Common Core Lesson Planning Template

Content Area: Physical EducationUnit: #1 – Building a FoundationK – 2/8wksMovement ConceptsDirectionality/Levels1st – 2/8 wksLoco/Nonlocomotor SkillsDirectionality/Levels2nd – 2/8 wksLocomotor Skills / TempoDirectionality/Levels3rd – 2/6 wksLoco/Nonlocomotor SkillsDirectionality/Levels4th – 2/6wksLoco/Nonlocomotor SkillsDirectionality/Levels5th – 2/6 wksLoco/Nonlocomotor SkillsDirectionality/LevelsStandard(s): PEK.1 - demonstrate competency in motor skills & movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activitiesELACC2SL1a - follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others & taking turns speaking about the topics & texts under discussion)Standard(s): PE1.1 - demonstrate competency in motor skills & movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activitiesELACC2SL1a - follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion)Standard(s): PE2.1 - demonstrate competency in motor skills & movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activitiesELACC2SL1a - follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion)Standard(s): PE3.1 - demonstrate competency in motor skills & movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activitiesELACC3SL1b - follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion)Standard(s): PE4.1 - demonstrate competency in motor skills & movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activitiesELACC4SL1b – follow agreed-upon rules for discussions & carry out assigned rolesStandard(s): PE5.1 - demonstrate competency in motor skills & movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activitiesELACC5SL1b – follow agreed-upon rules for discussions & carry out assigned rolesElement(s):PEK.1b - demonstrates basic locomotor skillsElement(s):PE1.1b - demonstrate the hop, jump, leap while participating in physical activityElement(s):PE2.1a - uses extensions while demonstrating various locomotor movement patterns with different pathwaysPE2.1.b - demonstrates the underhand throw/underhand strikePE2.1.c - applies concepts of weight transfer in a variety of waysPE2.1d - ability to perform fundamental locomotor skills to a rhythmic beatElement(s):PE3.1c - demonstrates movement skills & patterns following specific rhythmsElement(s):PE4.1a - demonstrate an overhand throwPE4.1b – demonstrate an overhead striking skillPE4.1c – demonstrate fleeing, dodging, and chasing skills with equipmentElement(s):PE5.1a – demonstrate hand striking skills in repetition in both a controlled setting and during game playPE5.1b - demonstrate foot striking skills in repetition in both a controlled setting and during game playPE5.1c - demonstrates striking skills with equipmentEssential Question:Why is it crucial to utilize the correct movement skill (s) in a variety of activities with proficiency?Essential Question:Why is it crucial to utilize the correct movement skill (s) in a variety of activities with proficiency?Essential Question:Why is it crucial to utilize the correct movement skill (s) in a variety of activities with proficiency?Essential Question:Why is it crucial to utilize the correct movement skill (s) in a variety of activities with proficiency?Essential Question:Why is it crucial to utilize the correct movement skill (s) in a variety of activities with proficiency?Essential Question:Why is it crucial to utilize the correct movement skill (s) in a variety of activities with proficiency?K Student CAN:performs walk, run, hop, jump, leap, gallopuses walk, run, hop, jump, leap, gallop in a tag game/activity1st Student CAN:volleys a ball w/ partner dribbling around defenders during basketball2nd Student CAN:basic jump rope skills structured dancing that use skipping/sliding to traditional folk music 3rd Student CAN:performs ball routine with partner consisting of bounce, pass & catch in rhythm to musicjumps rope repetitively 4th Student CAN:proper technique when throwing a footballproper technique when throwing overhand to a moving target during game 5th Student CAN:volleys a ball w/ partnerdribbling around defenders during basketballVocabulary:locomotornon-locomotorforward/backward/sidewayshigh/mid/low-levelVocabulary:locomotornon-locomotorforward/backward/sidewayshigh/mid/low-levelVocabulary:locomotor / non-locomotortempoforward/backward/sidewayshigh/mid/low-levelVocabulary:locomotornon-locomotorforward/backward/sidewayshigh/mid/low-levelVocabulary:locomotornon-locomotorforward/backward/sidewayshigh/mid/low-levelVocabulary:locomotornon-locomotorforward/backward/sidewayshigh/mid/low-levelHook - stretch & warm-up exercises #2 – Stretch: standing quadriceps, Upper Body: arm circles, Middle Body: curl-ups, Lower Body: toe liftsHook - stretch & warm-up exercises #2 – Stretch: standing quadriceps, Upper Body: arm circles, Middle Body: curl-ups, Lower Body: toe liftsHook - stretch & warm-up exercises #2 – Stretch: standing quadriceps, Upper Body: arm circles, Middle Body: curl-ups, Lower Body: toe liftsHook - stretch & warm-up exercises #2 – Stretch: standing quadriceps, Upper Body: arm circles, Middle Body: curl-ups, Lower Body: toe liftsHook - stretch & warm-up exercises #2 – Stretch: standing quadriceps, Upper Body: arm circles, Middle Body: curl-ups, Lower Body: toe liftsHook - stretch & warm-up exercises #2 – Stretch: standing quadriceps, Upper Body: arm circles, Middle Body: curl-ups, Lower Body: toe liftsMini-Lesson WholeResource/Materials/Pg:colored feet, iPod, sound systemMini-Lesson WholeResource/Materials/Pg:colored feet, iPod, sound systemMini-Lesson WholeResource/Materials/Pg:colored feet, iPod, sound system, jump ropesMini-Lesson WholeResource/Materials/Pg:colored feet, iPod, sound systemMini-Lesson WholeResource/Materials/Pg:Super70 foam balls, volleyballs, pillo-polo sticks, goalsMini-Lesson WholeResource/Materials/Pg:large foam balls, soccer balls, hockey sticks & pucksDifferentiationContent/Process/ProductAdv – encourages & helps others while demonstrating all 8 basic locomotor skills correctlyInt – demonstrates all 8 basic locomotor skills correctlyBeg – demonstrates at least 4 basic locomotor skills correctlyDifferentiationContent/Process/ProductAdv – encourages & helps others as they demonstrate the hop, jump, and leap while participating in physical activityInt – demonstrates the hop, jump, and leap while participating in physical activityBeg - demonstrates one or two of either the hop, jump, or leapDifferentiationContent/Process/ProductAdv – encourages & helps others as they perform all 8 fundamental locomotor skills to a rhythmic beatInt - performs all 8 fundamental locomotor skills to a rhythmic beatBeg – performs at least 4 fundamental locomotor skills to a rhythmic beatDifferentiationContent/Process/ProductAdv – encourages & helps others as they demonstrate movement skills & patterns following specific rhythmsInt - demonstrates movement skills & patterns following specific rhythmsBeg - demonstrates movement skills & patternsDifferentiationContent/Process/ProductAdv – encourages & helps others as they demonstrate overhand throw; overhead striking skill; fleeing, dodging, chasing skills with equipmentInt - demonstrates overhand throw; overhead striking skill; fleeing, dodging, chasing skills with equipmentBeg – attempts to demonstrate overhand throw; overhead striking skill; fleeing, dodging, chasing skills with equipmentDifferentiationContent/Process/ProductAdv – encourages & helps others as they demonstrate hand striking skills; foot striking skills; striking skills with equipmentInt - demonstrates hand striking skills; foot striking skills; striking skills with equipmentBeg – attempts to demonstrate hand striking skills; foot striking skills; striking skills with equipmentK Performance TaskShow all 8 Locomotor SkillsLocomotor Shuffle (using feet)Hokey PokeyVirginia Reel1st Performance TaskShow all 8 Locomotor SkillsLocomotor Shuffle (using feet)Hokey PokeyVirginia Reel2nd Performance TaskShow all 8 Locomotor SkillsLocomotor Shuffle (using feet)Hokey PokeyVirginia Reel3rd Performance TaskShow all 8 Locomotor SkillsLocomotor Shuffle (using feet)Hokey PokeyVirginia Reel4th Performance TaskOverhand throwOverhead strikePillo-Polo Game (flee, dodge, chase with equipment)5th Performance TaskUnderhand & Overhead strikeFoot Strike a Soccer BallStrike a Hockey Puck with Hockey Stick / Passing to a PartnerClosing-Review-FeedbkWhat activities & why?Closing-Review-FeedbkWhat activities & why?Closing-Review-FeedbkWhat activities & why?Closing-Review-FeedbkWhat activities & why?Closing-Review-FeedbkWhat activities & why?Closing-Review-FeedbkWhat activities & why?Assessment: FormativeDescription: teacher observation of skill & correction if neededAssessment: FormativeDescription: teacher observation of skill & correction if neededAssessment: PE Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)Description: pre-assessment, see belowAssessment: FormativeDescription: teacher observation of skill & correction if neededAssessment: PE Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)Description: pre-assessment, see belowAssessment: FormativeDescription: teacher observation of skill & correction if neededHomework: get your family to participate in curl-ups with you at homeHomework: get your family to participate in curl-ups with you at homeHomework: get your family to participate in curl-ups with you at homeHomework: get your family to participate in curl-ups with you at homeHomework: get your family to participate in curl-ups with you at homeHomework: get your family to participate in curl-ups with you at homeNOTES - colored feet, listening area, proper PE attire, personal space, start/stop signals, water, use of bathroom, line up at the end of class"If you KEEP IT SAFE, all you have to worry about is HAVING FUN.”8 BASIC LOCOMOTOR SKILLS – walk, run, skip, hop, jump, leap, side-slide, gallopStudent Learning Objectives (SLOs)2nd Grade Physical EducationDomainsPsychmotor Domain: PE2.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. PE2.1a Uses extensions while demonstrating various locomotor movement patterns with different pathways. PE2.1d Demonstrates the ability to perform fundamental locomotor skills to a rhythmic beat.Psychmotor Domain: PE2.1: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. PE2.1.b Demonstrates the underhand throw/underhand strike. PE2.1.c Applies concepts of weight transfer in a variety of ways.Cognitive Domain: PE2.2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. PE2.2.a Identifies locomotor and non-locomotor movement patterns within pathways and extensions. PE2.2.e Applies concepts of movement in relationship to a rhythmic tempo.Affective Domain: PE2.4.: Achieves and maintains a health enhancing level of physical fitness. PE2.4a Participates in fitness and conditioning-related activities. PE2.4.b Recognizes physiological indicators that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activities.SkillsDemonstrates the use of walk, run, hop, jump, skip, slide, and gallop to travel different pathways (zigzag, curved, straight) while extending and contracting their body (large/small, near/far).Uses slide, hop, and gallop around the gym using either foot as the lead foot.Performs basic jump rope skills.Performs structured dances that use skipping and sliding to traditional folk music.Demonstrates multiple movement concepts while using manipulatives.? Appropriately target the object and can identify the critical elements. ? Names several games that use an underhand throwing pattern. Identify different types of striking. ? Uses a body part to strike an object. ?Uses an implement to strike an object. Demonstrates knowledge of maintaining balance of basic locomotor and non-locomotor skills.Hop: Takes off on one foot / Lands on same foot Jump: Takes off on two feet / Lands on two feet Leap: Takes off on one foot / Lands on opposite foot Students choose various locomotor movements to move through multiple pathways.Students combine different pathways and extensions in sequence.Students maintain tempo when performing a dance with a partner or group while counting aloud to the music or beat.Identifies physiological indicators that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activities.Increases heart rate /Sweating / Thirst /Body temperature increases / Heavy breathingIs able to do an aerobic dance routine lasting for at least 5 minutesParticipates in a game to build muscular strength States that body feels “hot” after exercise.Recognizes thirst and heavy breathing as a result of participation in cardio- vascular activities.Exceeds - 4Exceeds expectations for the standardPerforms all movement patterns and cues while moving in general and personal space.Performs all striking skills with implement and body parts while participating in physical activities.Identifies steps on how to perform all eight locomotor skills. Identifies five non-locomotor skills.Participates in fitness and conditioning related activities for at least five minutes. Identifies all of the indicators. Meets - 3Meets expectations for the standardPerforms two movement patterns and cues while moving in general space.Performs three striking skills with implement and body parts while participating in physical activities.Identifies steps on how to perform five to seven locomotor skills. Identifies four non-locomotor skills.Participates in fitness and conditioning related activities for five minutes with no more than a 30 second break. Identifies three to four indicators.Novice - 2Near the expectations for the standardPerforms one movement pattern skill or cue while moving I general space.Performs one to two striking skills with implement and body parts while participating in physical activities.Identifies steps on how to perform two to four locomotor skills. Identifies steps on how to perform two to three non- locomotor skills. Participates in fitness and conditioning related activities for five minutes with limited breaks. Identifies one to two indicators.Needs Development - 1Experiencing difficulty meeting the standardPerforms none of the movement patterns/cues or chooses not to participate.Performs no striking skills with implement and body parts while participating in physical activities.Identifies steps on how to perform one or none of the locomotor skills. Identifies steps on how to perform one or none of the non-locomotor skills.Unable to sustain an appropriate level of physical activity. Identifies no indicators.Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)Physical Education FourthDomainsPE4.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PE4.1a Demonstrate an overhand throw using the following techniques.PE4.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PE4.1b Demonstrate an Overhead Striking Skill. PE4.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PE4.1c Demonstrate fleeing, dodging, and chasing skills with equipment.PE4.1: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. PE4.1d Demonstrate a variety of rhythmic patterns.Skills?turns sideways to target ? step with opposite foot? bring ball back as if scratching head with ball? throwing arm forms an L with elbow held high and away from body ?snaps wrist on release and follows through ?use dominant hand to strike an object ?step with non-dominate foot ?object must be at high level ?self-toss or partner toss/ opponent strike (net-wall) games. ?strike object with the face of the hand/racquet ?strike through the object ?complete strike with follow through. ?good personal space ?sportsmanship ?safety and care of equipment ?ability to switch directions quickly while controlling objects ?avoiding obstacles/defenders? performs movement or dance steps in time to music or 4 count beats ?repeat the steps in sequence ?group/partner works well together ?equipment used properly (scarves, lummi sticks, etc.)Exceeds - 4Exceeds expectations for the standardPerforms ALL of the proper techniques for an overhand throw. Performs ALL of the proper techniques for overhead striking. Performs ALL of the learning cues.Perform ALL movements or dance steps in time to music or beat forward/backward step, grapevine, and slide. Remember the steps in sequence, and the rhythmic patterns throughout the ENTIRE duration of the activityMeets - 3Meets expectations for the standardPerforms three of the proper techniques for an overhand throw. Performs three of the proper techniques for an overhead striking skill. Performs three of the learning cues.Perform three movements or dance steps in time to music or beat.Novice - 2Near the expectations for the standardPerforms two of the proper techniques for an overhand throw.Performs two of the proper techniques for an overhead striking skill.Performs two of the learning cues.Perform two movements or dance steps in time to music or beat.Needs Development - 1Experiencing difficulty meeting the standardMakes an attempt or demonstrates one of the proper techniques to perform an overhand throw.Makes an attempt or demonstrates one of the proper techniques to perform an overhead striking skill.Makes an attempt to perform one of the learning cues.Makes an attempt to perform one movement or step in time to music or beat.Did not perform pre-assessment PE SLOs for 5th grade – merely used criteria below to guide 5th grade activityStudent Learning Objectives (SLOs)Physical Education FifthDomainsPE5.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PE5.1a. Demonstrates hand striking skills in repetition in both a controlled setting and during game playPE5.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PE5.1b. Demonstrates foot striking skills in repetition in both a controlled setting and during game play PE5.1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. PE5.1c. Demonstrates striking skills with equipment. PE5.1: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. PE5.1d. Demonstrates the ability to create and perform rhythmic patterns in a 4/4 beat. SkillsHand striking an object using the following cues: ?perform ready position.?maintains visual contact with the object.?strikes the object with appropriate force.?performs appropriate striking. Examples of student activities used to assess (not inclusive): volleyball and four square Foot striking an object using the following cues:?uses inside of foot?maintains visual contact with the object.?strikes the object with appropriate force.?performs appropriate striking.Examples of student activities used to assess (not inclusive): kickball, soccer, crab soccer Demonstrate striking with equipment using the following cues: ?performs appropriate stance.?maintains visual contact with the object.?strikes the object with appropriate force.?performs appropriate striking Examples of student activities used to assess (not inclusive): tennis, badminton, hockey, invasion games Demonstrates the ability to create and perform rhythmic patterns in a 4/4 beat using the following techniques: ?works well with others.?maintains a 4/4 beat pattern.?performs locomotor and/or nonlocomotor skills.?maintain in personal space.Examples of student activities used to assess (not inclusive): jump rope routine, ball routine, dance routine, gymnastics routineExceeds - 4Exceeds expectations for the standardPerforms ALL of the proper techniques for hand striking skills. Performs ALL of the proper techniques for foot striking. Performs ALL of the proper techniques for striking skills.Perform ALL of the rhythmic patterns in a 4/4 beat.Meets - 3Meets expectations for the standardPerforms three of the proper techniques for striking skills. Performs three of the proper techniques for foot striking. Performs three of the proper techniques for striking skills.Perform three of the rhythmic patterns in a 4/4 beat.Novice - 2Near the expectations for the standardPerforms two of the proper techniques for striking skills.Performs two of the proper techniques for foot striking skill.Performs two of the proper techniques for striking skills.Perform two of the rhythmic patterns in a 4/4 beat.Needs Development - 1Experiencing difficulty meeting the standardMakes an attempt or demonstrates one of the proper techniques to perform an hand striking skill.Makes an attempt or demonstrates one of the proper techniques to perform an foot striking skill.Makes an attempt or demonstrates one of the proper techniques to perform an striking skill.Makes an attempt or demonstrates one of the rhythmic patterns in a 4/4 beat. ................

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