4th Grade Newsletter and Homework

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|First Grade Newsletter |

|November 2020 |

|Friendly Reminders |

|Please look carefully through your child’s binder that will be sent home each day. |

|Please read with or have your child read to you for 20 minutes each night. |

|Dates to Remember |

|November 6th RES Fun Run |

|November 10th Virtual Veteran’s Day Program |

|November 11th: Veterans Day Holiday (NO SCHOOL) |

|November 19th : Progress Reports sent home |

|November 19th: Thanksgiving Lunch for First Grade |

|November 25th through November 27th: Thanksgiving Holidays (NO SCHOOL) |

|Teacher Talk |Reading: |Math: |

|[pic] | | |

|Dear Parents, |Phonics Skills: |Addition Strategies: |

| |Week 1: Long o and u with final e |Making a ten to add (using a ten frame) |

|We are looking forward to a fabulous month of learning |Week 2: Final e Soft c |Review addition strategies including doubles facts, |

|during the month of November. We will be doing a lot of fun|Week 3: Final e Soft g |doubles plus one and doubles minus one |

|activities and reflecting on those things we are thankful |Week 4: Review Long Vowels | |

|for. The first grade teachers are thankful for all of your | |Subtraction Strategies: |

|support at home. |Comprehension Skills: |Counting back |

| |Week 1:Main topic and key details |Using addition to subtract |

|Thank you, |Week 2: Sequence Details – identify character, |Using 10 to subtract |

|First Grade Teachers |setting, problem and solution |Breaking apart to subtract |

| |Week 3: Main topic and key details with increasing | |

|[pic] |complexity |Geometry: |

| |Week 4: Review comprehension skills |Composing larger shapes from smaller shapes |

| | | |

| |We will continue to work on sight words |Data: |

| |in addition to the skills listed above. While reading|Organizing and interpreting data with 2 categories |

| |from the basal reader we will also be reading | |

| |decodable books which will be sent home for | |

| |additional practice. | |

| |Language Arts: |Social Sciences: |

| | |Identify rights and responsibilities of citizens |

| |Week 1: Contractions with not, verbs and commas in a |(voting) |

| |series |Compare the way people lived in the past and present |

| |Week 2: Plurals, present tense verbs, capitalize and |(ex. types of apparel, types of communication, types |

| |underline titles |of primary sources) |

| |Week 3: Inflectional endings: -ed and –ing, past and |Construct calendars and timelines including events |

| |future tense verbs and commas in a series |that happened in the past and things that take place |

| |Week 4: Review past, present and future tense verbs |in the present (ex. Veterans Day and Thanksgiving) |

|Wish List: |

|Clorox Wipes Kleenex Colored Copying Paper Paper Towels |







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