Create Your Classroom Routines


Guidelines, Procedures & Additional Information

4th Grade Classroom

Guidelines, Procedures & Additional Information

Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _________

Consistency, Consistency, Consistency! The key to success! We will practice and tweak guidelines that help us all to stick together! It’s important to have predictable situations where we all know the guidelines and procedures. Use this checklist as a guide during our discussions and demonstration. In the long run, establishing how we operate as a class team will increase our time learning and educational enjoyment. Fourth grade is a transitional year from learning how to read to reading to learn. We are all in this together - parents, teachers and you! So let’s go, go, GO!

Class Guideline (rule)

We respect ourselves, others, and the property around us!

(That covers it all; it’s our true north.)

_____ Rewards

• The joy of learning each day

• Increased and improved skills

• Gained knowledge

• Personal satisfaction and high self esteem

• Sense of teamwork and feelings of pride

_____ Consequences

1st Warning Verbal, Post-it note, Eye Contact, or Signal

2nd Warning Verbal, Post-it note, Eye Contact, or Signal

3rd Warning Private discussion with teacher; options/decision?

Severe Disruption: TBD (To be determined)


• Clear Your Head Time

• Parent Notification

• Discontinuing participation in activities

• Visit to the office

• After school detention

• Other

_____ Incentives

• Class: “Fourth Grade Rocks” Program

o Each time the class works superbly as a team to achieve a set class goal (which varies) a rock will be placed in the class jar. Examples of this would be lining up quietly in the hallway while waiting for our class to start or all students are ready for class with their homework out and all materials on time. When the level of the rocks reaches the “smiley face” point, the class will be rewarded based on a class decision. Some reward examples are:

1. Homework Pass

2. Have-A-Healthy Snack Day

3. Movie and Popcorn

4. Other Ideas from Students

• Individual: “Choice Enrichment” Program

o If you have turned in all of your homework and your behavior is on-target at school for the week (no detentions, cooperative, mannerly, following the class guidelines), you will earn the opportunity to attend an educational enrichment period called “Choice Enrichment”. Your teacher will have activities listed that you can choose to participate in. A few examples of activities: read a selection of your choice, drawing, make an illustration on the blackboard using colored chalk, visit selected Internet sites like Study Island on the computer, play a pair or group game like math bingo, chess, checkers, work with gears, etc.

o If you have not earned the opportunity to participate in the “Choice” period, that’s okay. You have a chance the next week to start fresh. Instead of attending “Choice”, you will have the opportunity to finish any missing work for credit. Keep in mind finishing missing work during this period is not a punishment. It is a chance to improve your skills and academic performance.

• Ongoing Incentives (otherwise known as “extra credit”)

o Bonus questions on class work, during discussion, on quizzes/tests

o Challenge assignments extended from lessons

o Enrichment work



_____ Lining Up

What is expected when waiting in line in the hallway?

(Wait in a single file line quietly outside of your classroom. We wait in a single

file line so other “traffic” runs smoothly in the hall. It is not okay to be squished

together in line because that leads to problems. Give each other personal space to

stand, especially if you have your backpacks on.)

_____ Entering the Classroom

What is the expectation for when and how students enter the classroom?

(Enter our classroom quietly and it’s always nice to hear a greeting at the door. Say “hello!”. Then go to your seat, take the chair down quietly and safely, put your backpack on your desk, get out your homework pad, homework folder, notes, lunch, and anything else needed. Talk quietly until it is time for your turn to go to the closet and hang up your backpacks.)

_____ Backpacks

How should students hang up their backpacks?

(Hang up your backpack in your assigned closet.)

_____ Lunch Boxes

Where should students put their lunch in the morning so they are easily accessible for lunch?

(The lunch you bring in from home goes in the class bucket. Remember to place your lunch order if you need to buy a lunch.)

_____ Notes from Home

Where should students put notes from parents?

(Give any notes from home directly to your teacher.)

_____ Morning Set Up

(You need to get yourself ready for the school day. Sharpen pencils, have your homework pad out on your desk with the “Homework” folder and “Notes to Home” folder inside of it, complete your job or have a seat at your desk. It is okay to talk quietly. It is not okay to keep walking around the room.)

_____ Student Courses

Math 2 periods daily

Language Arts 2 periods daily (Spelling/Grammar & Reading/Writing)

Library 1 period weekly

Science 1 period daily

Social Studies 1 period daily

Skill Advancement Instruction 2 periods weekly (L.A./Math)

“Choice Enrichment” Class 1 period weekly

Physical Education 2 periods weekly

Art 1 period weekly

Music 1 period weekly

Computers 1 period weekly

Spanish 1 period weekly


_____ Water Bottles

Where will student keep their water bottles during the day?

(Label water bottles with your initials or you may not use it in class. Line up water bottles on the window ledge. Water bottles are not to be at your desk because accidents happen and we need to take care of all of our materials. Drinks are permitted in between classes - be timely. For health reasons, any water bottles found without a name will be discarded.)

_____ Homework

Where should students put their homework? How will you check homework?

(Keep homework in your homework folder along with your homework pad until it’s needed for each class unless otherwise directed. Homework will be checked daily. Any incomplete, slipshod, or missing homework will be entered as a zero. You are still responsible to participate in class during daily homework review. You need to remember to turn in the work to the Inbox the following day for half credit. If all work is not turned in, you will have the opportunity to complete work during “Choice Enrichment” for credit. Periodically, assignments will be collected and graded. Completing homework regularly will improve your overall homework and subject grade.)

_____ Missed Homework Assignments

How and where do students get homework assignments they missed due to an absence?

(Your parent/guardian can contact the office in the morning of an absence so a homework sheet can be made for you and sent home with materials at the end of the day. Check your teacher’s website for homework assignments. But really, if you are not well—rest and feel better. You can make up the missed assignments if you are sick – following our school’s policy - Absent 1 day = 1 day to make up work.)

_____ Class Work

What are the teacher’s expectations for class work?

(Your class work needs to be turned in at the time designated by your teacher during the school day. You will learn time management strategies to help you improve if this is an area you need to work on. Of course your teacher is a fair and most understanding person should circumstances warrant other consideration. But, the purpose of class work and going through the working process is for you to become more experienced and skilled at completing work timely. When you finish your work, your teacher can determine if you understand the concept or if you need extra help. You will keep your class work in your Class work folder, which will stay in your desk.)

_____ What do I do when I’m through?

What should students do when they complete assignments early?

(Your teacher will guide you as to what to do when you are all through. A list of options to choose from might include silent reading, working on , reviewing x’s flash cards, or activity packets.)

_____ Asking for Assistance/Getting Teacher Attention

Will students be able to ask other students for help? Raise your hand?

(Direction for assistance will vary with lessons; hands on activities in comparison to taking notes or tests. How to proceed with questions will be addressed as part of the lesson the teacher gives.)

_____ Writing Name on Work

How should I write the heading on all of my work?

(Write your heading like this on your assignments:

Bugs Bunny (Yes, always in script!)


4-1 or 4-2

Subject and Assignment (Math-pages 28-30 odds only)

_____ Snacks

What will your procedure for snack be?

(Time is not allotted in the 4th grade schedule for snack time.)

_____ Transitions From Seats to Group Work and Vice Versa

How do your students move in the classroom between periods or group work?

(Move upon signal from the teacher in a quiet, orderly, timely manner to where you need to be. Try not to dilly-dally! ( That means have your materials ready and get started. Specific instruction for particular lessons will be reviewed and you’re responsible for knowing what to do. Remember, fourth grade rocks!)

_____ Pencil Sharpening

When will students sharpen pencils? How will they know when they can sharpen pencils?

(Sharpen your pencils when you arrive in the morning, in between class periods, and at dismissal time. Make sure you have at least 2 pencils sharpened. Only 2 people by the sharpeners at a time. Please do not get up during discussion or the middle of class to sharpen your pencils since the electric sharpeners are noisy. They disrupt others’ concentration.)

_____ Getting More Materials

When and where may students get more materials (paper, scissors, books, etc.)?

(Your supply bag should be with you in the desk you are sitting at containing all stationary type of supplies like rulers, pencils, etc. Additional paper is available in your classroom. Depending on the lesson, you will be given direction should you need more materials. Sometimes it is more efficient if the Administrative Assistants pass materials out. During the school year, you will have to replenish your materials bag.)

_____ Classroom Jobs

Will you have classroom jobs?

(You will have a classroom job assigned for a period of time, and you will work with a classmate or two to complete it. We will discuss how to partner up and the cycle. The Occupational Titles and Responsibilities will be listed on the bulletin board and we will review this together.)

_____ Homework Assignments

When and where will students write down their homework assignments? Will parents have to sign off on homework?

(You will receive a homework pad most generously provided by our Home and School Association. That pad is CRUCIAL to your success. You will record all assignments in your homework pad and it’s also provides as communication between your teacher, you and your parent/guardian. You will highlight in yellow any missed assignment so your parent/guardian knows the assignment was not turned in and so you can remember to do it for the next day. All homework will be written on the board so you can copy it down. Your teacher will check then initial homework pads daily to make sure you wrote everything completely and accurately. It’s suggested that your parents/guardians check your homework pad and actually see the work you are turning in nightly or as frequently as possible. Your parents don’t need to correct your homework, but can assist you, of course, if you need help. The purpose of homework is for you to practice completing the work and learning how to do it independently. It is also a form of memory retention. In order to remember information long-term, students need to see the information 7-11 times. From time to time there may be some work or notes requiring a parent signature.)

_____ Bathroom

What will your bathroom procedure be? Will you go as a class? Have students sign out and in? What are procedures if you have a bathroom in your classroom?

(You are trustworthy 4th graders and your teachers respect your privacy in the matter of using the bathroom. Although there is a bathroom in the classroom, it will be used for emergencies. Otherwise, get up, and go when necessary. It is not in your best interest, nor mannerly, to leave while directions are being given or if the teacher is talking to the class. More appropriate times to leave are in between classes and during independent work. Sign out, use the bathroom by the Art room, and return promptly/quietly. Only one student at a time may use the facilities. If it seems there is a misuse of this privilege, it will be addressed by the teacher and possibly revoked.)

_____ Cell phones, iPods, Nooks/Kindles or other Electronic Devices

What are your expectations regarding the use of these devices in your classroom?

(It is not recommended that you bring expensive electronic devices to school. If you have a cell phone, it needs to be turned off and kept in your book bag in the closet. Cell phone use is not allowed at school by students.)

_____ Fire Drills/Lock Downs/Other Emergency Procedures

What is the procedure for this? Where do we go?

(We will practice this in class and as a school regularly.)


_____ Maintenance Crew – The whole gang!

(Everyone needs to clean up their own desks (inside and out!), personal floor space area and filing shelf. Take a look around and put anything back where it belongs even if you did not take it out. Help out the team!)

_____ Homework

(Get your homework pad, homework folder, notes to/from school folder and any materials needed for homework out and ready to pack up into your book bag.)

_____ Closet/Backpack and Your Stuff

When and how will students know they can go to the closet?

(Go to the closet when it is your turn. Get your backpack and anything else that’s yours. Go back to your seat with those items and pack up your backpack at your desk. When you are done packing up, put your chair up on your desk carefully. It is okay to talk quietly until you get the signal from your teacher that you are dismissed. Remember to do your end of the day job at this time if you have one.)

_____ Leaving the Classroom

What will your expectations and routine be?

(Please exit our classroom when the teacher asks you to, in an orderly manner. It’s always great to hear a “Have a nice night!” or “See you tomorrow!” as we part for the day.)

General Information

_____ Grading

• 10% Participation and Procedures

• 15% Class work

• 15% Homework

• 20% Quizzes

• 40% Tests/Reports/Projects

_____ Book Reports/Reports/Projects

Book reports will be assigned in language arts during the year. There will be other subject specific reports and projects assigned. More details will follow.

_____ Class Trips

A class trip will be scheduled during the fourth grade school year. Your teachers are in the process of compiling the information and seeking administrative approval. More information will be sent once we have approval.

_____ Suggestion/Question/Problem Box

Write your suggestion, question, or problem that pertains to our classroom and place it in the box. You may do this in the morning upon arrival, between classes, and at dismissal. Your teacher will review them and get back to you.

_____ Contacting Mrs. Benedetto and Mrs. Sargent

Generally, it is best to contact us via email at LBenedetto@ and ASargent@. We will get back to you as soon as possible. We will also be seeing your parents/guardians for Back to School Night and conferences shortly thereafter.


√ + + = 100%

√ + = 90 %

√ = 80%

√ - = 70%

√ - - = 65%


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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