Mrs. Goss' Classroom - Blog

Elementary Level Science Fair Schedule Godley Station School’s Timeline 2014-2015 School YearSchedule of EventsStart DateCompletion DateWeek 1 & 2: Start Up (9 days)01/19/1501/29/15Choose a topic or problem to investigate.Start a journal to keep all your notes and research along the way.Begin primary research: Write for information from experts, such as scientists, businesses and government agencies. Set up interviews if necessary.Begin secondary research: Search printed sources such as books, journals, magazines, and newspapers as well as electronic resources such as the internet and software.Weeks 3 & 4: Research & Revise (10 days)02/02/1502/13/15Change your topic or problem if necessary.Decide how to start up your investigation or experiment, including the procedure and necessary materials.From your initial research, write your hypothesis.Continue your research using the best resources you found.Interview experts for more information.Week 5 & 6: Outline & Investigate (9 days)02/17/1502/27/15Complete initial research. Set up outline for written report.Start your experiment or demonstration collection.Record observations in your journal.Begin collecting or buying materials for your display.Weeks 7, 8, 9: Record & Report (15 days)03/02/1503/20/15Work on first draft of written report.Continue to record observations from your experiment in your journal.Write down or sketch preliminary designs for your display.Weeks 10 & 11: Design & Refine (15 days Spring Break Included)03/23/1504/10/15Write second draft of your report.Start assembling display unit.Begin designing signs, labels, charts, graphs, or other visual aids for display.Write text for background of display and plan its layout.Continue to record observations from experiment.Take any photographs you need. No faces in pictures.No real food allowed for show: please take pictures.Weeks 12, 13, & 14: Finish Up & Present!!! (10 days)04/13/1504/24/15Complete your experiments or collections.Analyze observations and write up your results.Write, type, and proofread final version of written report.Have photographs developed and enlarged.Type explanations or background information and mount them to your display.Finish constructing your display, including graphs, charts and visual aids.ALL projects are due to fourth and fifth grade homeroom teachers on Monday, April 27th at 8:30 am.Fourth & Fifth Grade Classroom Presentations – April 28th, 29th, & 30th Week 15: GSS Elementary Level Science Fair Set-up (2 days)K-3rd grade teachers place completed class projects on Cafeteria Stage NO EARLIER than Wednesday, April 29th at 4:00pm.4th- 5th grade teachers may place completed individual projects in Media Center NO EARLIER than Wednesday, April 29th at 4:00 pm and NO LATER than Thursday, April 30th at 4:00 pm.GSS Elementary Level Science Fair Projects Judged (1 days)LocationLocationFriday, May 1st 9:00am-3:45pm – K-3rd grades (class)Friday, May 1st from 9:00am-3:45pm – 4th & 5th grades (individual)Cafeteria Stage (K-3rd)Media Center (4th-5th)GSS Elementary Level Science Fair Winners AnnouncedMonday, May 4th K – 3rd grade classroom project winners named on the morning announcements. Pictures of classroom winners will be placed on the GSS website.4th - 5th grade individual project winners named on the morning announcements. Pictures of individual winners will be placed on the GSS website.GSS Elementary Level Science Fair Awards, Parties, and PrizesMonday, May 4th (grades K-3)Monday, May 4th (grades 4-5)Classroom parties will be held forK – 3rd grade classroom project winners. Awards will also be distributed on this date to classroom teachers. Individual prizes and awards will be distributed for 4th- 5th grade individual project winners. GSS Elementary Level Science Fair Parent ViewingMonday, May 4th Monday, May 4th from 9:00 – 4:00pm on Cafeteria Stage & in Media Center parents will be invited to view projects.Parents will receive notification of viewing via school newsletter, automated phone call, & classroom teacher newsletters.SCCPSS Elementary District Level Science Fair Set-up Tuesday, May 5th & Wednesday, May 6thOatland Island Wildlife CenterAll SCCPSS grade 3-5 projects set-up here on these dates.SCCPSS Elementary District Level Science Fair JudgingThursday, May 7thOatland Island Wildlife CenterAll SCCPSS grade 3-5 projects judged here on these dates.SCCPSS Elementary District Level Science Fair Student Recognition Day Friday, May 8th Oatland Island Wildlife CenterSCCPSS elementary level science fair district winners announced and awards given to winners here on this date. ................

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