4 Grade “No Excuse” Word List - Fourth Grade 2015-2016

[Pages:2]4__t_h__G__rade "No Excuse" Word List

The following words are your "no excuse" words. These words must ALWAYS be spelled correctly in ALL of your school work--writing, grammar, math, social studies, science!

1. about 2. across 3. all 4. almost 5. already 6. and 7. are 8. away 9. because 10. been 11. by 12. called 13. came 14. can 15. come 16. could 17. did 18. do 19. does 20. down 21. each 22. finally 23. first 24. from 25. had 26. has 27. he 28. have 29. her 30. him 31. his 32. home 33. I 34. in 35. into 36. is 37. it

38. its 39. it's 40. know 41. library 42. like 43. little 44. long 45. made 46. make 47. many 48. may 49. more 50. most 51. no 52. no t 53. now 54. of 55. one 56. only 57. other 58. out 59. over 60. people 61. said 62. see 63. she 64. some 65. than 66. that 67. the 68. them 69. then 70. there 71. these 72. they 73. they're 74. this

75. those 76. through 77. time 78. to 79. too 80. two 81. up 82. use 83. used 84. very 85. was 86. want 87. water 88. were 89. what 90. when 91. where 92. which 93. who 94. why 95. will 96. with 97. won 98. you 99. your 100. you're


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