Objectives - Pingry School

Welcome to 4th Grade Science!

One of the great things about Pingry is that the students at the lower school are given the opportunity to come to science so often. This simple fact reflects a deeper attitude within the school that science is an important aspect of every child’s education. With that being said, my hope is to develop a love for science within each of my students. Regardless of what a student’s “favorite” subject may be, I hope that by the end of the year the children will begin to understand that what they learn in the science classroom here at Pingry relates to every day aspects of their life as a whole.

Science is the exploration of the universe for the purpose of seeking orderly, testable explanations of objects and events. The Pingry School elementary science program offers a balance of hands-on experiences and science content. Each year, students study topics in three major areas: life science, earth science, and physical science. The processes of observation, investigation, collection of relevant data, discussion and confirmation of findings are emphasized throughout the program.

The Fourth Grade begins the year with a unit on geology. The layers of the earth, plate tectonics, and continental drift are covered. Students also study volcanoes and earthquakes in conjunction with their knowledge of the earth’s structure and plate tectonics. Several newspaper articles of earthquakes and volcanoes worldwide are introduced to bring a current events aspect to class.

A unit on the cell introduces the students to the basics of plant and animal cells. The use of a compound microscope is introduced as we study the parts of a microscope and learn how to use a microscope. Basic cell functions such as mitosis and photosynthesis are emphasized. Students learn about the characteristics of living organisms and the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The topic of DNA is also introduced in fourth grade science as we discuss cellular reproduction.

The study of electricity and magnetism has the Fourth Grade focusing on different kinds of circuits, static electricity, and the generation and the storage of electrical energy. Students learn about the parts of an atom and how positive and negative charges cause the movement of electrical current. Their study of an atom and electricity will lead directly into fifth grade science’s introduction of chemistry next September. The close relationship of electricity and magnetism is emphasized. Uses of electrical energy and the conversion of electricity into other forms of energy are stressed throughout the unit.

Contact Information

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. Email is my preferred method of contact.

email: dszelingowski@

Phone: (973) 379-4550 ext. 1443

Class Objectives

The goals of 4th grade science are for each student to:

1. Learn to love, appreciate, and have fun in Science class

2. Develop Important Study Skills

-note taking


-completing homework on time every night

-using an agenda to organize their assignments

3. Develop Important Life & Social Skills

-working in a group

-being attentive in class

-following directions closely

Class Time

4th graders come to science class three times a week for 40 minutes. During the week, there will be a balance between note taking, group work, and class activities. The goal is to find a balance between learning the material and having fun activities to keep students curious and interested in science.


Students will be given homework on most nights and it is due the following time they come to class unless otherwise noted. In the 4th grade, the emphasis is on developing good work habits and beginning to get accustomed to a daily routine of completing homework. The homework is meant to supplement the material covered in class and is not always meant to be a quick and easy review. Often times, the homework requires some critical thinking from the students. I do not expect the students to get their homework 100% correct every night. However, I do expect students to put 100% effort into completing their assignments. I ask that they put thought into every assignment and come to class or conference period with good, thoughtful questions if they do not understand a topic. Turning in a blank assignment and saying, “I didn’t get it” is not an acceptable excuse for missing an assignment. If they are having trouble with an assignment I encourage them to come see me before school or to email me so that I can help them the next day. I should be their first reference when they need a “lifeline” on a homework question.

Class Website

The 4th grade science website can be found at (). On the website you can find your child’s weekly homework assignments and other weekly announcements. Encourage your child to use the website as another aid to help them stay organized and to be sure they have completed all their homework assignments. I will try to have the entire week’s homework assignments updated by Monday night each week.

Late Slips

If students come to class unprepared they will fill out a late homework slip. They fill out the late slip themselves in order for them to take personal responsibility for their own work. Next year in 5th grade the same format for late slips is used in all classes. Late slips are then to be signed by a parent so that you are aware of your child’s missing assignments.


In the 4th grade, official letter grades are not given on the report cards until the second trimester of the year. However, students will still be given tests and quizzes, as well as other graded assignments, to prepare them for the second half of the year. The benefit to this system is that by the time the second trimester arrives the students are familiar with taking tests in each class and it should be an easy transition into more formal grading procedures.

When grades are given in the third and fourth marking period they are based on the following categories:

-performance on tests, quizzes and any other graded assignments (projects, etc)

-ability to consistently complete homework on time

-quality of work and effort put into homework assignments

-participation in class and ability to work in a group

I look forward to having a wonderful year and getting to know your child.


Mr. Szelingowski a.k.a. “Mr. Ski”

4th Grade Science Topics


⇨ Density

⇨ Earth’s Layered Structure

⇨ Plate Tectonics

⇨ Continental Drift

⇨ Mountain formation

⇨ Volcanoes

⇨ Earthquakes

The Cell

⇨ Basic Unit of Life

⇨ Structure of Cells

⇨ Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells

⇨ Microscope Parts & Functions

⇨ Cellular Reproduction

⇨ Photosynthesis

⇨ Cellular Respiration

Electricity & Magnetism

⇨ Basic Structure of an Atom

⇨ Static Electricity vs. Current Electricity

⇨ Electric Charge

⇨ Conductors & Insulators

⇨ Types of Electric Storage

⇨ Alternative Energy Sources

⇨ Magnets


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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