1 Adjectives ending in “ED” and ”ING” Unit 2

1 Adjectives ending in “ED” and ”ING” Unit 2

Some adjectives have the characteristic of ending in “ed” and “ing”. Let’s take a look at the rules.

• We use adjectives ending in “ING” to describe something or someone.


Maria is watching a very interesting movie.

I hate that teacher. He is really boring.

• We use adjectives ending in “ED” when we want to describe how people feel.


This movie isn’t interesting. I am bored.

Juan is very excited because he is going to travel to Miami for the first time.


- We can use adjectives ending in “ing” for things or people. Remember that when we use “ing” it is describing the person or thing.

- We can use the “ed” ONLY for people (or animals) because THINGS CANNOT FEEL.

We can say:

Mark is boring. (describes his personality).

Mark is bored. (he feels bored at the moment)

We can’t say:

The TV program is bored – INCORRECT (because things can’t feel).

***Queda claro que para cosas, situaciones u objetos usamos la terminación “ing” y no es posible usar “ed”. La razón es porque se usa la terminación “ed” para expresar lo que uno siente y está claro que las cosas sin vida no pueden sentir. Para personas uno puede usar “ed” (cuando uno siente) o  “ing” pero esta última se usa para DESCRIBIR a la persona. Así que si yo digo “Juan is depressed” quiere decir que se encuentra deprimido ya que describo la situación actual porque por algina razón se siente asi. En cambio si decimos “Juan is depressing” entonces describimos a Juan. Es una persona deprimente.  


-ed / -ing adjectives

Many English adjectives of emotion/feeling are formed from the -ed / -ing forms of verbs:


verb |-ed |-ing |noun | | |You ____ me! |I'm _____! |How _____! |What _____! | | |alarm |alarmed |alarming |alarm |Alarmado

alarmante | |amaze |amazed |amazing |amazement |Sorprendido

sorprendente | |amuse |amused |amusing |amusement |divertido | |astound |astounded |astounding |astonishment |Asombrado

asombroso | |bewitch |bewitched |bewitching |bewitchment |Embrujado

Embrujador | |captivate |captivated |captivating |a captivation |Cautivado

cautivador | |challenge |challenged |challenging |a challenge |Retado

retador | |charm |charmed |charming |charm |Encantado

encantador | |comfort |comforted |comforting |comfort |Reconfortado

Reconfortante | |concern |concerned |concerning |concern |Afectado

concerniente | |convince |convinced |convincing |conviction |Convencido

convincente | |encourage |encouraged |encouraging |encouragement |Animado

esperanzador | |entertain |entertained |entertaining |entertainment |entretenido | |excite |excited |exciting |excitement |Emocionado

emocionante | |3 exhaust |exhausted |exhausting |exhaustion |Agotado

agotador | |fascinate |fascinated |fascinating |fascination |Fascinado

fascinante | |flatter |flattered |flattering |flattery |Halagado

halagüeño | |gratify |gratified |gratifying |gratification |Gratificado

gratificante | |humiliate |humiliated |humiliating |humiliation |Humillado

humillante | |interest |interested |interesting |interest |Interesado

Interesante | |intrigue |intrigued |intriguing |intrigue |Intrigado

intrigante | |move |moved |moving | move |Emocionado

Emocionante | |overwhelm |overwhelmed |overwhelming |overwhelm |Abrumado

abrumador | |please |pleased |pleasing (pleasant) |a pleasure |Complacido

Agradable | |relax |relaxed |relaxing |relaxation |Relajado

Relajante | |relieve |relieved |relieving |a relief |Aliviado

Calmante | |satisfy |satisfied |satisfying |satisfaction |Satisfecho

Satisfactorio | |soothe |soothed |soothing |soothe  |Tranquilizado

tranquilizador | |surprise |surprised |surprising |a surprise |Sorprendido

sorprendente | |tempt |tempted |tempting |temptation |Tentado

tentador | |thrill |thrilled |thrilling |a thrill |Encantado

emocionante | |4 Negative

verb |-ed |-ing |noun | | |You ____ me! |I'm _____! |How _____! |What _____! | | |annoy |annoyed |annoying |annoyance |Disgustado

fastidioso | |bore |bored |boring |boredom |aburrido | |confuse |confused |confusing |confusion |Confundido

confuso | |depress |depressed |depressing |depression |Deprimido

Deprimente | |devastate |devastated |devastating |devastation |Devastado

Devastador | |disappoint |disappointed |disappointing |disappointment |Desilusionado

decepcionante | |discourage |discouraged |discouraging |discouragement |Desalentado

desalentador | |disgust |disgusted |disgusting |disgust |Asqueado

asqueante | |dishearten |disheartened |disheartening |disheartenment |Descorazonado

Descorazodor | |distress |distressed |distressing |distress |Angustiado

angustioso | |disturb |disturbed |disturbing |disturbance |Trastornado

inquietante | |embarrass |embarrassed |embarrassing |embarrassment |Avergonzado

embarazoso | |exasperate |exasperated |exasperating |exasperation |Exasperado

exasperante | |frighten |frightened |frightening |fright |Asustado

aterrador | |frustrate |frustrated |frustrating |frustration |Frustrado

Frustante | |horrify |horrified |horrifying |horror |Horrorizado

Horroroso | |5 insult |insulted |insulting |an insult |Insultado

Insultante | |irritate |irritated |irritating |irritation |Irritado

Irritante | |perplex |perplexed |perplexing |perplexity |Desconcertado

desconcertante | |puzzle |puzzled |puzzling |puzzlement |Desconcertado

desconcertante | |shock |shocked |shocking |a shock |Horrorizado

escandaloso | |terrify |terrified |terrifying |terror |Aterrorizado

aterrador | |threaten |threatened |threatening |a threat |Amenazado

Amenazante | |tire |tired |tiring |tiredness |Cansado

Que cansa | |trouble |troubled |troubling |trouble |Preocupado

Preocupante | |unnerve |unnerved |unnerving |unnerve  |Desconcertado

Que pone nervioso | |upset |upset |upsetting | upset |Disgustado

ofensivo | |


1-Choose the correct form of the adjective according to the context.

1)      Monday is very bored / boring. It is the first day of the week.

2)      I’m bored / boring with my job. It’s always the same.

3)      When we lost the football game, we felt depressed / depressing.

4)      My team never wins. It is very depressed / depressing.

5)      Reading a book is very relaxed / relaxing.

6)      I am very relaxed / relaxing at the weekend.

7)      The movie I watched yesterday was very interested / interesting.

8)      I’m not very interested / interesting in studying French. I prefer English.

9)      Julio is very exited / exiting about his brand new car.

10)   The Barcelona – Inter match was very exited / exiting.

6 2-Complete the sentences with an adequate –ed/-ing adjective:

1-I do the same thing every day. My job is very ______ .

2-I have nothing to do. I'm ______

3-My job is very varied. I find it ______

4-I'm ______ in applying for the job

5-I heard some very ______ news. I'm going to lose my job. I feel terrible

6-Cheer up . Don't feel so ______ . There are plenty of other jobs

7-I heard a very ______ story. It will make you laugh

8-It's not ______ that you failed the exam. You never did any work

9-I don't understand this exercise. I'm very ______

10-I thought your behaviour at the party was ______ . You were sick in the middle of the room. 11-My trip to Paris has been cancelled. I'm really ______ . I really wanted to go

12-The performance of the English team was very ______ . They played much worse than expected

13-There are a lot of road signs. It's all very ______

14-I am very ______ in this subject. I find it fascinating

15-The lesson was really ______ . I almost fell asleep

16-I was ______ by her behaviour. It was very funny

17-I was ______ by the news. I didn't expect it

18-I was ______ by his behaviour. It was outrageous

19-I'm ______ in finding out more about this. Where can I look?

20-When the students did badly, the teacher became really ______ and didn't smile for weeks.


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