Teacher Candidate: Emily Kriser

Grade Level: 4th grade Title: How the Water Cycle Works

|CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors) |

|Class Size: 27 students |

|24 English-speaking students |

|3 ELL students: Two ELL students are at the intermediate level. The third ELL student is at the advanced level. |

|WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and be able to do) |

|Students will be able to understand and identify the steps in the water cycle. Students will be able to explain and define the scientific words that|

|are part of the water cycle. |

| |

|Content Walk-Away (SIOP: content objective): |

|Fourth Grade Science Standard 1, Objective 2b |

|Students will describe the process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation as the relate to the water cycle. |

| |

|Language Walk-Away(SIOP: language objective): |

|Students will be able to write in the correct words labeling the water cycle and filling out the Cloze notes sheet. They will say each vocabulary |

|word and then discuss the meanings for each one with their partner. |

|ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for learning) |Modifications/Accomoda- |

| |tions (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) |

|Students will demonstrate their understanding of the water cycle by participation in a | |

|discussion, giving comments during the class instruction, and by fully completing their Cloze | |

|notes worksheet. | |

|Rubric: | |

|4-Student is attentive, participates, and comments during teacher instruction on the water cycle,| |

|works with their partner, and completes their Cloze notes sheet. | |

|3- Student is attentive during teacher instruction, works with their partner, and completes their| |

|diagram and Cloze notes. | |

|2- Student listens during teacher instruction, works with partner, and did most of their diagram | |

|and cloze notes sheet. | |

|1-Student does not listen during instruction, does not work with partner, and does not complete | |

|diagram or cloze notes sheet. | |

| | |

|ACTIVE LEARNING PLAN |Modifications/ Accommodations (ELL |

| |(indicate SIOP feature), IEP, GATE, |

| |etc.) |

|Building Background/Interest |SIOP # 1,2,7, 10, 11, 12 |

|I will ask students about their experiences and thoughts about water. | |

|“Have you every looked up at the sky and wondered where clouds come from? Have you ever |Comprehensible Input: I will be speaking|

|been drinking water and wondered where it came from? |clearly and slowly for my low learners |

|I will let students share what they think about water and clouds. |and ELL students. I will use gestures as|

|After student comments I will tell students that there is a wonderful process that occurs |I talk about the cycle. |

|over and over everyday and it is called the water cycle. | |

|The water cycle creates the weather that happens in the world around us. | |

|I will introduce the content and language objectives to the class by writing them on the |SIOP 5 |

|white board. I will read the objectives and then have the class read it with me. |ELL Adaptation for vocabulary: |

|I will then present the vocabulary to the class... |I will have cognates for Spanish |

|There are some words we will be talking about during this lesson. They are... |speaking students. |

|Key vocabulary: I will post each word on the white board and then say the word and have | |

|students repeat it after me. |SIOP #9, 11, 12 |

|cycle: the period of time taken up by a series of events or actions that repeat themselves| |

|again and again in the same order. | |

|water vapor: water that is in the form of a gas floating in the air, which is caused being| |

|heated |Learning Strategies: |

|transpiration: to give off or pass off in the form of a vapor usually through pores |I will ask open ended questions and have|

|(leaves or plant pores) |students to the QAR “Right Here” text |

|accumulation: the process of collecting together |strategy. |

|evaporation:the process of changing into a vapor | |

|precipitation: the process of changing from a vapor to a liquid or solid and fall as rain | |

|or snow. |SIOP #6, 12, 15, 20 |

|condensation:process of becoming more compact, closer, or denser. | |

|snow: small white crystals of ice formed directly from the water vapor of air. | |

|rain: to fall as water in drops from the clouds | |

|sleet: frozen or partly frozen rain, to shower sleet from the clouds. | |

|(from Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary) | |

|Time: 15 minutes | |

|The water that is here on earth is what causes weather to happen. Did you know that the | |

|water that we drink is very, very old? I am going to read you a book about the journey of | |

|water on the earth. It is called, ” The Water's Journey.” | |

|Read the book to the class using the ELMO to show the illustrations. | |

| | |

|TIME: 5 minutes | |

| | |

|Wait Time: I will wait ten to fifteen second for students responses. I will ask students | |

|to elaborate on their answers. | |

| |SIOP #6, 13 |

| |Adaptation for ELL: |

|Focus Lesson (“I do it”) |I will have ELL students pair up with a |

|After reading the book to the class, I will get out my props and use the white board to |medium or high English speaking student.|

|place them on as I teach the water cycle process. | |

|I will have students watch the video from called, “The Water Cycle” by |Adaptation for ELL: |

|Britanimation. I will ask if students have any questions about the water cycle. I will ask|I will have sheets translated into |

|for a thumbs up (”I understand”) or a thumbs down (“I do not understand”) to show me if |Spanish if needed. |

|they understand the process. I will match students up with a partners. I will match up ESL| |

|students with a strong English speaking student and provide any adaptations indicated | |

|under SIOP. | |

| |SIOP #6, 16, 21, 22, 29, 30 |


| | |

|Guided Instruction (“We do it”) | |

|I will demonstrate and talk through how to work with their partner and what to complete on| |

|the diagram and how to do the “Right There” Strategy. | |

| |SIOP #21, 22 |

|After the partner work and class discussion, I will show them a copy of the Cloze sheet | |

|and show the class how to do the first two lines. I will use the ELMO to show students the| |

|sheet as I model this. I will do a “think-aloud” and show students how to decide the | |

|correct words that should go in the blanks. | |

| | |

|Time: 5 minutes | |

| | |

|Collaborative/Cooperative (“You do it together”) |SIOP 27, 28, 29 |

|Tell students with your partner you are going to read the text, each student must say and | |

|talk about the vocabulary words, and then label the water cycle sheet together. Students |Enrichment for Fast Finishers or as an |

|will do the text strategy called “ Right There” from “QAR” (Question-Answer-Relationships)|Extension: Students can do a Water Cycle|

|sheet. |Readers' Theater (attached) |

|Students will have 5 minutes to work together. I tell the students to come back together | |

|and then I will will have them a few students share what they talked about. | |

| | |

|Independent (“You do it alone”) | |

|I will give students the Cloze Notes sheet and ask them to fill out the information on | |

|their own. Students will be give 5 minutes to work on this sheet on their own. If they | |

|need any help, they may ask their shoulder partner or raise their hand for help from me. I| |

|will walk around and help and give feedback on what I how I observe students are doing on | |

|their notes. | |

| | |

|TIME: 5 minutes | |

| | |

|Summarization | |

|I will bring the class back together and have them hand in their water cycle diagram sheet| |

|and the CLOZE notes sheet. I will check over the assessment sheets, give them feedback, | |

|and return them to my students the next day. I will let them keep the text they they read | |

|with their partner. I will also go over the vocabulary words by saying them and their | |

|definition. I will review what occurs during the water cycle. I will play the “Water Cycle| |

|Song' by THE WATER CYCLE MAN for students to hear. This will finalize the review of the | |

|steps in the cycle. | |

|TIME: 10 minutes | |

|Wait Time: I will wait ten to fifteen seconds for students to respond. | |

| | |

| | |

| |

|Materials that are needed: |

| |

|Book: “The Water's Journey” by written and illustrated by Eleonore Schmid |

|ELMO ready to use |

|Vocabulary Word Strips with tape or magnets |

|Have the computer ready with “The Water Cycle Song” by THEWATERMAN or “Water Cycle” by Junglistmover and “The Water|

|Cycle by Britanimation. |

|27 copies of the Water Cycle CLOZE notes sheet |

|27 copies of the water cycle reading |

|27 copies of the water cycle diagram/model |

| |

|Approximate time needed for lesson? |

|30 minutes |


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