4th Grade Science

4th Grade Science

2014-15 Year At-a-Glance

|1st Nine Weeks | |3rd Nine Weeks |

|suggested time |Topics | |suggested time |Topics |

|frame | | |frame | |

|2 wks. |Intro. to Science | |3 wks. |Earth’s Resources |

| |Set up Science journal | | |Renewable vs. Nonrenewable |

| |Class & lab safety procedures | | |Conservation of resources |

| |Promotional materials | | | |

|3.5 wks. |Weather | |4 wks. |Constructive & Destructive Forces |

| |measure & record changes in the weather | | |Weathering, erosion, deposition by wind, water, and ice |

| |Water cycle | | |how landforms impacted |

| |Weather maps & symbols | | |slow changes to surface |

| |weather patterns | | | |

| | | |3 wks. |Soil |

| | | | |properties, retain water, texture, |

| | | | |ability to support growth |

|2.5 wks. |Patterns – Sun, Earth, Moon System | | | |

| |Shadows | | | |

| |Seasons | | | |

| |Appearance of the Moon | | | |

| |Tides | | | |

| | | |

|2nd Nine Weeks | |4th Nine Weeks |

|suggested time |Topics | |suggested time |Topics |

|frame | | |frame | |

|4 wks. |Matter | |5 wks. |Plants & Animals |

| |Physical properties including: | | |Adaptations |

| |states of matter, size, shape, | | |Inherited traits & learned behaviors |

| |texture, mass, volume, | | |Comparing life cycle |

| |sink & float, temperature, | | | |

| |magnetism | | | |

| |Changes caused by heating and cooling | | | |

| |Mixtures & solutions | | | |

| | | |3 wks. |Ecosystems |

| | | | |Producers make their own food through photosynthesis |

| | | | |Consumers depend on other organisms for food |

| | | | |Food webs |

| | | | |Impacts of change to ecosystem |

|4 wks. |Energy | | | |

| |Forms of energy | | | |

| |Conductors & insulators | | | |

| |Electrical circuits & | | | |

| |electromagnetic field | | | |

| | | |2 wks. |Forces |

| | | | |design an experiment testing the effects of force on an |

| | | | |object |

| | | | |such as magnetism, gravity, |

| | | | |friction |


Please note, this is a suggested outline of units (and time) that will cover all 4th grade Science TEKS. It is up to the teacher to determine the amount of time and order of topics within a grading period. Topics listed for the grading period must be taught by the before the new grading period begins. The Science curriculum is designed to be taught every day of the week in the grading period.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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