Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume

Chapter 1: The Big Winner

What did Peter win? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is Peter’s biggest problem? Why do you think so?


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|Do you have any little brothers or sisters that bother you? |

|Or, are you that little brother or sister who annoys your older sibling? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Where does the setting for this story take place?


Strategy Focus: Extending Text

For this activity, you are asked to design the front of a sweatshirt that you think one of your Peter would like to wear as a message to his younger brother to stop bothering him. Be ready to explain why your character would like to wear this sweatshirt and how it relates to the story.

Explain: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 2: Mr. and Mrs. Juicy-O

Mr. Yarby thinks good old-fashioned manners are very important. Give three examples of good manners and three examples of bad manners that occurred in the chapter.

|Good manners from book |Bad manners from book |

|1. |1. |

|2. |2. |

|3. |3. |

Name at least 2 problems that Fudge caused during Mr. & Mrs. Yarby’s visit.


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|If you were Fudge’s parent, what would you have done to prevent |

|him from embarrassing your family while the Yarby’s were over? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

What combinations of fruits would you like to try

in your juice?

Choose at least three fruits. Some examples of some common fruits are: Apple, Apricot, Banana, Cantaloupe Cherry, Crabapple, Grape, Grapefruit, Honeydew, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Mango, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Plum, Purple Grape, and Watermelon.

Fruit Choices: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now create a label for your new juice that you created. Your juice bottle should be colorful and the name should be clearly identified on it.

Chapter 3: The Family Dog

What does Fudge refuse to do in this chapter?


Why did Peter’s mother want him to stand on his head?


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|What is your least favorite kind of cereal? |

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|How about your favorite? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

Think of a kind of cereal that you think

Fudge would like. Create a cover for the

cereal box below. Make sure to include

a name, a colorful picture, and a short

description how it would taste.

Describe how it would taste: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 4: My Brother the Bird

What did Mrs. Hatcher put Sheila in charge of?


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|Have you ever babysat someone before? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Which of the three kids (Peter, Sheila, or Jimmy) do you think is best qualified to be left in charge? Why?


While Sheila, Peter, and Jimmy are running around yelling about cooties, what is Fudge doing?


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|If you had a choice, what animal would you like to be? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Making a Connection

Good readers will make connections between what they are reading and their own lives. If you could be transformed into an animal for one day, what animal would you choose? Explain the reason for your choice in at least 2 complete sentences.

Animal: ______________________________

Explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Draw a Picture:

Chapter 5: The Birthday Bash


Match the name to the correct description of what

he/she did at the birthday bash.

|Kid | |What he/she did |

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|1. _____ Sam |A. |Guest who bit Fudge’s grandmother and wet his/her pants |

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|2. _____ Jenny |B. |Guest who threw up |

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|3. _____ Ralph |C. |Guest who was afraid of the dark and refused to go home |

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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|How would you cure Jenny from doing what she did at the party? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

Wow! Just imagine if you had to run the party for these kids. What kind of food would you have and what activities would you plan?

|Type |Games |

|of Food |& Activities |

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Chapter 6: Fang Hits Town

Strategy Focus: Predicting

Predict what will happen the next day when Fudge discovers

his shoes are different than Peter’s.

Explain why you would predict what you did.


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|Do you like shopping? |

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|Do you like shopping when |

|you know that you will not be getting anything? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

Pretend that you are trying to choose a type of shoe in a shoe store. Out of the shoes shown, which one would you choose? Circle the one that you would choose and then add some color to it.

Now create your own style: Explain why you choose that shoe:









Chapter 7: The Flying Train Committee

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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|Sheila, Jimmy, and Peter had to work on a project together about transportation. Have you ever had to work on a project |

|together with someone? How did it turn out? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What did Fudge end up doing to the project?


Why did Mr. Hatcher put a lock on Peter’s bedroom door?


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|What do you think transportation will be like 100 years from now? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

For this activity, you are asked to draw what you think a vehicle of the future might look like. Be sure to include a name for your vehicle. Describe its features, how is it different than the vehicles found today? Explain.

Name: ______________________________

Features/Differences: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 8: The TV Star

Because school was out for the day, where did Peter and Fudge end up going?


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|Where do you go when you have a day off from school? Do you stay home? Do you go somewhere? Does someone come over to watch|

|you? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

While at the office, what does Fudge do?


What does Peter do to save the day?


Explain why this chapter was titled “The TV Star”.


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|If you could be in any commercial, what kind of commercial would you |

|want to be in? Sports? Restaurant? Hotel? Car? Other? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Compare and Contrast

Good readers will compare and contrast different things that they read in the story to help better comprehend what they are reading. If you had a younger brother and he was chosen to be in a commercial, compare the way you would feel to the way Peter felt. Try to have at least two phrases or words for each of the three parts below.

Peter’s feelings Your feelings

Chapter 9: Just Another Rainy Day

What did the three boys decide to go and what happened there?


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|Do you think it was right for Mr. Hatcher and Peter to keep the |

|events of their weekend a secret? What do you think Mrs. Hatcher |

|would have said if she had known all the things that happened? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Making a Connection

What do you do on a rainy day? Try to brainstorm as many things you could do and then write your list on the cloud or rain drops below. As a Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing challenge, see if you can list at least 10 things.

1. __________________________________

2. ___________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. _____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

6. ____________________________________

7. _____________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________________

Chapter 10: Dribble

What did Fudge do with Dribble?


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|T-W-P-S |

|Think-Write-Pair-Share |

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|Do you really think someone could do what Fudge did to a turtle? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What did you think of the book?

Rating (1-5 stars): ______________________

Write your review:


On-Going R-T-I Activity

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Menu

Directions: There was a lot of food that was talked about throughout the story. For this activity, you are asked to create a name of a restaurant and 1-2 menu items based on Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Your restaurant name and daily special menu items should all relate to the story. An example is provided for you.

Write your restaurant name at the top of the Daily Special board. Then write down some daily specials with a short description and a price.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Restaurant Name

Grandpa Joe’s Chocolates

Menu Item

Veruca Salt………… $3.19

This dish is a mixture of salted nuts, a spoiled attitude, and chocolate.

On-Going R-T-I Activity


Directions: As you read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, try to find vocabulary words for each letter or box. It is all right to have more than one word in each box. Try your best to try to fill most boxes!

Put the corresponding letter next to the word that you put in each alpha box.

|CN= Common Noun |V= Verb |A= Adjective |

|PN= Proper Noun |AV= Adverb |O= Other (Describe) |

In other words, if you put the word “shovel” in the “S” section, you must put a corresponding letter to represent which part of speech the word has. Your box may look like the example below:

|A |B |C |D |

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|E |F |G |H |

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|I |J |K |L |

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|M |N |O |P |

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|Q |R |S |T |

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|U |V |W |X |

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|Y |Z |

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On-Going R-T-I Activity

Word Study

Reading Strategy Focus: Word Study

In order to better comprehend what they are reading, good readers will try to find the meanings of the key vocabulary in the story. Sometimes they may ask someone what a word means or use context clues to figure out the meaning. Good readers will also look up the definition.

|Chapter 1 |

|Cushioned p. 4 - _________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Combination p. 6 - ______________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Slurping p. 6 - ___________________________________________________________________ |

|___________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Chapter 2 |

|Suggested p. 9 - __________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Racket p. 10 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Measly p. 11 - _____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Advantages p. 13 - ________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Insulted p. 16 - ___________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Babbling p. 19 - __________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Account p.21 - ___________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Chapter 3 |

|Clients p.23 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Brilliant p. 23 - ___________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Relieved p.28 - ___________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Expression p.28 - ________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Chapter 4 |

|Headquarters p. 30 - _____________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Helium p. 30 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Foreign p. 32 - ___________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Accents p.32 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Hesitated p. 34 - _________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Inspecting p. 36 - ________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Precious p. 38 - __________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Chapter 5 |

|Insult p. 42 - _____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Supervise p. 42 - _________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Innocent p. 44 - __________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Untangled p. 44 - ________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Fortunately p. 49 - _______________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Chapter 6 |

|Examining p. 57 - ________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Admitted p. 60 - _________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Loafers p. 61 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Tantrum p. 65 - __________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Slugged p. 69 - ___________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Chapter 7 |

|Committees p. 70 - ____________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Congestion p. 71 - _____________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Monorail p. 72 - _______________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Fault p. 78 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Chapter 8 |

|Hailed p. 84 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Amuse p. 86 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Agency p. 86 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Condition p. 90 - _________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Arrangements p. 91 - _____________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Beckoned p. 94 - _________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Chapter 9 |

|Dimmed p. 99 - __________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Ushers p. 101 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Beamed p. 105 - __________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Concoction p. 105 - ______________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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|Chapter 10 |

|Precious p. 112 - __________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Wailed p. 113 - ___________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Castor oil p. 116 - _________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Dreary p. 118 - ____________________________________________________________________ |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |

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Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

End of Novel Project Choices

Interview a Character

Pretend you are a talk show host interviewing a character from the book. Your interview must include ten events that happened with this character in the book.


Write a song about the story. Your song must contain ten events that happened in the book. You can also sing this song to the class for extra credit!


Imagine Fudge is your brother! Make a poster advertising the sale of your brother, Fudge. Make sure to include physical appearance, behaviors, and price wanted. Please be colorful, neat, and detailed.

Game Board

Make up a colorful board game about the story on a larger piece of tag board. Your game must contain at least ten events that happened in the story. Your game board must tell the story of The Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

Wanted Poster

Make a list of all the trouble that Fudge got into in the story.

Then make a WANTED poster about Fudge including these ideas.

Please be colorful, neat, and detailed.

Chapter 11

If there were a Chapter 11, explain in at least 10 sentences what this chapter would be about. You should also draw a picture of an event from your new chapter.

IPod Touch

Design your own IPod Touch. Your IPod Touch should include ten “Apps”. You will need to create a colorful IPod. You will also need to write two sentences for each application explaining what the application is and how it relates to the story. You will need to get the IPod sheet from your teacher.

Football Team

You are the new owner of an NFL franchise expansion team. You need to come up with a team name and design a helmet for your team. You will also need to decide what characters will play what positions. You will need 1 QB, 2 RBs, 2 WRs, 1 TE, 1 center, 2 tackles, and 2 guards (so maybe Sheila would be a RB for example). You will also need to explain why you would “play” the character in that position. Your explanation should be at least 2 sentences and include a personality trait of the character. For example, I put Sheila as a running back because...

IPod Touch


Daily Specials

Daily Specials


Juicy-O: PN


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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