Spelling Contract - Mrs. Jacobs' 4th Grade

Name_____________________________________#__________ Date____________________________

Weekly Spelling Contract

Mrs. Jacobs’ 4th Grade Class

Please read the choices below to decide what activities you would like to complete. You may choose any combination of different activities as long as they add up to 100 points or more. Spelling Contracts are due Wednesday morning at 8:15 a.m. Please, staple this sheet to the front of your packet of completed activities in the top left-hand corner. Highlight the activities you completed from the list below, add up the points, and fill in the total point value at the top of this sheet in the designated area. Have fun!

*Some activities will require a parent to send a note saying the work was completed.*

25 Point Activities

1. Rainbow Phonograms: Write your spelling words with every phonogram in the word a different color (use paint, crayons, markers, computer, colored pencils, etc.).

2. Syllabication: Divide each spelling word into syllables (use a dictionary to check your work).

3. Pictionary: Illustrate your words. Write the spelling word under your picture.

4. I Spy: Draw a picture and hide your words inside.

5. 3D: Use pasta letters or foam letters to spell your words and glue them on paper.

6. ABC: Write your words in alphabetical order.

7. Practice Test: Take a practice test with a parent and have them grade it. (Parent signature required on test)

8. Up & Down: Write your words in order from longest word to shortest word and then shortest word to longest.

9. Ambidextrous: Write your spelling words with your left hand once and your right hand once.

10. Telephone Words: Translate your spelling words into the numbers on a phone key pad.

50 Point Activities

1. Word Search: Make a word search using all your words. (Include your answers)

2. Sentences: Write sentences using your words, underline the words, and include no more than 2 spelling words per sentence.

3. Crossword Puzzle: Make a crossword puzzle using all your words. (Include your answers)

4. Cut & Paste: Cut letters (not words) from a magazine or newspaper and glue them on a paper to spell your words.

5. Picture Dictionary: Make a picture dictionary using your words. Create a book out of paper. Each page can show all the words that go with that letter, including an illustration, definition, and use in a sentence for each word.

6. Guide Words: Look up each word in the dictionary and write the guide words for each.

7. Flash Cards: On index cards, write your word on one side and a sentence on the other. Have your parents quiz you. They must ask you to spell it and be able to use it in a sentence. (Parent note stating that they quizzed you must be turned in.)

8. Beads: Use letter beads from a craft store to make your words and string them along a string.

9. Fun Fonts: Write your spelling words in bubble letters, alien letters, block letters, swirly letters, and any other kind of creative way! Come up with a new “font” for each word.

10. Word Pyramids: Make a word pyramid for each of your spelling words. F



75 Point Activities

1. Story: Write a story using all your words. It must be at least 30 sentences long and your words must be underlined. (All sentences must be complete)

2. Poetry: Write a poem using your spelling words and write it in your best cursive handwriting. Give it a title and illustrate it.

3. T.V. Commercial: Write a T.V. commercial for your favorite toy using your spelling words. Video a performance of the commercial and turn it in on a USB flash drive.

4. Game: Make a game that uses all your words. Include instructions and all games pieces/materials needed to play the game. Be prepared to explain it to the class and play it with your classmates.

5. Advertisement: Create a product on a poster you would like to sell and use your spelling words to advertise it. Your poster must include the product, name, illustration, and cost. Be creative and be ready to share it with the class.

6. News Report: Pretend you are a news anchor, weather person, or reporter. Using your spelling words, write a report and video a performance of the report. Turn it in on a USB flash drive.

7. Mobile: Make a mobile that displays all of your spelling words. Be creative. Each piece of your mobile should have your word and an illustration.

8. Comic Strip: Create a comic strip and write captions using your words. Underline your words.

Spelling Contract Rubric

|Completion |100 |75 |25-50 |0 |

|Spelling activities are each|I completed all of my |I completed most of my |I completed some of my |I did not complete my |

|fully completed. |selected spelling |selected spelling |selected spelling |selected spelling |

| |activities. |activities. |activities. |activities. |

|Spelling |10 |6 |3 |1 |

|Spelling words are spelled |I spelled all of my spelling|I spelled most of my |I spelled some of my |I spelled most of my |

|correctly. |words correctly. |spelling words correctly. |spelling words correctly. |spelling words incorrectly. |

|Neatness |5 |3 |1 |0 |

|Spelling contract shows |My spelling contract shows |My spelling contract shows |My spelling contract shows |My spelling contract does |

|effort, care, and neatness |my effort, care, and |effort, care, and neatness |little effort, care, or |not show effort, care, or |

|with each piece. |neatness with each piece. |with most of the pieces. |neatness. |neatness. |

|Organization |5 |3 |1 |0 |

|Spelling contract is stapled|I stapled my spelling |I stapled my spelling |I did not staple my spelling|I did not staple my spelling|

|in the left-hand corner with|contract in the left-hand |contract incorrectly or with|contract or I did not |contract and I did not |

|rubric on top. |corner with the rubric on |the rubric other than on |include the rubric. |include the rubric. |

| |top. |top. | | |

|Heading |5 |3 |1 |0 |

|Name, number, date, and |I included my name, number, |I included my name, number, |I included my name, number, |I did not include my name, |

|point value are included on |date, and point value on |date, and point value on all|date, and point value on |number, date, or point |

|each piece of the contract. |each piece of my contract. |but one of my contract |some of my contract pieces. |value. |

| | |pieces. | | |

|Total Points Earned | | | | |

| | |

|_______/125 | |

| |Notes from Mrs. Jacobs… |

Spelling contracts are due on Wednesday at 8:15 a.m.

Late contracts receive a loss of ten percent for each day they are late

and are only accepted through Friday. Thank you!


Total Points


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