4th Grade Spelling Homework - Central Bucks School District

3rd Grade Spelling Homework

Tic Tac Toe Board

Choose one square each night for homework. Chose a different square for three nights a week. Be sure to do three squares in a row. Each Thursday, study for your spelling test. Keep this in the front of your Purple Spelling Notebook for easy reference!

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|Write your words like a rainbow. Write them in| | |

|red, yellow, and blue. You can do them |Create a short story or riddle using 7 of your | |

|separately or over top of one another so they |words correctly. Use a dictionary if needed. |Write 5 sentences using two words in each. |

|look like a rainbow. | | |

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|Read and write spelling words 3 times each. |Write spelling words in ABC order |Define, in your own words, each spelling word. |

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| | |Ask someone for help or use a dictionary. |

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|Ladder spell each spelling word |Create a comic strip using each word. Must make|Write spelling words in reverse ABC order |

| |sense and have illustrations. | |

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|Ex: H |OR |Ex: z…y…x…. |

|Ha | | |

|Hap |Create a crossword puzzle or word search using | |

|Happ |all words. | |

|Happy |(might take some time) | |


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