Lesson Plan

|Lesson Plan |

|Understanding by Design (UbD) Design Unit |

|Grade/Subject: |4th Grade Language Arts/Social Studies/Science |

|Title: |Writing Activity for Charlotte’s Web, Power Point Activity on Farms |

|Teacher(s): |Miss Dana Purcell |

|Length of Time – Unit: |2nd 9 Weeks of School (3 days spent on the writing activity, 5 days spent on the Power Point) |

|Date the Unit was reviewed: |N/A |

|Summary of the Unit: |In this unit, students will write a paper chosen from several topics involving “Charlotte’s Web”. They will |

| |also work in groups to complete a Power Point about farms and their importance. |

|Stage 1 – Desired Result |

Georgia Performance Standards

|Number |Title of Content Standard |

|ELA4C1 |The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the |

| |appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats. |

| | |

|ELA4W1 |The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, |

| |maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. |

|ELA4W3 |The student uses research and technology to support writing. |

|ELA4W4 |The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. |

|S4L1 |The student will describe the roles of organisms and the flow of energy within an ecosystem. |

National Standards

|Number |Title of Content Standard |

|NL-English |Communication Skills |

|K-12.4 | |

|NL-English |Communication Strategies |

|K-12.5 | |

NETS Standards

|Number |Title of Content Standard |

|3 |Technology productivity tools…. |

| |Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. |

| |Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and |

| |produce other creative works. |

|Understandings: | |Essential Questions: |

|Students will understand or know how to… | |Unit concepts that reside at the heart of the subject. Ex. What was |

|{Learning outcomes} | |the position of the characters in this story? |

|1. We read to gain knowledge that helps us to understand ourselves | |1. How can reading help us to explore and understand our world? |

|and our world. | |2. Why does expanding our vocabulary enhance our reading competency? |

|2. Reading expands our horizons and gives us pleasure. | |3. What does it mean to be a critical reader? |

|3. Critical readers break down parts of the text to understand what | |4. Why should we defend our opinions when we critique text? |

|an author is saying. | |5. How can the same events be viewed differently by different authors |

|4. Effective readers are able to defend their opinions and their | |using differing perspectives and points of view? |

|critique of text. | |6. How can we tell when we are becoming independent and critical |

|5. Reading helps us to understand different perspectives and points | |readers? |

|of view about universal issues and topics. | | |

|6. As we develop more complex reading skills, we become increasingly| | |

|independent and critical readers. | | |

| | |1. Why do we write for a variety of purposes? |

|3. Reading and writing are interdependent: through reading we | |2. How can we be sure our audience understands what we write? |

|construct meaning and through writing we express it. | | |

|4. We write for many reasons, including to clarify our thoughts, | | |

|inform, persuade, and entertain our audience. | | |

|Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

Rubric for Performance-Based Assessment


|Areas of |Excellent |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |

|Evaluation | | | |

|Follows directions & Works |3 |2 |1 |

|cooperatively with group on Power | | | |

|Point | | | |

|Completes Rough Draft of Writing |3 |2 |1 |

|Activity | | | |

|Completes Final Draft of Writing |3 |2 |1 |

|Activity | | | |

|Completes checklist for Power Point|3 |2 |1 |

|and Writing Activity | | | |

|Helps with presentation of Power |3 |2 |1 |

|Point to classmates | | | |

|Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Task: The students will complete a writing assignment by composing a business letter. They will write a letter to Mr. Arable from Fern asking|

|him to let you keep Wilbur OR write a letter to Mr. Zuckerman from Fern persuading him not to kill Wilbur for Christmas dinner. Next, the |

|students will research farms and their importance. Then, each group will create their own PowerPoint about farms. |

|Process: (List instructional steps for unit) |

|The students should read chapters 1-10 in Charlotte’s Web. |

|A template for writing a business letter should be written on the board. (For an interactive review of this, students can visit |

| ) |

|The students will then write a letter to Mr. Zuckerman to convince him not to kill Wilbur at Christmas time OR a letter to Mr. Arable from |

|Fern convincing him to let her keep him as a pet. (Or another approved writing topic) |

|Once the students have written the letter on paper and proofread it, they will trade with a partner to make corrections and adjustments. |

|The students will type their letter on the computer. |

|Students can make font, style, and stationary changes and add clip art. |

|The papers should then be printed out. |

|The students will then trace the pig on pink construction paper, cut the pig in half, and glue the letter in between the two halves of the pig|

|cutout. Their completed checklist must be turned in. |

|Students will be divided into groups to research the importance of farms in classroom resources and via the internet. They will be allowed to |

|research during the entire social studies block for two days. |

|They will be shown sample PowerPoints from several sites, such as and |

| . |

|Students will be given a checklist detailing the exact directions for how the PowerPoint should be designed and one group member is in charge |

|of checking off tasks. (Number of slides, graphics, amount of information about farms) |

|Each group will present their farm PowerPoint to the class. |

| |

| |

|Resources/Materials: (List items) |

|“Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White |

|Computers with Internet and Microsoft Word & Power Point Accessibility |

|Paper, pencil |

|Pink construction paper and traceable pig cut out |

|Books, magazines, other resources about farms |

|References: |

| |

| Charlotte’s Web Project |

| Lesson plan activities adapted from Julie Raasakka, 4th grade teacher, |

|Seminole County Schools, Florida. |

| Essential parts of a letter, interactive review. |

| Lesson plan activities adapted from Harris, Karr, and Zirkle. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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