|Unit: _Non-Fiction Reading and Writing (How-To and All About) Units |

|Grade:____3rd__________________ |

|Desired Results for the Unit |

|GOALS (What are our relevant goals for this unit?) |

|Readers… |

|learn they can read to be informed |

|learn to read in such a manner that they find the main idea and supporting information in an expository text |

|learn to use their prior knowledge to help them understand what they are reading |

|learn they can pursue questions, ideas and interests through reading |

|learn to develop their ideas with their partners by using particular phrases to extend their thinking |

|learn they can teach others what they’ve learned about their topic |

|OUTCOMES OF UNDERSTANDING (To achieve our goals, what understandings will be needed?) |ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (What essential questions will focus our goals, stimulate conversation, and guide our|

|READING: Students will understand that… |actions?) |

|A sense of importance- a clear idea of what matters most, what is worth remembering | |

|A Revision of One’s Knowledge- forgoing previously held knowledge/beliefs in favor of updated factual | |

|information | |

|A need to Reread & Revise Thinking- the desire to revisit, reread, or explore other texts in order to | |

|learn more about a concept | |

|A Sense of General Order of Chronology- understanding the order or progression of a series of events | |

|New Applications- the ability to retain and reapply newly learned concepts in new settings and | |

|circumstances | |

|Confidence- the ability and propensity to discuss and contribute to others’ knowledge about a concept | |

|Fascination- a growing sense of wanting to know more, a developing passionate interest in a particular | |

|topic or idea | |

|Affirmation of Beliefs- reaffirmation of existing beliefs/values/opinions and/or developing new ones | |

|because of what we’ve read | |

|Making Connections- the realization that newly learned concepts “fit” with and extend existing background | |

|knowledge, and make sense in relation to what is already known; they affirm our existing knowledge | |

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|Assessment Evidence |

|CULMINATING PROJECTS AND PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF LEARNING: |INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS: (What are the key observable indicators of short and long term progress? What data |

| |should be collected?) |

|WRITING: |Responses to reading |

| |Turn and talk discussions |

|Students write a How-To using a topic they know best. |Conferencing |

|Students study a topic and write an All About Book using the information they discovered/learned. | |

|Resources |

|UNIT RESOURCES: (What materials and resources are needed to support this unit?) |STUDENT RESOURCES: |

|How-To books | |

|All About books | |

|Graphic Organizers/Templates | |

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|WEEK 1: |Nonfiction readers explore and sort |How to approach a how-to book |Sequence in How – To |Visualizing / act steps out How-To’s |Reread to clarify |

|READING: |books based on features |CCS 1 |CCS 3 & 4 |CCS 3 |In How-To’s |

|HOW-TO |CCS 1 |*CHART* | | | |

| |(same/different) |-- What do you notice? | | |*Student’s write How-To as |

|Immersion | |- different than non-fiction | | |Assessment Piece to inform teaching|

|(3 Day immersion of |informational |- text features, structure, | | |of mini How-To unit |

|how-to books) |biography |materials | | | |

| |narrative non-fiction |-HW: Bring in how-tos | | | |

| |- how - to | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|WEEK 2: |Nonfiction readers use prior knowledge |Nonfiction readers use prior |Nonfiction readers approach a |Nonfiction readers study pictures to |Nonfiction readers look between |

|READING: |to get themselves ready to read. |knowledge to help make sense as they |nonfiction text expecting to be |gather more information. |the text and the picture to help |

|Immersion |CCS 1 |read. |informed about a particular subject. |CCS 1 |them make sense of what they read.|

|All About Books | |CCS 2 |(narrative vs. expository) | |CCS 1 |

| |KWL chart | | | | |

|*writing | | |-Use the title and the cover. | | |

|How-To | | |-Look at the first few pages. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |CCS 7 | | |

| | | | | | |

|WEEK 3: |Nonfiction readers use text features to|Nonfiction readers revise their |Nonfiction readers create sections to |Nonfiction readers use section headings|Nonfiction readers read to find |

|READING: |figure out the meanings of words. |understanding of a text’s subject as |help hold on to information. |to direct their reading. |the main idea and supporting |

|All About |CCS 5 |they ask and answer questions by |CCS 7 |CCS 7 |details. |

| | |reading on. | | |CCS 2 & 5 |

| | |-Good readers ask questions and read | | | |

| | |on to find answers. | | | |

| | |CCS 6 | | | |

|WEEK 4: |Nonfiction readers reread to comprehend|Readers read to find out what |Nonfiction readers use text features to|Nonfiction readers integrate |Nonfiction readers question and |

|READING: |what they’ve just read using supporting|happened and why based on specific |figure out the meaning of words and |information on a page. |identify the author’s purpose for |

|All About |details to support the main idea. |information in a text. |keep a glossary of new words. |-Read 2 or more books on the same |writing a text. |

| |CCS 1 & 8 |Cause and Effect |CCS 5 |subject. |CCS 6 |

| | |CCS 3 | |CCS 9 | |

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| | | | | | |

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|WEEK 1: |Students create ‘how-to’ lists of |Students create ‘how-to’ lists of |Students sketch the chronology of their|Revising |Features of how to writing |

|WRITING: |topics they can teach someone about |topics they can teach someone about |how to books. |Students check the directions they |- pictures, diagrams, labels |

|How-TO | | | |wrote with your partner. | |

| | | |Students share steps with a partner. | | |

| | | |-HW: Students write steps to match |Students ask themselves “what’s | |

| | | |their pictures. |missing?” | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|WEEK 2: |Other revising strategies: |Edit |Publish |Publish |Publish |

|WRITING: |-visualize to check to make sure all | | | | |

|HOW-TO |steps are there | | | | |

| |-procedural words | | | | |

| |-caption/labels | | | | |

|WEEK 3: |Students will understand “real reasons”|Students will self-direct their |Students will identify possible sources|Students will learn note-taking |Note Taking – extension lessons |

|WRITING: |to write a report by using literary |learning by choosing a topic for |they can use to research their |strategies. | |

|All About |models, and will identify narrative |report writing. |identified topic. |Connections: | |

|*China books* |informational text. |• Classroom Topics of interest chart |Connections: Discuss sources they are |Share with students that authors who | |

| |Connection: Remind students that |•”Real Reasons’ to write reports |familiar with already. |write informational text organize their| |

| |non-fiction models are used to assist |chart generated by students in Lesson|Teach: Chart types of resources they |information by sub topics before | |

|Resources: |students with their own report writing.|1 |are familiar with and those that are |beginning their research. Show examples| |

| | |• Copies of “Topic” strategy sheet |new resources |from specific texts. Tell students that| |

|(TC: |Teach: Chart: “Reasons to write |for every student |Include in chart: |is very important to take good notes | |

|writing book |informational text” |Connection: Guide students to narrow|School library |when collecting information as they are| |

|(lower grades) |Possible things to include in the |their topic by asking themselves: |Public Library |reading their sources. Good notes can | |

| |chart: |“What do I want to know more about?” |Class Library |help you remember facts and sources of | |

|NF: informational |To give information about a subject |or “ I am interested in learning more|Video Documentaries |information, and help them enrich their| |

|text writing packet) |To communicate information in different|about...” |World Wide Web |informational writing. | |

| |ways/styles |Teach: Model for the students your |Interviews |Mini Lesson | |

| |To gain knowledge about a personal |own selected topic on a chart using |Share with students how these resources|• Create a chart with students about | |

| |interest |the strategy sheet. |support your teacher selected topic |what good note taking is. | |

| |To find answers to questions about a |It is critical that you use think |discussed in lesson 3. |• Teacher models notetaking using her | |

| |topic |aloud to support students in making |For example: “ In my research of China,|own topic from lesson 3. | |

| |Active Involvement: Student groups look|independent writing connections. |I found 2 books in our school library. |• Write the facts that pertain either | |

| |at and read a variety of informational |Active Involvment: Students commit to|The public library had this additional |to your subtopic (notetaking activity | |

| |texts from the classroom library. Using|a topic as they complete the “Topic” |book. On the internet, I found …” |sheet) or questions you may have | |

| |post-it notes, write noticings(features|strategy sheet. |Active Involvement: Students begin |generated. | |

| |of text) which should be about author’s|Link: Students share their work from |search in classroom library, school | | |

| |style, kind of information, variety of |the “Topic” strategy sheet in pairs |library, Internet, etc. |Active involvement: | |

| |topics, illustrations, pictures, table |or triads. |Link: Students share the different |• Have each student fill out one of the| |

| |of contents, glossary etc. |Conference with students who are |sources they have collected so far and |note taking activity pages. | |

| |Link: Students share noticings they |having difficulty making a |interesting information that they have |• After gathering a number of facts | |

| |wrote on post-it notes. Notes can be |self-directed decision on choosing |learned about their topic. |that answer their questions, they can | |

| |posted on a chart for future reference |topic. Select 3 or 4 students to |As students share, remind the class |put the facts into complete sentences | |

| | |share with the whole group. |that if they come across a source that |for their report paper. | |

| | | |someone else can use to let them know. | | |

|WEEK 4: |Students will write an introduction to |Students will understand how to |Students will be introduced to the |Students will demonstrate an |Students will learn how to include|

|WRITING: |their informational text piece in a |connect their thoughts from one |purpose and the process of using |understanding of closure or endings in |detailed drawings in their |

|All About |simple, concise, interesting and |sentence to the next so that their |paragraphs in their writing. Students |informational text. They will realize |informational reports. |

|*China books* |creative way. |writing shows a smooth and logical |will organize their ideas into |its relevance and discover that the |Connections: Review with the |

| |Connections: Revisit the good |flow of ideas. |paragraphs and use a topic sentence to |ending is the part that stays with the |students how authors use visuals |

| |introductions chart used for narrative |Connections: The flow of clear ideas |initiate their main idea at the |reader when he or she is finished. |(maps, drawings, pictures, photos |

|Resources: |writing. Ask students if the attributes|is important in informational text as|beginning of each paragraph. |Connections: As writer’s, ending a |etc,) to enrich and support the |

| |would differ for informational writing.|well as in any form of writing. |Connections: Remind students of the |piece is the most difficult, partly |information they are providing the|

|(TC: |If so, how? Point out that this |Connecting a thought from the |importance of thinking in paragraphs in|because we run out of things to say or |reader. Share with students that |

|writing book |lesson’s focus will be on introductions|previous sentence is one way to do |order to organize their information. It|write. As students read their pieces, |drawings are important in |

|(lower grades) |for informational writing. |this. |is easier and more inviting for the |some will seem like they have run out |informational reports. They should|

| |Teach: Begin by reading an introduction|Teach: Show students an excerpt from |reader to understand the information |of gas and come to a halt without a |think about how drawings in books |

|NF: informational |from one of the selected resources. Ask|selected texts that illustrate how |being read. |true closing in mind. |or reports help you the reader. |

|text writing packet) |students to share if the author has |authors connect their ideas through |Teach: Show on the overhead or give a |Teach: Read the ending pages of the |Ask students why it is easier or |

| |instilled interest for them to continue|their sentences creating a flow of |copy of the prepared excerpts to the |books listed in the materials needed. |more effective to get information |

| |reading the rest of the article. |ideas |students. |Ask students what the authors did to |across through a drawing. |

| |Discuss why. We are going to talk about|Active Involvement: In partner groups|Allow students to read both versions. |bring closure to their piece. |Teach: Read The Great Kapok Tree |

| |introductions and the impact they have |have students discuss the flow of |Let them discuss the difference in |Discuss and chart findings. We are |or similar text of your choice to |

| |on the reader. |ideas that exist in each sentence |clarity between the readings. |going to discuss closures and the |illustrate how drawings support |

| |Active Involvement: Distribute |and/or paragraph in sample texts. |Discuss their reflections about both |impact they have on the reader. |informational text. Ask students |

| |informational books, magazines etc. |When they return to their desks they |pieces of writing. |Demonstrate how an author can close a |to pay close attention to the |

| |with different types of introductions |should reread their piece and revise |Remind students of the purpose for |piece of writing by summarizing, |drawings. Let students share |

| |for students to peruse. Does it grab |as appropriate to ensure a logical |paragraphing. |creating an image, a reflection, a |specific noticings related to each|

| |their attention? Is it creative and |flow of ideas. Conference with |Paragraphs give the reader clarity and |quote or an interesting fact not yet |drawing and the context it |

| |interesting? Discuss with partners and |students to achieve a coherent, |order to what is being read. |mentioned in the story. |supports. |

| |as a whole group; share what makes the |logical written piece. |Active Involvement: Show on the |Active Involvement: Distribute |Chart noticings. |

| |introduction creative and interesting. |Link: As the students continue their |overhead the excerpt written as |informational books, magazines, etc. |What did you notice about the |

| |Chart these attributes of effective |informational writing they should be |continuous text. Allow students to |with different types of closure for |drawings? Where are the |

| |introductions. |vigilant that a flow of ideas exists |Partner-Talk by discussing their |students to peruse. Students will work |illustrations/photos most helpful?|

| |Link: Students will create or revise |between each sentence and paragraphs.|impressions as they read the |with a partner to discuss the types of | |

| |the introductions to their | |information. After giving feedback on |endings and how they connect to the |Active Involvement: Ask students |

| |informational writing pieces. Remind | |the format and on the understanding of |topic. Have students write a “try it” |to think how they will teach or |

| |students to refer to the good | |the piece, have students work with a |closing in their Writer’s Notebook. |inform the reader of the facts and|

| |introductions chart. | |partner to separate the text into |Link: Students are to examine their |details they have learned through |

| | | |paragraphs and underline or point out |piece and consider ending their writing|their own research. Let them share|

| | | |the topic sentence. Now show the second|with a summarization of the topic, a |with a partner. |

| | | |text written in paragraph form. Discuss|quote, a story, an image, or an |Link: Students will now have the |

| | | |and compare their work to that of the |interesting fact. |opportunity to revisit their |

| | | |author’s. | |content and insert (drawings, |

| | | |Link: Students will reread their | |photos, illustrations etc) into |

| | | |writing and organize their | |their writing. Conference with |

| | | |informational writing around specific | |students to become aware of where |

| | | |ideas/subtopics as paragraphs. They | |the drawings best support their |

| | | |will add a topic sentence if one is not| |writing. |

| | | |available for each of their paragraphs.| | |

|WEEK 5: |Students will learn how to include |Students will develop an |Students will learn how to identify and|Students will work with a partner to |Students will identify terminology|

|WRITING: |captions that support graphics |informational report rubric using the|remove extraneous information from |help edit their writing piece. |in their topic that may require |

|All About |(detailed drawings, illustrations, |attribute chart. |their piece by deleting unnecessary |Connection: |definition by creating a glossary.|

|*China books* |photos, maps etc) in their |Connections: |parts that the reader already knows. |Remind students that all published |Connection: There have been many |

| |informational reports |Review with students how rubrics have|Connection: Explain to students that |books go through a process of adding |times we come across new words in |

| |Connections: Remind students that as |guided and supported their writing so|nonfiction writing has to make a |and changing information (revision and |nonfiction that we are not |

|Resources: |they have been looking at different |far. Go over some specific supportive|connection between three essential |editing) in order to make it better and|familiar with. There is a place in|

| |informational texts, a specific feature|features the Narrative rubric |elements: the writer, the topic and the|get it closer to publication. Students |the text , book or report that |

|(TC: |such as captions, is almost always |contained. |reader. The reader agrees to continue |should be familiar with this process |helps us understand the meaning of|

|writing book |evident and has great importance in |Teach: |reading so long as the writer keeps the|from their narrative writing or other |those words. Remind students that |

|(lower grades) |informational writing. Captions |• Teacher and students will create a |reader interested and teaches them |writing genres. Writers go to other |glossaries were one of the |

| |specifically support the text by giving|Informational Report writing Rubric. |something new about the topic. Share |writers to get help editing their |features we noted in nonfiction |

|NF: informational |additional inforamtion. |The informational attribute chart |with students that the informational |writing pieces. Explain to students |text writing. |

|text writing packet) |Teach: Show several samples of |will be a mayor component in the |books that most draw our attention are |that they too will have an opportunity |Teach: Discuss how nonfiction |

| |informational text captions from the |development of this rubric. |those with new information. This is |to talk with a peer author to help them|authors help readers understand |

| |collection of materials. Point out how |• Ask students to look at all the |what students should strive for! |edit their piece. |unfamiliar words by providing the |

| |the captions describe or provide |charts that are related to |Teach: Make a transparency an |Teach: |meaning of the words in a |

| |additional informational support to |informational report writing and |informational text excerpt of your |Brainstorm and create an editing |glossary. Show students specific |

| |each graphic. |observe the categories that the |choice. Discuss how new facts build |checklist with students. Record their |examples with informational texts |

| |Active Involvement: Allow students to |rubric has been divided into. |interest for you the reader. Highlight |suggestions on chart paper. |with glossaries. Share that the |

| |work in pairs or triads. Let them |• Ask them to list what constitutes a|or underline the facts new to you. |Possible responses: |words found in a glossary help |

| |peruse available informational texts in|“4” and then a “3” etc. Being |Sometimes young writers include in |Editing Checklist |readers understand their meaning. |

| |your classroom. Let them discuss their |specific with the middle two levels |their informational writing, |___ spelling errors |Point out that the definitions in |

| |findings on the role the captions play |is difficult for students, and a |information that they previously knew |___ periods |glossaries are simple and short |

| |in the texts they are reading. Discuss |consensus should be reached with a |or they repeat some information. Use a |___ exclamation points |and based on the contextual |

| |as a whole group students’ |majority of students agreeing. |transparency of an informational text |___ question marks |meaning in the text. Using your |

| |observations. Share a few examples. |Active Involvement: |excerpt to model how extraneous |___ commas |own piece (if you have been |

| |Link: Ask students to begin writing |• For this lesson, all students will |information affects the reader’s |___ capital letters |writing along with your class) or |

| |captions that will support their |be active participants in the |interest. Model by using brackets |Active Involvement: Have students work |a student’s draft, model |

| |selected graphics chosen for their |development of the rubric. |around information that makes the |in pairs and look at their piece |determining which words should be |

| |report from the previous lesson. | |reader say “ Yeah, yeah, I already knew|together. Remind students to refer to |put into a glossary. |

| | | |that!” |the editing checklist. Have them look |Active Involvement: Students will |

| | | |Active Involvement: Have students work |for one thing from the chart at a time.|revisit their piece with a partner|

| | | |in pairs and read the piece to each |Partners are to write editing |to determine which words will be |

| | | |other again. Students will now work on |suggestions on a post-it. |part of their glossary. |

| | | |the |Link: Students will return to their own|Link: Students will create a |

| | | |rest of the excerpt. Instruct students |writing and edit their drafts using |glossary for their informational |

| | | |to bracket information that the reader |partner’s suggestions. Choose some |text. |

| | | |already knows. |students to share the editing changes | |

| | | |Link: |that they made to their drafts. | |

| | | |Students reread their own writing and | | |

| | | |think about parts that the reader might| | |

| | | |already know. They should delete those | | |

| | | |parts. Explain to students that this | | |

| | | |does not make their piece shorter, | | |

| | | |instead it gives them a chance to | | |

| | | |provide more interesting facts. | | |

|WEEK 6: |Students will publish and celebrate |Table of Contents |Publish |Publish |Publish |

|WRITING: |their nonfiction writing. | | | | |

|All About |Connection: Remind students that they |(TC session 8) | | | |

|*China books* |have previously published in other | | | | |

| |writing genres. | | | | |

| |Emphasize that as writers, our goal is | | | | |

|Resources: |to produce a polished piece. | | | | |

|(TC: |Teach and Active Involvement: | | | | |

|writing book |Remind students of the importance of | | | | |

|(lower grades) |being careful not to make mistakes as | | | | |

|NF: informational |they transfer their information from | | | | |

|text writing packet |their final draft to their published | | | | |

| |copy. | | | | |

| |Link: Students will publish their | | | | |

| |piece. | | | | |


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