Assignments for the week of April 13th- April 18th

Assignments for the week of April 13th- April 17th

Hi everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Easter with your family! I’m sure you all know by now that the governor made the announcement that schools in Pennsylvania will not be returning to school for the remainder of the year. I think we were all hoping that things would go back to the way they were. I’m sure you all want to see your friends, play outside on the playground, sit at the lunch table with your classmates, go to specials, etc. But we still need to try and make the best of things. Here are the new Art activities for the week…I hope you enjoy. And remember I MISS YOU ALL!

Kindergarten/ Mrs. DeNinno/ Ms. Preslock: Colorful Chameleons


1. First, place your drawing paper horizontally (sideways). A 9 x 12 size paper would be a great size for this activity…but any size will do.

2. Using a pencil, draw the provided step by step drawing of chameleon (below). Note: Remember to draw lightly so you won’t see your erase marks. Also, try and draw really BIG…your chameleon is important!

3. Now its time to think about your background! Maybe you have your chameleon on a tree branch like the picture shows or maybe you want to pick something totally different? Maybe your chameleon is on a rock, at the beach, in the jungle, having a picnic, at a carnival, at a sports game, etc? Maybe your background does not show a place…maybe it’s decorated with polka dots, colorful hearts, different sized circles, emoji’s, spring flowers, the alphabet, a rainbow of lines, etc? Is your chameleon eating something? Maybe he is snacking on a fly, a strawberry or even a cheeseburger?

4. Now it’s time to color! Try and pick colors really special to you when coloring your chameleon. Maybe a pattern of your favorite colors…such as yellow, grey, yellow, grey? Maybe you want to think back to our ice cream painting lesson with Primary (Red, Yellow, Blue) and Secondary (Purple, Green, Orange) colors? Maybe it is a combination of your family’s favorite colors? You may color your drawing with crayons, markers, colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk, paint, or a combination of these materials. Note: Remember to take your time coloring so you do not color over your details. HAVE FUN!


1st grade: Create a board game

I know many of you probably have been playing a lot of card games and board games with your family…at least I have. Maybe you are tired of the one’s you have? So, let’s create A NEW ONE.

Card games:

Maybe you want to create a card game like the game Memory but with pictures that are important to YOU? For example, maybe your cards show the sport(s) you play? Maybe they are of your favorite movie, cartoon, video game, or T.V. show? Maybe they are of things that represent your family? Maybe they are of your favorite foods? Just remember to make your cards all the same size! You may color them with crayons, markers, colored pencils, or a combination of these materials. Note: Remember to take your time coloring so you do not color over your details. HAVE FUN!

Board games:

Maybe you want to create a board game? If so, I would use the biggest paper you have. Maybe this game has a start and a finish? Maybe it has ladders that allow you to move to different areas of the game? Maybe you are creating a new BINGO game that shows pictures rather than numbers? You may color your game with crayons, markers, colored pencils, or a combination of these materials. Note: Remember to take your time coloring so you do not color over your details. HAVE FUN!

Drawing games:

Maybe you want to create a drawing game? Maybe it uses dice? Maybe each number on the dice means that you have to draw something different? For example, you can play the game Roll a funny face.

The number one means to: draw a face shape

The number two means to: draw eyes

The number three means to: draw a nose

The number four means to: draw a mouth

The number five means to: draw ears

The number six means to: draw hair

The first player to draw all the parts of a funny face WINS!

*This game can be adapted to anything that has 6 parts.


2nd grade: King and Queen of Hearts

I know many of you probably have been playing a lot of card games and board games with your family…at least I have. So, I thought drawing a King and Queen of Hearts would be appropriate. Why did I pick a Heart and not a Diamond, Club or Spade? Well, because it’s always good to spread a little LOVE…


1. First, place your drawing paper vertically (tall). A 9 x 12 size paper would be a great size for this activity…but any size will do.

2. Using a pencil, draw a border around your drawing paper. Try to make it even all the way around… so if you have a ruler that would be great! Note: You can continually peak at the visual below at any time, if unsure.

3. Now it’s time to start drawing the face. Inside your boarder, start by drawing a letter U. Next, close off the top part of your U with a straight line. Next, turn that straight line into your crown. Does your crown have any gems on it? If so, draw them. Note: Remember to draw lightly so you won’t see your erase marks. Also, try and draw really BIG…your King/Queen is important and should fill most of the inside space!

4. Draw your facial details such as your eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, eyebrows, eye lashes, and hair. For my Queens, you should draw some curls down one side or both sides your head. For my Kings…you should draw a mustache (with curls at each end), a beard and/or goatee.

5. Now it’s time for your body. All you need to do is draw two diagonal lines (facing outward) from the bottom of your face to the edge of your boarder. This will act as your King/Queen cloak (like a cape or gown). Now, we know Kings and Queens are Royal… and always look their best… your cloak needs to be fancy. How can you make your cloak fancy? Maybe it’s in the colors you use (metallic colors such as gold)? Maybe it’s the design on it (a special pattern)? Maybe your cloak has fur or gem stones?

6. Finally, in the upper left-hand corner (outside of your boarder),

(Boys) draw a capital K with a heart right below it

(Girls) draw a capital Q with a heart right below it to represent

7. Now it’s time to color! You may color your drawing with crayons, markers, colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk, paint, or a combination of these materials. Note: Remember to take your time coloring so you do not color over your details. HAVE FUN!


3rd grade: James Rizzi buildings

James Rizzi was a famous Pop artist who was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. His neighborhood of tall buildings, busy streets, taxi cabs etc, can be seen in many of his colorful paintings. Rizzi is best known for his child like art, especially his brightly colored buildings with animated faces and sharp black outlines. Rizzi always tried to show fun and happiness in his art. Here are some of his works!




1. First, place your drawing paper horizontally (sideways). A 9 x 12 size paper would be a great size for this activity…but any size will do.

2. Using a pencil, draw rectangles on your paper. Make sure you make them different heights. Some buildings should come up past the middle of your paper (Please see the top left drawing of the visual).

3. Add triangles and circles to your building to make them look more fancy (Please see the top right drawing of the visual).

4. Add funny faces to your buildings (Please see the bottom left drawing of the visual).

5. Draw windows and doors to your buildings (Please see bottom right drawing of the visual). Also, add details to your picture. Is it day or night? What does the weather look like outside? Is there anything flying in the sky?

6. Now it’s time to color! You may color your drawing with crayons, markers, colored pencils, oil pastels, chalk, paint, or a combination of these materials. Note: Remember to take your time coloring so you do not color over your details. HAVE FUN!

*This visual should be used as a reference to this Art activity. Your drawing should not look exactly like the visual….try and make it your own!



4th grade: Amazing Animal Art

For this Art activity, you will need to find a colored animal/insect picture and create a black and white background for it. Below are a few examples to get your mind thinking! Try and think outside the box! HAVE FUN!!


1. Find a picture of an animal or insect and CAREFULLY cut it out. When looking for a picture, look through old photographs, computer images, old magazines, newspapers, etc. It is best to find a colored picture but if you can’t… black and white photos will work too!

2. Think about what you want your animal/insect’s background to be. Do you want your overall artwork to be funny, cute or believable?

3. Now, let’s get a game plan! Look at your drawing paper; place your picture down where you would be gluing it. Next, think about what you would exactly draw and where would you draw it? Note: It’s always good to practice drawing your ideas on a separate sheet of paper before it’s time to draw on your good paper!

4. A 9 x 12 size paper would be a great size for this activity…but any size will do. Glue your animal/insect onto your drawing paper. Remember to use small amounts of glue…you don’t want it to look messy.

5. Using a pencil, draw the details to your background. Remember to draw lightly, so you do not see any unwanted lines.

6. When you are all finished drawing, trace over all your pencil lines with a black marker. Be carefully not to smudge anything!


5th grade: Lets’ give a hand to….

For this activity, you will need to try and come up with as many designs as you can to fill in each section of your paper. The goal is to NOT repeat any! Below is a visual to get your mind thinking! HAVE FUN!!


1. Using a colored sheet of paper, trace your hand and part of your wrist. Remember to trace slowly, so you do not have “sausage” fingers!

2. Cut out your hand. Remember to cut slowly and carefully…you don’t want it to look like a shark got it!

3. A 9 x 12 size paper would be a great size for this activity…but any size will do as long as your hand fits. Glue your hand to a different colored sheet of paper. Try your best to line up your wrist to the edge of the paper. Also, remember to use small amounts of glue…you don’t want it to look sloppy!

4. Using a fine point black marker, draw wavy lines to create a crisscross design over your entire paper (see visual below). Try not to smooch them to close together! Remember, the more wavy lines you draw, the more designs you will need to come up with. My suggestion is to draw 4 wavy lines in each direction to create your crisscross design.

5. Still using a fine point black marker, draw a different design in each section. Try not to repeat any.


6th grade: The Circle Game

I know many of you probably have been playing a lot of card games and board games with your family…at least I have. So, I thought a drawing game would be appropriate for this week’s activity. This game can be played with as many members as you want! HAVE FUN!!


A 9 x 12 size paper would be a great size for this game…but the bigger… the better. Look around your house for a circle tracer. Try and pick the perfect circle for the size paper you are using…you want to fit a lot of circles on your paper. Draw as many circular designs as you can in 30 minutes. Search your visual memory files for every circular image you can! Think of both natural and human-made designs! Game participants should decide before playing whether designs must strictly adhere to a circle (like a round pizza or a round button) or if you can add to the circle (like the planet, Saturn or a Christmas ornament). At the end of 30 minutes, determine the winner by either: Who has the most designs? OR Who has designs that no one else thought of?


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