KATS Network Advisory Council Meeting Book, June 11, 2020

Advisory Council MeetingDecember 15, 2020Virtual Zoom Meeting, Contents: TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u KATS Network Advisory Council Meeting PAGEREF _Toc42524634 \h 3KATS Council Members: PAGEREF _Toc42524635 \h 4Acronyms of State & Federal Agencies PAGEREF _Toc42524636 \h 5Minutes of KATS Network Advisory Council Meeting PAGEREF _Toc42524637 \h 7Minutes of KATS Network Advisory Council Meeting PAGEREF _Toc42524638 \h 11KATS Network Quarterly Data Report Link PAGEREF _Toc42524639 \h 16Carl D Perkins AT Resource Center Narrative Report PAGEREF _Toc42524640 \h 17enTECH Resource Center Narrative Report PAGEREF _Toc42524641 \h 18HDI – CATS Resource Center Narrative Report PAGEREF _Toc42524642 \h 20Redwood Resource Center Narrative Report PAGEREF _Toc42524643 \h 22Wendell Foster AT Resource Center Narrative Report PAGEREF _Toc42524644 \h 24Project CARAT Update PAGEREF _Toc42524645 \h 26KATS Network Advisory Council Proxy Designation Form PAGEREF _Toc42524646 \h 27Proposed meeting date/s: PAGEREF _Toc42524647 \h 28KATS Network Locations PAGEREF _Toc42524648 \h 29KATS Network Advisory Council MeetingMeeting Information:Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 Time: 9:30 am Eastern Time Place: Zoom Webinar, : Welcome & Introductions of Attendees (B Titus)Approval of the Minutes from September 23, 2020 (Motion to approve, B Titus)Updates of KATS Network Activities: Updates of ATRC Operations (ATRC Representatives)enTECH (J McCombs, HDI-CATS (C Bard), Redwood (L Staub), WFTRC (C Huston), Carl Perkins (D Breeding)Project CARAT Site Updates: Paducah (T Ross), Hazard (K Hudson), Louisville (J McCombs), Lexington (C Espinosa-Bard), Painstville (D Breeding)Coordinating Center updates Project CARAT Update (M Karman)Overview of CARAT data and annual reportMedicaid Partnership UpdateKATS Coordinating Center Updates (J Brown)Review of KATS Annual Federal ReportUpdate of KATS ActivitiesProgram UpdatesUpdates from P&A, KATLC, OVR, Rehab Tech Branch, KCDHH, CCDD, Independent Living, Workforce, Education etc.Advisory Council Committee Breakout Sessions (J Brown)Committees will have 20 mins to discuss assigned topicReport back to full council (each committee will have an assigned spokesperson to report back to the full council on their topic and action itemsCARAT sites will also be using this time to meetATRC SpotlightWendell Foster Technology and Resource Center – Owensboro (C Huston)Cindy Huston will share information on Wendell Foster AT Center, as a “virtual tour” sharing information on the services they provide and success stories.Open discussion from Advisory Council (B Titus)Announcements/New Business (B Titus)Set date and location for future meetings (B Titus)Scheduling 2021 meeting dates for March, June, Sept and DecemberAdjournment (Motion to close) (B Titus)KATS Council Members:State Agency RepresentativesKY OVR – Andre Ryssemus, Andre.RYSSEMUS@;State Independent Living – Lisa McKeown, lmckeown@;Workforce KWIB – Melissa Aguilar, melissa.aguilar@;Education Cabinet – Lee Muncy, lee.muncy@education.;KCDHH – Jessica Endler, jessica.endler@;DD Council – Nicole Maher, Nicole.Maher@;Representatives of Individuals with Disabilities / AT users Bill Titus – billtitus1@;Samanthia Farthing, samanthia.farthing@;Winter Renfrow – winter.renfrow@;Gerry Gordon Brown – gordonbrowng@;David Dennis – dwdennis1955@ Duke Pettit – duke.pettit@uky.edu; Rick Boggess – rboggess54@Acronyms of State & Federal Agencies ACL – Administration for Community LivingADA - American with Disabilities ActAFP - Alternative Financing Program AIT - Kentucky Accessible Information Technology ActAT – Assistive TechnologyAT3 – National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance & Training CenterAT4ALL – Assistive Technology for All on line Inventory SystemAT ACT - Assistive Technology Act of 1998ATAP - Association of Assistive Technology Act ProgramsATIA - Assistive Technology Industry Association ATP - Assistive Technology Practitioner ATRC - Assistive Technology Resource Centers CARAT – Coordinating and Assisting the Re-use of Assistive TechnologyCC - Coordinating Center - KATS NetworkCOT - Commonwealth Office for TechnologyCDD - The Council on Developmental DisabilitiesCDPVTC – Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training CenterCMS - Case Management SystemCCDD - Council on Developmental Disabilities CPE - Council on Postsecondary EducationDME - Durable Medical Equipment DoD - Department of DefenseDOL - Department of LaborDWI – Department for Workforce InvestmentenTECH - Enabling Technologies of KentuckianaEKOS - Employ Kentucky Operating SystemESPDT - Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and TreatmentHAVA - Help America Vote ActHDI-CATS –Human Development Institute-Center for AT servicesHHS – U.S. Dept of Health and Human ServicesHRSA – Health Resources and Services AdministrationICFMR - Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally RetardedIEP - Individualized Education PlanILC - Independent Living CentersKAMC - the Kentucky Accessible Materials ConsortiumKAMD – KY Accessible Materials DatabaseKATL - The Kentucky Assistive Technology LocatorKATLC - The Kentucky Assistive Technology Loan CorporationKATS - The Kentucky Assistive Technology Service (KATS) NetworkKCDHH - Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of HearingKCHIP - Kentucky Children's Insurance ProgramKDC - Kentucky Disabilities CoalitionKDDC/ DD Council - The Kentucky Developmental Disabilities CouncilKDE - Kentucky Department of EducationKIB - Kentucky Industries for the BlindKMHA - Kentucky Mental Health AssociationKSHA – Kentucky Speech-Language-Hearing AssociationKWIB - Kentucky Workforce Investment BoardMARC - Microsoft Accessibility Resource CentersNCF - National Cristina FoundationNCTI - The National Center for Technology InnovationNISAT – Nat'l Information System for Assistive Technology (ATAP)ODEP – Office of Disability Employment Policy (U.S.)OET - The Kentucky Office of Employment and TrainingOVR - The Kentucky Office of Vocational RehabilitationP & A - Protection and AdvocacyPre ETS – Pre-Employment Transition ServicesRedwood - Redwood Assistive Technology CenterRESNA - Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North AmericaRSA - The Rehabilitation Services Administration (U.S.)SDIACC - Statewide Disabilities Interagency Coordination CouncilSGA - Substantial Gainful ActivitySILC - Statewide Independent Living CentersTARC - Transit Authority of River City (Louisville/ Southern IN.)UK-IHDI - The Interdisciplinary Human Development InstituteUP in KY - United Partners in KentuckyWFTRC – Wendell Foster Technology & Resource CenterWIB - Workforce Investment BoardWIOA – Workforce Innovations and Opportunities ActMinutes of KATS Network Advisory Council MeetingSeptember 23, 2020 Zoom Louisville, KYWelcome & Roll CallLisa McKeown, Co-Chair, called the council meeting to order at 9:30 am.Advisory Council Members in attendanceMelissa Aguilar, Rick Boggess, David Dennis, Jessica Endler, Samanthia Farthing, Gerry Gordon Brown, Lisa McKeown, Nicole Maher, Lee Muncy, Winter Renfrow, Andre Ryssemus, Bill Titus KATS Network Coordinating Center and ATRC Staff in attendanceJimmy Brown, Elizabeth Thompson, Michael Karman, Darrin Breeding, Joe McCombs, Christina Espinosa-Bard, Peggy Farmer, Lisa Staub, Keisha Hudson, Jana Billingsley, Cindy HustonAdvisory Council Members not in attendanceDuke PettitOthers in attendanceJennifer Withrow, Policy & Procedure Branch Manager (OVR), Skylar Millay (intern), Patrick Kitzman (UK Project CARAT-Hazard)Approval of Minutes from past meeting (s)Approval of meeting minutes from June 11, 2020- Rick motioned for approval; motion seconded and approvedDiscussion Notes: NoneUpdates from ATRCs: 5 regional ATRC centersEnTECH by Joe McCombs Limited information to report. No Project CARAT, Open Lab or loans in April or May. On June 1st resumed with limited capacity AT loansSpeech Therapist, Allison Amshoff completed an increased number of AAC evaluations. Business has picked up and is much better than it has been in quite some time.Just Serve volunteers assisted with pickup of a power wheel chair.HDI-CATS by Christina BardContinued to do loans pickup and drop off curbside during April and May. In June, we started taking items back in.Items purchased for lending library.Monthly ADA Talk virtual trainings continued. Developed virtual presentation and training for OVR and another agency.Recently, our Hubscrub has not been functioning properly.Dave Fletcher has been doing work on power chairs. He is retiring at the end of the year.After 2 years, we are set up and will now be working with First Steps.Redwood by PeggySimilar experience as other centers with shut down.Curbside no contact equipment return process.Set up demonstration area outside of building and continued to do demonstrations using our outside patio area. Continuing to accept donations in good condition, with donations picking up. Sixty-eight loans to First Steps and Ramp Up had one loan during this period.Redwood is only allowing clients and staff in the building.WFTRC by Cindy HustonWendell Foster has an Intermediate Care Center with over 60 residents, so we continued utilizing loans to those consumers.First Steps equipment has been slow due to equipment in homes. Purchased some equipment with remaining budgeted fundsRecently moved into a new, larger space at Wendell Foster, the former PT area.We applied for an Impact 100 grant to purchase a Hubscrub. We were chosen as a finalist for that grant and will find out 10/2 if awarded. We have been purging and doing a virtual reuse, got rid of around 60 pieces of equipment.Carl D. Perkins Vocational Training Center by Darrin BreedingApril and May were slow, was able to pick up some items and removed 17 items. In May or June, got contract signed for Perkins Center and OVR KATS, before there was no contract; plan to meet to decide how to spend funding. July and August is much better. Prior to the pandemic, we were getting started with First StepsPaducah –None availableMichael shared information on Paducah CARAT’s struggle to locate space for the program.Hazard by Keisha HudsonShut down in middle of March, through April and May.In June, we started curbside pick-up once a weekPikeville Medical Center donated several wheelchairs. We have only four wheelchair ramps in stock, doing okay with returns.Working with KY Home Place to build permanent ramps.We received a Sustainability grant through UK.Trainings in October with new studentsPlan to use some of grant funding to secure additional storage space to store items.Discussion Notes: Darrin shared that Advance Auto stores has assisted his center with battery purchases at a discount.Coordinating Center updates Jimmy provided the introduction and welcome to Michael Karman, our new Project CARAT Coordinator. Project CARAT – Michael In this period, and despite COVID 19 limitations, CARAT managed 245 items, redistributed to 98 recipients, valued at: $66,682.00 During this period, the Program Coordinator position was vacant.August 1, 2020 start date for Program Coordinator.Pressing needs are property issues in Paducah and Lexington.Growing partnerships with United Way of KY and Statewide 211, Just Serve (international nonprofit), Supplies over Seas (SOS), and Just Serve KYWorking to enhance collaboration across all CARAT sites utilizing IM platform, “Slack”. Looking towards creating an annual CARAT signature event to publicize our efforts.Exploring new funding opportunities, such as grants and Medicaid opportunities. Creation of sub-committees- JimmyNominating Committee- Members Nicole and Winter will be tasked with reviewing applications for new members and making suggestions to the council for new members.AT Conference Planning Committee- Andre, Duke and Christina will be tasked with assisting in the planning of the AT conference, sharing connections, and to suggest trainings.Strategic Planning/ State Plan for AT Committee- Lisa and Winter will be helping grow Project CARAT.Program Marketing/Awareness Committee- Melissa and Sam to help with marketing Project CARAT.For the next meeting in December, the committees will go into breakout sessions then provide a report back to the full KATS council.Reeve Grant- “My New Kentucky Smart Home” update provided, including a review of the lending library of loaner items. All loans will originate from the KATS Coordinating Center. Grant period once the loans go active, is one year. Will have roughly 60 kits going out across the state, with the same basic items.RampUP- Update provided. Elizabeth will assist with follow up on overdue loaner ramps. SHARP Program- This program is currently on hold as our partner program, Starkey is not accepting applications. The last batch of donated hearing aids was sent in for credit to help on the repair part of the program. This part of the program will also cease during this time. KATS is still collecting donated hearing aids to send to Starkey once services reopen.KATS Network Quarterly Data- Jimmy provided an overview of the information. For additional details, to see the report copy and paste the following link onto your browser: Locator Website- Nebraska will be rolling out a new AT Locator website starting October 1 for Kentucky’s updated site. Jimmy demonstrated the screen and provided the link at4all new redesign at inquired about receiving information on kits and application process for the Smart Home project.Rick asked about the Reeve’s project website link. Jimmy provided additional information.Rick inquired about the use of the 800 numbers for the centers and if it is still cost-effective with changes in phone services over the years. Jimmy will investigate this topic further.Program Updates:P&A- No update availableKATLC- No update availableOVR – AndreStaff are still telecommuting. We are now starting to serve category 4 for services non-significant disability. There are 10 consumers on the Category 4 waiting list, will be served starting October 1.Rehab Tech Branch- Andre Still taking referrals, with no person-to-person contact. Internet access is sometimes an issue.All Assistive Technology staff still seeing people virtually, sending equipment out or calling to pick up.KCDHH- Jessica We are closed to visitors working from home is very different. We are still accepting applications for the telecommunications program. A coordinator was recently hired (Jessica), started in this role on August 1. We recently finished a 6-month waiting list to give away equipment. We have also received a grant to provide clarity masks for interpreters, teachers of DHH, audiologists, etc. This is mainly focused on schoolchildren first then doctors and DD – None availableCAL / IL – LisaLots going on remotely! CAL created a meal service program with the Masonic Home to provide meals to seniors. CAL and DIAL are working to help people get to drive through COVID testing via Medicaid services or using local CARES funding. We had many activities for the celebration of ADA. Our YES Youth Program is going well w/16 schools participating via Zoom. Louisville has a new Administrative assistant, Erica Dejay.Workforce Development –MelissaGovernor issued an Executive Order in July to create a new Educational Workforce Collaborative with 19 partners who will be working together on multiple initiatives. One of the biggest initiatives was an effort called Benefit Cliff Analysis as well as a Self-Sustainability Analysis both are now complete. Hope to demo them to everyone. These are a prototype through December, would like feedback. Resource Mapping Effort is looking at all federal and state dollars coming in to KY (done in November as a draft). Trying to rethink and reimagine how to provide services and giving services.Melissa provided these links to attendees in the chat box of the meeting:From? MELISSA AGUILAR - KY : Collaborative Information: From? MELISSA AGUILAR - KY : Family Resource Simulator: From? MELISSA AGUILAR - KY : Self Sustainability and Basic Needs Calculator: LeeWe are working with the 171 school districts to get students served virtually or in-person, including work with other state agencies to determine those without ‘last mile’ internet access. Working on RFPs to provide internet access for those students. Working with KSB (Kentucky School for the Blind) and KSD (Kentucky School for the Deaf) to refurbish and refresh AT, primarily laptops, iPads, Chromebooks. ATRC Spotlight by Joe McCombs Louisville’s own enTECH/Project CARAT provided a history of enTECH presentation, see link below: . WKATRC in Owensboro will provide the next virtual presentation at our December meeting.Open discussion from Advisory Council-Lisa asked what a Hub Scrub is and how it works. Announcements/New Business—Rick shared the Kentucky Talking Book library has recently piloted an E-reader and looking at distributing braille materials electronically. Rich has trialed one and thinks it looks promising. Rick also shared a couple of resource options for people you can call for assistance. Aria is a paid service with vetted volunteers can provide visual assistance and even on computer to provide assistance to trouble shoot. Anyone can call for 5 minutes a day free. All Walgreens, ATT, Target and all Meier stores are free for the first 20 minutes. Andre provided this link to Aira, . There is also the Be My Eyes Program staffed with people who are volunteers, be cautious with those. Next council meeting date:Tentative future council meeting date/s:Location: Zoom (link to be sent) Date: December 15, 2020Time: 9:30 am-12:30 pm ESTAdjournmentRick moved to adjourn, with Gerry providing the second. Meeting adjourned at 11:59 am.KATS Network Quarterly Data Report LinkClick this link or copy and paste onto your browser: / Carl D Perkins AT Resource Center Narrative Report4th Quarterly FFY 2020 Reporting period: 7/01/2020 – 9/30/2020Summary of Assistive Technology Services provided during the Reporting Period:During this quarter, assistive technology services provided include consultations, reutilization, information and assistance, short-term loans of equipment and delivery/ pickup of devices. Services were provided by Site Coordinator, Darrin Breeding.Summary of State Leadership Activities provided during the Reporting Period:7 items were removed from KATS NETWORK Items reutilized included manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, shower chairs, commode risers, hearing aid batteries, walkers, hoyer lifts, commode safety rails, transport chairs, hospital beds9 items were removed from KATS NETWORKItems reutilized included manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, shower chairs, commode risers, hearing aid batteries, walkers, hoyer lifts, commode safety rails, transport chairs, hospital bedsAn estimated $3895.00 of reutilized equipment was repurposed for individuals in need.12 items were removed from KATS NETWORKItems reutilized included manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, shower chairs, commode risers, hearing aid batteries, walkers, hoyer lifts, commode safety rails, transport chairs, hospital bedsAn estimated $1000.00 of reutilized equipment was repurposed for individuals in need.AT Services related to Selection/Acquisition of Equipment during Reporting Period:Reutilization: 13 items; $ value; $4725.00Device Loans: 1 Set of ramps still checked outDevice Demos: demonstrations; 0participants; 0Training Participants: participants; 0Information & Assistance: recipients; 10Public Awareness: estimated number reached; 150Barriers/Obstacles during reporting period, if any:Waiting to fill Assistant position. COVID19 has hindered donations and availability of items to reutilize.Additional Information, if any:None to ReportenTECH Resource Center Narrative Report4th Quarterly FFY 2020 Reporting period: 07/01/2020 – 9/30/2020Summary of Assistive Technology Services provided during the Reporting Period:During the quarter enTECH conducted a limited number of Assistive Technology assessments/evaluations, for individuals from 18 months to 70 years of age. The donation of durable medical equipment was significantly reduced during the quarter due to Covid-19. enTECH continues to educate students in the MSOT and OTD program at Spalding University on assistive technology as it related to various stages in the lifespan. Many serve as community living support for all ages of the spectrum. Summary of State Leadership Activities provided during the reporting period.Summary of State Leadership Activities provided during the Reporting Period:July, 2020Wednesday Open Lab was canceled this quarter due to Covid-19enTECH therapists completed 9 AAC evaluations in person and via TelehealthAlison Amshoff, SLP supervised a student from the University of Louisville in the clinic during her internship via TelehealthLaura Starck continued working onsite in Project CARAT on Tuesdays & Thursdays and reutilized 18 items valued at $1600.00 August, 2020Wednesday Open Lab was canceled this quarter due to Covid-19Alison Amshoff, SLP supervised a speech student from the University of Louisville during her internship via TelehealthenTECH therapists completed 12 AAC evaluations in person and via TelehealthThe Project CARAT program reutilized 32 items valued at $2100.00Assistive Technology loans picked up in August, enTECH generated 11 new loansSeptember, 2020Wednesday Open Lab was canceled this quarter due to Covid-19enTECH therapists completed 7 AAC evaluations in September Sarah Whyte continues to work with the senior population many are diagnosed with ALSAlison Amshoff, SLP supervised a speech student from the University of Louisville she is planning a workshop with Down Syndrome Louisville scheduled in OctoberenTECH generated 18 loans of assistive technology devices in SeptemberThe Project CARAT program reutilized 48 items valued at $3127.00AT Services related to Selection/Acquisition of Equipment during Reporting Period:Device Demos: 13 Demos Device Loans: 31 LoansReutilization: 99 itemsInformation & Assistance: 1,781Training Participants: 0Barriers/Obstacles during reporting period, if any:Project CARAT resumed acceptance of selective donated items due to COVID-19 and continued reutilization via curbside pickup. Additional Information, if any:During the current reporting time window, Auerbach School of Occupational Therapy students did not volunteer at enTECH for open lab or Project CARAT due to Covid-19HDI – CATS Resource Center Narrative Report4th Quarterly FFY 2020 Reporting period: 7/01/2020 – 9/30/2020Summary of Assistive Technology Services provided during the Reporting Period:During this quarter,?HDI CATS?was open?by appointment, via curbside?drop off?and pickup,?to the public to provide assistive technology services.?These services provided?include:?training, reutilization, information and assistance, short term loans of equipment, device demonstrations and public awareness activities.??At the start of this quarter, we resumed receiving donations?of DME.?We have continued to?purchase items for the lending library,?loan items by appointment and provide training and technical assistance through the phone and video conferencing.??We purchased a 3D printer in FY20, and this quarter included beginning to build some 3D printed AT. Services to children and adults were provided by?Director Christina Espinosa Bard,?full time staff David?Flechler,?and part time staff?Joan Hagar.Summary of State Leadership Activities provided during the Reporting Period:July, 2020Hosted the 4th Thursday ADA Talk. Multiple reutilization drop-offs were made throughout the month.Loaned 44 items through the lending library.Reutilization distributed 54 items with a total MSRP of $18,435Live presentation and service tour to Pediatric ResidentAugust, 2020Multiple reutilization drop-offs were made throughout the monthReutilization distributed 8 items with a total MSRP of $11,187Loaned 16 items through the lending library.Live presentation and service tour to Pediatric ResidentSeptember, 2020Multiple reutilization drop-offs were made throughout the month. Reutilization distributed 63 items for a total of $41,606Loaned 21 items through the lending library. Provided an update on HDI CATS to the Consumer Advisory Council.Worked with Eagle Scout on Service project to create peg boards for students with CVI.Live presentation and service tour to Pediatric ResidentAT Services related to Selection/Acquisition of Equipment during Reporting Period:Device Demos: Device Loans: 81 DevicesReutilization: 125 items for a total of $71,228Public Awareness: 359 Facebook Followers, up from 278Information & Assistance: 130Training Participants: 69Barriers/Obstacles during reporting period, if any:Covid-19 continues to be a barrier to providing demonstration and service as usual. We are glad to have been able to resume receiving donations, and continued to distribute as much as we safely can.Additional Information, if any:With our current positivity rate, we have currently suspended drop-off of DME. Redwood Resource Center Narrative Report4th Quarterly FFY 2020 Reporting period: 7/01/2020 – 9/30/2020Summary of Assistive Technology Services provided during the Reporting Period:This quarter brought a few changes in Redwood’s ATRC team. Tracy Jarboe, SLP and Amy Kinsler, OT, both resigned to take positions with local school districts. We have added two new members to our team; Alexa DuPont, SLP and Kelsey Kloentrup, SLP. Services have remained slower due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Our ATRC is open and we are responding to email and phone requests, loans and reutilizations. Only staff and clients are allowed inside our building so we continue to use an area outside the building to provide safe demonstrations, including demonstrations of positioning and seating equipment for First Steps therapists and First Steps families.Summary of State Leadership Activities provided during the Reporting Period:July, 2020Information and Assistance was provided to 65 individuals in July.Reutilization in July included a Manual Hoyer Lift, Keekaroo Height Right Kids Chair with Tray and Chair Seat Cushion, Convaid and the Carrot 3 Special Needs Child Car Seat Restraint System to a physical therapist with Campbell County Schools. A Bariatric Bath Bench with Back was reutilized to an adult with disabilities to use in his group home.Through the Ramp Up program, a loan of an 8-foot ramp was made to an family whose mother uses a wheelchair and was coming from out of state to visit for a month. August, 2020Equipment training on the EZ Stand Zing stander was provided to a physical therapist, parent and a Nursery classroom staff. The physical therapist was able to adjust the equipment to fit a rmation and Assistance was provided to 79 individuals this month.A demonstration of a variety of adapted toys and switches was provided to parents of a toddler from Grant County which resulted in rentals of . A demonstration of the Snug Seat Mustang Gait Trainer, Small Rifton Dynamic Pacer and Snug Seat Pony Gait trainer was provided to a toddler with a gross motor disability. Equipment training on the accessories for the Mustang Gait Trainer was provided to a physical therapist, parent and Nursery classroom staff. This training enabled the physical therapist to adjust the equipment to fit the child and empowered the parent to be able to remove and add fittings at the direction of the PT during tele-intervention sessions.Training on the Kid Kart was provided to the parents of a toddler. Reutilizations this month included a Rifton Bath Chair and Kid Kart to the family of a toddler with a disability, a Frog Sensory Swing to the family of a toddler with sensory issues, a lightweight folding wheelchair to a family for the grandmother to use, a Catalyst 5 wheelchair to a family for their teenage daughter who has a disability, and a Zippie Pediatric Tilt Wheelchair to a toddler with disabilities.September, 2020The demonstration of a cube chair with tray was provided to the parents of a toddler and their developmental interventionist. The loan of an 8-foot ramp was made to an individual through the Ramp Up program. Items reutilized this month include a Cargo Ramp to a woman in Lexington to help transport her aunt who has a scooter and a bedside commode to a woman for use after surgery. Reutilizations this quarter had a value of $12,383.rmation and Assistance was provided to 67 individuals this month.AT Services related to Selection/Acquisition of Equipment during Reporting Period:Device Demos: 11 Device Loans: 56Reutilization: 21 items at $12,384Information & Assistance: 211Training Participants: 8Barriers/Obstacles during reporting period, if any:The biggest barrier to providing services this quarter is the COVID 19 pandemic. Redwood is still only allowing clients and staff to enter the building.Additional Information, if any:None to ReportWendell Foster AT Resource Center Narrative Report4th Quarterly FFY 2020 Reporting period: 7/01/2020 – 9/30/2020Summary of Assistive Technology Services provided during the Reporting Period:Wendell Foster Technology and Resource Center provides information & assistance, short term loans, training & outreach, and device demonstrations to consumers in 34 Western Kentucky counties. Wendell Foster Technology and Resource Center is also contracted with First Steps to provide technical assistance statewide to early intervention providers regarding assistive technology; facilitate a review panel for First Steps equipment purchases over $100; and maintain the First Steps to Assistive Technology Facebook group.Summary of State Leadership Activities provided during the Reporting Period:July, 2020Loans (41): AAC - 4; Access - 5; Adapted toys - 5; Computer - 9; EADLs - 2; Seating, Positioning, and Mobility - 14; Sensory Impairments - 2; Participated in virtual interview with Impact 100 committee regarding grant application for Hub Scrub.Assisted OT in finding a remote control option for smart TV to allow consumer to use head control. SLP borrowed a Bluetooth speaker to see if it would amplify voice output on an AAC device. After a successful trial, staff ordered one for the client.Wendell Foster's SLP's provided two AAC assessments for families in Calloway County.Consulted with staff at Outwood ResCare in Dawson Springs to find a communication method for a consumer with hearing impairments. We provided a loaner iPad with communication apps which allowed them to determine the most beneficial way to communicate with the individual. Provided ongoing technical assistance to First Steps providers across the state, chaired the First Steps AT Monitoring Committee panel meetings, processed loans for children enrolled in First Steps, and consulted with providers on AT needs.August, 2020Loans (38): AAC - 4; Access - 6; Adapted toys - 16; Computer - 4; Seating, Positioning, and Mobility - 5; Sensory Impairments - 3 Reuse: 2 items valued at $298. Participated in virtual grand opening of Wendell Foster's new outpatient facility, adjacent to new location of AT Center.Jana renewed her ATP certificate.Collaborated with an early intervention provider in Indiana to secure mobility equipment that was not available in her state.Assisted SLP in Dawson Springs School District to determine what type of communication apps would be most beneficial to trial with her student. Consulted with SLP from Ohio County Hospital for a variety of AT (communication devices, sensory items, adapted toys) to use with patient during therapy. Two OT students from Murray State University doing their clinical work at Wendell Foster.Provided ongoing technical assistance to First Steps providers across the state, chaired the First Steps AT Monitoring Committee panel meetings, processed loans for children enrolled in First Step, and consulted with providers on AT needs.September, 2020Loans (54): AAC - 6; Access - 18; Adapted toys - 17; Computer - 1; Seating, Positioning, and Mobility - 10; Ramp - 1; Sensory Impairments - 1; Held a virtual reuse event through social media and constant contact. Reused 69 items valued at $33,400. A few noteable anecdotes: Reused a rollator to a consumer from Edmonson County. He had one after an accident 2 years ago but gave it away because his balance had improved. After falling twice recently, he decided he needed another one and a neighbor told him to contact us. Turns out the one we reused to him was exactly like the one he gave away.Reused a pediatric bath chair to family from Butler County who needed an extra one for grandparents house.Reused several outdated AAC devices to Speech department so they could pair them with consumers who would benefit from the devices. We also gave them a large Tumble Form feeder seat to use for swallow studies.Reused a switch and mid-tech communication device to a family without funds to purchase on their own. Consulted with OTs from Henderson County Schools to find AT for a student with low vision and also for a student with mobility issues to access a smartboard.Loaned ramp to family from Trigg County for a family member who had a stroke.Provided ongoing technical assistance to First Steps providers across the state, chaired the First Steps AT Monitoring Committee panel meetings, processed loans for children enrolled in First Steps, and consulted with providers on AT needs.AT Services related to Selection/Acquisition of Equipment during Reporting Period:Device Demos: 13 Participants, 5 Demos Device Loans: 93 Loans, 137 DevicesReutilization: 71 items for a total of $33,697Information & Assistance: 4,138Training Participants: 0Barriers/Obstacles during reporting period, if any:COVID 19Additional Information, if any:None to ReportProject CARAT UpdateFor the Period of July 1 – Sept 30, 2020In this period, CARAT managed 386 items, redistributed to 386 recipients, valued at: $130,402.17First iteration of a CARAT specific annual report (DRAFT for review)Initial Meeting with Medicaid (12/3/2020)Looking to hire a part time staff through ADECO Will be utilized for pick-up and drop off activities of DME from donors to refurbish sites and from refurbish sites to consumersAcquiring storage space in Frankfort Will allow us to take in large DME donations and distribute out to our refurbish sitesWill aid CARAT’s goal of truly being a statewide enterpriseProject CARAT Hazard UpdateSubmitted by Keisha HudsonWe have recently trained 17 DPT students and 3 social work students through our site.These students will now be able to assess, sanitize, and refurbish DME, at our site.An initial zoom training was conducted with Kentucky Homeplace CHWs in Harlan and Rowan countiesAn in person training will be held in JanuaryWe will be establishing satellite sites for the Hazard location in these cities. KATS Network Advisory Council Proxy Designation FormI,, hereby authorize(Name of Advisory Council Member)________________________________________ of ________________________________________(Name of Proxy)(Entity Represented)to vote on my behalf at any Kentucky Assistive Technology Service (KATS) Network Advisory Council meetings at which I am unable to attend and on matters announced prior to those meetings and/or included on the agendas for those meetings. I may revoke this proxy at any time in writing to the KATS Network Director.Signed: ___________________________________________________Entity Representing: ______________________________________Date: ___________________________________________________Please mail to:KATS Network Attn: James A. Brown 8412 Westport Rd. Email: JamesA.Brown@ Proposed meeting date/s:Council will propose meeting dates for FFY 2021 with the targeted months of:March – June – September – December – KATS Network LocationsKATS Network Coordinating Center (800) 327-5287 8412 Westport Rd., Louisville, KY 40242Carl D. Perkins Training Vocational Center(606) 788-70805659 Main St., Thelma, KY 41260EnTECH(502) 992-2448 812 S. Second St. Louisville, KY 40203HDI-CATS(859) 218-7979 2358 Nicholasville Rd., Lexington, KY 40503 Redwood ATC (800) 728-9807 71 Orphanage Rd. Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017Wendell Foster Regional AT Center(800) 209-6202815 Triplett St. Owensboro, KY 42302CARAT HazardUK Center of Excellence in Rural Health (606) 439-3557 750 Morton Blvd. Hazard, KY 41701 CARAT Paducah(270) 538-6844 911 Joe Clifton Dr. Paducah, KY 42001 ................

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