

Request for Application (RFA Discretionary)

Bureau / Office

Division of Public Schools/Bureau of Federal Educational Programs

Program Name

Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2, Rural and Low-Income Schools Program

Specific Funding Authority (ies)

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) #84.358, Public Law (P.L.) 107 – 110, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2

Funding Purpose/Priorities

The purpose of this program is to meet the unique needs of rural and low-income local educational agencies (LEA) by providing resources and flexibility to supplement selected NCLB priorities. Challenges faced by these LEAs often include lack of personnel and resources needed to compete effectively for federal competitive grants and formula grant allocations in amounts too small to be effective.

Each eligible LEA must implement strategies to address the four (4) targeted goals of the program.

1. Decrease the proportion of the cohort of students 4th-10th grade scoring non-proficient on Florida’s adopted assessment(s) in reading, mathematics, and writing by 10 percent each school year.

2. Each participating LEA will decrease the proportion of all students scoring non-proficient on Florida’s adopted assessment(s) in reading, mathematics, and writing by 10 percent

3. Cut the average gap between minority and non-minority 20 percent each school year.

4. Each participating LEA will decrease the proportion of high school students not earning a standard diploma by 10 percent each school year.

Type of Award


Total Funding Amount

$1,915, 474.00 (PRELIMINARY)

Budget Period

August 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016

Program Performance Period

August 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016

Target Population

Target populations include Florida K-12 students, educators, administrators, staff, and parents in rural LEAs.

Eligible Applicant(s)

Eligible LEAs must satisfy the following criteria:

• Meet the federal definition of “rural.”

• Twenty-percent or more of the children age 5 to 17 served by the LEA are from families with incomes below the poverty line.

• All schools served by the LEA must have a school locale code of 6, 7, or 8 (assigned by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics).

• May not be eligible for Title VI, Part B, Subpart 1, the Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) Program.

The complete list of eligible LEAs is attached to this application.

Application Due Date

July 30, 2015

The due date refers to the date of receipt in Grants Management.

For federal programs, the project effective date will be the date that the application is received within DOE meeting conditions for acceptance, or the date of receipt of the Federal Award Notification, whichever is later.

Complete applications must be submitted via the web-based reporting system and be received no later than July 30, 2014. The DOE 100/100A must be submitted with original signature of the superintendent in order for the application to be considered received. The effective date of the application will be determined by the date the DOE 100/100A, with original signature, is received (date stamped) by the Bureau of Grants Management. Facsimile and email submissions of the DOE 100/100A will not be accepted.

Contact Persons

Program Administrator/Program Support:

Jessie M. Simmons, Educational Policy Consultant, 850-245-0682; or via email at Jessie.Simmons@

Cynthia D. Milton, Program Specialist IV, 850-245-9984; or via email at Cynthia.Milton@.

Technical Support with On-line Application:

Felicia Williams, Director, 850-245-0093; or via email at Felicia.Elliott@

Grants Manager:

Kinisha Murphy, Operations and Management Consultant, 850-245-0731, or via email at Kinisha.Murphy@


The Department of Education has developed and implemented a document entitled, General Terms, Assurances and Conditions for Participation in Federal and State Programs, to comply with:

• 34 CFR 76.301 of the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR) which requires local educational agencies to submit a common assurance for participation in federal programs funded by the U.S. Department of Education;

• Applicable regulations of other Federal agencies; and

• State regulations and laws pertaining to the expenditure of state funds.

In order to receive funding, applicants must have on file with the Department of Education, Office of the Comptroller, a signed statement by the agency head certifying applicant adherence to these General Assurances for Participation in State or Federal Programs. The complete text may be found at .

School Districts, Community Colleges, Universities, and State Agencies

The certification of adherence, currently on file with the Department of Education Comptroller’s Office, shall remain in effect indefinitely. The certification does not need to be resubmitted with this application, unless a change occurs in federal or state law, or there are other changes in circumstances affecting a term, assurance, or condition.

No Child Left Behind Assurances (Applicable to All Funded Programs)

No Child Left Behind Assurances (Applicable to All Funded Programs)

By my signature on this application, I hereby certify that the ______ District will comply with the following requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001:

The LEA assures that, under section 9528, it will comply with a request by a military recruiter or an institution of higher education for secondary students' names, addresses, and telephone numbers, unless a parent has "opted out" of providing such information.

The LEA assures that, under section 9528, it will provide military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as it generally provides to postsecondary institutions or prospective employers.

Persistently Dangerous Schools

The LEA hereby assures that, under section 9532, if the state of Florida identifies any school within the LEA as “persistently dangerous,” it will offer students attending that school, as well as students who are victims of a violent criminal offense while on school property, the opportunity to transfer to a safe school.

These assurances are in addition to those previously signed by the Local Education Agency (LEA) maintained on file in the Florida Department of Education’s Comptroller’s Office.

Funding Method

CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System - Federal cash advances will be made by state warrant or electronic funds transfer (EFT) to a recipient for disbursements. For federally funded projects, requests for federal cash advance must be made on the CARDS - Cash Advance and Reporting of Disbursements System. If at times it is determined that disbursements are going to exceed the amount of cash on hand plus cash in transit, an on-line amendment can be made prior to the due date of the next Federal Cash Advance distribution on the CARDS System.

Fiscal Requirements

All accounts, records, and other supporting documentation pertaining to all costs incurred shall be maintained for five years. Supporting documentation for expenditures is required for all funding methods. Examples of such documentation include but are not limited to: invoices with check numbers verifying payment, and/or bank statements; time and effort logs for staff, and salary/benefits schedules for staff. All or any of which must be available upon request.

Executive Order 11-116 (Superceding Executive Order 11-02; Verification of Employment Status)

The employment of unauthorized aliens by any contractor is considered a violation of Section 274A (e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If the contractor knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of the contract. In addition, pursuant to Executive Order 11-116, the contractor will utilize the E-verify system established by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to verify the employment eligibility of (a) all persons employed during the contract term by the contractor to perform employment duties within Florida and (b) all persons (including subcontractors) assigned by the contractor to perform work pursuant to the contract.

Project Performance Accountability and Reporting Requirements

The Department’s program manager will track each project’s performance, based on the information provided and the stated criteria for successful performance, and verify the receipt of required deliverables/services prior to payment, as required by Sections 215.971, and 287.058(1)(d)&(e), Florida Statutes. For projects funded via Cash Advance, the Department’s project managers will verify that the project’s activities/deliverables are progressing in a satisfactory manner, consistent with the Project Narrative and Performance Expectations, on a quarterly basis. For projects funded via reimbursement, the Department’s project managers will verify that the project’s expenditures are allowable and that performance objectives are progressing in a satisfactory manner, consistent with the Project Narrative and Performance Expectations.

Each LEA will provide an evaluation of the previous year’s program in the evaluation section of the online reporting system. Review the Project Design-Narrative for the evaluation requirements.


Project Design-Narrative

Strategies Determination

An LEA that receives SRSA funds or Rural and Low-Income School Program (RLIS) funds under ESEA Sections 6213(b) and 6224(e) may use Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 funds for defined authorized purposes. The funds must be used, consistent with, authorized use of federal funds and must address the needs of disadvantaged students.

An LEA may implement the following strategies:

• Teacher recruitment and retention, including the use of signing bonuses and other financial incentives.

• Teacher professional development on the Florida Standards.

• Teacher professional development on the utilization of technology to improve teaching.

• Teacher professional development to support quality instruction for students with disabilities.

• Teacher professional development to support quality instruction for English language acquisition.

• Educational technology, including software and hardware, to support digital curriculum.

• Parental involvement activities.

• Activities authorized under the Safe and Drug-Free Schools program under part A of Title IV.

• Activities authorized under part A of Title I.

• Activities authorized under Title III.

Needs Statements and Activities/Strategy Implementation

Each LEA will describe the need(s) and the activities to be funded by this program to address the identified need(s). Describe how the activities are tied to line items in the Budget Narrative Form (DOE 101). The information required for each need will be as follows:

• Identify the specific need(s) as a result of data analysis.

• Provide the basis for the need and the data source(s) used by the LEA to identify each need.

Each LEA will provide the following information for each strategy to be implemented using funds from this part:

• Identify the Title VI Performance Goal(s) that will be addressed by the activity (ies) to be implemented.

• Describe the specific activity(ies) that will be implemented to address each identified need(s):

• Name of each activity/strategy.

• Description of each activity/strategy.

▪ Provide evidence-based research that supports the strategy/activity effectiveness in addressing the identified need.

▪ Provide the frequency and duration of each activity/strategy.

▪ Identify the school(s) in which the activity will be implemented and the population each activity/strategy will target to address the identified need.

▪ On DOE 101 - Budget Narrative Form, identify each need/activity the line item will support.

• Describe how the LEA will monitor the implementation of each activity and provide follow-up to ensure fidelity. The description should include the review team members, frequency of monitoring, and method(s) used for feedback.

• Provide anticipated outcomes based on the strategies used to address the identified needs. Each outcome should be Specific, Measurable, Realistic, and Time limited (SMART).

• Describe the process the LEA will use to evaluate the effectiveness of each activity/strategy implemented and to evaluate progress made toward meeting the targeted goals and objectives indicated for this need.


Describe the LEA’s effort to coordinate and collaborate with federal and/or non-federal programs or collaborative partners.

If sources other than Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2 are being used to fund activities/strategies identified, describe the programs and partners involved and the resources being provided.

Support for Reading/Strategic Imperatives

Incorporate one or more of the Areas of Focus included in Florida’s State Board of Education Strategic Plan, .

Describe how the project will address the reading and math/science initiatives of the Department of Education.

The Project Design-Narrative of this application requires LEAs to indicate strategies and tactics that will support and align to goals and priorities of the Florida’s State Board of Education Strategic Plan and Public School System, Race to the Top goals, and Florida Standards.

If applicable, include the LEA’s use of funds to support Race to the Top goals (RTTT) and Florida Standards

Communication Strategy

Describe methods /strategies the LEA will use to communicate information about the project (application) to appropriate populations.

The LEA must include in their description:

• Each method/strategy to be used to communicate information regarding this application to the appropriate populations.

• Identify the population each method will address.

• Provide the frequency and duration that each method will be communicated.

• Identify the language(s) each method will be made available.

Reporting Outcomes

Describe methods/strategies to be used to report student and program outcomes and/or the status of project activities.

The LEA will complete this requirement in the Dissemination/Marketing and Reporting Outcomes Section of the online application.

The LEA should include in their description:

• Each method/strategy to be used to disseminate and/or report student and program outcomes as related to the activities/strategies implemented.

• Identify the population each method will address.

• Provide the frequency and duration that each method will be disseminated.

• Identify the language(s) each method will be made available.

Evaluation of Previous Year’s Title VI Program

The LEA must address the outcomes of activities implemented in the previous year’s Title VI application. (Note: Do not address anticipated outcomes for the current year.)

• Describe the outcomes of students’ academic achievement that resulted from implementation of strategies described in the previous year’s Title VI application.

• Based on students academic achievement results, what contributed to the LEA’s success or lack of success in meeting Title VI goals identified in the previous year’s Title VI application?

• If applicable, describe outcomes of activities implemented to address graduation and student dropout issues described in the previous year’s Title VI application.

• If applicable, based on the current Florida Public High School Graduation Data, what contributed to the success or lack of success in meeting the Title VI goals identified in the previous year’s Title VI application?

• If applicable, based on results of current Florida Public High School Dropout Data, what contributed to your success or failure in meeting the Title VI goals identified in the previous year’s Title VI application?

Data sources available:

• School Grades and Schools Report Cards:

• School Public Accountability Reports (SPAR):

• Graduation and Dropout Data:

• Postsecondary Plans, Florida High School Graduates:

For Federal Programs - General Education Provisions Act (GEPA)

Provide a concise description of the process to ensure equitable access to, and participation of students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries with special needs. (For details, refer to URL: .)

Equitable Services for Private School Participation

In accordance with P.L. 107-110, Title IX, Part E Uniform Provisions, Subpart 1, Section 9501, the applicant must provide a detailed plan of action for providing consultation for equitable services to private school children and teachers with the local education agency(ies) service area. (For details, refer to URL: .)

Conditions for Acceptance

The requirements listed below must be met for applications to be considered for review:

1) Application is received in DOE within the timeframe specified by the RFA.

2) Application includes required forms: DOE 100A Project Application Form, DOE 101 Budget Narrative Form.

3) All required forms must have the assigned TAPS Number included on the form.

4) All required forms have original signatures by an authorized entity.

5) Application must be submitted to:

Office of Grants Management

Florida Department of Education

325 W. Gaines Street, Room 332

Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

NOTE: Applications signed by officials other than the appropriate agency head identified above must have a letter signed by the agency head, or documentation citing action of the governing body delegating authority to the person to sign on behalf of said official. Attach the letter or documentation to the DOE 100A when the application is submitted.

Method of Review

All online project applications, including budget forms shall be reviewed by FDOE staff in accordance with established project application review checklists and requirements set forth in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001; and all applicable non-regulatory guidance and other applicable federal regulations and guidelines.


DOE 100A

DOE 101

Preliminary Allocations for Eligible LEAs



Florida Department of Education

Budget Narrative Form

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| |C) TOTAL |$ |

|*PRELIMINARY - Allocation Schedule | | | | |

|Agency # |Agency Name |**Preliminary Allocation |Reimb. Options | | | | |

|04 |Bradford |$53,295.00 | | | | | |

|07 |Calhoun |$40,489.00 | | | | | |

|12 |Columbia |$173,613.00 | | | | | |

|14 |DeSoto |$87,401.00 | | | | | |

|15 |Dixie |$37,153.00 | | | | | |

|19 |Franklin |$24,183.00 | | |Reimbursement Options |

|21 |Gilchrist |$45,531.00 | | |Key: |C |Federal Cash Advance |

|22 |Glades |$27,798.00 | | | |Q |Advance Payment |

|23 |Gulf |$35,984.00 | | | |S |Quarterly Advance to |

| | | | | | | |Public Entity |

|24 |Hamilton |$26,571.00 | | | |R |Reimbursement of |

| | | | | | | |Expenditure |

|25 |Hardee |$92,979.00 | | | |P |Reimbursement with |

| | | | | | | |Performance |

|26 |Hendry |$122,234.00 | | | | | |

|30 |Holmes |$60,561.00 | | | | | |

|32 |Jackson |$123,155.00 | | | | | |

|33 |Jefferson |$17,561.00 | | | | | |

|34 |Lafayette |$20,862.00 | | | | | |

|38 |Levy |$103,063.00 | | | | | |

|39 |Liberty |$26,437.00 | | | | | |

|40 |Madison |$47,678.00 | | | | | |

|47 |Okeechobee |$116,771.00 | | | | | |

|54 |Putnam |$183,371.00 | | | | | |

|61 |Suwannee |$104,118.00 | | | | | |

|62 |Taylor |$51,838.00 | | | | | |

|63 |Union |$41,869.00 | | | | | |

|67 |Washington |$59,411.00 | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|TOTAL |$1,723,926.00 | | | | | |

Notes for planning purposes:

*Preliminary amount based on 2014-15 final allocation less 10% ($1,915,474.00 – 191,547.40 = 1,723,926.00)

**LEAs preliminary amount based on 2012-13 Average Daily Attendance (ADA) data (subject to change)


Name of Eligible Recipient:

TAPS Number


Project Number: (DOE USE ONLY)


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