Getting Started Update -

RoqueStars’ Newsletter

Fourth/Fifth Grade

October 22, 2009

Parents are asked to read, sign, and return the top portion of each week’s update along with the Thursday Folder on Friday morning. Please have your child return this section with your signature Friday mornings with their Thursday Folder.

________________________ _________________________ Grade ____

Parent Signature Student Name


Please sign your child’s planner daily and check for any listed missing work.

October 30

Please do not send any treats. Students will get plenty for Halloween. Thank you.

Math Textbook Online

Our new math series can now be used online. Anytime your child is “stuck” doing math you can now access the book. If your child is absent, you can now access the book and worksheets online as well, or if your child uses a tutor, this is a perfect guide. Go to

• Click on side bar: Math

• Click on grade level book

• Go to online tools

• Click on StudentWorks Plus Online

• Put in student access code

4th Grade: FFCA22FAAC

5th Grade: A091DC6A3F

Access workbooks:

When the actual book comes up, go to table of contents. Click on one of the chapters. Then go to Resources and click on your child’s book skills or homework practice book. If your child is missing an assignment, you can now print it.

Focus Groups (new name Power Hour)

The focal point is fluency and comprehension. Students will be placed according to their needs. This is for this trimester. I will reassess in December, and in January focus groups will start up again using that last assessment as a basis of what needs to be emphasized and where students will be placed.

Class Webpage

I am having trouble with it, so please be patient. Even though it is still under construction, you can access weekly newsletters, math textbook online, games, and an alphabetical list of the school’s Accelerated Reader List.

Go to

• Schools

• John Swett Elementary

• Site Links

• Fifth Grade

• Mrs. Roque

Scholastic Books

I now have parent ordering online through Scholastic.

Username: roqueF5

Password: star


Our current novel is Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech. We will continue to discuss all aspects of the novel which will include:

5th: fact and opinion, story structure, topic-main idea- supporting details, and predicting outcomes

4th: sequence of events, main ideas and details, making inferences, making generalizations

Added fun: your child can now write a book review for scholastic and hopefully they will publish it. This is a great activity to help reinforce the story and to practice writing.

• student activities

• reading response

• write a review

Accelerated Reading (AR)

All students read at least one AR book and passed at least one test. A total of 41 books were completed last week. Great Job!!!! Our class totals will be posted in the library. Hopefully we can get a school wide contest going.

Idea: Instead of treats to celebrate your child’s birthday, how about donating an Accelerated Reading book. We are looking for books between 25-50 pages to enhance our classroom library. There is a list to choose from on my webpage under Accelerated Reader List.

This assignment must be completed to earn Blue Ribbon.


4th Grade 5th Grade

• Personal Narrative Descriptive

• Reading Response Summarizing

• Summarizing


5th Grade and 4th Grad: Graphing


Our first unit is Physical Science.

Social Studies

The next unit is on Native Americans:

4th Grade: of California

5th: of the United States

Fourth grade:

• The week before Thanksgiving break your child will be getting a requirement sheet on the Open House Project. This is so you can begin thinking about, researching, visiting (if possible) the California Historical Landmark your child would like to choose to do their project on.

• Native American Report will be completed in class.

Fifth Grade:

• Native American report was assigned this past Tuesday. Due October 30.

Current Events 5th Grade

We are now practicing how to do Current Events. Last week, I gave each student the same article, we as a class read the article, highlighted the who, what, when, where, why of each article, took notes on those items and then together as a class created a summary paragraph. I typed the paragraph and passed it out. Your student should have brought that home to keep for reference. We just finished our second example.


4th Grade:

Every night: Handwriting/math facts

Monday Spiral Math

Tuesday Science Worksheet

Wednesday Reading comprehension or

Greek/Latin affixes

Thursday Spelling workbook pages

Friday Sign Planner/Math Facts-

Any fact that is missed on Friday’s

test must be written 3 times each

and turned in on Monday.


5th Grade: Is your child budgeting their time?

Monday Spiral Math

Tuesday Science Worksheet

Wednesday Reading Comprehension or

Greek/Latin affixes

Thursday Newsletter/spelling workbook pages

Friday Sign Planner/Big 4: write any

missed problem 3 times each.

Future Dates:

Oct. 23 AHS Homecoming

Oct. 30 5th Grade: Native American Report


Nov. 6 4th grade field trip to Benicia 1st group

Nov. 11 Veterans’ Day No school

Nov. 13 4th grade field trip to Benicia 2nd group

Nov. 23-27 Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 4 No school/Teacher work day

Dec. 7-11 Conferences-Book Fair

Minimum days 8:15-12:00

Dec. 11 Trimester I Awards Assembly

Dec. 18 Minimum Day 8:15-12:00

Dec. 21-Jan. 1 Winter Break

Jan. 4 Return to school

VIP (Very Important Person)

Oct. 26 Keoni Gavieres


4th Grade:

Garrett Swartz 22 miles Brianna Edwards 10 miles

MacKenzie Canton 16.8 miles

5th Grade:

Jason Frost 56 miles Suraj Kumar 28 miles

Oliver Wells 39 miles

Joshua Lipman 13.4 miles

Jake Fahy 10 miles

Michelle Collins 5 miles

Blue Ribbon Winners

Weekending 10-16-09

Noah Cantwell Zoe Damon

Brianna Atz Nicolo DelBonta MacKenzie Canton Sarah Exner Jason Frost Suraj Kumar Joshua Lipman Maria Pain Garrett Swartz Angelica Raigoza

Brianna Edwards Nick Berry

Jacob Fahy Marina Perez

Kieara Rios

Trevor Simpson Kyle VanTonder






In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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