College of Criminal Justice Education

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan




1. In fingerprint work _______ is the term applied to a specialized study of the sweat gland opening of the papillary ridges of the skin as a means of identification.

a. Podoscopy c. Chiroscopy

b. Poroscopy d. Corography

2. The process of individualizing human person

a. Fingerprint c. Poroscopy

b. Forensic Science d. Personal Identification

3. The biological equivalent of fingerprint is known as

a. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) c. Genes

b. Chromosomes d. Polymerase

4. A combination of two or more different types of fingerprint patterns such as loop and whorl, a loop and a central pocket loop, or any combination of two different loops and a whorl type pattern but it can’t be a combination of a plain arch or any pattern.

a. Plain Whorl c. Lateral Pocket Loop

b. Double Loop d. Accidental Loop

5. A system of classifying of rolling single fingerprints devised by Henry Battley, former Chief, New Scotland Yard Fingerprint Bureau.

a. Henry System c. Battley Single Method

b. Galton’s System d. Single Fingerprint Method

6. The placing on a fingerprint cards the results of the interpretation of all ten patterns, by letters, symbols or numbers required for each of the rolled prints

a. Filling c. Sequencing

b. Blocking out d. Referencing

7. In fingerprint parlance, it means the location of the finding of a previously filed duplicate record card of the subject.

a. Indention c. Oath of Indent

b. Filing d. Searching

8. Refers to the formula derived for a complete set of ten fingerprint patterns or the arrangement of fingerprint record into groups or subgroups for filling purposes.

a. Classification c. blocking out

b. Classification Formula d. Fingerprinting

9. Fingerprints found at the scene of the crime

a. Visible Prints c. Latent Prints

b. Plastic Prints d. Impressions

10. Are strips of skin on the inside of the end joints of our fingers and thumbs by which fingerprints are made? They are also called papillary ridges and epidermal ridges.

a. Furrows c. Ridges

b. Friction Ridges d. Epidermis

11. Fragment is a ridge of extremely short length of not more than

a. 3 MM c. 2MM

b. 3CM d. 2 CM

12. Bodies which have been burned or subjected to heat where the skins are hard and crispy.

a. Maceration c. 3rd Degree Burn

b. Putrefaction d. Desiccation

13. The taking of fingerprints of the deceased person for identification purposes.

a. Rigor Mortis c. Mutilation

b. Post Mortem Identification d. Maceration

14. The placing of a group of classified fingerprint sets into their secret filing order before beginning to file or search them.

a. Filing c. Referencing

b. Recording d. Sequencing

15. The 4th division of the Classification Formula is.

a. Major c. Sub-secondary

b. Key d. Secondary

16. The type of film that is sensitive to all colors and most commonly used in investigative photography is called.

a. non-chromatic c. orthochromatic

b. panchromatic d. chromatic

17. The grade of fingerprinting paper that is used for normal contrast and negative is.

a. velox 0 c. velox 2

b. velox 1 d. velox 4

18. The layer of film where the images are produced is called

a. top layer c. emulsion

b. base d. bottom layer

19. The defect of lens in which light rays focus at several planes along the optical axis is called

a. spherical of field c. chromatic aberration

b. curvature of field d. coma

20. A camera lens that is thicker in the middle and thinner at both ends is called:

a. convex lens c. concave lens

b. negative lens d. diverging lens

21. The range of visibility that photographic film can record is:

a.10-80 mu c. 200-800 mu

b.100-800 d. 400-700 mu

22. To make the latent image in the exposed film visible, the film is treated in a solution called:

a. fixer c. stop bath

b. restrainer d. acid solution

23. The type of film that contains numerous numbers of large grains of silver halides that usually develop in groups is called.

a. fast film c. color film

b. slow film d. chrome film

24. The type of daylight wherein objects in open area cast a black shadow when seen in the photograph is called.

a. cloudy dull sunlight c. hazy sunlight

b. cloudy sunlight d. bright sunlight

25. The combination of blue and green colors will result

a. red c. purple

b. yellow d. cyan

26. If the focal length is equal to the diagonal measure of the image area, the lens is called.

a. normal lens c. telephoto lens

b. wide angle lens d. macro lens

27. The determining factor of how wide the area of coverage of a lens as well as the size of the image that will be produce is the.

a. lens opening c. lens aperture

b. depth of field d. focal length

28. A lens with a variable focal length is known as.

a. normal lens c. wide angle lens

b. telephoto lens d. zoom lens

29. Which of the following lens aperture will admit more rays of light to pass through its medium?

a. f 5.6 c. f 4

b. f 16 d. f 2.8

30. A ray filters having the power to cause some colors to photograph as light gray or white and other colors to photographs as dark gray or black is called.

a. color filters c. contrast filters

b. polarizing filters d. neutral density filters

31. If Cesare Lombroso used the first scientific instrument known as “Hydrosphymograph” in detecting deception, who is the first person that developed a polygraphic apparatus which can continuously record the blood pressure, pulse and respiration of the subject.

a. John Larson c. Leonardo Reever

b. Angelo Mosso d. William Macron

32. What is the first test technique that was developed in conducting polygraph examination?

a. The Relevant-Irrelevant Test Technique known as the “RI Theory”

b. The Backster Zone Comparison Test Technique

c. The Peak-of-the-Tension Test Technique

d. The General Question Test Technique

33. What is the nature of the question that establishes the NORM of the subject during the test?

a. Irrelevant question c. Control question

b. Relevant question d. Symptomatic question

34. What component of the polygraph instrument that drives the chart paper during the test.

a. Kymograph assembly c. Cardiograph assembly

b. Sphygmograph assembly d. Galvanograph assembly

35. What is the term used to identify the chart tracings different from the physiological norm of the subject during the test, which may caused by deception or other stimuli.

a. Specific Response c. Emotional Reaction

b. Biological Reaction d. Biological Reaction

36. What is the nature of the question that will be inserted by the examiner before he will adjust any of the polygraph needled that plunged up or down while the test is in progress?

a. Irrelevant question c. Control question

b. Strong irrelevant question d. Weak relevant question

37. One of these is considered in polygraph examination as the cardinal rule in chart interpretation.

a. any deviation form norm requires explanation

b. chart marking is the keynote to accurate chart interpretation

c. specific response must form a deviation form norm

d. good question formulation is the keynote to accurate chart interpretation

38. As a rule, the result of the polygraph test is inadmissible as evidence particularly if standing alone. What then is the use of the polygraph if the result of the test cannot be used as part of the evidence of a case filed in court?

a. the polygraph is an invaluable aid in investigation

b. it serves as a substitute for investigation

c. it is important because it can detect a lying person

d. it is important because it can determine the guilt or innocent of the subject based on chart taken.

39. The polygraph is scientifically designed to record physiological responses of the subject which will be the basis of the examiner in determining whether he is truthful or untruthful in answering questions during the test. One of these however, is a limitation of the polygraph.

a. it is not a lie detector but a scientific diagnostic instrument

b. it can scientifically serve as a substitute for an investigation

c. it can determine facts of the case under investigation

d. it can determine the guilt or innocence of the subject

40. This will serve as authority of the examiner to examine the subject as well as evidence or proof that subject voluntarily submits himself to undergo the test.

a. signing of the subject of the statement of consent form.

b. signing a waiver that he is willing to waive his constitutional right to remain silent

c. signing a special power of attorney that he is willing to undergo the test

d. signing a statement that he is willing to give his personal during the pre-test interview.

41. Criminalistics pertains to:

a. the services of forensic chemistry

b. the services of toxicology

c. the services of a crime laboratory

d. the service of a mortuary

42. The technique whose main principle is absorption is

a. electrophoresis b. chromatography

c. microscopy d. photography

43. The technique that makes use of a high voltage is

a. laser technique b. spectrography

c. spectrophometry d. mass spectrometry

44. The method of analysis that makes use of reagents is

a. HPI method b. wet method

c. either A or B d. Neither A nor B

45. In microscopy

a. structure of materials are studied

b. as depth of focus increases, magnification decreases

c. either A or B

d. Neither A nor B

46. The study of blood is important in cases of

a. hit and run b. murder

c. rape d. all of these

47. Blood is essentially made of

a. only liquid part b. formed elements

c. both A and B d. neither A nor B

48. The term that is given for the liquid part of blood is

a. serum b. plasma c. fibrin d. none of these

49. To determine choline in human semen, the technique that is used in the laboratory

a. Barberio’s test b. Florence’s test

c. Precipitin test d. Teichman test

50. The antidote for methanol poisoning is

a. ADH b. CH3COOH c. C2H50H d. N-acetyl

51. The ink made of iron ions and nut gall extracts is called

a. nigrosine ink b. logwood ink c. Indian ink d. gallotanic ink

52. Soot is the active ingredient of what type of ink.

a. colored writing b. Chinese ink c. logwood ink d. gallotanik ink

53. The only reliable procedure which can be adopted to identify and compare ballpoint ink is

a. TLC b. paper chromatography c. gas chromatography d. all of these

54. Erasures can be identified by

a. photography b. chemical method c. either A or B d. neither A or B

55. Another term for invisible ink is

a. obliterated ink b. sympathetic ink

c. erased ink d. latent ink

56. The straight distance between muzzle is called

a. trajectory b. range c. gravity d. velocity

57. A carbon suspension in water that is made stable by the addition of glue and sometimes added with Prussian blue is called

a. gallotanic ink b. logwood ink

c. Indian ink d. ballpen ink

58. Old ink is differentiated from fresh ink because

a. fresh ink is easily smudged b. old ink takes time to dissolve in water

c. both A and B d. Neither A nor B

59. For metallic poisons a good screening tests for arsenic, antimony, bismuth, or mercury is

a. reinsch test b. chromatropic acid test

c. schiff’s test d. picric acid paper test

60. Latent fingerprints on mailed letters can be developed by using

a. phenolphthalein solution b. ninhydrin solution

c. dimethyl ether d. dimethyl acetone

61. In collecting evidence of fingerprint one should

a. pack the print in ready –made boards with nuts and bolts

b. ensure that the print-bearing surface does not come in contact with other surfaces.

c. check that the packet is sealed so that the contain cannot be taken out of the packet

d. all of the above

62. The velocity of the projectile goes on decreasing with the increasing distance it transverse due to

a. air resistance b. force of gravity

c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

63. The pressure developed in the cartridge of a firearm is in the range of

a. 470-3200 kg∕ square centimeter

b. 350-2500 kg∕ square centimeter

c. 250-1700 kg∕ square centimeter

d. 150-2000 kg∕ square centimeter

64. A culprit may carry powder and primer residues which are deposited

a. on the hands b. on the arms

c. both a and b d. neither a nor b

65. When the blood stains have small spike-like projections, the blood may have dropped from height of

a. 1-50 cm b. 50-150 cm

c. 150 greater than 150 cm d. none of the above

66. The presence of excessive metals in the hair such as lead or arsenic indicates

a. chronic poisoning b. acute poisoning

c. either a and b d. neither a nor b

67. Preliminary microscopic examination is carried out without cleaning or mounting the hair samples this examination reveals

a. color b. contamination

c. character d. all of the above

68. Medullary index is the ratio of the diameters of the medulla and the hair measured at its thickness point. One of these is not true about the medullary index

a. Medullary index is greater in women when hair is corresponding parts of the body are compared

b. The male beard hair have greater medullary index than hair from other parts

c. The medullary index human hair is more than 0.5

d. None of the above

69. The specific gravity of human hair vary

a. from 1.3-1.4 b. from 2.3-2.4

c. from 3.3-3.4 d. from 4.3-4.4

70. Fibers that are produced through the process of polymerization are called.

a. modified fibers b. synthetic fibers

c. natural fibers d. mineral fibers

71. Leucomalachite green applied to a blood stain will produce

a. a strong blue color b. a strong green color

c. a strong red color d. a strong yellow color

72. The bending of light when light passes from one medium to another such as from air to water is called

a. refraction b. reflection c. either a or b d. neither a or b

73. Light is made up of small parcels of energy called

a. laser b. photons c. protons d. neutrons

74. In photography to make a film means

a. a positive b. a negative c. to wash the film d. enlarge the film

75. A camera that contains a negative roll of film and a positive role of special printing paper is called

a. video camera b. TV camera c. Polaroid camera d. none of these

76. The determining factor of how wide the area of coverage of a lens as well as the size of the image that it will produce is the

a. lens opening b. depth of field c. lens aperture d. focal length

77. A lens with a variable focal length is known as

a. normal lens b. telephoto lens c. wide angle lens d. zoom lens

78. A curtain with slots for various widths located immediately in front of the film in which the movement of any of the slots across the film provides the exposure.

a. focal plane shutter b. between the lens shutter

c. before the lens shutter d. all of these

79. In fingerprint work, the term applied to a specialized study of the sweat gland opening of the papillary ridges of the skin as a mean of identification is

a. Podoscopy b. Chiroscopy

c. Dactyloscopy d. Poroscopy

80. The chances of two individuals having the same identical characteristics in the same relative positions is so remote as to impossibility in the principle

a. Statistical Probability b. Scientific Study

c. Examination of Ridges d Mathematical Calculation

81. Extremely complex patterns that cannot be assigned definite specific interpretation are called.

a. Approximating Ridges b. Approximating Deltas

c. Approximating Cores d. Approximating Patterns

82. The system of classifying and rolling single fingerprints devised by a former chief of the New Scotland Yard Fingerprint Bureau is called

a. Galton’s Fingerprint method b. Battley’s single Finger Method

c. Finder System d. Single Fingerprint Method

83. In the fingerprint parlance, the term that indicates the results of the interpretation of all ten patterns, by letters, symbols, numerals required for each of the rolled prints is

a. Oath of Indent b. Indentation

c. Filing d. Search

84. The term used in Fingerprinting that refers to the single recurving ridge enclosing one or more ridges or bars or shot ridges is

a. Enclosure b. Recurving Ridge

c. Diverging Ridge d. Envelope

85. When bodies have been burned or subjected to severe heat where the skin became hard and crisp, this condition is called.

a. Maceration b. Putrefaction

c. Desiccation d. 3rd Degree burn

86. The interference in the process of respiration in which the supply of oxygen to the blood or to the tissues has been reduced below the normal level is called

a. asphyxia b. hypochondria

c. dementia d. melancholia

87. The fear of an empty room is called

a. agoraphobia b. kenophobia

c. potamphobia d. nosemaphobia

88. The site of remote actions of narcotics, alcohols and cerebral stimulants is the

a. alimentary tract b. heart

c. brain d. liver

89. Snake venom directly affects the

a. salivary glands b. mucous membrane

c. blood cells d. peripheral nerves

90. Lethal injection may be in the form of

a. sodium pentothal ∕pancuronium bromide ∕ potassium chloride

b. ditran ∕ PCP ∕ STP

c. LSD ∕ morphine ∕ cannabinol

d. Datura∕ iboga ∕ kaba

91. The hallucinogen that is termed as such because of its Mexican term meaning “pleasurable feeling “is

a. Marijuana b. Peregrina

c. Harmala d. Epena

92. The technique that does not destroy the material it analyzes is

a. Spectrography b. Laser Technique

c. X-ray Diffraction d. Neutron Activation Analysis

93. The poison that acts on the skin or on the mucous membrane on any part of the body where it is applied is called

a. remote poison b. local poison

c. immediate poison d. cumulative poison

94. The suggested autopsy specimen for chronic arsenic poisoning is

a. fingernail clippings b. hair

c. either a or b d. neither a nor b

95. The average age when menstruation ceases is

a. 46 years b. 50 years

c. 55 years d. 60 years

96. One of these is valuable in nearly all types of poisonings

a. spleen b. urine

c. fat d. muscle

97. Performing an act while in the state of natural sleep is

a. Somnambulism b. Mesmerism

c. Delirium d. Scmnolencia

98. The antidote for VX poisoning is

a. atropine b. hypo

c. fresh air d. alcohol

99. The poison that leaves cuteneous stains that are distinctly yellow is

a. sulfuric acid b. hydrochloric acid

c. nitric acid d. carbolic acid

100. The stage when the patient passed into a deep coma is called

a. excitement b. stupor

c. narcosis d. none of the above


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