Logbook Guidelines

3rd Grade

Science Fair Logbook 2015-16

Name: ________________

Project Title: ________________________________


4th Grade

Science Fair Logbook 2015-16

Name: ________________

Project Title: ________________________________


Santan Elementary

Science Fair


Proposed Project Time Line

(Beginning week of November 2nd………Students find & record 10 essential questions

Explore grade level experiments from various sources

(Monday November 9th …………Begin research & Brief Science Experiment Proposals

(Friday November 13th………………………….Proposals approved by parents & teacher

(Ask parents for help in gathering your experimental materials)

(Friday November 20th……........Research Reports, Hypotheses, & Procedures completed

(Monday, November 23rd………………………………………….Bring all materials to class

Experimenting begins!

( Wednesday November 25th………………………………………... Experiments completed

(Friday December 4th……………………………………………………PPT Slides completed

(Friday December 11th …………………………………………………Present PPT’s in class

(Thursday December 17th ……………...Classroom PPT presentations & Boards completed

(Tuesday Jan 19th……………………………………………….Science Fair Boards judged

(Thursday Jan 21st (5:30-7:00 p.m.)………………Santan Family Math & Science Night

________________’s Timeline

Science experiment completion and Rough Draft Science Fair PPT Slides are due by December 17, 2015

Research, note taking, editing/revising may be done at home, but rough drafts, experimenting, and presentation board construction must be done at school.

| |Date Completed |Teacher’s Initials |Points Earned |

|Scientific Question | | | |

|or Problem | | | |

|Project Proposal | | | |

|(What will you do?) | | | |

|Hypothesis | | | |

|(If…, then…) | | | |

|Identify Variables (Independent, dependent, and controlled) | | | |

|Materials List | | | |

|Procedures (Numbered, step-by-step directions) | | | |

|Experimental Design (labeled diagram) | | | |

|Data Collection & Observations (don’t forget your dates) | | | |

|Results/Data | | | |

|Table/Chart/Graph | | | |

|Data Analysis | | | |

|Conclusion & Summary Statements | | | |

|Further Questions or Research | | | |

|PPT Presentation Slides | | | |

|Display Board | | | |

Science Project



I. _____________________________, _______________________________

and ____________________________ have chosen to work on the Science Fair project as equal partners.

II. We have chosen each other NOT because we plan to socialize with a friend, but because: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


III. We agree to the following rules regarding this project: (Partners initial)

_____ _____ _____Partners agree to share equally in team work & responsibilities.

_____ _____ _____Partners agree to complete all individual work.

_____ _____ _____Partners agree to cooperate and share “fun” parts of project.

_____ _____ _____Partners agree to solve their own disputes and disagreements.

_____ _____ _____Partners agree to use time wisely and finish each phase on time.

IV: We understand that individuals who do not follow the partnership rules may receive a lower grade in Science if found to be doing less than equal share of the work load.

IV. We understand that working in a partnership is a serious commitment. We are committed to doing our best as individuals and as a team. Date:_________

Signed _______________ _______________ _______________

3rd Grade Science Topics

Your experiment must be on one of the third grade science fair topics related to those listed below. You may choose one of these topics or create your own:


How do plants get what they need in their environment to survive?

How does ground contamination affect plant growth?

How do other environmental changes affect plant growth?

How do environmental factors affect the shape and design of plant roots?

How do plants adapt to their changing environments in order to thrive?

What environmental factors accelerate decay in dead plants?

What are the best ways to preserve food from decaying?

Organisms Interacting in Ecosystems

How do organisms get what they need in their environment to survive?

How do ground, water, and air pollution affect relationships within an ecosystem?

How do other environmental changes affect life within an ecosystem?

How do organisms adapt to their changing environment in order to thrive?

What natural events can cause an environment to change quickly or over time?

How have humans negatively impacted the natural balance of ecosystems?

Heat, Light, & Sound Energy

How does thermal energy move from one place to another?

What are the most effective thermal conductors for heat to travel through?

What are the most effective thermal insulators that keep heat from escaping?

How does light energy move from one place to another?

What are the most effective materials that reflect, refract, or absorb light energy?

What effect does an opaque, transparent, or translucent object have on light?

Do rectangular or triangular prisms and pyramids have a greater affect on white light?

Under what conditions cause optical illusions?

What effects do different colors have when you shine them separately or together onto white surfaces? Colored surfaces?

How can you change variables to change the pitch, volume, or vibrations of a sound?

Changes to Earth’s Surface

What types of rock wear down easier than others?

Which types of rock make the best building materials to make stuff out of?

Which type of rock would be best to build a shelter in a colder environment?

Which type of rock would be best to build a shelter in a warmer environment?

Why are more fossils found in sedimentary rocks more than in igneous or metamorphic?

4th Grade Science Topics

Your experiment must be on one of the fourth grade science fair topics related to those listed below. You may choose one of these topics or create your own:


What distance from each other are two magnets before they attract or repel each other?

Does the amount of wire used to make an electromagnet affect the strength of the magnet, or its ability to hold paperclips?

Does the gauge (diameter) of the wire used to make an electromagnet affect the strength of the magnet, or its ability to hold paperclips?

Does the core size of the bolt used to make an electromagnet affect the strength of the magnet, or its ability to hold paperclips?

Does the bolt or nail length used to make an electromagnet affect the strength of the magnet, or its ability to hold paperclips?


What is the best treatment to reduce the cling caused by static electricity?

Which battery type makes an object run longest?

Does the number of lights in a series of circuits affect the brightness of individual lights?

Does the number of lights in a parallel circuit affect the brightness of individual lights?

How does the distance a current travels through a pencil led affect the brightness of a bulb?

Will a balloon, be able to move an empty soda can using static electricity?

Is it possible to separate salt and pepper after they are mixed together using static electricity?


How does the thickness of a liquid affect how objects sink into it?

How long does it take for food dye to color a glass of plain water?

Does water temperature affect rate of food dye disbursement?

Does an ice cube melt faster in water or in air?

Does water with salt boil faster than water without salt?

Will water with salt evaporate faster than without salt?

Do sugar crystals grow faster in tap or distilled water?

What shaped container lest water evaporate quickest?

Does surface area effect evaporation?

Does the temperature of water affect the time it takes for the water to freeze?

Does the number of marbles in water affect the level of water?


How does adding plants, ground coverings, or a structure affect erosion on sloping land?

Writing Your Own Science Fair Problem

Directions: Your team needs to create a question to represent your problem you are experimenting for the science fair project. Here are three different models to help you create your own problem.

Model 1

How does __________________ affect ___________________?

Examples of Model 1 type questions:

• How does water temperature affect plant growth?

• How does the amount of glue affect the strength of glue?

Model 2

What is the effect of ________________ on _________________?

Examples of Model 2 type questions:

• What is the effect of fences on wind speed?

• What is the effect of liquid fertilizer on house plants?

Model 3

Which __________________ is __________________________?

consumer product strongest…last longest…is best, etc.

Examples of Model 3 type questions:

• Which brand of white glue is the strongest?

• Which brand of popcorn is the most popular?

Independent variable (what you change to see if there is a difference when you compare) _______________________________________________________

Dependent variable (what you will observe and measure) _______________________________________________________

Controlled variables (what doesn’t change and stays the same in each trial) _______________________________________________________

Science Fair Project Research Organizer

For: _________________________


Hypothesis: 1. If _______, then _________

2. I think _________, because _______

Independent Variable Dependant Variable Controlled Variable

(What is changed or (What is measured) (What stays the same)

manipulated by you)

Logbook Guidelines

Use the papers in your logbook to help you stay organized.

Write all notes in ink.

Date all notes.

Initial and date any corrections.

Do not cross out any corrections, only put a line through them.

After each experimental trial, spend some time with your partners reflecting on your activities:

• What did your group get done today? Was your group productive?

• Reflect on how well you and your group worked together today.

• What is your goal for tomorrow? How do you need to prepare for tomorrow?

• Write 3-4 complete sentences and the date in the Data Collections & Observations section.

Experimental Design

(How you set it all up before actually experimenting):










Manipulated/Independent Variable: (This is the “thing” that you are purposefully changing to compare results.)



Responding/Dependent Variable: (These are the “things” that you measure to see what changes when you change your independent variable) Describe the results after you made a change?


____________________________________________Constant/Controlled Variables: (Everything that remains the SAME).

Data/Results: Write facts that tell about the graph that you created using your data.

Procedures: (ANY classmate should be able to “replicate” the results by following the steps you took)






Put data into graph format first . . . (rough draft)

Conclusion/Summary: Did the experiment support or not support the hypothesis?


Future Research: What additional work could be done? What future research? If we could do it again, what would you want to try?

Future Research (cont.)

Real World Connections: How does this project relate to the “real” world?

New Questions:

New Areas to Research:

Observations Pre-writing

Answer your questions in complete sentences. Make sure you do not include your opinion.

1. What was measured?


2. How did you measure it?


3. How often did you measure it?


4. What did you see with your own eyes?


Name: ____________________

Questions for Further Research

Answer your questions in complete sentences.

1. What other materials could you have used to conduct your experiment?


2. In your experiment, what other variables could you have tested?


3. How could you conduct your experiment in a different way?


4. What other things does this experiment make you think about?


Graph Rough Draft

You may include a graph in your presentation to visually display your results. Depending upon your data, your graph can be a circle, line, bar, or pictograph. Your graph must include a title and the x and y axis must be titled and labeled.

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1. What was your hypothesis?


2. What did your data and results show?


3. What was the relationship between your variables?


4. Did the results and data support your hypothesis or prove it wrong?


5. Was your hypothesis correct?



Remember the


All projects are to be completed AT SCHOOL, under teacher supervision.

Projects Must:

❖ Relate to grade level science curriculum


❖ NOT models, demonstrations, activities, nor inventions

❖ Utilize safe, easy-to-use, inexpensive materials

❖ Be completed within 5-7 days in the classroom

❖ Be simple enough to require little or no adult assistance, independently carried out safely at school


Behavior of the Dependent variable “depends” on the changed Independent variable


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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