Marketing “5 P’s about marketing”

[Pages:38]Marketing "5 P's about marketing"

Topic: Marketing - 5 P's about marketing Level: 15-18 Duration: 90 minutes No of Students: NA

Learning Goals

? Learn the P's in marketing ? Apply the P's with examples

Materials/ Equipment

? Projector & Computer

Methods/ Techniques

? Teacher explains the P's with an example ? Groupwork/brainstorm ? Placemat + groupwork

Lesson plans ? Marketing


Marketing "5 P's about marketing"

Assumptions/ Prerequisites

? No previous knowledge required

Procedure/ Lesson Development

Motivational Activity

Why do you buy ...? Examples of typical features of a product. Baselines, logo's, music, advertisement, special products

Main Body/ Development of Concept

Product: does it acclompish a need? Look at all the features of the product. Quality, function, name, shape, colour, reputation, other kinds, warranty, service ... Price: setting the price, price segment, conditions, methods, discount, special actions Place: ways to distribute, ways to sell, logistics, how does it cover the market?, indirect sale and direct sale Promotion: PR, advertising, sales organisation and promotion, merchandise, joint ventures People (employees): qualities, culture, management

10 min. 30 min.

Lesson plans ? Marketing


Marketing "5 P's about marketing"

Example of Coca Cola


? Name is an alliteration (sounds good) and is easy to pronounce in the whole world ? Unique bottle, ? Logo that everyone would recognise ? Function: sweet and refreshing ? Secret formula ? Slogans are famous: Enjoy? Always Coca Cola! Open Happiness ? Problems: makes fat. Solution: Coca Cola Light ? Zero + sponsor sportcompetition (association with health and performance ? Bottle: different per country ? Light, Zero, Lime, cherry, vanilla coke, coca cola life: all different kinds => sell more ? Bigger range = sell more (more than 120 products) ? Reputation: mystery because of formula, happiness


? Penetration strategy: low price = for everyone ? Sell low to break a concurrent (cuttthroat competition) ? Very slow rising the price ? Discount ? Some companies always give discount, some almost never do ? Depends on the place: bar or shop (fixed pricing mostly)


? Distribution ? Soda machine ? Retail, on every corner

Lesson plans ? Marketing


Marketing "5 P's about marketing"

? Exclusive contract with Mc Donalds ? Only indirect sale (Coca Cola doesn't sell to the consumer directly)


? Famous advertising ? Campaign with truck with Christmas (people think the invented Santa ? A lot of merchandise ? Joint venture with Bacardi; advertise togheter. Coco Cola to compete drinks with alcohol, Bacardi to sell more ? Social media: Facebook ...Life is for sharing ? keep the product attrative

Extra: process + physical evidence (for services)

Process: perception of the product/service, buying and consumptionprocess

Physical evidence: reviews, experiences, environment and recommendations


Pupils work in groups on a product an present it

Evaluation/ Assessment

Apply the P's on X, Y or Z


? None

Lesson plans ? Marketing


30-50 min.

Marketing "Gantt's Chart: as a key to planning a stand"

Topic: Marketing - Gantt's Chart: as a key to planning a stand Level: A2 Duration: 90 minutes No of Students: 20

Learning Goals

? Students learn to plan operations in a group. ? They also learn to draw up a schedule of operations in the form of the Gantt's chart in Excel spreadsheet. ? Afterwards, they compare effects of their planning and evaluate accuracy of planned operations.

Materials/ Equipment

? Computers with Internet access ? Excel file with the Gantt's chart or printed PDF file with the Gantt's chart (to be downloaded from the following internet site

Methods/ Techniques

? Group work ? Discussion ? Presentation ? Demonstration

Lesson plans ? Marketing


Marketing "Gantt's Chart: as a key to planning a stand"

Assumptions/ Prerequisites

? No previous knowledge required

Procedure/ Lesson Development

Motivational Activity

'None of us is as smart as all of us' Ken Blanchard

Group work is a huge challenge. In order to meet the challenge, it's essential to organize the work of the whole group well. The following tips, which you should bear in mind when working at a particular task in a group, should be of help:

? Set goals of your programme precisely ? Determine the prize for achieving the goal ? Designate the leader ( coordinator ) of the entire project ? Decide what you need to achieve your goal ? Pick appropriate means and methods thanks to which you will achieve the task ? Plan all your activities in time ? make a schedule of your activities ( including budget of the project ) ? Be prepared to perform all the tasks ? Achieve your plan ? Summerise your activities and account for the budget ? Celebrate the fact of having achieved your goal and enjoy the prize

5 min.

Lesson plans ? Marketing


Marketing "Gantt's Chart: as a key to planning a stand"

Main Body/ Development of Concept

Teacher explains the task

Today, we are going to focus on planning activities, meaning point 6 of the above tips . Your task will be to plan the preparation of the corporate stand for school fairs (Tip for the teacher: the teacher may set students carry out a plan of another project, eg. a class trip, a school play, project activities). You will work in groups of four. You have one month for doing all the activities connected with constructing a stand. Start today.

The schedule called the Gantt's diagram (Gantt's chart) will help you plan all your activities. You should prepare it in Excel spreadsheet (attachement # ...) or on printed Gantt's diagram cards.

The teacher discusses the Gantt's diagram

Students open the Excel file with Gantt's chart ( on their computers ) or get printed Gantt's diagram from their teacher. The teacher explains students the structure of the diagram and the way students should fill it in. Teacher can do it following the example given in the Excel file in position # 1.

Teacher stresses the fact that students should take into account as many activities in their project as possible. At the same time, they should define them precisely and divide them between all the company members. Also, they should choose appropriate material resources for its construction. Moreover, they can't forget about financial aspects connected with construction of the stand such as setting the budget and final calculation of the entire project. What they also have to do is to plan reasonably the dates of particular activities as well as the order in which they should be executed. Each person responsible for a given activity is assigned a different colour.

Teacher presents the rules all students have to follow during cooperation:

1. listen actively and attentively 2. don't disturb someone else's statement 3. show respect towards others 4. don't criticize others

10 min. 10 min.

Lesson plans ? Marketing


Marketing "Gantt's Chart: as a key to planning a stand"

Students carry out Gantt's diagram

Teacher displays supplementary questions during students' work. Those questions will let students choose appropriate activities necessary to present their company during fairs:

1. What are we going to present at our stand? 2. Who's going to be our customer during fairs? 3. What do we have at our disposal at the stand: stand dimensions, walls, counter, lighting, sound,...? 4. What materials will be used for the stand construction? 5. What should our stand look like? 6. What promotional materials of our company will be presented? 7. Who will represent our company at the stand? 8. How much money can we allow for the stand construction?

Students may mutually evaluate soundness and accuracy of prepared schedules.


Groups present their Gantt's diagrams (Each of the 5 groups has got 5 minutes for their presentation)

30 min. 25 min.

Lesson plans ? Marketing



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