1968 -1978, 1980-1992, 1994, 1996

SNEAP 1968a

Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. April 1, 1968


|Agenda |DesRochers R. |U. of Montréal |D |1 |

|Organization of Laboratories |Burn N. |CRNL, McMaster |D |2 |

|Technical Discussion |Various |CRNL, McMaster, Montréal |D |3-4 |

SNEAP 1968b

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. October 3-4, 1968


|Editorial |McKay J.W. |McMaster |O |2 |

|Directory of Members | | |O |3-5 |

|Index | | |O |6 |

|Ion Sources |Swanson, G.W. |HVEC |P |8-12 |

|Beam Handling |Kuehner, J.A. |McMaster University |D |13-15 |

|Gas Handling |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster University |D |16-19 |

|High Gradient Test Apparatus |Beckett, B. |HVEC |P |20-23 |

|Tubes, Belts, Resistors |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster University |D |24-27 |

|LASL Laboratory Report |McKibben, J.L. |LASL |R |28-29 |

|Vacuum, Stabilization, Ancillaries |Bender, Lloyd |CRNL |D |31-36 |

|Administration |DesRochers R. |U. de Montréal |D |37-39 |

|Business Meeting |McKay J.W. |McMaster University |O |40-41 |

SNEAP 1969

Chalk River Nuclear Laboratory, Ontario, Canada. October 21-22, 1969


|Editorial | | |O | |

|Registrants | | |O | |

|Ion Sources |Borgsteed, H. |HVEC |D |1-28 |

|Vacuum Systems |Burn, N. |CRNL |D |29-46 |

|Beam Handling |Galejs, A. |HVEC |P |47-56 |

|Gas Handling |Bender, L. |CRNL |D |57-63 |

|Generator Structure |Thompson, D. |CRNL |D |64-71 |

|Stabilization |DesRochers, R. |Montréal |D |72-76 |

|Business Meeting |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster |O |77-79 |

|Pelletron Charging System |Anon | |P |80 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1970

Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. August 27-28, 1970


|Development of D.C. Accelerators |Herb, R.G. |N.E.C., Madison |P |1-5 |

|Charging Systems, Belts, Tubes, Chains |DesRochers, R. |University of Montréal |D |6-13 |

|Gas and Beam Handling |Bender, L |CRNL |D |14-21 |

|Ion Source Development, Strippers |Thomson, D. |University of Ottawa |D |22-35 |

|Vacuum Systems |McKay, J. |McMaster University |D |36-41 |

|Business Session |Burn, N. |CRNL |O |42 |

SNEAP 1971

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. August 26-27, 1971


|Alternate Accelerator Uses |Simson, J.J. |University of Guelph |P |1-35 |

|Accelerator Lab Descriptions |Burn, N. |CRNL |R |36-72 |

|Equipment Costs |McKay, J. |McMaster University |D |73-84 |

|Accelerator Systems: Ion Sources |Burn, N. |CRNL. |P |85-108 |

|Vacuum Systems |Brown, P. |CRNL |P |109-116 |

|Beam Handling & Monitoring, Charging Systems |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster University |D |117-129 |

|Business Session |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster University |O |130 |

SNEAP 1972

Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A. March 23-24, 1972


|Editor's Note |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |O | |

|List of Participants | | |O | |

|Introduction |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |O |1-2 |

|Developments Made at the Rochester Tandem Lab |Purser, K. H. |University of Rochester |R |3-24 |

|Introduction to Session 2 |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster University |O |25 |

|Accelerator Tube Repair |Peoples, J. |Potentials Inc. |P |26-46 |

|Introduction to Session 3 |DesRochers, R. |University of Montréal |O |47 |

|The High Current "T" Tandem & CRNL MP Upgrading |Chmara, F. |HVEC |P |47-72 |

|A Charging System Proposal |Davis, R.H. |FSU |P |73-78 |

|Progress Report On L.A.S.L. Polarized Ion Source |McKibben, J.L. |LASL |P |79-88 |

|BNL Ion Sources |Benjamin, J. |BNL |P |89-104 |

|X-Ray Trace Element Detection |Nelson, W. |FSU |P |105-129 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1973

Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N.Y., U.S.A. September 12-14, 1973


|Heinicke Source, Modification & Experience |Chapman, K. |Florida State University |P |2-11 |

|Operation of High Resolution Negative Ion Injector |DesRochers, R. |University of Montréal |P |12-28 |

|for the EN Tandem | | | | |

|Terminal Ion Sources |Hyder, H.R.M. |Oxford University |P |29-44 |

|Negative Sputter Ion Sources |Purser, K.H. |General Ionex Corporation |P |45-58 |

|The UNIS Ion Source |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |59-89 |

|Sulfur Hexafluoride as a Gaseous Insulator |Ashbaugh, P.G. |McMaster University |P |90-108 |

|The Pelletron Charging System |Sato, K. |Yale University |P |109-123 |

|The Pelletron Accelerator |Kerr, R.G. |National Electrostatics |D |124-134 |

|Accelerator Tubes for the Daresbury NSF |Joy, T. |NPL, Daresbury |P |135-147 |

|Accelerator Tubes |Hyder, H.R.M. |Oxford University |P |148-175 |

|HVEC Tube Development |Chmara, F. |HVEC |P |176-190 |

|The Rochester Upgrading Program |Lund, T.S. |University of Rochester |P |191-213 |

|The Upgrading of the MP at Chalk River |Burn, N. |CRNL |P |214-232 |

|The Upgrading of the MP 7 at Brookhaven |Lindgren, R.A. |BNL |P |233-243 |

|Preliminary Design of Terminal Charge State Separator |Broadhurst, J. |University of Minnesota |P |244-252 |

|Description of Some Power Supplies and Other Devices Installed in|McKeown, M. |BNL |P |253-263 |

|the Terminal at BNL | | | | |

|Use of a Programmable Desk Calculator for Automatic Search for |Abendroth, H. |BNL |P |264-276 |

|Possible Contaminant | | | | |

|Heavy Ion Beams | | | | |

|Discussion: In-terminal Electronics, Surge Protection, Computer | | |D |277-289 |

|Assisted Control and | | | | |

|Heavy Ion Beams | | | | |

|Terminal Ripple Remover |Weitkamp, W. K. |University of Washington |P |290-296 |

|Discussion on Foil Stripping, Safety etc. | | |D |297-318 |

|Operation Experience with the SUNY Albany Dynamitron |Haberl, A. |SUNY, Albany |P |319-323 |

|Proposed Pelletron Mass Separator at Chalk River |Walker, D. |CRNL |P |324-336 |

|Auxiliary Equipment to the Proposed Mass Separator |Sims, J. |CRNL |P |337-343 |

|The High Voltage Development Program for the NSF Accelerator |Aitken, T. |Daresbury N.P.L. |P |344-356 |

|Further Discussions | | | | |

|Business Session |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster University |O |357 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1974

Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. August 21-23, 1974


|Improved Belt Charging System for the BNL MP |Thieberger, P. |BNL |P |3-30 |

|Pelletron Installation on the Chalk River MP |Hurley, P. |CRNL |P |31-49 |

|Rochester MP Upgrade |Lund, T. |University of Rochester |P |50-56 |

|Accelerator Tubes, Resistors & Strippers |- | |D |57-90 |

|Column Washing Discussion |Chapman, K. |FSU |D |91-114 |

|Terminal Equipment and Stabilization |Hurley, P.I. |CRNL |D |115-124 |

|New Machines/ Vacuum Systems |Hurley, P.I. |CRNL |P |125-128 |

|BNL Ion Sources |McKeown, M. |BNL |P |129-139 |

|Ion Source Discussion |DesRochers, R. |University of Montréal |D |140-146 |

|Beam Transport |McKay, J.W. |McMaster University |D |147-151 |

|Business Section |McKay, J.W. |McMaster University |O |152 |

SNEAP 1975

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. August 20-22, 1975


|Editor's Note |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O | |

|SNEAP Participants | | |O | |

|Welcoming Address |Johns, M.W. |McMaster University |O |1-2 |

|Machine Operation, Conditioning & Components |McKay, J. |McMaster University |D |3-12 |

|Super Tandems |Jones, C.M. |ORNL |P |13-21 |

|Single Ended Machines |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |D |23-32 |

|Terminal Systems |Berners, E. |Notre Dame University |P |33-42 |

|The Inverted Sputter Ion Source |Chapman, K. |F.S.U |P |43-54 |

|Conventional Ion Sources |Haberl, A.W. |SUNY, Albany |P |55-60 |

|Chalk River MP PelletronCharging System |Hurley, P. |C.R.N.L. |D |61-68 |

|Vacuum Systems |McKay, J. |McMaster University |D |69-75 |

|Miscellaneous Topics |McKay, J. |McMaster University |D |77-79 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O |81 |

|Laboratory Report |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |R |83-85 |

|Chalk River MP Pelletron Charging System | |CRNL. |R |87-89 |

|Fibre Optic Control of Ion Source Variables |O'Dacre J.P.D. |CRNL |P |90-92 |

|Gas Mixtures |Burn, N. |CRNL |O |93-94 |

|Summary of Sputter Source Information |Alton, G.D. |ORNL |P |95-99 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1976

Florida State University, Tallahassee. November 3-5, 1976


|Editor's Note |Chapman, K. |Florida State University |O |1 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O |2 |

|SNEAP Participants | | |O |3 |

|SNEAP 1975 Membership List | | |O |4 |

|SNEAP 1976 Membership List | | |O |5 |

|Welcoming Remarks |Edwards, S. |FSU |O |6 |

|Upgrading of the L.A.S.L. Accelerator |Woods, R. |LASL |P |7-25 |

|Terminal Communications: Argonne FN Tandem |Billquist, P. |ANL |P |26-32 |

|Work at EN Tandem Oak Ridge |Zeigler, N. |O.R.N.L. |R |33-43 |

|ORNL 25MV H.I. Accelerator: Vacuum Components |Johnson, J.W. |O.R.N.L. |P |44-53 |

|Experience of NEC 12UD Pelletron on HVEC Yale MP-1 |Sato, K. |Yale University |P |54-59 |

|The Separation of Gas Mixtures Containing SF-6 |Brassard, C. |University of Montréal |P |60-67 |

|SF-6 Purification System |Rowton, L. |FSU |P |68-73 |

|The Oxford Folded Tandem |Doucas, G. |Oxford University |P |74-82 |

|Th XTU at Legnaro |Krusstatcher, P. |INFN Legnaro |P |83-84 |

|The NEC Accelerators for Oak Ridge & JAERI |Rathmell, R. |NEC |P |85-98 |

|Status of the Oak Ridge Accelerator |Jones, C. |ORNL |R |99-103 |

|Diagnosing & Reducing V.D.G. Terminal Sparking |Weitkamp, W.G. |University of Washington |P |104-113 |

|Machine Performance at Rochester Since 1975 |Lund, T.S. |University of Rochester |R |114-122 |

|Belt Tests With Half Open Structure in Strasbourg MP |Letournel, M. |C.R.N. Strasbourg |P |123-126 |

|The McMaster Polarized Ion Source |McKay, J. |McMaster University |P |127-131 |

|Use of Triton Beams From Sputter Ion Source |McKay, J. |McMaster University |P |132-138 |

|Preparations for a Triton Beam |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |139-144 |

|Negative Ions From the Sputter Source |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |145-154 |

|An Improved Method of Mounting Stripper Foils |Chapman, K. |Florida State University |P |155-163 |

|A Terminal Source |Laughlin, W. |University of Pittsburgh |P |164-175 |

|Tests of Cal Tech/ Stony Brook H.I. Booster |Schultz, E. |SUNY Stony Brook |P |176-182 |

|Chalk River Project |Hurley, P. |Chalk River N.L. |R |183-189 |

|General Discussion | | |O |190-191 |

|Notes On Sputter Ion Source Cones |Lund, T.S. |University of Rochester |O |192-198 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1977

Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M. September 26-28, 1977


|SNEAP77 |Woods, R. |LASL |O |1 |

|Welcome |Taschek, R. |LASL |O |2 |

|Absolute Charge State Yields: 20MeV 127-I Ions |Moak, C.D. |ORNL |P |3-13 |

|Coulomb Explosion & Transmission of Molecular Ions Through a |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |15-30 |

|Tandem | | | | |

|Staffing for Operational Safety & Efficiency |Woods, R. |LASL |P |31-40 |

|Telemetry Systems: Review & Forecast |McNaught, R. |McMaster University |P |41-59 |

|Installation of NEC Tubes in the ANL FN |Billquist, P. |ANL |P |61-83 |

|Pelletron Installation at Brookhaven |Lindgren, R. |CNL |P |84-88 |

|Characteristics of the Beam Charging System |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |89-103 |

|Problems With Our Upgraded 3MV Machine |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |P |104-112 |

|Principles of Pulsing for Tandem Accelerators |Liebert, R. |General Ionex |P |113-123 |

|Buncher Development for ORIC Injection |Milner, R. |ORNL |P |124-137 |

|Physical Phenomena in the Insulating Gas Mixture |Sato, K. |Yale University |P |139-175 |

|834 Hiconex Sputter Ion Source Operating Experience |Lund, T.S. |University of Rochester |P |175-186 |

|The Brookhaven Terminal Ion Source |McKeown, M. |BNL |P |187-198 |

|Synopsis of Tritium Running at Penn. |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |199-201 |

|C-14 Dating Using a Tandem |McKay, J. |McMaster University |P |203-211 |

|Proposed Upgrading of EN Tandem for Heavy Ions |Laughlin, W. |University of Pittsburgh |P |213-222 |

|Progress on the Oak Ridge Tandem |Bair, J. |ORNL |R |223-229 |

|Comments on the Coulomb Explosion Experience at B.N.L. |Thieberger, P. |BNL |P |230 |

|Major Improvements at B.N.L. Since Beginning |Thieberger, P. |BNL |R |231-234 |

|Stony Brook Booster Project Update |Schultz, E. |SUNY, Stony Brook |R |235-236 |

|Status of Laddertron Development at H.V.E.C. |Shaw, J. |HVEC |P |237-240 |

|Improved MP Acceleration Tube Performance |Thieberger, P. |BNL |P |241-248 |

|Thoughts on Accelerator Tubes |Larson, J.D. |ORNL |P |249-265 |

|Experiences With Accelerator Tubes |McKibben, J.L. |LASL |P |266-273 |

|SNEAP Business Meeting |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O |275-276 |

|Letter from IPN, Orsay, France |Bretonneau, P. |IPN, Orsay |O |277-279 |

|Letter from CEN, Saclay, France |Bianchi, L. |CEN, Saclay |O |280 |

|SNEAP Participants | | |O |281-283 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1978

Oak Ridge National laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. October 23-25, 1978


|Welcome Address |Zucker, A. |ORNL |O |1 |

|Conditioning and Breakdown in Accelerator Tubes |Skorka, S.J. |Munich |P |4 |

|Conditioning of NEC Tubes |Yntema, J.L. |ANL |P |30 |

|Breakdown Properties of Pure and Mixed Tank Gases |Broadhurst, J.H. |Minnesota |P |38 |

|Sulfur Hexafluoride Purification from Air Mixtures |Perona, J.J. |ORNL |P |50 |

|Sparkling Characteristics of Pure SF6 and Mixtures |Lindgren, R. |BNL |P |66 |

|Separation of Air from SF6 Using Molecular Sieve |Hurley, P.I. |CRNL |P |72 |

|Report on Fourth Tandem Conference at Ebeltoft |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |R |76 |

|Improvements to FN Belt Charge and GVM Systems |Fauska, H. |University of Washington |P |83 |

|Refinements to the BNL Pelletron Charging System |Thieberger, P. |BNL |P |91 |

|Discussion on Chains and Resistors |McKay, J.W. |McMaster University |D |102 |

|Safety in Electrostatic Accelerator Operation |Burn, N. |CRNL |P |105 |

|Recent Ion Source Development at Pennsylvania |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |114 |

|SNICS- A Source of Negative Ions by Cs Sputtering |Billen, J.H. |University of Wisconsin |P |137 |

|The 14C Beam at the Munich MP Tandem |Kutschera, W. |Munich |P |150 |

|Test of Target Size in the FSU Inverted Source |Billquist, P.J. |Argonne |P |163 |

|Negative Source Developments at ORNL |Alton, G.D. |ORNL |P |168 |

|Negative Heavy Ions Produced by Charge Exchange |Tykesson, P. |University of Aarhus |P |187 |

|Overview of the VICKSI Facility |Spellmeyer, B. |Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin |P |223 |

|Modification of the Argonne Tandem |Yntema, J.L. |ANL |P |254 |

|FN Tandem Project at the University of Ife |Oso, G. |University of Ife |P |271 |

|Buenos Aires Tandem Accelerator Facility |Filevich, A. |Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica |P |273 |

|Operation at the Oxford Folded Tandem |Hyder, H.R.M. |Oxford University |R |283 |

|Operation of a Gridded Foil Stripper |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |P |290 |

|Carbon Foil LIfetimes from Harwell and Daresbury |Larson, J.D. |Independent |P |304 |

|Plots of Charge State Distributions for Tandems |Sayer, R.O. |ORNL |R |306 |

|Instrumentation of VICKSI Beam Lines |Homeyer, H. |Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin |P |316 |

|Phase Measurement and Control of Bunched Beams |Lewis, R,N. |Argonne |P |334 |

|Experience With the VICKSI Control System |Spellmeyer, B. |Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin |P |357 |

|Light Links in Electrostatic Acclerators |Rathmell, R.D. |NEC |P |372 |

|The HHIRF 25 MV Tandem Accelerator Control System |Ziegler, N.F. |ORNL |P |379 |

|Business Session |McKay, J.W. |McMaster University |O |386 |

|Conference Participants | | | |393 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1979

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Proceedings not Published

SNEAP 1980

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. October 13-15, 1980


|Electrostatic Accelerator Development in the 1930s |Herb, R.G. |NEC, Middleton, WI |P |2-10 |

|1979-1980 Tandem Accelerator Report |Yntema, J.L. |ANL |R |11-12 |

|Brookhaven National Laboratory |Lindgren, R. |BNL |R |13-15 |

|The Chalk River MP Tandem Accelerator Facility |Burn, N. |CRNL |R |16-19 |

|Chalk River 2UH High Voltage Mass Seperator |Walker, D.A.S. |CRNL |P |20-21 |

|Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory |Westerfield, C.R. |TUNL |R |22-24 |

|Florida State University Tandem Lab Report |Chapman, K. |FSU |R |25-26 |

|University of Guelph |Gingerich, R. |University of Guelph, ONT |R |27-28 |

|VICKSI Laboratory Report 1979-80 |Zeigler, K. |HMI, Berlin, W. Germany |R |29-31 |

|University of Ife Nuclear Science Laboratory |Oso, G. |University of Ife, Nigeria |R |32-33 |

|Lehigh University Sherman Fairchild Laboratory |White, R. |Lehigh University |R |34-38 |

|Los Alamos 3-Stage Van de Graaff Facility |Hardefopf, R. |LASL |R |39-41 |

|University of Lowell |Connolly, C. |University of Lowell |R |42 |

|McMaster Tandem Acclerator Laboratory |McKay, J. |McMaster University |R |43-46 |

|Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire |Brassard, C. |University of Montreal |R |47-49 |

|University of Notre Dame Nuclear Structure Lab |Berners, E. |University of Notre Dame |R |50-51 |

|Status of the Oak Ridge 25 MV Tandem Accelerator |Zeigler, N. |ORNL. |R |52-53 |

|Oxford University |Allen, K.W. |Oxford University |R |54 |

|Laboratory Report University of Pennsylvania |Adams, C. |University of Pennsylvania |R |55 |

|University of Pittsburgh |Saylor, T. |University of Pittsburgh |R |56-58 |

|Accelerator Laboratory of Queen's University |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |R |59-60 |

|University of Rochester |Kelly, D. |University of Rochester |R |61-65 |

|Rutgers University |Leidich, R. |Rutgers University |R |66-67 |

|State University of New York at Stony Brook |Noé, J. |SUNY, Stony Brook |R |68-70 |

|Stanford University |Dillard, E. |Stanford |R |71-72 |

|University of Washington |Weitkamp, B. |University of Washington |R |73-75 |

|University of Wisconsin |Billen, J. |University of Wisconsin |R |76-78 |

|Yale University |Sato, K. |Yale University |R |79-83 |

|Status of the Oak Ridge 25 MV Tandem Acclerator |Zeigler, N. |ORNL |R |84-92 |

|A Proposal for a New Tandem at the University of Washington |Weitkamp, B. |University of Washington |P |93-99 |

|Status of the 20UR at JAERI |Rathmell, R. |NEC |R |100-109 |

|The TU Tandem Installation at Legnaro |Goldie, C. |HVEC |P |110-116 |

|Progress of the 20UR at CNEA, Buenos Aires |Ceballos, A. |CNEA, Argentina |R |117-123 |

|Progress in the Art of Producing Polarized Ions |Haeberli, W. |University of Wisconsin |P |124-131 |

|Removable Heavy Ion Terminal for P9, LASL |Tesmer, J.R. |LASL |P |132-133 |

|Versatile High Intensity Negative Ion Source |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |134-140 |

|Additions to the Negative Ion Injector |Lund, T.S. |University of Rochester |P |141-146 |

|Survey of Gas Mixtures Used in Electrostatic Accelerators |Burn, N. |CRNL |P |147-157 |

|Insulating Gas Fast Transfer System |Brassard, C. |Université de Montréal |P |158-162 |

|Trace Analysis of SF6 Arc By-Products |Pohl, M. |Air Products Inc. |P |163-166 |

|Electrical Breakdown Studies of SF6 Mixtures and Experimental |Mastroianni, M. | |P |167-172 |

|Fluorcarbons | | | | |

|Analysis of the Pelletron Charging Chain Break |Burn, N. |CRNL |P |173-181 |

|BNL Pelletron Report |Lindgren, R. |BNL |R |182-183 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1980 (continued)

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. October 13-15, 1980


|Investigation of the Charging System used in the Chalk River 2MV |Walker, D.A.S. |CRNL |P |184-194 |

|Pelletron | | | | |

|Improved Two-Loop Regulation System for an FN |Trainor, T.A. |University of Washington |P |195-202 |

|Recent Improvements on Generating Voltmeters |Fauska, H. |University of Washington |P |203-207 |

|Performance of Carbon Stripping Foils in the ANL FN |Den Hartog, P.K. |ANL |P |208-218 |

|Simple Ethylene Cracking Apparatus for the Preparation of Carbon |Gallant, J.L. |CRNL |P |219-224 |

|Films | | | | |

|Notes on Stripper Foil Lifetimes |Jones, C.M. |ORNL |P |225-227 |

|Procedure for the Rapid Evaluation of Carbon Stripper Foils |Auble, R.L. |ORNL |P |228-234 |

|Conditioning Rebuilt Accelerating Tubes |Berners, E.D. |University of Notre Dame |P |235-239 |

|Some Experiences with Fiber Optics |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |P |240-243 |

|Deflector System for 2 MV Electron Beam |Ratcliffe, C.A. |Pacific Northwest Laboratory |P |244-246 |

|Status of the Oxford Folded Tandem |Allen, K.W. |University of Oxford |R |247-253 |

|Operating Experience with the ANL SC Booster |Yntema, J.L. |ANL |R |254-257 |

|FSU Superconducting Booster |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |P |258-268 |

|Upgrade of MP-6 and MP-7 |Lindgren, R. |BNL |R |269-272 |

|Upgrading of Strasbourg MP-10 |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |R |273-277 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O |278-285 |

|List of Participants | | |O |286-293 |

|Member Institutions | | |O |294-295 |

|Letters from Daresbury laboratory |Voss, R.G.P. |Daresbury |O |296-297 |

|Accident with the Platform of the P9 Accelerator |Rowton, L. |LASL |O |298 |

|Summary of the Loss of SF6 Incident |Lund, T.S. |University of Rochester |R |300-304 |

|Experience with the Rochester Belt Charge System |Kelly, D. |University of Rochester |P |305-306 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1981

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. October 14-16, 1981


|Opening Remarks |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O |1-2 |

|Ion Sources |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |D |3-17 |

|Accelerator Tubes |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster University |D |19-35 |

|Charging Systems |Burn, N. |CRNL |D |37-51 |

|Charge Exchange |Woods, R. |LASL |D |53-73 |

|ANL Tandem/Linac Accelerator Report |Den Hartog, P. |ANL |R |76-82 |

|BNL Tandem Acclerator |Carlson, C.W. |BNL |R |83-84 |

|The Chalk River MP Acclerator Facility |Burn, N. |CRNL |R |85-87 |

|The Chalk River High Voltage Mass Seperator 1981 |Walker, D.A.S. |CRNL |R |88-90 |

|Laboratory Report on the FSU Tandem/Linac |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |R |91-96 |

|4MV Acclerator Dedicated to X-Ray Analyses |Leonard, R. |FSU |R |97-98 |

|Laboratory Report |Gingerich, R. |University of Guelph |R |99-100 |

|LASL 3-Stage Van de Graaff Accelerator Facility |Woods, R. |LASL |R |101-102 |

|McMaster Tandem Accelerator Laboratory Report |Ashbaugh, P. |McMaster University |R |103-106 |

|Positive Ion Lab0ratory Report |Elliot, D.C. |NRC, Ottawa, Canada |R |107-108 |

|Report on the Nuclear Structure Lab |Berners, E. |University of Notre Dame |R |109-110 |

|Report on the Oak Ridge 25 MV Tandem |Alton, G.D. |ORNL |R |111-115 |

|Oxford University Nuclear Physics Lab Report |Allen, K.W. |University of Oxford |R |118-119 |

|University of Pennsylvania 81 SNEAP Lab Report |Adams, C.T. |University of Pennsylvania |R |120-122 |

|University of Pittsburgh |Saylor, T. |University of Pittsburgh |R |123-124 |

|Nuclear Structure Lab University of Rochester |Miller, T. |Universtiy of Rochester |R |125-127 |

|Report on the FN at Rutgers University |Leidich, R. |Rutgers University |R |131-133 |

|University of NY at Albany Lab Report |Haberl, A. |SUNY, Albany |R |134-135 |

|Stony Brook Nuclear Structure Laboratory |Noe, J. |SUNY, Stony Brook |R |136-137 |

|University of Toronto |Finn, C. |University of Toronto |R |140-142 |

|Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab |Westerfeld, C. |Duke University |R |143-147 |

|University of Washington Nuclear Physics Lab |Amsbaugh, J. |University of Washington |R |148-150 |

|University of Wisconsin |Billen, J. |University of Wisconsin |R |151-155 |

|Insulating Gases |Billen, J. |University of Wisconsin |D |157-175 |

|New and Upgraded Accelerators |Berners, E. |University of Notre Dame |D |177-198 |

|Vacuum Systems and Miscellaneous |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |D |199-211 |

|Business Section |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O |214-218 |

|List of Participants | | |O |219-223 |

|SNEAP Member Institutions 81 | | |O |225-226 |

|Conditioning a 2 UH Pelletron Tube |Walker, D.A.S. |CRNL |R |229 |

|Conditioning Procedure:Titanium Accelerator Tubes | |Dowlish Developments Ltd. |R |230 |

|Letter from Stony Brook (Digital Megger) |Noe, J. |SUNY, Stony Brook |O |231-235 |

|Safe Handling of Sodium |Brandes, S. |Rutgers University |O |237-241 |

|Hosting SNEAP 1982 |Weitkamp, W.G. |University of Washington |O |243 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1982

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. October 6-8, 1982


|Introduction and Acknowledgements |Weitkamp, W.G. |University of Washington |O | |

|Second Step of the Upgrading of the Strasbourg MP |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |1-8 |

|Recent Upgrading of Brookhaven MP Facility & Plans for the Future|Thieberger, P. |BNL |P |9-12 |

|The 10 MV FN-Pelletron at McMaster |McKay, J. |McMaster University |P |13-18 |

|Phenomenology of Conditioning the Pelletron 12UD at UTTAC |Seki, S. |University of Tsukuba |P |20-23 |

|Experience with a 2MV Pelletron Conditioned with a Low Voltage |Walker, D.A.S. |CRNL |P |24-31 |

|Discharge | | | | |

|JAERI 20 UR Pelletron: Voltage Conditioning & Beam Performance |Norton, G.A. |NEC. |P |32-40 |

|Time Structure of X-Rays from Oak Ridge 25MV Tandem |Jones, C.M. |ORNL |P |41-43 |

|The NSF Regional Accelerator Facility for Radioisotope Dating |Zabel, T.H. |University of Arizona |P |44-53 |

|Ion Transport & Detection Systems for Isotrace |Kilius, L.R. |University of Toronto |P |54-61 |

|Preliminary Measurements with OSIRIS Heavy .Ion Accelerator Mass|Greenway, T.J.L. |University of Oxford |P |62-74 |

|Spectrometer | | | | |

|A Second Stripper for an EN or FN Tandem |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |P |75-83 |

|A Terminal Lens for an FN Tandem |Den Hartog, P.K. |ANL |P |84-91 |

|Plasma Lens for an Mev-Ion Tube |Connolly, R.C. |University of Oregon |P |92-98 |

|Computer Control of the Magnetic Beam Transport System |Trainor, T.A. |University of Washington |P |99-104 |

|A Numerically Controlled NMR |Fauska, H. |University of Washington |P |105-107 |

|Survey of E-Division Accelerators at LLNL |Proctor, I.D. |LLNL |R |108-117 |

|University of Oxford Status of Folded Tandem |Greenway, T.J.L. |University of Oxford |R |118-124 |

|Installation of the Superconducting Linac |Noe, J.W. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |125-143 |

|Report on the Oak Ridge 25MV Tandem |Zeigler, N.F. |ORNL |R |144-151 |

|The Buenos Aires Tandar Facility |Perez Ferreira, E. |CNEA, Argentina |R |152-158 |

|Chalk River MP Tandem & SC Cyclotron |Hurley, P.I. |CRNL |R |159-164 |

|SUNY Albany Accelerator Laboratory |Haberl, A. |SUNY, Albany |R |165-170 |

|BNL Tandem Facility |Lindgren, R. |BNL |R |171-172 |

|High Voltage Mass Seperator Report |Walker, D.A.S. |CRNL |R |173-174 |

|FSU Tandem Report |Chapman, K. |FSU |R |175-176 |

|University of Ife: Tandem Laboratory Progress |Oso, G.A. |University of Ife, Nigeria |R |177-178 |

|Institute of Nuclear Sciences, DSIR Laboratory |Wallace, G. |Lower Hutt, New Zealand |R |179-180 |

|Isotrace Laboratory Progress Report |Kilius, L.R. |University of Toronto |R |181-183 |

|Isotrace Sulphur Hexafluoride Handling System |Finn, C.W. |University of Toronto |R |184-186 |

|LASL 3-Stage Van de Graaff Accelerator Facility |Rowton, L. |LASL |R |187 |

|McMaster Tandem Lab Report |McKay, J. |McMaster University |R |188-189 |

|University of Pittsburgh |Saylor, T.K. |University of Pittsburgh |R |190-191 |

|Accelerator Laboratory Report |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |R |192-194 |

|University of Rochester Laboratory Report |Lund, T.S. |University of Rochester |R |195-196 |

|Stony Brook Tandem/Linac Facility |Noe, J.W. |SUNY, Stony Brook |R |197 |

|UTTAC Laboratory Report |Seki, S. |University of Tsukuba |R |198-199 |

|Triangle University's Nuclear Laboratory |Westerfeld, C. |Duke University |R |200-201 |

|Western Michigan University Report |Ferguson, S.M. |Western Michigan |R |202-203 |

|University of Washington Report | |University of Washington |R |204-205 |

|University of Wisconsin Report |Billen, J.H. |University of Wisconsin |R |206-210 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O |208-216 |

|Upgrading Sargent-Welch Turbopumps |Noe, J.W. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |217-225 |

|The Strasbourg Project: A Vivitron of 35 MV |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |R |226-235 |

|Charging Systems Conditioning |Krause, R.D. |Kansas State University |D |236-238 |

|Hydr.aulic Belt Tension & Tracking System for a Van de |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |P |239-242 |

|Graaff Accelerator | | | | |

|Magnetic Suppression of Gridded Tube Lens |Schmidt, F.H. |University of Washington |P |243-251 |

|University of Washington Polarized Ion Source |Glavish, F.H. |Anac Inc. |P |252-260 |

|Ion Source Development at Argonne |Billquist, P.J. |ANL |P |261-267 |

|First Operation of 400 KV Heavy-Ion Injector |Noe, J.W. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |268-280 |

|Computer Modelling of Sputter-Type Negative Ion Source |Billen, J.H. |University of Wisconsin |P |281-287 |

|General Discussion |Woods, R. |LASL |D |288-299 |

|Participants | | |O |300-306 |

|Nuclear Physics Labs With Vax Computer Systems | | |O |307 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1983

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. October 3-5, 1983


|Status Report on the Strasbourg MP |Oberlin, J.C. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |1-11 |

|Broken Column Members in the Chalk River Tandem |Burn, N. |CRNL |P |12-20 |

|Column Structure |Nurn, N. |CRNL |D |21-28 |

|Status of the NSF/Arizona AMS Accelerator |Zabel, T.H. |University of Arizona |R |29-35 |

|Status of the Oak Ridge 25URC Acclerator |Ziegler, N.F. |ORNL |R |36-38 |

|Rehovot 14UD Pelletron |Hollos, G. |Weizmann Institute |R |39-42 |

|Tandem Conference in England |Chapman, K. |Florida State University |R |43-50 |

|BNL Double MP Facility: Developments and Plans |Thieberger, P. |BNL |P |51-84 |

|Things to Know About HighVoltage Power Supplies |Glassman, S. |Glassman High Voltage Inc. |P |85-109 |

|Applications of High-Speed Bearings and Turbopumps |Osterstrom, G. |Sargent Welch Scientific Co. |P |110-119 |

|Selection of Vacuum Pump Fluids |Gilbert, L. |Inland Vacuum Co. |P |120-123 |

|Detection of Al-26 and a Search for Fractionally Charged |Aarosma, G.E. |University of Toronto |P |124-125 |

|Particicles | | | | |

|Modifications to FSU Inverted Sputter Source |Chapman, K. |FSU |P |126-130 |

|A Versatile High Intensity Negative Ion Source |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |131-138 |

|Progress Report on Poly-C Belts |Norbeck, E. |University of Iowa |P |139-143 |

|Some Experiences With a Poly-C Belt |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |P |144-152 |

|Short History of Poly-C Belts in a FN Tandem |Rowton, L. |LASL |P |153-154 |

|Limitations to Charging Chain Lifetimes |Rathmell, R.D. |NEC |P |155-159 |

|Nylon Link Tests |Richardson, E.G. |ORNL |P |160-166 |

|Charge & Collector Screens Modifications at Ohio |Sturbois, J.D. |University of Ohio |P |167-169 |

|Brief & Unsuccessful Experience with a Tandem Van de Graaff Belt |Sturbois, J.D. |University of Ohio |P |170-175 |

|Non Nuclear Physics Applications of Acclerators |Purser, K. |Gen. Ionics Corp. |P |176-183 |

|Heavy Ion Microlithography as a Tool |Fischer, B.E. |GSI, Darmstadt |P |184-200 |

|Ion Beam Enhanced Adhesion in the Electron Stopping Region |Griffith, J.E. |Cal Tech |P |201-220 |

|Application of Accelerators in Radiation & Nucleonics Research |Sawko, D. |Westinghouse Research & Development |P |221-233 |

| | |Co | | |

|Some Thoughts on the Purification of SF-6 |Croll, D. |Air Products & C. Co. Inc. |P |234-249 |

|The History of SNEAP |McKay, J. |McMaster University |P |250-254 |

|Selection of Location for SNEAP 84 |McKay, J. |McMaster University |O |255-266 |

|Vivitron Component Tests on the Strasbourg CN |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |R |267-286 |

|Design of University of Washington S-C Booster |Weitkamp, W.G. |University of Washington |P |287-298 |

|FSU Upgrade: Status Report Sept. 1983 |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |R |299-300 |

|Argonne Linac Status Report |Pardo, R.C. |ANL |R |301-311 |

|First Operation of Stony Brook SC Linac |Brennan, J.M. |SUNY Stony Brook |P |312-332 |

|Purging Techniques for Helium Cryopumps |Kelly, D. |University of Rochester |P |333-335 |

|Life Tests on Two Standard NEC Cup Bellows |Richardson, E.G. |ORNL |R |336-340 |

|Computer Control for Atlas Postaccelerator |Pardo, R. |ANL |P |341-353 |

|Heavy Ion Energy Determination from a Post- Accelerator Atlas-|Pardo, R. |ANL |P |354-362 |

|Linac | | | | |

|Statusof the Oak Ridge Tandem Control System |Ziegler, N. |ORNL |R |363-371 |

|Measurement of Nuclear Resonances to +/- 10eV |Norbeck, E. |University of Iowa |P |372-374 |

|Lab Report: University of Rochester |Lund, T. |University of Rochester |R |376 |

|Lab Report: S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook | |Stony Brook |R |377-380 |

|Lab Report: University of Pittsburgh |Dunkle, R.F. |University of Pittsburgh |R |381 |

|Lab Report: University of Notre Dame | |Notre Dame |R |382 |

|Lab Report: LASL | |LASL |R |383 |

|Lab Report: BNL |Lindgren, R. |BNL |R |384-385 |

|Lab Report: Queen's University |Janzen H. |Queen's University |R |386-387 |

|Lab Report: University of Arizona | |University of Arizona |R |388-389 |

|Lab Report: McMaster University | |McMaster University |R |390-391 |

|Lab Report: University of Guelph |Gingerich, R. |University of Guelph |R |392-393 |

|Lab Report: FSU |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |R |394-395 |

|Lab Report: University of Pennsylvania | |University of Pennsylvania |R |396 |

|Lab Report: ANL |Den Hartog, P. |ANL |R |397-399 |

|Lab Report: University of Washington |Amsbaugh, J.F. |University of Washington |R |400-401 |

|Lab Report: University of Wisconsin |Billen J.H. |University of Wisconsin |R |402-403 |

|Lab Report: University of Toronto |Kieser, W.E. |University of Toronto |R |404-405 |

|Lab Report: Western Michigan University |Ferguson, S.M. |Western Michigan University. |R |406 |

|Lab Report: Rutgers University |Leidich, R. |Rutgers University |R |407-408 |

|Lab Report: University of Iowa |Norbeck, E. |University of Iowa |R |409-411 |

|Lab Report: ORNL. | |O.R.N.L. |R |412-413 |

|Lan Report: Canberra | |ANU, Canberra |R |414-415 |

|Lab Report: Weizmann Institute |Hollos, G. |Weizmann Institute |R |416-417 |

|Lab Report: Triangle University |Westerfeldt, C. |TUNL |R |418-419 |

|Lab Report: WNSL, Yale University |Sato, K. |Yale University |R |420-426 |

|List of Participants | | |O |427-437 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1984

State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY. October 15-18, 1984.


|Status Report on the 20 MV Tandem |Aitken, T.W. |NSF- Daresbury |P |1-5 |

|Status Report on the ORNL 25 URC Accelerator |Ziegler, N. |ORNL |P |6-10 |

|Arc Discharge Conditions of the Munich MP Tubes |Ziegler, N. |ORNL |P |11-13 |

|14 UD Pelletron Operation |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |14-22 |

|Report on the Tandem Accident & Column Rebuild |Hyder, H.R.M. |Oxford University |P |23-34 |

|Progress in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry |Wolfi, W. |Institut fur Mittelenergiephysik, ETH|P |35-40 |

|Coupled Tandem/Linac System Accelerator Mass Spectrometer |Kutschera, W. |ANL |P |42-54 |

|Applications of Decelerated Ions |Johnson, B.M. |BNL |P |55-62 |

|Experience with the Polarized Heavy -Ion Source at Heidelburg |Paul, P. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |63-68 |

|Some Recent Sputter Source Developments |Middleton, R. |University of Pennsylvania |P |69-76 |

|Supplemental Cesium un the Inverted Sputter Source |Billquist, P.J. |ANL |P |77-84 |

|Megavolt Energy Ion Micro Beams |Martin, F.W. |Microscope Assoc. Ltd. |P |85-92 |

|Tandem Pelletron for Astrophysics Research |Carr, R. |Cal Tech |P |93-95 |

|An Experience With a Poly-C Belt |Pepmiller, P. |ORNL |P |96-98 |

|Failure of Stainless Steel Tubes at FSU |Chapman, K.R. |FSU |P |99-107 |

|A 40 Foil Post Stripper Mechanism |Adams, C.T. |University of Pennsylvania |P |108-109 |

|The Strasbourg Vivitron Project: A 35MV Tandem |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |111-117 |

|Status of the ESTU Project at Yale |Parker, P. |Yale University |P |118-120 |

|Mechanical Design of the FN & MP Van de Graaff Tandem |Danforth, J.L. |HVEC |P |121-127 |

|Accelerators | | | | |

|Glass Breaks in the Stony Brook Tandem |Noe, J.W. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |128-137 |

|Heavy Ion Injection from the.BNL Tandems into the Alternating |Thieberger, P. |BNL |P |139-146 |

|Gradient Synchrotron | | | | |

|Advanced Positive Ion Sources |Kostroun, V.O. |Cornell University |P |147-157 |

|Survey of Radio Frequency Quadruple Accelerators |Billen, J.H. |LANL |P |158-167 |

|Operating Experience & Contruction Status of Atlas |Pardo, R.C. |ANL |P |169-178 |

|The Atlas Positive Ion Injector Proposal |Pardo, R.C. |ANL |P |179-186 |

|Status of the F.S.U. Linac Project |Frawley, A.D. |FSU |P |187-195 |

|A Kryebis + Linac for Ion Collision Physics |Gray, T.J. |Kansas Stae University |P |196-208 |

|Stony Brook S-C Heavy Ion Linac |Brennan, J.M. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |209-212 |

|Overview & Status of U. Washington NPL Booster Project |Storm, D.W. |University of Washington |P |213-219 |

|Status of the Oxford Linac Project |Hyder, H.R.M. |Oxford University |P |220-224 |

|S-Conducting Post Accel. for Daresbury 20MV Tandem |Aitken, T.W. |Daresbury Lab |P |225-230 |

|S-C Heavy Ion Booster Accelerator |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |231-238 |

|Overview of Super-Conducting Boosters & Resonator Structures |Delayen, J.R. |Cal Tech |P |239-247 |

|Niobium Accelerator Structures for Heavy Ions |Zinkann, G. |ANL |P |248 |

|New Directions in Lead Plating Technology |Brennan, M. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |249-255 |

|Lead Plating Facility at the U. Washington NPL |Seamster, A.G. |University of Washington |P |256 |

|Heavy Ion Deceleration With Argonne Tandem/Linac |Pardo, R.C. |ANL |P |257-260 |

|Tune Up of the Stony Brook Linac |Pillay, R. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |261-267 |

|Pre-Tandem Beam Buncher Control Electronics |Vanwechel, T.D. |University of Washington |P |268-272 |

|Cryogenic System: U. Washington S-Conducting Booster |Will, D.I. |University of Washington |P |273-282 |

|Cryogenic System of the Stony Brook Linac |Sprouse, G.D. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |283-288 |

|Cryogenic Distribution System: Oxford U. Booster Linac |Hyder, H.R.M. |Oxford University |P |289-293 |

|Control System of the Stony Brook Linac |Hasstedt, J.R. |SUNY, Stony Brook |P |295-301 |

|A New Control System for Atlas |Den Hartog, P. |ANL |P |302-303 |

|A Control Satellite for Booster Modules |Delayen, J.R. |Applied S-Conductivity Inc. |P |304-310 |

|NPL Linac Satellite Control System |Swanson, E. |University of Washington |P |311-314 |

|Lab Report: Chalk River, AECL | |A.E.C.L. |R |315-317 |

|Lab Report: Bell Communications Research |Wilkens, B. |Bell Lab, Murray Hill |R |318 |

|Lab Report: BNL |Lindgren, R. |BNL |R |319 |

|Lab Report: Cal Tech |Rice, A. |Cal Tech |R |320 |

|Lab Report: FSU | |FSU |R |321-323 |

|Lab Report: University of Toronto |Kieser, W.E. |University of Toronto |R |324-325 |

|Lab Report: JAERI |Minehara, E. |JAERI, Tokai |R |326-328 |

|Lab Report: Kansas State University |Krause, R. |KSU |R |329-331 |

|Lab Report: McMaster University |Stark, J.W. |McMaster University |R |333-334 |

|Lab Report: ORNL |Pepmiller, P.L. |ORNL |R |335-336 |

|Lab Report: Peking University | |Peking University |R |337-339 |

|Lab Report: Queen's University |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |R |340-343 |

|Lab Report: Rutgers University |Leidich, R. |Rutgers University |R |344-347 |

|Lab Report: SUNY at Albany | |SUNY, Albany |R |348 |

|Lab Report: SUNY at Stony Brook | |SUNY, Stony Brook |R |349-350 |

|Lab Report: Triangle University |Westerfeldt, C. |Triangle University |R |351-352 |

|Lab Report: University of Iowa |Norbeck, E. |University of Iowa |R |353 |

|Lab Report: University of Notre Dame | |University of Notre Dame |R |354 |

|Lab Report: University of Pennsylvania |Adams, C.T. |University of Pennsylvania |R |255 |

|Lab Report: University of Pittsburgh |Dunkle, R.F. |University of Pittsburgh |R |356 |

|Lab Report: University of Rochester |Cross, C. |University of Rochester |R |357-360 |

|Lab Report: University of Washington |Adelberger, E.G. |University of Washington |R |361-362 |

|Lab Report: University of Wisconsin | |University of Wisconsin |R |363-364 |

|Lab Report: Weizmann Institute |Kaim, R. |Weizmann Institute |R |365 |

|Lab Report: Western Michigan University |Parpart, L.R. |Western Michigan |R |366 |

|SNEAP84 Directory | | |O |367-372 |

|SNEAP Conference Sites | | |O |373 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1985

Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. October 21-24, 1985

Rev, Sci. Instrum. 57, 1986 with ANL Addendum


|Comparison Between the Installations of Vivitron Porticos in MP7 |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |715-717 |

|and 10 | | | | |

|Status of the University of Rochester Tandem Upgrade |Cross, C. |University of Rochester |R |718-720 |

|Status of the Oak Ridge 25 URC Accelerator |Ziegler, N.F. |ORNL |R |721-722 |

|Post-mortem-- An Autopsy of an NEC Column Post |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |723-725 |

|Status of the Yale ESTU Project |Parker, P.D. |WNSL, Yale |R |726 |

|Developments in Small Electrostatic Accelerators |Rathmell, R.D. |NEC |P |727-730 |

|Safety and Efficiency Ideas for Electrostatic Accelerators |Pepmiller, P.L. |ORNL |P |731-732 |

|Commissioning of the 8-UD Injector for VICKSI |Ziegler, K. |Hahn-Meitner Institut |P |733-734 |

|Experience With a New Type of Belt Material for Elect. Accel. |Ziegler, K. |Hahn-Meitner Institut |P |735-736 |

|Status of the ATLAS Acclerator |Bollinger, L.M. |ANL |R |737-739 |

|Rebuilding Ion Pump Elements for Longer Life |Berners, E.D. |University of Notre Dame |P |740 |

|Computer Program for Predicting Tandem Parameters |Weitkamp, W.G. |University of Washington |P |740-741 |

|ANL High-Resolution Injector |Minehara, E. |ANL |P |742-744 |

|Accleration of Laser-Produced Ions in a Small Van de Graaff |Korschinek, G. |Technical University Munich |P |745-747 |

|Formation of Negative Ions in Cs Sputter Sources |Yntema, J.L. |ANL |P |748-750 |

|KSU Project: CRYEBIS for Producing Slow, Bare, Heavy-Ions Beams |Stockli, M.P. |Kansas State University |P |751-753 |

|Production of Vibrationally Cold Ions Using Radiofrequency |Mitchell, J.B.A. |University of Western Ontario |P |754-756 |

|storage ion source | | | | |

|Operation of the Stony Brook Tandem/Linac Accelerator System |Noe, J.W. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |757-760 |

|Status of the University of Washington Superconducting Booster |Weitkamp, W.G. |University of Washington |R |761-762 |

|Status Report on the Florida State Linac Project |Fox, J.D. |FSU |R |763-764 |

|First Accelerated Beam in Chalk River TASCC Facility |Burn, N. |CRNL, Chalk River |P |765 |

|Review of Tandem/Linac Projects |Bollinger, L.M. |ANL |P |765 |

|Introduction to Low-Velocity S-CAccelerating Structures. Recent |Delayen, J.R. |Cal Tech |P |766-769 |

|work at ASI & Cal Tech | | | | |

|Recent Work on Very Low-Velocity S-C Accelerating .Structures |Shepard, K.W. |ANL |P |770-772 |

|Superconducting Tests of Beta=0.1 and Beta=0.2 resonators |Storm, D.W. |University of Washington |P |773-775 |

|Recent Work on Superconducting QWRs |Ben-Zvi, I. |Weismann Institute |P |776-779 |

|Operating Experience With Beta=0.16 Superconducting Resonators |Zinkmann, G.P. |ANL |P |780-782 |

|Status of the KSU Superconducting Linac Project |Gray, T.J. |Kansas State University |R |783 |

|NPL Superconducting Linac Control System |Swanson, E. |University of Washington |P |784-786 |

|Scaling of the Optical Parameters for the JAERI Tandem Acclerator|Minehara, E. |ANL |P |787-788 |

|Optical Characteristics of the KSU S-C Linac |Needham, V. |Kansas State University |P |789-791 |

|Improved RF Modulation Technique for Bunched Beam Detection |Waterson, M. |ANL |P |792-794 |

|High-Efficiency Two-Harmonic Beam Chopper |Chen, C.E. |Peking University |P |795-797 |

|Implications of the Tevatron Operating Experience for 1000-Watt |Rode, C.H. |FNAL |P |798-803 |

|Refrigerator Systems | | | | |

|ATLAS Cyrogenic System |Nixon, J.M. |ANL |P |804-806 |

|First Tests of the Liquid-Helium Distribution Line for FSU Linac |Frawley, A.D. |Florida State University |P |807-808 |

|Improved Vacuum Seal-off Device for Cryogenic Transfer Lines |Noe, J.W. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |809 |

|Laboratory Reports to the SNEAP Conference | | |R |810-825 |

|Author Index | | |O |826 |

|A Short History of SNEAP |McKay, J. |McMaster University |P |A1-2 |

|Sponsoring Institutions | | |O |A3 |

|Discussions ffollowing Presentations | | |D |A7-41 |

|SNEAP Business Meeting |McKay, J. |McMaster University |P |A45-64 |

|List of Attendees | | | |A65-78 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1986

University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. November 3-6, 1986

Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1987.


|The First Accelerator at Notre Dame |Chagnon, P. |University of Notre Dame |P |3-11 |

|A 300 kV Isolation Platform at the University of Washington |Harper, G. |University of Washington |P |12-20 |

|An Inexpensive Fiber-Optic Control Link |Westerfeldt, C. |Duke University |P |21-28 |

|The F.S.U. Polarized Li Ion Source |Chapman, K.R. |Florida State University |P |31-37 |

|The T.U.N.L. Intense Polarized Ion Source Project |Westerfeldt, C. |Duke University |P |38-51 |

|Some Experience With the Middleton/GIC 860 Source |Noe, J.W. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |52-62 |

|Initial Tests of Compressed Geometry Acceleration Tubes in the |Jones, C.M. |ORNL |P |65-76 |

|ORNL 25URC Tndem Accelerator | | | | |

|Automatic Beam Alignment Techniques |Haberl, A. |SUNY at Albany |P |77-81 |

|Accelerator Tubes |Larson, L.D. |Independent |P |82-100 |

|Progress on Capacitive Regulation System for the 6 MV VICKSI |Ziegler, K. |Hahn-Meitner Institut |P |103-109 |

|CN-Inject | | | | |

|Beam Energy Resolution of the Tandem Dynamitron at Bochum |Brand, K. |Ruhr Universitat, Bochum |P |110-113 |

|A Novel Method for Measuring Beam Energies by Time-of-Flight |Milner, W.T. |ORNL |P |114-121 |

|Fast Neutron Yields from Heavy Ion Bombardment of Thick Targets |Hyder, H.R.McK. |WNSL Yale University |P |122-126 |

|Status of the 35 MV Vivitron |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |R |129-138 |

|Status Report on the Daresbury Tandem |Aitken, T.W. |SERC Daresbury Lab |R |139-146 |

|The Heavy Ion Transfer Line at Brookhaven |Lindgren, R.A. |BNL |P |147-156 |

|Charging and Corona Modifications to the ORNL 25URC Accelerator |Ziegler, N.F. |ORNL |P |159-167 |

|New Developments in Voltage-Grading Resistors for Tandem |Noe, J. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |168-186 |

|Accelerators | | | | |

|Status of the University of Rochester Tandem Upgrade |Miller, T. |University of Rochester |R |189-202 |

|Modifying the ORNL EN Tandem to Make 6 MeV Positrons |Pepmiller, P. |ORNL |P |203-206 |

|A 600 Foil NEC Type Terminal Stripper for an EN or FN Tandem |Chapman, K.R. |Florida State University |P |207-215 |

|Accel. | | | | |

|An Optical Belt Phase Trigger Pulse Generator |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |P |216-220 |

|The 2 and 3.75 MeV Van de Graaff Acclerators at the KfK and their|Erst, A. |Kernforschunszentrum Karlsruche |P |223-230 |

|CS | | | | |

|Computer Automated Low Energy Steering Control for Dynamic |McNaught, R.A. |McMaster University |P |231-244 |

|Optimization of Ion Beam Intensity | | | | |

|Control of Tandem Accelerator Systems Using a Personal Computer |Baris, J. |WNSL, Yale University |P |245-258 |

|Computer Control of the SUNYA Accelerator |Haberl, A. |SUNY at Albany |P |259-266 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |WNSL, Yale University |O |267-284 |

|General Discussion |Leidich, D. |Rutgers University |O |285-302 |

|Progress with the Superconducting Linear Accelerator Installation|Hyder, H.R.McK. |WNSL, Yale University |P |305-318 |

|at Oxford | | | | |

|Bunching in Time at the ATLAS Accelerator |Pardo, R. |Argonne NL |P |319-341 |

|Heavy Ion Storage Ring for Atomic Physics |Martin, J.A. | |P |342-346 |

|The Vacuum System of the University of Washington Booster-Linac |Amsbaugh, J. |McMaster University |P |349-366 |

|General Discussion |Pardo, R. |Argonne NL |O |367-390 |

|Workshop on the GIC 860 Ion Source |Noe, J. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |391-406 |

|Laboratory Report: SUNY at Albany | | |R |409 |

|LR: Argonne National Laboratory (ATLAS) |Den Hartog, P. | |R |410-413 |

|LR: Australian National Laboratory |Weisser, D.C. | |R |414 |

|LR: Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing |Jiuchang, Q. | |R |415-426 |

|LR: Ruhr-Universitat Bochum |Brand, K. | |R |427-431 |

|LR: Brookhaven National Laboratory |Lindgren, R.A. | |R |432-433 |

|LR: TANDAR |Gonzalez, H. | |R |434-439 |

|LR: Caltech (Basic and Applied Physics) |Rice, A | |R |440-441 |

|LR: Caltech (Kellogg Laboratory) |Carr, R. | |R |442-443 |

|LR: C.R.N.L. |Burn, N. | |R |444-446 |

|LR: Daresbury Laboratory |Aitken, T.W. | |R |447-448 |

|LR: F.S.U. Linac |Myers, E.G. | |R |449-451 |

|LR: F.S.U. Tandem |Chapman, K.R. | |R |452-453 |

|LR: K.S.U. |Krause, R.D. | |R |454-455 |

|LR: Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe |Ernst, A. | |R |456-458 |

|LR: Los Alamos National Laboratory |Rowton, L. | |R |459-460 |

|LR: McMaster University |Ashbaugh, P.G. | |R |461-474 |

|LR: Nuclear Science Center, JNU New Delhi |Mehta, G.K. | |R |475-476 |

|LR: Institute of Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand |Sparks, R. | |R |477-479 |

|LR: University of Notre Dame |Berners, E.D. | |R |480-481 |

|LR: O.R.N.L. EN Tandem |Pepmiller, P. | |R |482 |

|LR: O.R.N.L. 25URC Accelerator |Ziegler, N.F. | |R |483-486 |

|LR: Ohio State University |Kaitchuk, M. | |R |487-488 |

|LR: Oxford University | | |R |489-491 |

|LR: University of Pittsburgh |Dunkle R.F. | |R |492-493 |

|LR: Purdue University | | |R |494 |

|LR: Queen's University |Janzen, H. | |R |495-499 |

|LR: University of Rochester |Cross, C. | |R |500-502 |

|LR: Rutgers University |Leidich, R. | |R |503-506 |

|LR: SUNY at Stony Brook |Hasstedt, J. | |R |507-516 |

|LR: Centre de Recherches Nucleaires, Strasbourg |Letournel, M. | |R |517-518 |

|LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory |Westerfeldt, C. | |R |519-522 |

|LR: VICKSI (Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin) |Zeigler, K. | |R |523-525 |

|LR: University of Washington-Seattle | | |R |526-527 |

|LR: Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment |Hosein, S.M. | |R |528-530 |

|LR: Yale University |McKay, J. | |R |531-534 |

|SNEAP86 Participants | | |O |535-543 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1987

Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA. September 28-October 1, 1987

Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1988.


|Welcoming Address |Robson, D. |Florida State University |O |1-4 |

|Status of the 25 URC Accelerator |Ziegler, N.F. |O.R.N.L. |R |5-10 |

|Report on 20 MV Tandar |Gonzalez H. |CNEA, Argentina |R |11-18 |

|Present Status of the Construction of the Strasbourg 35 MV |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |R |19-39 |

|Vivitron Tandem | | | | |

|Vivitron Construction- Estimated Time Planning |Heugel, J. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |40-46 |

|Comments on the Vivitron Beam Optics |Larson, D. | |P |47-56 |

|Voltage Tests on the Yale ESTU with Portico |Hyder, H.R.McK. |WNSL Yale University |P |57-76 |

|New Laboratory, New Accelerator, New Challenges |Tesmer, J.R. |LANL |P |77-92 |

|Tutorial on Computer Control |Juras, R.C. |ORNL |P |93-132 |

|Discussion of Laboratory Reports | | |D |133-144 |

|Glue-Bond Failure in Dowlish FN Tandem Beam Tubes |Preble, J. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |145-156 |

|Mechanical Failure of Accelerator Tubes |Hyder, H.R.McK. |WNSL Yale University |P |157-160 |

|Mechanical Tests of Accelerator Tubes |Hyder, H.R.McK. |WNSL Yale University |P |161-178 |

|Optical Pumping in the Heidelberg Polarized Heavy Ion Source |Jaensch, H. |MPI, Heidelberg |P |179-188 |

|Ion Source Work at Simon Fraser University |Iyer, I. |McMaster University |P |189-202 |

|Report on Sao Paulo Accelerator |Pessoa, E. |University of Sao Paulo |R |203-210 |

|Rejuvenation of Monocaust Nylon Laddertron Links |Preble, J. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |211-234 |

|Developments Concerning the NEC High Gradient Accelerating Tube |Norton, G.A. |NEC |P |235-245 |

|Assemblies | | | | |

|Belt Charge Compensation for a Van de Graaff Accelerator |Janzen, H. |Queen's University |P |246-260 |

|Status of the ATLAS Positive-Ion Injector Project |Pardo, R.C. |ANL |R |261-280 |

|The Florida State University Superconducting Linac |Myers, E.G. |Florida State University |P |281-291 |

|Current Status of KSU Superconducting Linac Upgrade |Gray, T.J. |Kansas State University |R |292-308 |

|New Fast Tuning System for the ATLAS Accelerator |Zinkmann, G. |ANL |P |309-320 |

|Status Report on the University of Washington Superconducting |Storm, D.W. |University of Washington |R |321-332 |

|Booster Project | | | | |

|Superconducting Heavy Ion Booster for the JAERI Tandem |Takeuchi, S. |JAERI |P |333-344 |

|University of Washington Linac Cryogenics: Control, Performance, |Will, D.I. |University of Washington |P |345-368 |

|Maintenance and Safety | | | | |

|Business Session |McKay, J. |WNSL Yale University |O |369-381 |

|Laboratory Report: University of Aarhus |Korsbjerg, T. | |R |385-386 |

|LR: BNL |Lindgren, R.A. | |R |387-389 |

|LR: Kellogg Radiation Lab |Carr, R. | |R |390 |

|LR: CRNL |Imahori, Y. | |R |391-392 |

|LR: F.S.U. |Chapman, K.R. | |R |393-394 |

|LR: University of Iowa |Norbeck, E. | |R |395 |

|LR: Kansas State University |Krause, R.D. | |R |396-398 |

|LR: LLNL |Proctor, I. | |R |399-401 |

|LR:LANL |Rowton, L. | |R |402-403 |

|LR: McMaster University |Iyer, I.S. | |R |404-405 |

|LR: University of Notre Dame |Berners, E.D. | |R |406 |

|LR: Ohio University |Sturbois, J.D. | |R |407-412 |

|LR: ORNL |Pepmiller, P.L. | |R |413-414 |

|LR: Queen's University |Janzen, H. | |R |415-418 |

|LR: University of Rochester |Cross, C. | |R |419-425 |

|LR: Stanford University |Dillard, E. | |R |426 |

|LR: SUNY at Stony Brook |Bundy, R. | |R |427-432 |

|LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory |Westerfeldt, C. | |R |433-434 |

|LR: Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin |Arndt, P. | |R |435-437 |

|LR: University of Washington | | |R |438-439 |

|LR: Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment |Hosein, S.M. | |R |440-441 |

|LR: Yale University |McKay, J. | |R |442-443 |

|Current Member Laboratories | | |O |460-463 |

|SNEAP87 Participants | | |O |464-469 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1988

Yale University, New Haven Connecticut, USA. October 24-27, 1988

Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1989


|Welcoming Remarks |Parker, P. |Yale University |P |3-4 |

|The Vivitron Construction |Letournel, M. |VIVIRAD |P |5-12 |

|Status of the ESTU Accelerator at Yale |Hyder, H.R.McK. |Yale University |R |13-22 |

|Improved Voltage Performace of the Oak Ridge 25 URC TA |Jones, C.M. |ORNL |P |23-36 |

|The 16.7 MV Upgrade of the Canberra 14 UD |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |37-50 |

|Charging Belt Noise in a Van de Graaff Accelerator |Trainor, T.A. |University of Washington |P |51-67 |

|Portico Charging to Control Column Gradient in the ESTU |McKay, J.W. |Yale University |P |68-76 |

|Resistor Development for NEC Accelerators |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |7782 |

|Pelletron Chain Nylon Link Test |Ziegler, N.F. |ORNL |P |83-85 |

|SF Dryer Alumina Analysis |Haynes, D.L. |ORNL |P |86-96 |

|The Control System of the Yale ESTU |Kindlmann, P.J. |Congruent Design |P |97-118 |

|Introduction to the Operation of the McMaster FN Tandem: Using a |Stark, J.W. |McMaster University |P |119-132 |

|Knowledge-based Real-time System | | | | |

|Status of TUNL Atomic Beam Polarized Ion Source Project |Westerfeldt, C.R. |TUNL |R |133-144 |

|The Kansas State University Revolving Sputter Source |Tipping, T.N. |Kansas State University |P |145-152 |

|The Model 860i: A Turbo Sputter Source |Trainor, T.A. |University of Washington |P |153-160 |

|Production of Atomic Negative Ion Beams of Group 1A Elements |Alton, G.D. |ORNL |P |161-167 |

|A High-intensity Plasma Sputter Heavy Negative Ion Source |Alton, G.D. |ORNL |P |168-186 |

|A Foil Stripper and Terminal Steering Assembly for FN Tandem |Weitkamp, W.G. |University of Washington |P |187-208 |

|Potential Improvements in Terminal Voltage Stabilizers |Norton, G.A. |NEC |P |209-226 |

|The ALPI Project at Legnaro National Laboratory |Fortuna, G. |INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro |P |227-234 |

|Status of the FSU Superconducting Linear Accelerator |Meyers, E.G. |Florida State University |R |235-250 |

|Progress on the Argonne Positive Injector |Den Hartog, P.K. |Argonne NL |P |251-256 |

|Stony Brook Cryogenic Update |Noe, J.W. |SUNY at Stony Brook |R |257-266 |

|Laboratory Report: Australian National University | | |R |269-270 |

|LR: Cal Tech (Basic and Applied Physics) |Rice, A. | |R |271 |

|LR: Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica |Fazzini, N. | |R |272-274 |

|LR: The Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories | | |R |275-277 |

|LR: Daresbury Laboratory | | |R |278-279 |

|LR: F.S.U. |Chapman, K.R. | |R |280-283 |

|LR: Institute of Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand |Sparks, R.J. | |R |284-285 |

|LR: K.S.U. |Krause, R.D. | |R |286-287 |

|LR: Cal Tech Kellog Laboratory | | |R |288 |

|LR: University of Kentucky |Vanhoy, J. | |R |289-290 |

|LR: LANL (Ion Beam Facility) |Rowton, L. | |R |291-292 |

|LR:LANL (Ion Beam Materials Laboratory) |Evans, C.R. | |R |293-295 |

|LR: University of Notre Dame |Berners, E.D. | |R |296 |

|LR: McMaster University |Ashbaugh, P.G. | |R |297 |

|LR: Oak Ridge National Laboratory |Jones, N.L. | |R |298-301 |

|LR: Queen's University |Leslie, J.R. | |R |302-303 |

|LR: University of Rochester |Cross, C. | |R |304-307 |

|LR: SUNY at Stony Brook |Bundy, R. | |R |308-311 |

|LR: The Strasbourg MP Tandem | | |R |312 |

|LR: The Vivitron | | |R |313 |

|LR: University of Toronto |Kieser, W.E. | |R |314 |

|LR: TUNL, Duke University |Westerfeldt, C.R. | |R |315-316 |

|LR: University of Washington | | |R |317-319 |

|LR: Western Michigan University |Ferguson, S.M. | |R |320 |

|LR: University of Western Ontario |Mulligan, G. | |R |321-322 |

|LR: Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment |Hosein, S.M. | |R |323-324 |

|LR: Yale University, W.N.S.L. |McKay, J.W. | |R |325-326 |

|List of Participants | | |O |327-330 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1989

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. October 23-26, 1989.

Published by World Scientific Company, 1990.


|Welcoming Remarks |Ball, J.B. | |O |2 |

|Status of the Vivitron Project |Letournel, M. |CRN, Strasbourg |R |4 |

|Status of the ESTU Project |Hyder, H.R.M. |Yale University |R |19 |

|Improved Performance of the Canberra 14UD |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |32 |

|Operational Experience With Compressed Geometry Acceleration |Jones, C.M. |ORNL |P |54 |

|Tubes | | | | |

|An Introduction to ECR Sources in Electrostatic Accelerators |Olsen, D.K. |ORNL |P |72 |

|Development of a Compact ECR Source for a Single-Ended Van de |Westerfeldt, C. |Duke University |P |90 |

|Graaff | | | | |

|FSU Polarized Lithium Source |Schmidt, B. |F.S.U. |P |108 |

|Ion Source Forum |Middleton, R. |University of Pennylvania |D |114 |

|Final Results of Stripper Foil Development |Maier-Komor, P. |TU-Munchen |P |138 |

|Modifications to an FN to Improve Long-Term Reliablity |Chapman, K.R. |F.S.U. |P |145 |

|Recent Experience With Shim Stock Belt Charge Applicators |Trainor, T.A. |U. Washington |P |157 |

|Charging Screen Improvements and Resistor Tests at the University|Linder, C.E. |U. Washington |P |164 |

|of Washington Tandem | | | | |

|Panel Discussion: FN Tandems |Berners, E.D. |University of Notre Dame |D |176 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |CRNL |O |201 |

|The New Control System at Yale |Hyder, H.R.M. |Yale University |P |222 |

|Charging System Diagnostics Using a Capacitive Chain Signal |McKay, J. |CRNL |P |230 |

|Pick-Off | | | | |

|LANL FN Tandem Stabilizer Upgrade |Darling, R. |LANL |P |241 |

|Pelletron Charging System |Stier, M. |NEC |P |256 |

|Repair of a Charging Belt |Jones, N.L. |ORNL |P |271 |

|Belt Charging Systems |Arndt, P. |HMI, Berlin |P |278 |

|Vacuum Studies for the Vivitron Accelerator |Heugel, J. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |286 |

|Auxiliary Gas Containment Valves |Haynes, D.L. |ORNL |P |306 |

|Final Design of ALPI Beam Transport and Recent Results in |Cervellera, F. |Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro |P |317 |

|Resonator Fabrication and Tests | | | | |

|Kansas State Status Report |Gray, T.J. |Kansas State University |R |385 |

|Operating Experience at the University of Washington Booster |Storm, D.W. |University of Washington |P |396 |

|The Superconducting RFQ at Stony Brook |Lombardi, A. |Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro |P |408 |

|Status of the Superconducting Cyclotron at Chalk River |Schmeing, H. |CRNL |R |427 |

|High-Field Performance of a Niobium Quarter-Wave Resonator |Bollinger, L.M. |Argonne NL |P |441 |

|Performance of the First QWR Module |Noe, J.W. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |448 |

|Initial Use of the Positive Ion Injector |Bollinger, L.M. |Argonne NL |P |464 |

|Laboratory Report: SUNY at Albany | | |R |484 |

|LR: Australian National University | | |R |485 |

|LR: Brookhaven National Laboratory | | |R |487 |

|LR: Caltech (Basic and Applied Physics) | | |R |488 |

|LR: University of California Santa Barbara | | |R |489 |

|LR: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories | | |R |491 |

|LR: Florida State University | | |R |493 |

|LR: Kansas State University | | |R |498 |

|LR: University of Kentucky | | |R |500 |

|LR: Legnaro National Laboratory | | |R |503 |

|LR: Los Alamos (Ion Beam Facility) | | |R |505 |

|LR: Los Alamos (Ion Beam Materials Laboratory) | | |R |507 |

|LR: Lucas Heights Research Laboratory | | |R |509 |

|LR: Lund Pelletron Laboratory | | |R |512 |

|LR: McMaster University | | |R |515 |

|LR: Naval Academy Accelerator Laboratory | | |R |517 |

|LR: University of New York, Brooklyn College | | |R |518 |

|LR: University of Notre Dame | | |R |520 |

|LR: ORNL EN Tandem | | |R |522 |

|LR:ORNL Triple Ion Beam Irradiation Facility | | |R |524 |

|LR: ORNL 25URC Accelerator | | |R |527 |

|LR: Interface Science Western Ontario | | |R |529 |

|LR: Queen's University | | |R |530 |

|LR: University of Rochester | | |R |533 |

|LR: SUNY at Stony Brook | | |R |536 |

|LR: CRN, Strasbourg, MP Tandem | | |R |538 |

|LR: CRN, Strasbourg, Vivitron | | |R |540 |

|LR: Tata Institute | | |R |541 |

|LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory | | |R |547 |

|LR: University of Washington-Seattle | | |R |549 |

|LR: Western Michigan State University | | |R |551 |

|LR: University of Western Ontario | | |R |553 |

|LR: Yale University | | |R |555 |

|List of Participants | | |O |558-566 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1990

Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. October 22-25, 1990

Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1991.


|Opening Remarks |Richard, P. |Kansas State University |O |1 |

|Welcoming Remarks |Donoghue, T.R. | |O |2 |

|Status of the Vivitron Project |Haas, F. |CRN, Strasbourg |R |7 |

|High Voltage Performance of the Yale ESTU |Hyder, H.R.McK. |Yale University |P |19 |

|Status of 16MV Pelletron at NSC, New Delhi |Kanijilal, D. |NSC, New Delhi |R |33 |

|Breaking the 10MV Barrier With an FN Accelerator |Adams, C.T. |University of Pennyslvania |P |38 |

|A Belt Charging System for the Vivitron-Design, Early Results |Helleboid, J.M. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |43 |

|Transverse Charging Belt Motion and Compound Charging Screens |Trainor, T.A. |U. Washington |P |58 |

|The Solution of a Charging Belt Problem |Weitkamp, W.G. |U. Washington |P |69 |

|The KSU-CRYEBIS: A Unique Accelerator System for Low Energy, |Stockli, M.P. |Kansas State University |P |79 |

|Highly Charged Ions | | | | |

|Simple Solution to Ion Source Matching |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |90 |

|A Convenient Procedure for Making MgH- Ions |Middleton, R. |U. Pennsylvania |P |103 |

|ESTU, A Program for Charge State Selection |Hyder, H.R.McK. |Yale University |P |107 |

|Discoveries of the Year at the ORNL EN |Jones, N. |ORNL |P |113 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |CRNL |O |121 |

|Vivitron Dead Section Pumping Test |Heugel, J. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |139 |

|Location of an Electron Source in Inclined Field Accel. Tube |Chapman, K.R. |Florida State University |P |146 |

|Radioactive Ion Beams With the HHIRF Accelerators |Garrett, J.D. |ORNL |P |159 |

|The Construction & Experience With the NEW FSU Tandem Grading |Chapman, K.R. |F.S.U. |P |175 |

|Resistor Improvements for a NEC Pelletron |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |186 |

|Performance of Enclosed Caddock Resistors in an FN Tandem |Noe, J.W. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |189 |

|Progress on the LANL Varian Stabilizer System Upgrades |Darling, R. |Los Alamos NL |P |199 |

|The Vertical Van de Graaff Telemetry System |Gray, J. |Kansas State University |P |212 |

|Terminal and Ion Source Control for the Yale ESTU Tandem |Kindlmann, P.J. |Congruent Design |P |222 |

|Open Forum on Safety | | |D |231 |

|On-Beam and Off-Beam Performance of Quarter Wave Resonators for |Pengo, R. | |P |259 |

|the ALPI LINAC | | | | |

|On-Line Operation of Quarter-Wave Retrofit Resonators |Noe, J.W. |SUNY at Stony Brook |P |278 |

|A Simple and Inexpensive PC Based LINAC Control System |Myers, E.G. |Florida State University |P |289 |

|Operating Experience With the KSU LINAC Control System |Carnes, K. |Kansas State University |P |296 |

|KSU Cryogenics System SNEAP Report |Rankin, A.B. |Kansas State University |P |311 |

|Corrosion Resistant Heat Exchangers for the KPS Model RS |Spingler, D. |Florida State University |P |316 |

|Compressor | | | | |

|Laboratory Report: Australian National University |Weisser, D.C. | |R |323 |

|LR: Brookhaven National Laboratory |Carlson, C. | |R |326 |

|LR: California Tech (Kellog Radiation Lab) |Carr, R. | |R |327 |

|LR: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories |McKay, J.W. | |R |328 |

|LR: Florida State University |Chapman, K.R. | |R |330 |

|LR: Kansas State University |Krause, R.D. | |R |334 |

|LR: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |Proctor, I.D. | |R |336 |

|LR: Legnaro National Laboratory (ALPI) |Fortuna, G. | |R |337 |

|LR: Legnaro National Laboratory (XTU Tandem) |Cervellera, F. | |R |340 |

|LR: LANL (Ion Beams Facility) |Darling, R. | |R |341 |

|LR: LANL (Ion Beams Materials Lab) |Evans, C.R. | |R |344 |

|LR: Naval Academy Tandem Accelerator Laboratory |Vanhoy, J.R. | |R |346 |

|LR: University of Notre Dame |Berners, E.D. | |R |348 |

|LR: ORNL (25URC Tandem Lab) |Alton, G.D. | |R |350 |

|LR: ORNL (EN Tandem Lab) |Jones, N. | |R |352 |

|LR: Purdue University |Mueller, K.A. | |R |353 |

|LR: University of Rochester |Cross, C. | |R |355 |

|LR: SUNY at Stony Brook |Gast, R. | |R |357 |

|LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory |Westerfeldt, C.R. | |R |359 |

|LR: University of Washington | | |R |361 |

|LR: Western Michigan University |Ferguson, S.M. | |R |364 |

|LR: Yale University |Hyder, H.R.M. | |R |365 |

|Group Photo | | |O |369 |

|List of Participants | | |O |370-375 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1991

Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. October 16-19, 1991.

Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1992.


|Opening Remarks |Tesmer, J. |Los Alamos NL |O |1 |

|Welcoming Remarks |Moss, J. | |O |2-4 |

|Status of the KSU Superconducting LINAC |Needham, V. |Kansas State University |R |5-13 |

|Status t of the ALPI Project |Fortuna, G. |INFN, Legnaro |R |14-36 |

|Status of the Positive Ion Injector (PII) for ATLAS at ANL |Zinkmann, G. |ANL |R |37-50 |

|First Operation of the ATLAS PII Linac and a Comparison to Tandem|Pardo, R. |ANL |P |51-57 |

|Injection | | | | |

|Discussion on the Tandem Accelerator Superconducting Cyclotron |Schmeing, H. |CRNL |D |58-62 |

|at Chalk River | | | | |

|AMS Accelerator at WHOI |Schneider, R. |Woods Hole Ocean. Inst. |P |63-67 |

|Status of the AMS Facility at Purdue University |Mueller, K. |Purdue University |R |68-79 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |CRNL |O |80-84 |

|Development of a Knowlege-based Control System for a Model KN |Stark, J. |McMaster University |P |85-90 |

|Van de Graaff Accelerator | | | | |

|The Role of Simulators in Accelerator Operations |Stark, J. |McMaster University |P |91-105 |

|Computer Animation of Particle Acceleration |Carr, R. |Cal Tech (Kellogg Lab) |P |106-108 |

|An Adaptive Controller for the DTS Negative Ion Source |Mead, W.C. |LANL |P |109-136 |

|The LLNL Computer Control System |Roberts, M. |Lawrence Livermore NL |P |137-149 |

|Drive Motor Repair |Ferguson, S. |Western Michigan U. |P |150-154 |

|Panel Discussion on Resistor Developments |Weisser, D. |ANU, Canberra |P |155-174 |

|New Developments at the Injectors of VICKSI |Arndt, P. |Hahn-Meitner-Intitut |P |175-182 |

|Accelerator Developments of the Yale ESTU |Ashenfelter, J. |Yale University |P |183-195 |

|Startup of the Vivitron as an H.V. Electrostatic Accelerator |Helleboid, J.M. |CRN, Strasbourg |P |196-214 |

|End Stations: High Voltage Europa |Van der Meer, R. |HVEE |P |215-219 |

|PIXE on a Shoestring or Practical Uses of an Old AN Van de Graaff|Trimble, S. | |P |220-224 |

|Panel Discussion on Accelerator Safety |Maggiore, C. |LANL |D |225-250 |

|Discussion: Injector Problems |Adams, C. |U. Pennsylvania |D |251-264 |

|The Ion Source Test Bench for BNL'S Tandem Van de Graaff Fac. |Zarcone, M.J. |BNL |P |265-272 |

|High Resolution Injector for the Canberra 14 UD Pelletron |Weisser, D.C. |ANL, Canberra |P |273-282 |

|Accelerator | | | | |

|High Intensity Proton Beams from a SNICS Ion Source |Evans, C. |LANL |P |283-294 |

|Multi-Cathode Ion Source Development |Norton, G. |NEC |P |295-304 |

|The FSU Optically Pumped Polarized Lithium Ion Source |Chapman, K.R. |Florida State University |P |305-319 |

|Discussion: Accelerator Facility Safety Problems | | |D |320-332 |

|Laboratory Report: Argonne National Laboratory |Fink, C.L. | |R |333-343 |

|LR: Australian National University |Weisser, D.C. | |R |344-345 |

|LR: Brookhaven National Laboratory |Carlson, C. | |R |346-360 |

|LR: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories |McKay, J.W. | |R |361-363 |

|LR: Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica |Fazzini, N. | |R |364 |

|LR: Florida State University |Chapman, K.R. | |R |365-368 |

|LR: Kansas State University |Krause, R.D. | |R |369-370 |

|LR: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |Heikkinen, D.W. | |R |371-372 |

|LR: LANL (Ion Beam Facility) |Chaparro, G.A. | |R |373-376 |

|LR:LANL (Ion Beam Materials Lab) |Evans, C.R. | |R |377 |

|LR: McMaster University |Stark, J.W. | |R |378 |

|LR: MP-8, Munich |Munzer, H. | |R |379 |

|LR: Naval Academy Tandem Accelerator Lab |Huddle, J.R. | |R |380-381 |

|LR: Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi |Kanjilal, D. | |R |382 |

|LR: Oak Ridge National Laboratory |Jones, N. | |R |383-385 |

|LR: Purdue University |Mueller, K.A. | |R |386 |

|LR: SUNY at Stony Brook |Lefferts, R. | |R |387-388 |

|LR: Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory |Westerfeldt, C.R. | |R |389-390 |

|LR: University of New York at Albany |Haberl, A.W. | |R |391 |

|LR: University of Houston |Liu, J. | |R |392-393 |

|LR: University of Kentucky |Weil, J. | |R |394-400 |

|LR: University of Notre Dame |Berners, E.D. | |R |401 |

|LR: University of Rochester |Cross, C. | |R |402 |

|LR: University of Washington |Harper, G.C. | |R |403-405 |

|LR: Western Michigan University |Ferguson, S.M. | |R |406-407 |

|LR: Yale University |Ashenfelter, J. | |R |408-412 |

|List of Participants | | |O |413-418 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1992

AECL Research, Hull, Quebec and Chalk River, Ontario, Canada. September 23-25, 1992.

Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1995.


|Opening Remarks |Greiner, B. |AECL | | |

|Radioactive Ion Beam Production Challenges at HHIRF |Meigs M.J. |ORNL |P |5-12 |

|Performance Tests of the Negative Ion Injector and Terminal for |Hyder, H.R.McK. |Yale University |P |15-29 |

|the Yale ESTU Tandem | | | | |

|Status of the Chalk River TASCC Facility |Lindqvist. E.H. |AECL, Chalk River |P |34-40 |

|New Column Resistor Assemblies for the Notre Dame FN Tandem Van |Berners, E.D. |U. Notre Dame |P |45-53 |

|de Graaff | | | | |

|Control and Automation of the AMS Facility at WHOI |Cohen, G.J. |Woods Hole Ocean. Inst |P |54-55 |

|Compact 5 GHz Permanent Magnet ECR Ion Source for VICKSI |Arndt, P. |HMI, Berlin |D |59-60 |

|Tandem Van de Graaff Ion Source Test facility at BNL |Zarcone, M.J. |BNL |P |61-65 |

|Further Studies of Charging Belt Properties |Weitkamp, W.G. |U. Washington |P |69-81 |

|Lead Resonator Production and Niobium Sputtering Development at |Porcellato, A.M. |INFN, Legnaro |P |85-101 |

|LNL | | | | |

|Vacuum High Voltage Insulation: A New Perspective |Diamond, W.T. |AECL, Chalk River |P |102-116 |

|Low Cost 16-bit Add-on Regulator for Power Supply Control |Hamburger, R.O. |Yale University |D |119-120 |

|Status of the Atlas Control System Upgrade |Munson, F.H. |ANL |P |121-132 |

|Charge Selection Characteristics Using Off-set Electrostatic |Kanjilal, D. |NSC, New Delhi |P |135-140 |

|Quaadrupoles at the Terminal of the 15UD Pelletron at NSC | | | | |

|Beam Monitor for Subnanosecond Proton Bunches |Hilko, R.A. |LANL |p |141-147 |

|Open Discussion | | |D |148-156 |

|Business Session |McKay, J. |AECL |O |159-167 |

|Open Discussion | | |O |168-187 |

|Laboratory Report: Florida State University | | |R |191 |

|LR: Kansas State University | | |R |195 |

|LR: LANL (Ion Beam Facility) | | |R |197 |

|LR: LANL (Ion Beam Materials Laboratory) | | |R |198 |

|LR: McMaster University | | |R |199 |

|LR: INIM, Mexico | | |R |200 |

|LR: NSC New Delhi | | |R |202 |

|LR: ORNL EN Tandem | | |R |203 |

|LR: ORNL 25URC Tandem Accelerator | | |R |204 |

|LR: Purdue University PRIME Laboratory | | |R |206 |

|LR: U. Rochester MP | | |R |208 |

|LR: SUNY at Stony Brook | | |R |210 |

|LR: Yale University | | |R |212 |

|List of Participants | | |O |215 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report

SNEAP 1994

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. October 12-15, 1994

Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, 1995.


|How Western Michigan Got Its Tandem |Shamu R.E. |Western Michigan |O |3-6 |

|Grid Supported Carbon Foils for Tandem Terminal Stripping |Gray T.J. |Kansas State University |P |7-8 |

|Terminal Laser Stripper for Molecular Beams |Heber O. |Weizmann Institute of Science |P |16-18 |

|Discussion of In-Tank Components | | |D |22-26 |

|Discussion of Cooling Water Systems |Westerfeldt, C. | |D |29-39 |

|Closed Loop Chilled Water System at MacDonald Lab |Gray T.J. Krause R.D |Kansas State University |R |40-41 |

|Electronic Hydrotreater |Lu C.R. |Fudan University |O |57-59 |

|A New Charging Belt for an EN Tandem |Ferguson S.M. |W. Michigan University |R |63-65 |

|Investigation of a New Type Charging Belt |Jones N.L. |ORNL |P |66-68 |

|Resistor Standards for Length etc. |Berners et al. |U. Notre Dame |O |79 |

|New Resistor Voltage Grading System |Meigs, M.J. |ORNL |P |83-85 |

|Business Meeting |McKay, J. |AECL |O |95-105 |

|Vacuum Valves and Dry Pumps |Luedi, H. |Midwest Vacuum |P |106-127 |

|Future and Operation of Becris at ISL-Berlin |Arndt, P. |Hahn-Meitner Institut, Berlin |P |133-141 |

|Terminal Ion Source for U. of Washington |Harper, G.C. |U. of Washington |P |144-146 |

|Terminal Computer for the U. of Washington |Harper, G.C. |U. of Washington |P |149-150 |

|Operating Experience with the Upgraded UW Tandem |Wietkamp, W.G. et al |U. of Washington |P |161-164 |

|Upgrading the FN Tandem at Notre Dame |Berners, E.D. |Notre Dame |P |172-175 |

|Status of the PRIME Lab Accelerator Upgrade |Mueller, K.A. et al. |Purdue University |P |181-190 |

|Status of the Rochester Tandem |Long C. |U. of Rochester |P |196 |

|The Superconducting Linac Booster at ANU |Weisser, D.C. |ANU, Canberra |P |199-211 |

|High Mass Tandem Beams |McKay, J.W. |CRNL |P |219-225 |

|Incorporation of Gap Lenses in the 16MV Pelletron |Narayanan,M.M. et al |N.S.C., New Delhi |P |228-231 |

|Status Reprot on the Holifield Radioactive Beam Project |Meigs, M.J. et al. |ORNL |R |235-245 |

|Discussion on Pelletron Upgrades | | |D |251 |

|A Video Strip Chart Program |Jones, N.L. |ORNL |O |256-257 |

|LR: Argonne National Laboratory, ATLAS | | |R |261 |

|LR: Australian National University, 14 UD | | |R |266 |

|LR: Australian National University, 5SDH | | |R |268 |

|LR: AECL, Chalk River Laboratories, TASCC | | |R |270 |

|Florida State University | | |R |272 |

|Kansas State University | | |R |275 |

|Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | | |R |278 |

|Los Alamos National laboratory | | |R |279 |

|Nuclear Science Centre, New Delhi | | |R |280 |

|Nuclear Structure Laboratory, U. of Notre Dame | | |R |281 |

|Oak Ridge National Laboratory, EN Tandem | | |R |282 |

|Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 25URC | | |R |283 |

|Purdue University, PRIME Laboratory | | |R |284 |

|University of Rochester, NSRL | | |R |286 |

|SUNY at Stony Brook | | |R |287 |

|Triangle Universities Nuclear laboratory | | |R |289 |

|University of Washington | | |R |291 |

|Weizmann Institute of Science | | |R |292 |

|Western Michigan University | | |R |293 |

|Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute | | |R |294 |

|Yale University | | |R |295 |

|APPENDIX: Compendium of Suppliers |Adams, C.T. |University of Pennsylvania |O |297 |

|Participant List | | |O |307 |

FORM: D-Discussion, O-Other (miscellaneous), P-Paper, R-Laboratory Report


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