PIN Units 3& 4

PIN Units 3& 4

As of 21 Sept. 95

Version A

1-13 Open Book Regulation Questions

14. The following statement concerns deviations from written policy:

Under some circumstances a purposeful departure from policy can be justified.

15. Training that teaches crewmembers to solve problems by means of a systematic process is called:

Problem Resolving

16. Problem associated with overseeing the decision making process of a student :

Determining how and why an error was made

17. Your student shuts down an engine for a Tach Gen. Malfunction. What is this called?


18. What is the Phenomenon that occurs when you have more desire to get to your destination the closer you get to it?


19. Instructors should task their students so that tasks don’t exceed performance by:

Planning times of low workload to give student a break

20. Student workload should be limited to the point where:

Confidence and performance are at least equal.

21. Regarding CRM critique:

If you can’t substantiate your observations it is best not to debrief the item

22. Communication on a C-130 is:

Difficult because non-verbal communication is filtered out.

23. What factor most affects leadership perception?


24. As a student improves the IP’s role should

Change to a follower/observer

25. What is a main problem with teaching CRM?

You can’t change a student’s personality

26. What is a possible CRM issue to critique after a flight?

Sarcastic comments from the crew after a copilot’s inputs

27. What is something to be aware of when critiquing CRM issues?

The potential for conflict is real

28. What is the backbone of any Flying training program?

Local Proficiency Sortie

29. Situational awareness is composed of two things. One is the threat the second is:

Application of the mission

30. What is the main purpose of an LPS?

Reinforce procedural knowledge

31. What is a key for realistic training?

Do not overload the student with too many threats

32. What is the most practical type of threat?

One associated with a low to medium intensity conflict

33. How should you plan the ingress route?

Plan it backwards from the objective area

34. Which of the following is an effective tool in planning a realistic recovery route?

Use the same threat situations as used during ingress

35. What is a characteristic of an AC Brief?


36. Briefings should provide an environment & format which provides for:

Two way communications

37. Who is responsible for fighting complacency during formation briefings

Instructor Pilot

38. What makes up the bulk of a formation brief?


39. A conclusion should be:

Short and Positive

40. What is the purpose of a summary?

Capsulizes the brief

41. When using figures and data to instruct a student:

Provide the information needed

42. What is an important consideration concerning the use of visual aids?

Practice using them prior to briefing

43. A role of the instructor is to adjust his attitude to fit the students:

Skill level

44. A fundamental factor of student briefings is:

Realize the student has esteem needs

45. A critique characteristic of acceptability includes:

The student must accept the IP before instructional communication can occur

46. What does flexible mean, regarding a critique?

IP can adjust method of critique to fit the student.

47. What is the purpose of a critique?

Improve student performance

48. How does a critique work?

Clarifies, emphasizes, and reiterates important ideas and critical procedures

49. Why should you avoid long critiques?

Student loses interest

50. The purpose of a written critique is

Provide a permanent record for student and other IPs

51. What is another name for MC Form 21

Aircrew Training Record

52. If no grade is filled in:

Task was not completely observed

53. What are reasons to complete training documents?

Quality control, Student Communication, Student Management

54. When is a training folder initiated?

Formal School, Unit indoctrination, Special Mission Qualifications, In-unit Upgrade

PIN Units 3& 4

As of Jul. 95

Version B

13. What is the error chain?

Decision makers do not realize they are making bad decisions.

14. What is it called when someone has supreme confidence in their abilities?


15. What leads to a sudden loss of Judgment

Perceived pressure to complete mission

16. What is the first priority during an emergency Procedure?

Fly the Aircraft

17. What provides the best opportunity to upgrade students leadership?

Local training

18. Risk Management involves:

Aircraft, Personnel, operations, environment

19. Operating A/C while accomplishing other tasks

Automatic Response

20. During continuation training;

Events performed during the day must be logged as day events

21. IP/AC Should actively solicit:

Help from the rest of the crew

22. Non flying instructor should facilitate crew intervention

23. What is the Assertive Statement:

Least confrontational avenue of dissent

24. What happens when an IP is force into a leadership role?

It will disrupt accustomed patterns of interaction

25. Words are a small percentage of communication process

26. The following statement concerns policy:

Under some circumstances a purposeful departure from policy can be justified

27. What is the I’m SAFE checklist?

A technique to see if you are fit to fly

28. What is one way to break the error chain?

Searching for other bad decisions

29. What is one result of an overbearing Aircraft Commander?

Will cause crew resignation

30. Use training folder for student assessment

31. What is one result of Standard Cockpit Operating Procedures?

Takes out the human element

32. Balance mission and crew by

Encouraging input and respecting crews position

33. Assess the Aircraft commanders Brief by

Looking for appropriate eye contact

34. What is important technique when voicing dissent?

Don’t delay for fear of looking stupid

35. The avenues of dissent are:

Policy and you must teach them that way

36. What is the relationship between stress and performance?

Some stress may increase the performance level

37. What tool is available for reducing Instructor Stress

Training Folder

PIN Units 3-4

Suspected Old information

Version B

1. Air Craft Commanders Brief :

Should Vary with situation. Be flexible quality of crew/experience sets the tone for mission. Communicates open flow of ideas

2. Character of Formation Brief.

Just the Facts

3. What is true of a complicated subject

It is possible to oversimplify

4. What is the purpose of the Conclusion?

Summarizes, remotivates, Provides closure

5. Summary is part of conclusion. It is a capsule version of the briefing itself

6. Which is true of the following is true concerning the identifier for an NDB?

It is broadcast continuously

7. Which is an indication that the tacan has momentarily lost lock?

Bearing pointer momentarily slew’s to 270(

8. Which of the following is true of tacan self test feature?

It does not check the antenna

9. Which of the following statements is true concerning NDB navigation?

The Ident should be monitored continuously during use.

10. Which of the following is true about your responsibilities as an instructor?

You are .......

11. Ceiling and visibility are below authorized minimums. Centerline lighting is available and RVR of 8 and 10 are respectively available. A pilot may elect to T/O in which of the following conditions?

T/O Should not be attempted

12. Which of the following is true if you can’t make your proposed T/O time.

You should change your proposed T/O time to ensure your flight plan remains in the system

13. If you can’t make climb restriction on a SID, you may take off if you can meet which of the following criteria?

If the visibility permits “see and Avoid”

14. If you are being radar vectored to final in IMC, which is the following can you expect?

You should intercept the final course at least 3 NM from the FAF at an intercept angle no greater than 30(

15. A circling approach must be designated when which of the following occurs?

When straight in criteria cannot be met

16. Can C & D circling approach radii are

1.7 and 2.3 NM

17. Increased responsibility means:

Increased assertiveness

18.A broad mission focus can make a crew member more assertive.

19. A broad focus means the individual should have more background on process and a higher tendency toward inquiry, flight team leadership and conflict resolution

19(. Crewmembers who regularly interact with others might find it easier to assert themselves

20. To much knowledge can be bad in that it might include biases. Also too much knowledge can impede inquiry.

21. Those fining it easy to offer criticism should probably be assertive with other messages

22. If possible give your full attention to the speaker(sender) during briefings . allow students to make comments and ask questions.

23. Crewmembers are a diverse mix with different aviation experience levels

24. Failure to be assertive has killed many fliers

25. Use the checklist to follow/ monitor student performance

26. Train students to anticipate checklists and make timely responses

27. Certain distractions must be managed with checklists

28. Recovery procedures attitude in operation

-Verify Climbing

- use bank to get nose down and level wings

-Add power to maintain airspeed


- Pull power off

-Level wings

- Pull back on yoke

29. Attitude indicators inoperative

-Confirm small bank or pitch changes, check instruments

- Climbing -power level flight

- Diving - Wings level, power back watch airspeed

30. Character of steep turns

-Greater than normal Angles of bank

- Less lift

- Increases stall speeds

- Add poser to hold airspeed

- Roll out using 1/3 bank angle as lead point

31. Altitude for stalls

5000 AGL or 5000 Above the clouds

32. Trim to no less than

1.4 times power off stall speed

33. Configuration for stalls:

Flaps 0%, 50 % or 100 %. Gear up or down. Gear has no effect on stall speed, but increased drag can extend the time required for recovery

34. Recover from stall when:

1. Get stall Buffet, 2. RPM rolls back to 98%, 3. At stall speed

35. What are the conditions where a Fin stall would be possible

- A/S - Stall to 170 KIAS

- Left Rudder

- Right Aileron

36. During a fin stall

Nose will pitch UP

37. Fin Stall Recovery

- Neutralize Rudder May take 50-100 pounds pressure

- May miss identify Hardover Rudder as a fin Stall( Turn off Boost packs)

38. Equations involving compressibility and engine performance deal in temp rations that are measured in ( K

39. Rt. seat considerations for takeoff

Take control as soon as possible (Rudder Authority at 35-70 Knots) Brief Transfer of aircraft

40. Fuel imbalance limits

Symmetrical 1000 LBS

41. G Limits

Clean 3.0 symmetrical 2.33 asymmetrical

flaps 2.0 symmetrical 1.5 asymmetrical

42. Acceptability

Studs must accept instructor before they will accept comments

43. Flexibility

Refers to instructors ability to adjust his method of critique the student, draw questions out. Some will talk and others won’t

44. Functional characteristics of instructor

To improve student performance, provide constructive criticism/advise, provide direction and Guidance

45. Reinforce learning: - Reinforce Instruction

- Clarify, emphasize and reiterate important and critical procedures

46. MAC Form 670 (MC FORM 21) initiated for:

Formal School, Command or unit indoctrination, spec mission upgrade, in unit upgrade to next level, requalification following Q-3

47. On form 23 if the task is not observed

No entry is required

48. Training record

Make sure written and oral debriefing match. Accurate to performance communications between instructors.

49. Mac Form 670 (MC FORM 21) is commonly referred to as

Aircrew Training Record.

50. On 3 engine take off:

Put inoperative engine downwind

51. Note that in the flight manual 3 engine t/a charts are limited to T/O ground run and climb out flight path. data because Reference Speed and Critical Field Length can’t be determined precisely

PIN Units 5-7

As of Sept. 95

Version A

1. Your directions are to hold NE of XYZ VOR on 030( Radial

Holding pattern is NE of XYZ VOR

2. 1st step in unusual attitude is:

Verify the unusual attitude

3. During Approach to stall training do not trim to below:

1.4 V Stall

4. In a stall recovery:

Release back pressure and add Symmetric power

5. What is true about the effect of ground effect

It’s greatest reduction of drag is at lowest velocities

6. During a fin stall your first reaction in recovery is

Neutralize the rudder

7. What is the maximum symmetrical G limit

3.0 G’s

8. When you are required to deviate for weather avoidance you are required to inform ATC:

The status of your onboard Weather Radar

9. What is true of the first turn outbound during a procedure turn?

Turn in the shortest direction to the outbound heading

10. The C-130 landing gear is considered what for Weight bearing purposes


11. One problem associated with Instrument takeoffs is:

Instructor may have slow transition to instruments due to monitoring students performance

12. If during your planning you determine you can’t meet an altitude restriction on a SID

Do not file the SID

13. What is the definition of the chord line?

A straight line between the leading edge and trailing edge of a wing

14. Why is the property of Density important?

It indicates how much lift is in the air

15. How does the C-130 wing Stall?

From the wing root outboard

16. Increased G loading has what effect on stall speed?


17. Why do we practice approach to stalls?

For stall recognition and stall prevention

18. To recover from an approach to stall while turning:

Lower Nose, roll out of bank, add symmetrical power



21. During high drift situations airdrops normally are short. Why?

Incorrect call when abeam timing point.


23. During windmill taxi start you don’t get engine started. You may:

Keep airspeed at 100 KIAS until 4000 feet remaining

24. During a Fin stall as the sidslip angle increases

Rudder pressure will decrease

25. What is the airspeed to maintain during two engine operations?

160 KIAS

26. What is a correct procedure while during 3 engine takeoffs

obtain two engine VMCA prior to retracting flaps above 15 %


28. What is a typical student mistake on an ILS approach

Will increase pitch to compensate for increased airspeed

29. What is a technique to tell your student during steep turns

Use ADI to maintain Bank

30. What is the most limiting factor during takeoff

Runway length

31. Most important to tell student

Min. control speeds and asymmetric power

32. To avoid wing from upbending:

Fill fuel tanks 1 & 4 and external tanks

33. Why is the G meter not reliable?

Because it does not measure G forces over the entire aircraft

34. What would a good lead point be for roll out when using 45( of bank


35. The C-130 is capable of carrying ?

64 Airdrop troops or 74 Litters and 2 attendants

36. When you are airlifting Hazardous cargo and require additional equipment for cleanup:

Must be supplied by the Shipper

37. What is the first indication of a stall?

A minor buffet

38. During three engine operations you should

Fly in a slight skid to decrease drag

39. During a three engine takeoff why you must attain 5( of bank at lift off

To ensure VMCA is accurate

40. During a three engine take off

Maintain Centerline by coordinated use of flight controls

41. Why do you use fuel enrichment for windmill taxi starts

To get a faster start

42. Forward restraint provided by the left hand locks

20,000 lb.

43. During a two engine landing the aircraft will do what when you go to ground idle

Turn towards the good engines if not counteracted

44. What are the ramp tie down rings limits?

5000 lb.

45. What is the maximum weight across the ramp without a “milkstool”

2000 lb.

46. What is the minimum number of first aid kits


47. What is the maximum weight rating of the GBU-1B device with Nylon Strap

5000 Lb.

48. How many fire extinguishers are carried onboard the aircraft?


49. What is force perpendicular to the relative wind?



51. What is a disadvantage to area drops

You are vulnerable due to being at a slower speed longer


53. Before departing home station for a JA/ATT doing a personnel airdrops.

Ensure static line retrievers and air deflector doors work

54. What is the maximum load when using the Extraction Force Transfer Coupling (EFTC)

42,000 lb.


56. During a CDS drop your student is low and starts climbing at “Green Light”

Drop will be short due to decreased exit time

57. What is a major advantage of LAPES

It is extremely accurate

58. What is the maximum number of paratroopers when using the wedge?


59. During route study your student pulls out a JOG for a night vis route. What should you tell him?

A JOG is to detailed for use at night

60. Where do we find information on weather

AFM 51-12

PIN Units 5-7

As of Sept. 94

Version B

1. Pitch is Inversely proportional to:


2. 1( Bank angle for Each Degree of Turn to a Maximum of 30(

3. What does it mean when an airfield is missing a (:

It is not covered by the military NOTAM system

4. What publication has Weather Briefing Facilities listed?

Section C of Flight Information Handbook (FIH)

5. L NOTAMs :

Have no affect on instrument approaches

6. With Manual selected on Flight Director, Heading bug 270(, & heading is 300( what bank angle is directed:


7. What is the climb restriction of a Civil Sid If not published?

200 Ft per NM

8. Your number two ADF fails. What are you required to do?

Inform ATC

9. In the Mercedes Benz method of Holding:

Direction of Holding is in the Lower Portion

10. You are directed to Hold south East of the XYZ VOR on 130 radial:

The holding pattern is South East of the VORTAC

11. The aerodynamic forces and Moment Acting on an airfoil:

Are the result of the properties of the Air Mass the surface is operating in

12. Where do you find information on ILS GP/TCH?

On profile view of approach plate

13. Stagnation Point:

Static Pressure is at a maximum, while dynamic pressure is zero

14. The component parallel to the relative wind:


15. Definition of Stall:

When an increase of Angle of attack results in a decrease of lift

16. What flight controls remain effective in a stall?

Rudder and Ailerons

17. Stall develops faster with an increase of G

18. What is the first step in a Spin Recovery?

Reduce power to flight Idle

19. If Airspeed and altitude stable, Turn needle is deflected right and the compass is turning right ADI shows straight and level flight which of the following is has occurred:

ADI has failed

20. Which of the following instruments would you instruct your students to use if verifying and unusual attitude when ADI is inoperative?

Airspeed, Altimeter, VVI

21. When instructing steep turns, you should explain to your student:

Pitch, bank and power principles in level flight also apply during steep turns

22. What is a good lead point during turns

1/3 your bank angle

23. When should you stop trimming during approach to stall training

1.4 times power off stall speed

24. Under what circumstances are you most likely to encounter a fin stall?

Left rudder right sideslip

25. When a fin stall is progressing

Your nose will pitch up slightly

26. When approach to stall

Raise your nose to maintain altitude as you decrease airspeed 1 knot per second

27. The dash one give operational standards and normal operating guidelines

28. Who is the approving authority for no flap take-offs

Higher headquarters

29. What is the minimum airspeed during a base turn in two engine operations

160 KIAS

30. During a windmill taxi start

You may maintain your airspeed at 100 KIAS until 4000 feet remaining

31. What is true of pattern altitude during two engine operations

160 KIAS is more important than holding perfect altitude.

32. During windmill taxi start do not begin moving asymmetric throttle

Until Student AC is off nosewheel steering

33. What is the purpose of putting more fuel in the 1 & 4 tank and externals

helps prevent wing unbending

34. What is the Maximum asymmetric flight loads

2.33 G’s

35. What is the maximum rate of sink for a 130,000 LB aircraft

540 FPM

36. When you are out of forward CG limits:

Land with no more than 50% flaps, use minimum brakes and Maximum reverse to stop

37. When doing a windmill taxi start

Set the asymmetric throttle to where it follows the torque

38. What is the maximum weight for a windmill taxi start?

135,000 lb.

39. What is important to brief during a windmill taxi start

How to determine when you have 4000 feet remaining

40. If you use less than full flight inputs with outboard engine inoperative

You will increase your ground roll

41. During three engine takeoff

retract your flaps 10% with each 5 knot increase in airspeed

42. If you initiate a three engine go around from below 200 AGL

Use all four engines for the go around

43. During a three engine landing

The aircraft will turn towards the two good engines when going to ground idle

44. What is the maximum weight across the ramp without support?

2000 lb.

45. Snatch blocks are not used with aircraft winches

46. What are the ramp tie down rings rated to?

5000 lb.

47. Treadways are rated for higher ramp loads

48. How much agent is in each fire bottle

19 LB at 600 PSI

49. What doe the master door light shutoff switch do?

Resets the Master warning light

50. How many first aid kits are on the aircraft

provisions for 23.

51. What is a variable we have in airdrop

Pilot has no control of individual parachute glide angle

52. What is the safety zone for personnel airdrops

200 yards up to 1000 AGL

53. What is the standard forward travel distance (FTD) for a HE drop

500 Yards

54. What is true about low altitude flight over water.

Altitude is difficult to judge

55. Apply drift corrections early on the Run in

56. A hung trooper could be knocked unconscious prior to release

57. Never mix G-11A & G-11B parachutes

58. The buffer stop assembly provides:

three G’s of forward restraint

59. A Wedge airdrop is limited to:

Six bundles

60. What scenario is HALO best for

Low threat clandestine operations

PIN Final

As of Oct. 94

Version A

1. Attitude that says “It can’t happen to me is called


2. Problem solving is

Systematic solution process

3. Primary concern in flight management

Mission Requirements

4. What is the primary consideration when determining tactics

Nature of the threat

5. Briefing fundamental

Accuracy, brevity, clarity

6. If assumptions are made:

They must be identified

7. Conclusion should be:

Short and positive

8. Instructor pitfall:

Students are unwilling to say they don’t understand

9. Characteristic that allows instructor to adjust to student


10. written critique should include

Main points of oral critique and student performance

11. Oral and written critiques must be


12. Training folder must be initiated for:

Formal school, Theater indoctrination, special qualifications, in unit upgrade, requalification

13. Leaving an item blank on an individual grade record or bubble sheet indicates

Task not completely observed

14. Technique for managing heading

Use 1( of bank for each degree of turn 30( Max

15. Information on filing , clothing requirements, customs procedures is found in

Foreign Clearance guide

16. What is Max effort Minimum flap retraction speed?

Obstacle clearance + 10 Kts

17. When is an instrument takeoff made:

Anytime a rapid transition from visual to instrument reference is required

18. Civil SIDS assume a climb rate of

200 Feet per NAUTICAL MILE

19. Single drift corrections to holding:

Require you to shallow turn into wind and steepen turn downwind 1( per (of drift

20. Most important factor when turning from an arc to radial:


21. Altitude that corresponds to a particular pressure on a standard day:

Pressure altitude

22. To recover from a stall:

By reducing back pressure

23. If a fin stall is encountered and a Hardover rudder is suspected:

Verify condition and turn off hydraulic isolation switches

24. What is an important consideration when doing steep turns

Stall speed increases as bank increases

25. Minimum runway for a safe take-off according to the -1:

Critical Field length

26. What flap setting do you use when landing out of CG limits Forward:

50 %

27. Consideration for windmill taxi start:

Put engine to be started downwind

28. Maximum gross weight for windmill taxi start

135,000 LB

29. Maximum load on ramp

5000 LB

30. What is the power source for ELT

Own independent battery

31. Which is a physiological stress


PIN Final

As of Oct 95

Version B

1. The following statement concerns deviations from written policy:

Under some circumstances a purposeful departure from policy can be justified

2. Crewmembers are taught to determine whether they are prepared to fly by:

Using the I’m Safe checklist

3. Your excessive hospitality to other personnel can cause you to lose Situational awareness

4. . Fig 2.9 &2.10 in AFI 11-C130

5. Situations can change your views of who hold responsibility for specific aspect of mission

6. Constructive criticism is every crewmember’s responsibility

7. Effective communication begins with listening

8. One problem new instructors must overcome:

Active Listening

9. Except exempted by regulation an IP must be in seat:

Anytime at discretion of IP

10. Instructors who reveal deficiencies in their ability to instruct:

May be used in their basic crew position, provided the deficiency does not involve basic crew duties

11. What is one way to break the error chain?

Searching for other bad decisions

12. Cockpit Resource Management:

Is procedure and must be taught that way

13. How much time does someone have to complete checkride corrective action

2 months

14. What is true about no notice checkrides

No Notice checkrides distributed evenly among crew positions

15. Outstanding performance equals what on forms:

Exceptionally qualified

16. Pilot judgment is applied to :

Pilot/ aircraft/ environment

17. What is one result of Standard Cockpit Operating Procedures?

Takes out the human element

18. What is true about stress in the aircraft?

Some stress may increase performance

19. What is the backbone of flying training

The Local Proficiency sortie

20. Situational Awareness is born of

Knowledge of threat and application of mission

21. The most difficult briefing item for an instructor to learn is

Active listening

22. A good formation briefing contains


23. When briefing a student

Assume nothing

24. Briefing objectivity is


25. Why should you Always avoid Absolutes in briefing :

To avoid having to redefine your position

26. Feedback should be specific

27. What is the purpose of the the training form MC FORM 22:

records student deficiency

28. The most important function of the training folder is:

The IP reviews comments from Previous IP’s

29. A common mistake in evaluating student instrument performance is

To assume the student is fixating on control instruments

30. What NOTAMs affect instrument approaches


31. When given clearance in flight that includes an altitude:

Read back clearance in the same order as given

32. When determining a descent point from altitude

Takes all sorts of variables into account

33. No turn direction given for holding assumes

Standard Right hand turns

34. ICAO holding patterns assume

25( of bank

35. What is used to compute aircraft performance

Density altitude

36. TAS is EAS corrected for:


37. Obtain 2 engine VMCA prior to moving flaps to less than

15 % flaps

38. Airspeed for 2 engine downwind, base, final>

160 (minimum) /160/ 150 or approach whichever higher

39. 1st step in recognizing unusual attitude:

Verify using control and performance instruments

40. Stall speed and bank angle are

Directly related

41. What is a good leadpoint to use to roll out in steep turns

1/3 of bank angle

42. What is true of practicing Fin stalls

Fin stalls are performed only in the simulator

43. The first step in a fin stall recover is

Return rudder to neutral

44. Operational No flap takeoffs require

Higher Headquarters approval

45. During two engine landing when coming into ground idle

Aircraft will turn towards operating engines

46. If practicing 3 engine approaches and aircraft is not in a safe position to land

BY 200 feet AGL go around using all four engines

47. Left hand rails have

10000 lb. aft restraint

48. Definition of Critical Engine Failure speed

The maximum speed at which if you lose an engine you can either stop or accelerate to T.O. Speed in the same distance

49. There are areas in the cargo compartment stressed for trucks. These are shown by:


50. Minimum number of first aid kits on aircraft


51. What is the first step when planning a tactical mission

Intelligence gathering

52. After the intellegence gatherering step you should plan the route and tactics by:

Avoiding the threat

53. Where does a good run in to the DZ begin

Prior to the IP

54. 1st item to determine in personnel airdrop

User requirements

55. When the threat is SA7/14 in the objective area

Use a random shallow approach

56. Students tend to do what over the DZ during a CDS Drop


57. You can wedge drop a maximum of:

Six door bundles

58. Critical element in jumpmaster directed release

Communication between pilot and jumpmaster

59. Biggest difference between high and low altitude airdrops

Physical demands are greater up high

60. Most critical problem in area drops

Extended period at drop airspeed and altitude



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