaluation. Should the average concentration exceed the permit limit, repeat sampling and testing procedures as required to bring all parameter average discharge concentrations within permit limits.D. General Sampling Requirements1. All samples, subject to off-site testing will be packed in ice or mechanically refrigerated to bring the temperature to four degrees Centigrade immediately following sampling and shall be maintained at that temperature until laboratory testing is Required containers, preservation techniques, and holding times are specified in Table II of 40 CFR 136.2. In the event that a split sample is required by the department, the contractor will provide all the sterilized vessels necessary for collecting the sample.3. Acquisition of samples will be conducted in the presence of the system operator, District Roadside Specialist or assigned representative. The contractor will notify the appropriate individual in advance as to the scheduled day and time for sample collection.E. Reporting and Notifications1. Prepare laboratory test results reports in typewritten form. Incomplete reports will be returned for completion and subsequent resubmission.2. Where applicable the laboratory will also report drinking water test results directly to the appropriate Department of Environmental Protection county Office listed On the Facility Tabulation Sheets. DEP reports will be made only for those water supply facilities having public water supply (PWS) identification numbers.3. All report forms, including copies of those sent to DEP will be submitted no later than the last day of each month to the following address:Pennsylvania Department of TransportationEngineering District 4-055 Keystone Industrial ParkDunmore, PA 18512Attn.: RoadsideTelephone number (570) 963-40164. When coliform bacteria exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL) in a drinking water sample, immediately notify the District Roadside Specialist at the above number and report the occurrence and post notification prior to contacting DEP. If the Roadside Specialist is not available, then notify the respective county Maintenance Manager.F. Safety RequirementsAll work will be conducted in a manner to insure the preservation of property and to permit uninterrupted normal day to day operations of department facilities. The contractor will comply with the latest DEP an OSHA safety regulation when entering confined spaces. All work will be performed in accordance with governing Federal, State and local laws and regulations.The following is a sample public notification which is to be posted if the maximum contaminant level for coliform bacteria is exceeded during any month’s testing.NOTICEThe Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reports that the water supply at this facility, (Safety Rest Area/Welcome Center, Site # ,xxxxx County) exceeded the allowable level for coliform bacteria as determined through our monthly water sample testing conducted on (mm/dd/yy).To prevent any current health hazards, the Department of Transportation has temporarily discontinued use of the drinking water supply at this facility. The problem is being investigated and disinfection procedures are being performed in order to prevent this situation from reoccurring.The Department of Environmental Protection has been notified of the situation and check sampling has begun. The drinking water supply system will be returned to operation following receipt of two (2) consecutive acceptable samples.This public notification by the Department of Transportation is in compliance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act.**NOTE – Pre-Bid Mandatory Meeting January 14, 2019 10:00 am. Location – Site 62 I-84 West, Pike County near MM25.** ................

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