WCBOE Technology Lesson Plan

WCBOE Technology Lesson Plan


|Name | Matthew Guy |School |East Salisbury School |

|  |

|Description of Lesson |

|Lesson Title | Equations and Inequalities |

|Grade Level/ | 4th Grade |

|Subject Area | |

| |Math |

|Number of Sessions | 1 |

|Objective(s) |Students will be able to: |

| |1.B.1.a- represent unknown quantities with one unknown quantities with on unknown and one operation |

| |1.B.1.b- Determine equivalent expressions |

| |1.B.2.a- Identify, write, solve, and apply equations and inequalities |

|Brief Summary of Lesson |Students will be introduced to equations and inequalities using a variety of manipulatives and technologies.|

|Standards |  |

|Curriculum Standards | 1.B.1.a; 1.B.1.b; 1.B.2.a |

|Technology Standards | 3.A.1.a-Use technology tools, including software and hardware, from a |

| |range of teacher-selected options to learn new content or reinforce skills |

| |3.A.1.e-Assess the use of the selected technology for individual |

| |learning of the specific task |

| | |

|Procedures |  |

|Materials and Resources |Tablet Computer, LCD projector, Document Camera, Balance, Equation Pawns, Unifix Cubes |

|Detailed Steps of Lessons |Start lesson with students using “Inquiry” based discovery. Have students find the commonalities with the |

| |following set of “problems:” 7 + 3 = 10 (5-2) x 2 = 6 30/5 = 6 working with groups to discuss |

| |the similarities (all are equations, all are balanced. |

| |Next pose the question to the students what is different about this “problem:” 6-3 > 2 for discussion with |

| |group members (possible answers: one side is larger than the other side; it is not equal; there is not |

| |equal sign. |

| |Introduce the word equation to the students. Ask the students to discuss with their groups what they |

| |believe an equation to be. As a whole, then discuss equal in equation. |

| |Show United Streaming Video Math Mastery: Equations –segment “unknowns, reciprocals, & signed numbers” |

| |After video, give student groups some equation examples to build using the balance, Pawns, and unifix cubes |

| |(ex- 4x = 8, 3 + z = 10, etc) |

| |Have students create their own equations for the class to demonstrate under the document camera |

|Management Strategies |Groups unable to maintain correct behavior will be subject to verbal warning |

|Student Assessment |  |

|Scoring tool needs to be submitted with lesson| Interactive website practice |

|Wrap-Up |  |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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